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2015 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH Companion 2015), October 25–30, 2015, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

SPLASH Companion 2015 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Abadi, Aharon SPLASH Companion '15: "Workshop Preview of the 3rd ..."
Afroozeh, Ali SPLASH Companion '15: "Workshop Preview of the 3rd ..."
Andrade, Rodrigo SPLASH Companion '15: "Privacy and Security Constraints ..."
Anslow, Craig SPLASH Companion '15: "Conf.Researchr.Org: Towards ..."
Aotani, Tomoyuki SPLASH Companion '15: "Making Live Programming Practical ..." SPLASH Companion '15: "Shiranui: A Live Programming ..." SPLASH Companion '15: "Pyrlang: A High Performance ..."
Arefin, Md. SPLASH Companion '15: "Porting the NetBeans Java ..."
Atoofian, Ehsan SPLASH Companion '15: "Workshop Preview of the 2nd ..."
Ayrapetyan, Ruben SPLASH Companion '15: "Ultra Lightweight JavaScript ..."
Bagherzadeh, Mehdi SPLASH Companion '15: "Panini: A Concurrent Programming ..."
Bak, Lars SPLASH Companion '15: "How Dart Learned from Past ..." SPLASH Companion '15: "The Future of Programming ..."
Benkner, Siegfried SPLASH Companion '15: "Workshop Preview of the 2nd ..."
Biggs, Michael SPLASH Companion '15: "Statik: An Incremental Compiler ..."
Billes, Martin SPLASH Companion '15: "Race-Driven UI-Level Test ..."
Binder, Walter SPLASH Companion '15: "Custom Full-Coverage Dynamic ..." SPLASH Companion '15: "Workshop Preview of the 13th ..."
Biswas, Swarnendu SPLASH Companion '15: "Viser: Providing Serializability ..."
Boix, Elisa Gonzalez SPLASH Companion '15: "Workshop Preview of the 2015 ..."
Bulej, Lubomír SPLASH Companion '15: "Custom Full-Coverage Dynamic ..."
Burke, Michael G. SPLASH Companion '15: "Workshop Preview of the 2015 ..."
Byalik, Antuan SPLASH Companion '15: "Heterogeneous Device Hopping: ..."
Canahuate, Guadalupe SPLASH Companion '15: "Evaluating Work Distribution ..."
Canino, Anthony SPLASH Companion '15: "Gradual Mode Types for Energy-Aware ..."
Chadha, Sanchit SPLASH Companion '15: "Heterogeneous Device Hopping: ..."
Chastelet, Elmer van SPLASH Companion '15: "Conf.Researchr.Org: Towards ..."
Chatterjee, Arghya SPLASH Companion '15: "Exploiting Parallelism in ..."
Chiş, Andrei SPLASH Companion '15: "GTInspector: A Moldable Domain-Aware ..." SPLASH Companion '15: "Spotter: Towards a Unified ..."
Chiu, David SPLASH Companion '15: "Evaluating Work Distribution ..."
Cleophas, Loek SPLASH Companion '15: "Workshop Preview of the 3rd ..."
DeLine, Rob SPLASH Companion '15: "Modern Software Is All about ..." SPLASH Companion '15: "The Future of Programming ..."
De Meuter, Wolfgang SPLASH Companion '15: "Workshop Preview of the 2015 ..."
Dyer, Robert SPLASH Companion '15: "Demonstrating Programming ..." SPLASH Companion '15: "Consensus-Based Mining of ..."
Eisl, Josef SPLASH Companion '15: "Trace Register Allocation ..."
Erdweg, Sebastian SPLASH Companion '15: "Toward Incremental Type Checking ..."
Eugster, Patrick SPLASH Companion '15: "Workshop Preview of the 2015 ..."
Feamster, Nick SPLASH Companion '15: "Tomorrow's Network Operators ..." SPLASH Companion '15: "The Future of Programming ..."
Fleissner, Sebastian SPLASH Companion '15: "Towards Transitory Encapsulation ..."
Flynn, Lori SPLASH Companion '15: "Workshop Preview of the 3rd ..."
Fraser, Steven D. SPLASH Companion '15: "Software Professionalism – ..." SPLASH Companion '15: "The Future of Programming ..." SPLASH Companion '15: "Workshop Summary of the 3rd ..." SPLASH Companion '15: "Workshop Summary of the 2015 ..." SPLASH Companion '15: "Workshop Preview of the 3rd ..." SPLASH Companion '15: "Workshop Preview of the 2015 ..."
Gavrin, Evgeny SPLASH Companion '15: "Ultra Lightweight JavaScript ..."
Gîrba, Tudor SPLASH Companion '15: "GTInspector: A Moldable Domain-Aware ..." SPLASH Companion '15: "Spotter: Towards a Unified ..."
Gray, Jeff SPLASH Companion '15: "Workshop Preview of the 15th ..." SPLASH Companion '15: "Workshop Preview of the 3rd ..."
Haller, Philipp SPLASH Companion '15: "Workshop Preview of the 2015 ..."
Huang, Ruochen SPLASH Companion '15: "Pyrlang: A High Performance ..."
Imai, Tomoki SPLASH Companion '15: "Making Live Programming Practical ..." SPLASH Companion '15: "Shiranui: A Live Programming ..."
Jamali, Nadeem SPLASH Companion '15: "ModeSens: An Approach for ..."
Jannesari, Ali SPLASH Companion '15: "Workshop Preview of the 2nd ..."
Joharizadeh, Nima SPLASH Companion '15: "Finding Bugs in Spreadsheets ..."
Kell, Stephen SPLASH Companion '15: "Custom Full-Coverage Dynamic ..."
Khatchadourian, Raffi SPLASH Companion '15: "Fraglight: Shedding Light ..." SPLASH Companion '15: "Porting the NetBeans Java ..."
Kofink, Andrew SPLASH Companion '15: "Contributions of the Under-Appreciated: ..."
Kubelka, Juraj SPLASH Companion '15: "Spotter: Towards a Unified ..."
Kuci, Edlira SPLASH Companion '15: "Toward Incremental Type Checking ..."
Kuper, Lindsey SPLASH Companion '15: "The Future of Programming ..."
Lee, Sung-Jae SPLASH Companion '15: "Ultra Lightweight JavaScript ..."
Liu, Chang SPLASH Companion '15: "Trace Oblivious Computation ..."
Liu, Yu David SPLASH Companion '15: "Toward a Java Based Infrastructure ..."
Lopes, Cristina V. SPLASH Companion '15: "The Future of Programming ..."
Maas, Alisa J. SPLASH Companion '15: "Automatic Array Property Detection ..."
Mancl, Dennis SPLASH Companion '15: "Software Professionalism – ..." SPLASH Companion '15: "Workshop Summary of the 2015 ..." SPLASH Companion '15: "Workshop Preview of the 2015 ..."
Masuhara, Hidehiko SPLASH Companion '15: "Making Live Programming Practical ..." SPLASH Companion '15: "Fraglight: Shedding Light ..." SPLASH Companion '15: "Shiranui: A Live Programming ..." SPLASH Companion '15: "Pyrlang: A High Performance ..."
McCamish, Ben SPLASH Companion '15: "Evaluating Work Distribution ..."
Mead, Nancy R. SPLASH Companion '15: "Software Professionalism – ..."
Medeiros, Flávio SPLASH Companion '15: "Safely Evolving Configurable ..."
Mezini, Mira SPLASH Companion '15: "Toward Incremental Type Checking ..."
Miller, Gary SPLASH Companion '15: "The Spreadsheet Paradigm: ..."
Moamen, Ahmed Abdel SPLASH Companion '15: "ModeSens: An Approach for ..."
Mogk, Ragnar SPLASH Companion '15: "Concurrency Control for Multithreaded ..."
Newton, Timothy SPLASH Companion '15: "Exploiting Parallelism in ..."
Nguyen, Hoan Anh SPLASH Companion '15: "Demonstrating Programming ..." SPLASH Companion '15: "Consensus-Based Mining of ..."
Nguyen, Tien N. SPLASH Companion '15: "Demonstrating Programming ..." SPLASH Companion '15: "Consensus-Based Mining of ..."
Nierstrasz, Oscar SPLASH Companion '15: "GTInspector: A Moldable Domain-Aware ..." SPLASH Companion '15: "Spotter: Towards a Unified ..."
Nistor, Ligia SPLASH Companion '15: "The Oprop Verification Tool: ..."
Noble, James SPLASH Companion '15: "Workshop Preview of the 2015 ..."
Opdyke, Bill SPLASH Companion '15: "Workshop Summary of the 2015 ..." SPLASH Companion '15: "Workshop Preview of the 2015 ..."
Potanin, Alex SPLASH Companion '15: "Workshop Preview of the 2015 ..."
Rajan, Hridesh SPLASH Companion '15: "Demonstrating Programming ..." SPLASH Companion '15: "Consensus-Based Mining of ..."
Rashid, Awais SPLASH Companion '15: "Fraglight: Shedding Light ..."
Reichhart, Stefan SPLASH Companion '15: "Spotter: Towards a Unified ..."
Ricci, Alessandro SPLASH Companion '15: "Workshop Preview of the 2015 ..."
Rossi, Matti SPLASH Companion '15: "Workshop Preview of the 15th ..."
Roush, Tom SPLASH Companion '15: "Exploiting Parallelism in ..."
Salvaneschi, Guido SPLASH Companion '15: "Workshop Preview of the 2015 ..."
Sarkar, Vivek SPLASH Companion '15: "Exploiting Parallelism in ..."
Sato, Yukionri SPLASH Companion '15: "Workshop Preview of the 2nd ..."
Sawin, Jason SPLASH Companion '15: "Evaluating Work Distribution ..."
Sengupta, Aritra SPLASH Companion '15: "Efficient Support for Strong ..."
Shaw, Mary SPLASH Companion '15: "Software Professionalism – ..."
Shitov, Andrey SPLASH Companion '15: "Ultra Lightweight JavaScript ..."
Sillitti, Alberto SPLASH Companion '15: "Workshop Summary of the 3rd ..." SPLASH Companion '15: "Workshop Preview of the 3rd ..."
Sprinkle, Jonathan SPLASH Companion '15: "Workshop Preview of the 15th ..."
Sun, Haiyang SPLASH Companion '15: "Custom Full-Coverage Dynamic ..."
Syrel, Aliaksei SPLASH Companion '15: "GTInspector: A Moldable Domain-Aware ..." SPLASH Companion '15: "Spotter: Towards a Unified ..."
Terrell, Josh SPLASH Companion '15: "KinEdit: A Tool to Help Developers ..."
Tidwell, Hunter SPLASH Companion '15: "Exploiting Parallelism in ..."
Tilevich, Eli SPLASH Companion '15: "Heterogeneous Device Hopping: ..."
Tolvanen, Juha-Pekka SPLASH Companion '15: "Workshop Preview of the 15th ..."
Varela, Carlos SPLASH Companion '15: "Workshop Preview of the 2015 ..."
Verbelen, Tim SPLASH Companion '15: "Workshop Preview of the 2015 ..."
Visser, Eelco SPLASH Companion '15: "Conf.Researchr.Org: Towards ..."
Watanabe, Takuya SPLASH Companion '15: "Fraglight: Shedding Light ..."
Wild, Werner SPLASH Companion '15: "Software Professionalism – ..."
Wu, Peng SPLASH Companion '15: "The Future of Programming ..."
Xu, Guoqing SPLASH Companion '15: "Workshop Preview of the 13th ..."
Zhang, Minjia SPLASH Companion '15: "SIRe: An Efficient Snapshot ..."
Zhao, Xinghui SPLASH Companion '15: "Evaluating Work Distribution ..." SPLASH Companion '15: "Workshop Preview of the 2nd ..."
Zheng, Yudi SPLASH Companion '15: "Custom Full-Coverage Dynamic ..."
Ziarek, Lukasz SPLASH Companion '15: "Toward a Java Based Infrastructure ..." SPLASH Companion '15: "Workshop Preview of the 2015 ..."

137 authors

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