SLE 2017
10th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE 2017)
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10th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE 2017), October 23–24, 2017, Vancouver, BC, Canada

SLE 2017 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Abbadi, Mohamed SLE '17: "Metacasanova: An Optimized ..."
Amaral, Vasco SLE '17: "A Requirements Engineering ..."
Amorim, Luís Eduardo de Souza SLE '17: "Deep Priority Conflicts in ..."
Barišić, Ankica SLE '17: "A Requirements Engineering ..."
Berger, Thorsten SLE '17: "A Chrestomathy of DSL Implementations ..."
Bill, Robert SLE '17: "Virtual Textual Model Composition ..."
Blouin, Dominique SLE '17: "A Requirements Engineering ..."
Boronat, Artur SLE '17: "Structural Model Subtyping ..."
Brambilla, Marco SLE '17: "Better Call the Crowd: Using ..."
Buckley, Scott J. H. SLE '17: "A Formalisation of Parameterised ..."
Cabot, Jordi SLE '17: "Better Call the Crowd: Using ..."
Cánovas Izquierdo, Javier Luis SLE '17: "Better Call the Crowd: Using ..."
Cortesi, Agostino SLE '17: "Metacasanova: An Optimized ..."
Couto, Marco SLE '17: "Energy Efficiency across Programming ..."
Cunha, Jácome SLE '17: "Energy Efficiency across Programming ..."
Di Giacomo, Francesco SLE '17: "Metacasanova: An Optimized ..."
Dubroy, Patrick SLE '17: "Incremental Packrat Parsing ..."
Fernandes, João Paulo SLE '17: "Energy Efficiency across Programming ..."
Flatt, Matthew SLE '17: "Debugging with Domain-Specific ..."
Frenkel, Marcus SLE '17: "Robust Projectional Editing ..."
Goulão, Miguel SLE '17: "A Requirements Engineering ..."
Härtel, Johannes SLE '17: "A Chrestomathy of DSL Implementations ..."
Härtel, Lukas SLE '17: "A Chrestomathy of DSL Implementations ..."
Hedin, Görel SLE '17: "Concurrent Circular Reference ..."
Heinz, Marcel SLE '17: "A Chrestomathy of DSL Implementations ..."
Kaminski, Ted SLE '17: "Ensuring Non-interference ..."
Kholkar, Deepali SLE '17: "A Domain-Specific Controlled ..."
Klein, Kevin SLE '17: "A Chrestomathy of DSL Implementations ..."
Kulkarni, Vinay SLE '17: "A Domain-Specific Controlled ..."
Kuramitsu, Kimio SLE '17: "A Symbol-Based Extension of ..."
Lämmel, Ralf SLE '17: "A Chrestomathy of DSL Implementations ..."
Laurent, Nicolas SLE '17: "Red Shift: Procedural Shift-Reduce ..."
Li, Huang SLE '17: "Type-Safe Modular Parsing ..."
Li, Xiangqi SLE '17: "Debugging with Domain-Specific ..."
Luhunu, Lechanceux SLE '17: "Comparison of the Expressiveness ..."
Maggiore, Giuseppe SLE '17: "Metacasanova: An Optimized ..."
Mauri, Andrea SLE '17: "Better Call the Crowd: Using ..."
Meyers, Bart SLE '17: "Concrete Syntax: A Multi-paradigm ..."
Mosses, Peter D. SLE '17: "Engineering Meta-languages ..."
Neubauer, Patrick SLE '17: "Virtual Textual Model Composition ..."
Oliveira, Bruno C. d. S. SLE '17: "Type-Safe Modular Parsing ..."
Öqvist, Jesper SLE '17: "Concurrent Circular Reference ..."
Pereira, Rui SLE '17: "Energy Efficiency across Programming ..."
Ribeiro, Francisco SLE '17: "Energy Efficiency across Programming ..."
Rinard, Martin SLE '17: "Robust Programs with Filtered ..."
Roychoudhury, Suman SLE '17: "A Domain-Specific Controlled ..."
Rua, Rui SLE '17: "Energy Efficiency across Programming ..."
Saraiva, João SLE '17: "Energy Efficiency across Programming ..."
Schauss, Simon SLE '17: "A Chrestomathy of DSL Implementations ..."
Seidewitz, Ed SLE '17: "A Development Environment ..."
Shen, Jiasi SLE '17: "Robust Programs with Filtered ..."
Sloane, Anthony M. SLE '17: "A Formalisation of Parameterised ..."
Smits, Jeff SLE '17: "FlowSpec: Declarative Dataflow ..."
Spronck, Pieter SLE '17: "Metacasanova: An Optimized ..."
Steimann, Friedrich SLE '17: "Robust Projectional Editing ..."
Steindorfer, Michael J. SLE '17: "Deep Priority Conflicts in ..."
Stijlaart, Mats SLE '17: "Towards a Taxonomy of Grammar ..."
Sunkle, Sagar SLE '17: "A Domain-Specific Controlled ..."
Syriani, Eugene SLE '17: "Comparison of the Expressiveness ..."
Vangheluwe, Hans SLE '17: "Concrete Syntax: A Multi-paradigm ..."
Van Mierlo, Simon SLE '17: "Concrete Syntax: A Multi-paradigm ..."
Van Tendeloo, Yentl SLE '17: "Concrete Syntax: A Multi-paradigm ..."
Van Wyk, Eric SLE '17: "Ensuring Non-interference ..."
Visser, Eelco SLE '17: "FlowSpec: Declarative Dataflow ..." SLE '17: "Deep Priority Conflicts in ..."
Voelter, Markus SLE '17: "Robust Projectional Editing ..."
Warth, Alessandro SLE '17: "Incremental Packrat Parsing ..."
Wimmer, Manuel SLE '17: "Virtual Textual Model Composition ..."
Zaytsev, Vadim SLE '17: "Towards a Taxonomy of Grammar ..."
Zhang, Haoyuan SLE '17: "Type-Safe Modular Parsing ..."

70 authors

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