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2015 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE 2015), October 26–27, 2015, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

SLE 2015 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Anjorin, Anthony SLE '15: "On Integrating Graphical and ..."
Aßmann, Uwe SLE '15: "A Combined Formal Model for ..."
Bagge, Anya Helene SLE '15: "Analysis and Transformation ..."
Barais, Olivier SLE '15: "Melange: A Meta-language for ..."
Baudry, Benoit SLE '15: "Supporting Efficient and Advanced ..."
Benelallam, Amine SLE '15: "Distributed Model-to-Model ..."
Bergmayr, Alexander SLE '15: "XMLText: From XML Schema to ..."
Blouin, Arnaud SLE '15: "Melange: A Meta-language for ..."
Böhme, Stephan SLE '15: "A Combined Formal Model for ..."
Bousse, Erwan SLE '15: "Supporting Efficient and Advanced ..."
Brambilla, Marco SLE '15: "An Empirical Study on Simplification ..."
Bürger, Christoff SLE '15: "Reference Attribute Grammar ..."
Cabot, Jordi SLE '15: "An Empirical Study on Simplification ..." SLE '15: "Distributed Model-to-Model ..."
Combemale, Benoit SLE '15: "Weaving Concurrency in eXecutable ..." SLE '15: "Supporting Efficient and Advanced ..." SLE '15: "Melange: A Meta-language for ..."
Corley, Jonathan SLE '15: "Supporting Efficient and Advanced ..."
Crégut, Xavier SLE '15: "Weaving Concurrency in eXecutable ..."
Deantoni, Julien SLE '15: "Weaving Concurrency in eXecutable ..."
Degueule, Thomas SLE '15: "Melange: A Meta-language for ..."
De Lara, Juan SLE '15: "Example-Based Validation of ..."
Eramo, Romina SLE '15: "Managing Uncertainty in Bidirectional ..."
Erdweg, Sebastian SLE '15: "Modular Capture Avoidance ..."
Gammaitoni, Loïc SLE '15: "Designing Languages using ..."
Gelin, Lars SLE '15: "On Integrating Graphical and ..."
Glodt, Christian SLE '15: "Designing Languages using ..."
Gómez, Abel SLE '15: "Distributed Model-to-Model ..."
González-Rojas, Oscar SLE '15: "Using Decision Rules for Solving ..."
Götz, Sebastian SLE '15: "A Combined Formal Model for ..."
Gray, Jeff SLE '15: "Supporting Efficient and Advanced ..."
Guerra, Esther SLE '15: "Example-Based Validation of ..."
Jézéquel, Jean-Marc SLE '15: "Melange: A Meta-language for ..."
Kelsen, Pierre SLE '15: "Designing Languages using ..."
Kühn, Thomas SLE '15: "A Combined Formal Model for ..."
Latombe, Florent SLE '15: "Weaving Concurrency in eXecutable ..."
Laurent, Nicolas SLE '15: "Parsing Expression Grammars ..."
López-Fernández, Jesús J. SLE '15: "Example-Based Validation of ..."
Maro, Salome SLE '15: "On Integrating Graphical and ..."
Mayerhofer, Tanja SLE '15: "XMLText: From XML Schema to ..."
Mens, Kim SLE '15: "Parsing Expression Grammars ..."
Neubauer, Patrick SLE '15: "XMLText: From XML Schema to ..."
Ochoa, Lina SLE '15: "Using Decision Rules for Solving ..."
Pantel, Marc SLE '15: "Weaving Concurrency in eXecutable ..."
Pearce, David J. SLE '15: "The Whiley Rewrite Language ..."
Pierantonio, Alfonso SLE '15: "Managing Uncertainty in Bidirectional ..."
Ripamonti, Davide SLE '15: "An Empirical Study on Simplification ..."
Ritschel, Nico SLE '15: "Modular Capture Avoidance ..."
Rosa, Gianni SLE '15: "Managing Uncertainty in Bidirectional ..."
Steghöfer, Jan-Philipp SLE '15: "On Integrating Graphical and ..."
Thüm, Thomas SLE '15: "Using Decision Rules for Solving ..."
Tichy, Matthias SLE '15: "On Integrating Graphical and ..."
Tisi, Massimo SLE '15: "Distributed Model-to-Model ..."
Troya, Javier SLE '15: "XMLText: From XML Schema to ..."
Umuhoza, Eric SLE '15: "An Empirical Study on Simplification ..."
Wimmer, Manuel SLE '15: "XMLText: From XML Schema to ..."

56 authors

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