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2016 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH Companion 2016), October 30 – November 4, 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands

SPLASH Companion 2016 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Bach, Christoph Tobias SPLASH Companion '16: "libDSU: Towards Hot-Swapping ..."
Barthels, Henrik SPLASH Companion '16: "A Compiler for Linear Algebra ..."
Barzilay, Regina SPLASH Companion '16: "sk_p: A Neural Program Corrector ..."
Beigl, Michael SPLASH Companion '16: "libDSU: Towards Hot-Swapping ..."
Braz, Larissa SPLASH Companion '16: "An Approach to Compile Configurable ..."
Buckley, Scott SPLASH Companion '16: "Specifying CSS Layout with ..."
Caldwell, Joseph SPLASH Companion '16: "Reducing Procedure Call Bloat ..."
Chang, David SPLASH Companion '16: "Scrambler: Dynamic Layout ..."
Charousset, Dominik SPLASH Companion '16: "Reconsidering Reliability ..."
Cherayil, Jessica SPLASH Companion '16: "PixelDust: Supporting Dynamic ..."
Chiş, Andrei SPLASH Companion '16: "Towards Object-Aware Development ..."
Dürschmid, Tobias SPLASH Companion '16: "Design Pattern Builder: A ..."
Eichholz, Matthias SPLASH Companion '16: "Language Support for Verifiable ..."
Erich, Floris SPLASH Companion '16: "End-User Software Engineering ..."
Etzel, Tyler SPLASH Companion '16: "Flexible Initialization of ..."
Goldberg, Logan SPLASH Companion '16: "Energy Profiling with Alpaca ..."
Grandi, Marco SPLASH Companion '16: "Spray: Programming with a ..."
Grewe, Sylvia SPLASH Companion '16: "VeriTaS: Verification of Type ..."
Habib, Andrew SPLASH Companion '16: "Finding Concurrency Bugs Using ..."
Hiesgen, Raphael SPLASH Companion '16: "Reconsidering Reliability ..."
Jamali, Nadeem SPLASH Companion '16: "Supporting Resource Bounded ..."
Juhár, Ján SPLASH Companion '16: "Integrating Concerns with ..."
Kamina, Tetsuo SPLASH Companion '16: "Introducing Lightweight Reactive ..."
Katticaran, Joel SPLASH Companion '16: "Energy Profiling with Alpaca ..."
Ko, Andrew SPLASH Companion '16: "A Human View of Programming ..."
Kost, Marcel SPLASH Companion '16: "libDSU: Towards Hot-Swapping ..."
Kratochwil, Stefan SPLASH Companion '16: "libDSU: Towards Hot-Swapping ..."
Leske, Max SPLASH Companion '16: "Improving Live Debugging of ..."
Lorenz, David H. SPLASH Companion '16: "A Web Application Is a Domain-Specific ..."
Mhaidli, Abraham SPLASH Companion '16: "Energy Profiling with Alpaca ..."
Moamen, Ahmed Abdel SPLASH Companion '16: "Supporting Resource Bounded ..."
Mongiovi, Melina SPLASH Companion '16: "Scaling Testing of Refactoring ..."
Murphy, Gail C. SPLASH Companion '16: "Removing Stagnation from Modern ..."
Narasimhan, Karthik SPLASH Companion '16: "sk_p: A Neural Program Corrector ..."
Neumann, Martin Alexander SPLASH Companion '16: "Towards Practical Release-Level ..." SPLASH Companion '16: "libDSU: Towards Hot-Swapping ..."
Nguyen, Thu SPLASH Companion '16: "Scrambler: Dynamic Layout ..."
Pierce, Benjamin C. SPLASH Companion '16: "The Science of Deep Specification ..."
Pu, Yewen SPLASH Companion '16: "sk_p: A Neural Program Corrector ..."
Rein, Patrick SPLASH Companion '16: "Deducing Classes: Integrating ..."
Roberts, Matthew SPLASH Companion '16: "Specifying CSS Layout with ..."
Rosenan, Boaz SPLASH Companion '16: "A Web Application Is a Domain-Specific ..."
Schkufza, Eric SPLASH Companion '16: "A Sampling-Based Approach ..."
Schmidt, Thomas C. SPLASH Companion '16: "Reconsidering Reliability ..."
Sloane, Anthony SPLASH Companion '16: "Specifying CSS Layout with ..."
Solar-Lezama, Armando SPLASH Companion '16: "sk_p: A Neural Program Corrector ..."
Szabó, Tamás SPLASH Companion '16: "Dedicated Support for Analyses ..."
Takayesu, Niko SPLASH Companion '16: "Scrambler: Dynamic Layout ..."
Viviani, Giovanni SPLASH Companion '16: "Removing Stagnation from Modern ..."
Wagner, Tal SPLASH Companion '16: "A Sampling-Based Approach ..."
Weisenburger, Pascal SPLASH Companion '16: "Multitier Reactive Abstractions ..."
Wieder, Udi SPLASH Companion '16: "A Sampling-Based Approach ..."
Zhang, Zhen SPLASH Companion '16: "xWIDL: Modular and Deep JavaScript ..."

53 authors

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