SCAM 2015
2015 IEEE 15th International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM)
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2015 IEEE 15th International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM), September 27-28, 2015, Bremen, Germany

SCAM 2015 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors
Online Calendar - iCal File


Adams, Bram SCAM '15: "The Impact of Cross-Distribution ..." SCAM '15: "Multi-layer Software Configuration: ..."
Aivaloglou, Efthimia SCAM '15: "A Grammar for Spreadsheet ..."
Alalfi, Manar H. SCAM '15: "SimNav: Simulink Navigation ..."
Andrzejak, Artur SCAM '15: "Automated Memory Leak Diagnosis ..."
Anquetil, Nicolas SCAM '15: "Recording and Replaying System ..."
Balogh, Gergő SCAM '15: "CodeMetropolis: Eclipse over ..."
Banerjee, Kunal SCAM '15: "A Translation Validation Framework ..."
Bartelheimer, Corrie SCAM '15: "Improving Prioritization of ..."
Beszédes, Árpád SCAM '15: "CodeMetropolis: Eclipse over ..."
Binkley, David SCAM '15: "ORBS and the Limits of Static ..." SCAM '15: "Navigating Source Code with ..."
Bischof, Christian SCAM '15: "Checking C++ Codes for Compatibility ..."
Blazy, Sandrine SCAM '15: "Data Tainting and Obfuscation: ..."
Boisselle, Vincent SCAM '15: "The Impact of Cross-Distribution ..."
Bonifácio, Rodrigo SCAM '15: "The Use of C++ Exception Handling ..."
Brandtner, Martin SCAM '15: "Intent, Tests, and Release ..."
Buckley, Jim SCAM '15: "Using Changeset Descriptions ..."
Carvalho, Fausto SCAM '15: "The Use of C++ Exception Handling ..."
Chochlov, Muslim SCAM '15: "Using Changeset Descriptions ..."
Coelho, Roberta SCAM '15: "The Use of C++ Exception Handling ..."
Cordy, James R. SCAM '15: "SimNav: Simulink Navigation ..."
Dariz, Luca SCAM '15: "A Static Microcode Analysis ..."
Deissenboeck, Florian SCAM '15: "How Do Java Methods Grow? ..."
De Meuter, Wolfgang SCAM '15: "Detecting Function Purity ..."
De Paula, Adriano Carvalho SCAM '15: "Can the Use of Types and Query ..."
De Roover, Coen SCAM '15: "Detecting Function Purity ..."
Ducasse, Stéphane SCAM '15: "Recording and Replaying System ..."
Eichler, Jörn SCAM '15: "Improving Prioritization of ..."
English, Michael SCAM '15: "Using Changeset Descriptions ..."
Etien, Anne SCAM '15: "Recording and Replaying System ..."
Faragó, Csaba SCAM '15: "Cumulative Code Churn: Impact ..."
Feng, Wei SCAM '15: "LeakTracer: Tracing Leaks ..."
Fenske, Wolfram SCAM '15: "When Code Smells Twice as ..."
Ferenc, Rudolf SCAM '15: "Cumulative Code Churn: Impact ..." SCAM '15: "FaultBuster: An Automatic ..."
Fulop, Lajos Jeno SCAM '15: "FaultBuster: An Automatic ..."
Gall, Harald C. SCAM '15: "Intent, Tests, and Release ..."
Gaur, Varun SCAM '15: "On the Comprehension of Code ..."
Ghafari, Mohammad SCAM '15: "Automatically Identifying ..."
Ghanavati, Mohammadreza SCAM '15: "Automated Memory Leak Diagnosis ..."
Ghezzi, Carlo SCAM '15: "Automatically Identifying ..."
Gold, Nicolas SCAM '15: "ORBS and the Limits of Static ..."
Gutwin, Carl SCAM '15: "On the Comprehension of Code ..."
Gyimóthy, Tibor SCAM '15: "FaultBuster: An Automatic ..."
Harman, Mark SCAM '15: "ORBS and the Limits of Static ..."
Hegedűs, Péter SCAM '15: "Cumulative Code Churn: Impact ..."
Hermans, Felienne SCAM '15: "A Grammar for Spreadsheet ..."
Hoepelman, David SCAM '15: "A Grammar for Spreadsheet ..."
Hück, Alexander SCAM '15: "Checking C++ Codes for Compatibility ..."
Islam, Syed SCAM '15: "ORBS and the Limits of Static ..."
Jetley, Raoul Praful SCAM '15: "Discovering Likely Mappings ..."
Keivanloo, Iman SCAM '15: "Recommending Insightful Comments ..."
Koschke, Rainer SCAM '15: "From Preprocessor-Constrained ..."
Krinke, Jens SCAM '15: "ORBS and the Limits of Static ..."
Kulesza, Uirá SCAM '15: "Automating the Performance ..." SCAM '15: "The Use of C++ Exception Handling ..."
Lawrie, Dawn SCAM '15: "Navigating Source Code with ..."
Leitner, Philipp SCAM '15: "Intent, Tests, and Release ..."
Lemos, Otávio Augusto Lazzarini SCAM '15: "Can the Use of Types and Query ..."
Lopes, Cristina V. SCAM '15: "Can the Use of Types and Query ..."
Lüdemann, Dierk SCAM '15: "From Preprocessor-Constrained ..."
Mandal, Chittaranjan SCAM '15: "A Translation Validation Framework ..."
Meyer, Daniel SCAM '15: "When Code Smells Twice as ..."
Nagy, Csaba SCAM '15: "FaultBuster: An Automatic ..."
Nicolay, Jens SCAM '15: "Detecting Function Purity ..."
Noguera, Carlos SCAM '15: "Detecting Function Purity ..."
Pandita, Rahul SCAM '15: "Discovering Likely Mappings ..."
Pinto, Felipe SCAM '15: "Automating the Performance ..."
Rahman, Mohammad Masudur SCAM '15: "Recommending Insightful Comments ..."
Ramos, Guilherme N. SCAM '15: "The Use of C++ Exception Handling ..."
Rapos, Eric J. SCAM '15: "SimNav: Simulink Navigation ..."
Renatus, Stephan SCAM '15: "Improving Prioritization of ..."
Riaud, Stéphanie SCAM '15: "Data Tainting and Obfuscation: ..."
Roy, Chanchal K. SCAM '15: "On the Comprehension of Code ..." SCAM '15: "Recommending Insightful Comments ..."
Rubinov, Konstantin SCAM '15: "Automatically Identifying ..."
Ruggeri, Massimiliano SCAM '15: "A Static Microcode Analysis ..."
Saake, Gunter SCAM '15: "When Code Smells Twice as ..."
Sajnani, Hitesh SCAM '15: "Can the Use of Types and Query ..."
Santos, Gustavo SCAM '15: "Recording and Replaying System ..."
Sarkar, Dipankar SCAM '15: "A Translation Validation Framework ..."
Sayagh, Mohammed SCAM '15: "Multi-layer Software Configuration: ..."
Schulze, Sandro SCAM '15: "When Code Smells Twice as ..."
Selvatici, Michele SCAM '15: "A Static Microcode Analysis ..."
Shi, Xiaohua SCAM '15: "LeakTracer: Tracing Leaks ..."
Sirvent, Thomas SCAM '15: "Data Tainting and Obfuscation: ..."
Steidl, Daniela SCAM '15: "How Do Java Methods Grow? ..."
Stevenson, Andrew SCAM '15: "SimNav: Simulink Navigation ..."
Sudarsan, Sithu D SCAM '15: "Discovering Likely Mappings ..."
Szabolics, Attila SCAM '15: "CodeMetropolis: Eclipse over ..."
Szőke, Gábor SCAM '15: "FaultBuster: An Automatic ..."
Treude, Christoph SCAM '15: "Automating the Performance ..."
Uddin, Md Sami SCAM '15: "On the Comprehension of Code ..."
Utke, Jean SCAM '15: "Checking C++ Codes for Compatibility ..."
Valente, Marco Tulio SCAM '15: "Recording and Replaying System ..."
Williams, Laurie SCAM '15: "Discovering Likely Mappings ..."
Yoo, Shin SCAM '15: "ORBS and the Limits of Static ..."
Yu, Hengyang SCAM '15: "LeakTracer: Tracing Leaks ..."

99 authors

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