SPLASH Workshop/Symposium Events 2022
2022 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH Events 2022)
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21st ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts and Experiences (GPCE 2022), December 6–7, 2022, Auckland, New Zealand

Workshop GPCE 2022 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Ananieva, Sofia GPCE '22: "Preserving Consistency of ..."
Asai, Kenichi GPCE '22: "Type System for Four Delimited ..."
Barbosa, Pedro GPCE '22: "Data Types as a More Ergonomic ..."
Binder, Walter GPCE '22: "SQL to Stream with S2S: An ..."
Bolotina, Anna GPCE '22: "Composable Sequence Macros ..."
Butting, Arvid GPCE '22: "Model-Driven IoT App Stores: ..."
Campusano, Miguel GPCE '22: "Dynamic Replanning of Multi-drone ..."
Canelas, Paulo GPCE '22: "Data Types as a More Ergonomic ..."
Carlinet, Edwin GPCE '22: "A Modern C++ Point of View ..." GPCE '22: "The Cost of Dynamism in Static ..."
Cheney, James GPCE '22: "Language-Integrated Query ..."
Culpepper, Ryan GPCE '22: "Composable Sequence Macros ..."
Erdweg, Sebastian GPCE '22: "Incremental Processing of ..."
Espada, Guilherme GPCE '22: "Data Types as a More Ergonomic ..."
Esteban, Baptiste GPCE '22: "The Cost of Dynamism in Static ..."
Fonseca, Alcides GPCE '22: "Data Types as a More Ergonomic ..."
Fowler, Simon GPCE '22: "Language-Integrated Query ..."
Fraivert, Dov GPCE '22: "Language Support for Refactorability ..."
Galpin, Vashti GPCE '22: "Language-Integrated Query ..."
Géraud, Thierry GPCE '22: "A Modern C++ Point of View ..."
Hentze, Marc GPCE '22: "Generic Solution-Space Sampling ..."
Ingelse, Leon GPCE '22: "Data Types as a More Ergonomic ..."
Ishio, Chiaki GPCE '22: "Type System for Four Delimited ..."
Kirchhof, Jörg Christian GPCE '22: "Model-Driven IoT App Stores: ..."
Kleiss, Anno GPCE '22: "Model-Driven IoT App Stores: ..."
Krieter, Sebastian GPCE '22: "Generic Solution-Space Sampling ..."
Kühn, Thomas GPCE '22: "Preserving Consistency of ..."
Kusmenko, Evgeny GPCE '22: "A Model-Driven Generative ..."
Lorenz, David H. GPCE '22: "Language Support for Refactorability ..."
Lundquist, Ulrik Pagh Schultz GPCE '22: "Dynamic Replanning of Multi-drone ..."
Michael, Judith GPCE '22: "Model-Driven IoT App Stores: ..."
Münker, Maximilian GPCE '22: "A Model-Driven Generative ..."
Nadenau, Matthias GPCE '22: "A Model-Driven Generative ..."
Orlov, Radoslav GPCE '22: "Model-Driven IoT App Stores: ..."
Pacak, André GPCE '22: "Incremental Processing of ..."
Pearce, David J. GPCE '22: "Language Design Meets Verifying ..."
Pett, Tobias GPCE '22: "Generic Solution-Space Sampling ..."
Reussner, Ralf GPCE '22: "Preserving Consistency of ..."
Rosà, Andrea GPCE '22: "SQL to Stream with S2S: An ..."
Roynard, Michaël GPCE '22: "A Modern C++ Point of View ..."
Rumpe, Bernhard GPCE '22: "Model-Driven IoT App Stores: ..." GPCE '22: "A Model-Driven Generative ..."
Schaefer, Ina GPCE '22: "Generic Solution-Space Sampling ..."
Schiavio, Filippo GPCE '22: "SQL to Stream with S2S: An ..."
Shaikhha, Amir GPCE '22: "Deep Fusion for Efficient ..."
Sundermann, Chico GPCE '22: "Generic Solution-Space Sampling ..."
Szabó, Tamás GPCE '22: "Incremental Processing of ..."
Thüm, Thomas GPCE '22: "Generic Solution-Space Sampling ..."
Tochon, Guillaume GPCE '22: "The Cost of Dynamism in Static ..."
Verna, Didier GPCE '22: "The Cost of Dynamism in Static ..."

50 authors

proc time: 11.15