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2013 8th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS), May 20–21, 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA

SEAMS 2013 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Abreu, Rui SEAMS '13: "Diagnosing Architectural Run-Time ..."
Angelopoulos, Konstantinos SEAMS '13: "Requirements and Architectural ..."
Bahsoon, Rami SEAMS '13: "Self-Adaptive and Sensitivity-Aware ..."
Belaggoun, Amel SEAMS '13: "Dynamic Decision Networks ..."
Bencomo, Nelly SEAMS '13: "Dynamic Decision Networks ..."
Bergen, Andreas SEAMS '13: "RPC Automation: Making Legacy ..."
Brenner, Christian SEAMS '13: "Formalizing Correctness Criteria ..."
Cámara, Javier SEAMS '13: "Evolving an Adaptive Industrial ..."
Casanova, Paulo SEAMS '13: "Diagnosing Architectural Run-Time ..."
Chen, Tao SEAMS '13: "Self-Adaptive and Sensitivity-Aware ..."
Cheng, Betty H. C. SEAMS '13: "Towards Run-Time Testing of ..."
Coady, Yvonne SEAMS '13: "RPC Automation: Making Legacy ..."
Copil, Georgiana SEAMS '13: "On Estimating Actuation Delays ..."
Correia, Pedro SEAMS '13: "Evolving an Adaptive Industrial ..."
De Lemos, Rogério SEAMS '13: "Evolving an Adaptive Industrial ..."
Di Marco, Antinisca SEAMS '13: "Synthesizing Self-Adaptive ..."
Duchien, Laurence SEAMS '13: "Improving Context-Awareness ..."
Dustdar, Schahram SEAMS '13: "On Estimating Actuation Delays ..."
Engels, Gregor SEAMS '13: "High-Quality Specification ..."
Fredericks, Erik M. SEAMS '13: "Towards Run-Time Testing of ..."
Fuentes, Lidia SEAMS '13: "Run-Time Adaptation of Mobile ..."
Gambi, Alessio SEAMS '13: "On Estimating Actuation Delays ..."
Garlan, David SEAMS '13: "Diagnosing Architectural Run-Time ..." SEAMS '13: "Evolving an Adaptive Industrial ..." SEAMS '13: "A 10-Year Perspective on Software ..."
Ghezzi, Carlo SEAMS '13: "Formalizing Correctness Criteria ..."
Gil de la Iglesia, Didac SEAMS '13: "Guaranteeing Robustness in ..."
Gomes, Pedro SEAMS '13: "Evolving an Adaptive Industrial ..."
Grassi, Vincenzo SEAMS '13: "QoS-Aware Fully Decentralized ..."
Greenyer, Joel SEAMS '13: "Formalizing Correctness Criteria ..."
Hellerstein, Joe SEAMS '13: "Science in the Cloud (Keynote) ..."
Huang, Wei-Chih SEAMS '13: "Self-Adaptive Containers: ..."
Iftikhar, M. Usman SEAMS '13: "Do External Feedback Loops ..."
Ingolfo, Silvia SEAMS '13: "Law and Adaptivity in Requirements ..."
Inverardi, Paola SEAMS '13: "Synthesizing Self-Adaptive ..."
Issarny, Valerie SEAMS '13: "Dynamic Decision Networks ..."
Knottenbelt, William J. SEAMS '13: "Self-Adaptive Containers: ..."
Luckey, Markus SEAMS '13: "High-Quality Specification ..."
Marzolla, Moreno SEAMS '13: "QoS-Aware Fully Decentralized ..."
Mirandola, Raffaela SEAMS '13: "QoS-Aware Fully Decentralized ..."
Moldovan, Daniel SEAMS '13: "On Estimating Actuation Delays ..."
Müller, Hausi A. SEAMS '13: "Improving Context-Awareness ..." SEAMS '13: "RPC Automation: Making Legacy ..."
Panzica La Manna, Valerio SEAMS '13: "Formalizing Correctness Criteria ..."
Pascual, Gustavo G. SEAMS '13: "Run-Time Adaptation of Mobile ..."
Pimentel, João SEAMS '13: "Requirements and Architectural ..."
Pinto, Mónica SEAMS '13: "Run-Time Adaptation of Mobile ..."
Ramirez, Andres J. SEAMS '13: "Towards Run-Time Testing of ..."
Schmerl, Bradley SEAMS '13: "Diagnosing Architectural Run-Time ..." SEAMS '13: "Evolving an Adaptive Industrial ..."
Seinturier, Lionel SEAMS '13: "Improving Context-Awareness ..."
Söderlund, Joakim SEAMS '13: "Do External Feedback Loops ..."
Souza, Vítor E. Silva SEAMS '13: "Law and Adaptivity in Requirements ..." SEAMS '13: "Requirements and Architectural ..." SEAMS '13: "Engineering Adaptation with ..."
Spalazzese, Romina SEAMS '13: "Synthesizing Self-Adaptive ..."
Tallabaci, Genci SEAMS '13: "Engineering Adaptation with ..."
Tamura, Gabriel SEAMS '13: "Improving Context-Awareness ..."
Truong, Hong-Linh SEAMS '13: "On Estimating Actuation Delays ..."
Ventura, Rafael SEAMS '13: "Evolving an Adaptive Industrial ..."
Villegas, Norha M. SEAMS '13: "Improving Context-Awareness ..."
Weyns, Danny SEAMS '13: "Do External Feedback Loops ..." SEAMS '13: "Guaranteeing Robustness in ..."
Yazır, Yağız Onat SEAMS '13: "RPC Automation: Making Legacy ..."

64 authors

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