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2016 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE 2016), October 31 – November 1, 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands

SLE 2016 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Al-Sibahi, Ahmad Salim SLE '16: "Symbolic Execution of High-Level ..."
Amorim, Luís Eduardo de Souza SLE '16: "Principled Syntactic Code ..."
Aßmann, Uwe SLE '16: "FRaMED: Full-Fledge Role Modeling ..."
Atlee, Joanne M. SLE '16: "BSML-mbeddr: Integrating Semantically ..."
Bañados Schwerter, Felipe SLE '16: "Side Effects Take the Blame ..."
Benelallam, Amine SLE '16: "Efficient Model Partitioning ..."
Berger, Thorsten SLE '16: "Efficient Development of Consistent ..."
Bierzynski, Kay SLE '16: "FRaMED: Full-Fledge Role Modeling ..."
Blagodarov, Volodymyr SLE '16: "Raincode Assembler Compiler ..."
Bousse, Erwan SLE '16: "Execution Framework of the ..."
Cabot, Jordi SLE '16: "Efficient Model Partitioning ..." SLE '16: "Runtime Support for Rule-Based ..."
Combemale, Benoit SLE '16: "Execution Framework of the ..."
Cuadrado, Jesús Sánchez SLE '16: "Efficient Model Partitioning ..."
Dávid, István SLE '16: "Automated Testing Support ..."
Deantoni, Julien SLE '16: "Execution Framework of the ..."
Degueule, Thomas SLE '16: "Execution Framework of the ..."
De Lara, Juan SLE '16: "Efficient Model Partitioning ..."
Denil, Joachim SLE '16: "Automated Testing Support ..."
Dimovski, Aleksandar S. SLE '16: "Symbolic Execution of High-Level ..."
Domaschka, Jörg SLE '16: "Experiences of Models@run-time ..."
Drey, Zoé SLE '16: "Object-Oriented Design Pattern ..."
Erdweg, Sebastian SLE '16: "The IDE Portability Problem ..." SLE '16: "Principled Syntactic Code ..." SLE '16: "Efficient Development of Consistent ..."
Findler, Robby SLE '16: "Redex: A Language for Lightweight ..."
García, Jokin SLE '16: "Runtime Support for Rule-Based ..."
Gomes, Eduardo SLE '16: "Xdiagram: A Declarative Textual ..."
Goncharenko, Boryana SLE '16: "Language Design and Implementation ..."
Griesinger, Frank SLE '16: "Experiences of Models@run-time ..."
Hauser, Christopher B. SLE '16: "Experiences of Models@run-time ..."
Hedin, Görel SLE '16: "DrAST: An Inspection Tool ..."
Hu, Zhenjiang SLE '16: "Parsing and Reflective Printing, ..."
Jaradin, Yves SLE '16: "Raincode Assembler Compiler ..."
Keidel, Sven SLE '16: "The IDE Portability Problem ..."
Ko, Hsiang-Shang SLE '16: "Parsing and Reflective Printing, ..."
Kolb, Bernd SLE '16: "Efficient Development of Consistent ..."
Kühn, Thomas SLE '16: "FRaMED: Full-Fledge Role Modeling ..."
Lämmel, Ralf SLE '16: "Coupled Software Transformations ..."
Laurent, Nicolas SLE '16: "Taming Context-Sensitive Languages ..."
Lindholm, Joel SLE '16: "DrAST: An Inspection Tool ..."
Lisson, Sascha SLE '16: "Efficient Development of Consistent ..."
Luo, Zhaoyi SLE '16: "BSML-mbeddr: Integrating Semantically ..."
Martínez, Salvador SLE '16: "Runtime Support for Rule-Based ..."
Martins, Pedro SLE '16: "Parsing and Reflective Printing, ..."
Mayerhofer, Tanja SLE '16: "Adding Uncertainty and Units ..." SLE '16: "Execution Framework of the ..."
Mens, Kim SLE '16: "Taming Context-Sensitive Languages ..."
Meyers, Bart SLE '16: "Automated Testing Support ..."
Parr, Terence SLE '16: "Towards a Universal Code Formatter ..."
Pfeiffer, Wulf SLE '16: "The IDE Portability Problem ..."
Richly, Sebastian SLE '16: "FRaMED: Full-Fledge Role Modeling ..."
Rossini, Alessandro SLE '16: "Experiences of Models@run-time ..."
Santos, André L. SLE '16: "Xdiagram: A Declarative Textual ..."
Saraiva, João SLE '16: "Parsing and Reflective Printing, ..."
Seybold, Daniel SLE '16: "Experiences of Models@run-time ..."
Szabó, Tamás SLE '16: "Efficient Development of Consistent ..."
Teodorov, Ciprian SLE '16: "Object-Oriented Design Pattern ..."
Thorsberg, Johan SLE '16: "DrAST: An Inspection Tool ..."
Tisi, Massimo SLE '16: "Efficient Model Partitioning ..."
Tolvanen, Juha-Pekka SLE '16: "MetaEdit+ for Collaborative ..."
Tsitsipas, Athanasios SLE '16: "Experiences of Models@run-time ..."
Vallecillo, Antonio SLE '16: "Adding Uncertainty and Units ..."
Vangheluwe, Hans SLE '16: "Automated Testing Support ..."
Vinju, Jurgen SLE '16: "Towards a Universal Code Formatter ..."
Visser, Eelco SLE '16: "Principled Syntactic Code ..."
Voelter, Markus SLE '16: "Efficient Development of Consistent ..."
Vojtisek, Didier SLE '16: "Execution Framework of the ..."
Wachsmuth, Guido SLE '16: "Principled Syntactic Code ..."
Wąsowski, Andrzej SLE '16: "Symbolic Execution of High-Level ..."
Wimmer, Manuel SLE '16: "Adding Uncertainty and Units ..."
Zaytsev, Vadim SLE '16: "Raincode Assembler Compiler ..." SLE '16: "Language Design and Implementation ..."
Zhang, Yongzhe SLE '16: "Parsing and Reflective Printing, ..."
Zhu, Zirun SLE '16: "Parsing and Reflective Printing, ..."

75 authors

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