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9th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS 2014), June 2–3, 2014, Hyderabad, India

SEAMS 2014 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Abreu, Rui SEAMS '14: "Diagnosing Unobserved Components ..."
Ahmad, Aakash SEAMS '14: "Autonomic Resource Provisioning ..."
Ali, Raian SEAMS '14: "Modelling and Analysing Contextual ..."
Amoretti, Michele SEAMS '14: "A Computational Field Framework ..."
Anaya, Ivan Dario Paez SEAMS '14: "A Prediction-Driven Adaptation ..."
Angelopoulos, Konstantinos SEAMS '14: "Dealing with Multiple Failures ..."
Bahsoon, Rami SEAMS '14: "Symbiotic and Sensitivity-Aware ..."
Bailey, Christopher SEAMS '14: "Run-Time Generation, Transformation, ..."
Bandara, Arosha K. SEAMS '14: "Requirements-Driven Mediation ..."
Banks, Alec SEAMS '14: "Efficient Runtime Quantitative ..."
Bennaceur, Amel SEAMS '14: "Requirements-Driven Mediation ..."
Bourcier, Johann SEAMS '14: "A Prediction-Driven Adaptation ..."
Calinescu, Radu SEAMS '14: "Efficient Runtime Quantitative ..."
Cámara, Javier SEAMS '14: "Stochastic Game Analysis and ..."
Casanova, Paulo SEAMS '14: "Diagnosing Unobserved Components ..."
Castañeda, Lorena SEAMS '14: "Self-Adaptive Applications: ..."
Chen, Tao SEAMS '14: "Symbiotic and Sensitivity-Aware ..."
Cheng, Betty H. C. SEAMS '14: "Towards Run-Time Adaptation ..."
De Lemos, Rogério SEAMS '14: "Run-Time Generation, Transformation, ..."
DeVries, Byron SEAMS '14: "Towards Run-Time Adaptation ..."
Esfahani, Naeem SEAMS '14: "Automated Mining of Software ..."
Fredericks, Erik M. SEAMS '14: "Towards Run-Time Adaptation ..."
García-Galán, Jesús SEAMS '14: "User-Centric Adaptation of ..."
Garlan, David SEAMS '14: "Stochastic Game Analysis and ..." SEAMS '14: "Diagnosing Unobserved Components ..."
Gerasimou, Simos SEAMS '14: "Efficient Runtime Quantitative ..."
Ghezzi, Carlo SEAMS '14: "Topology Aware Adaptive Security ..."
Harman, Mark SEAMS '14: "Genetic Improvement for Adaptive ..."
Iftikhar, M. Usman SEAMS '14: "ActivFORMS: Active Formal ..."
Jackson, Michael SEAMS '14: "Requirements-Driven Mediation ..."
Jamshidi, Pooyan SEAMS '14: "Autonomic Resource Provisioning ..."
Jézéquel, Jean-Marc SEAMS '14: "A Prediction-Driven Adaptation ..."
Jia, Yue SEAMS '14: "Genetic Improvement for Adaptive ..."
Langdon, William B. SEAMS '14: "Genetic Improvement for Adaptive ..."
Litoiu, Marin SEAMS '14: "Designing Search Based Adaptive ..."
Liu, Wei SEAMS '14: "Requirements-Driven Mediation ..."
Lluch Lafuente, Alberto SEAMS '14: "A Computational Field Framework ..."
Malek, Sam SEAMS '14: "Automated Mining of Software ..."
Medvidovic, Nenad SEAMS '14: "Adapting Our View of Software ..."
Mendonça, Danilo F. SEAMS '14: "Modelling and Analysing Contextual ..."
Menghi, Claudio SEAMS '14: "Topology Aware Adaptive Security ..."
Moghadam, Iman Hemati SEAMS '14: "Genetic Improvement for Adaptive ..."
Montrieux, Lionel SEAMS '14: "Run-Time Generation, Transformation, ..." SEAMS '14: "Requirements-Driven Mediation ..."
Moreno, Gabriel A. SEAMS '14: "Stochastic Game Analysis and ..."
Müller, Hausi A. SEAMS '14: "Self-Adaptive Applications: ..."
Mylopoulos, John SEAMS '14: "Dealing with Multiple Failures ..."
Nuseibeh, Bashar SEAMS '14: "Requirements-Driven Mediation ..." SEAMS '14: "Topology Aware Adaptive Security ..."
Pahl, Claus SEAMS '14: "Autonomic Resource Provisioning ..."
Pasquale, Liliana SEAMS '14: "Topology Aware Adaptive Security ..." SEAMS '14: "User-Centric Adaptation of ..."
Petke, Justyna SEAMS '14: "Genetic Improvement for Adaptive ..."
Plouzeau, Noël SEAMS '14: "A Prediction-Driven Adaptation ..."
Rodrigues, Genaína N. SEAMS '14: "Modelling and Analysing Contextual ..."
Ruiz-Cortés, Antonio SEAMS '14: "User-Centric Adaptation of ..."
Schmerl, Bradley SEAMS '14: "Diagnosing Unobserved Components ..."
Sebastio, Stefano SEAMS '14: "A Computational Field Framework ..."
Shtern, Mark SEAMS '14: "Designing Search Based Adaptive ..."
Simko, Viliam SEAMS '14: "A Prediction-Driven Adaptation ..."
Souza, Vítor E. Silva SEAMS '14: "Dealing with Multiple Failures ..."
Trinidad, Pablo SEAMS '14: "User-Centric Adaptation of ..."
Tsigkanos, Christos SEAMS '14: "Topology Aware Adaptive Security ..."
Tun, Thein Than SEAMS '14: "Requirements-Driven Mediation ..."
Villegas, Norha M. SEAMS '14: "Self-Adaptive Applications: ..."
Wermelinger, Michel SEAMS '14: "Run-Time Generation, Transformation, ..."
Weyns, Danny SEAMS '14: "ActivFORMS: Active Formal ..."
Wu, Fan SEAMS '14: "Genetic Improvement for Adaptive ..."
Yoo, Shin SEAMS '14: "Genetic Improvement for Adaptive ..."
Yu, Yijun SEAMS '14: "Run-Time Generation, Transformation, ..." SEAMS '14: "Requirements-Driven Mediation ..."
Yuan, Eric SEAMS '14: "Automated Mining of Software ..."
Zoghi, Parisa SEAMS '14: "Designing Search Based Adaptive ..."

73 authors

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