SANER 2019
2019 IEEE 26th International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER)
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2019 IEEE 26th International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER), February 24-27, 2019, Hangzhou, China

SANER 2019 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Adoni, Alon SANER '19: "ICSD: Interactive Visual Support ..."
Agbaria, Mousa SANER '19: "ICSD: Interactive Visual Support ..."
Anbarnam, Davood SANER '19: "Detecting Feature-Interaction ..."
Andrzejak, Artur SANER '19: "Learning-Based Recursive Aggregation ..."
Anquetil, Nicolas SANER '19: "GUI Migration using MDE from ..."
Arcelli, Davide SANER '19: "Automating Performance Antipattern ..."
Ashraf, Usman SANER '19: "Mining Cross-Task Artifact ..."
Aslam, Kousar SANER '19: "Improving Model Inference ..."
Atlee, Joanne M. SANER '19: "Detecting Feature-Interaction ..."
Bai, Gina R. SANER '19: "Exploring Regular Expression ..."
Bai, Jia-Ju SANER '19: "Detecting Data Races Caused ..."
Bainomugisha, Engineer SANER '19: "How Stable Are Eclipse Application ..." SANER '19: "Studying Android App Popularity ..."
Ban, Gu SANER '19: "Open-Source License Violations ..."
Barta, Bence SANER '19: "Challenges of SonarQube Plug-In ..."
Bavota, Gabriele SANER '19: "On the Impact of Refactoring ..." SANER '19: "A Study on the Interplay between ..."
Bennin, Kwabena Ebo SANER '19: "An Empirical Study of Learning ..."
Beschastnikh, Ivan SANER '19: "Mining Specifications from ..."
Bissyandé, Tegawendé F. SANER '19: "Should You Consider Adware ..." SANER '19: "Avatar: Fixing Semantic Bugs ..."
Boix, Elisa Gonzalez SANER '19: "GuardiaML: Machine Learning-Assisted ..."
Bosu, Amiangshu SANER '19: "Expressions of Sentiments ..."
Brito, Aline SANER '19: "GoCity: Code City for Go ..."
Brito, Gleison SANER '19: "Migrating to GraphQL: A Practical ..." SANER '19: "GoCity: Code City for Go ..."
Brito, Rodrigo SANER '19: "GoCity: Code City for Go ..."
Brown, Chris SANER '19: "Mining Specifications from ..."
Büch, Lutz SANER '19: "Learning-Based Recursive Aggregation ..."
Buckley, Jim SANER '19: "Identifying Feature Clones: ..."
Bui, Nghi D. Q. SANER '19: "Bilateral Dependency Neural ..."
Businge, John SANER '19: "How Stable Are Eclipse Application ..." SANER '19: "Studying Android App Popularity ..."
Canfora, Gerardo SANER '19: "A Study on the Interplay between ..."
Castor, Fernando SANER '19: "Confusion in Code Reviews: ..."
Ceccato, Mariano SANER '19: "OBLIVE: Seamless Code Obfuscation ..."
Chaparro, Oscar SANER '19: "Reformulating Queries for ..."
Chen, Chunyang SANER '19: "A Neural Model for Method ..."
Chen, Cong SANER '19: "A Human-as-Sensors Approach ..."
Chen, Liu SANER '19: "Understanding Node Change ..."
Chen, Long SANER '19: "DeepLink: A Code Knowledge ..."
Chen, Qiu-Liang SANER '19: "Detecting Data Races Caused ..."
Chochlov, Muslim SANER '19: "Identifying Feature Clones: ..."
Chua, Zheng Leong SANER '19: "Fuzzing Program Logic Deeply ..."
Cleophas, Loek SANER '19: "Improving Model Inference ..."
Coelho, Roberta SANER '19: "Unveiling Exception Handling ..."
Cortellessa, Vittorio SANER '19: "Automating Performance Antipattern ..."
Cosentino, Valerio SANER '19: "On the Impact of Outdated ..."
Davis, Ian J. SANER '19: "Detecting Feature-Interaction ..."
De Bleser, Jonas SANER '19: "Mining Scala Framework Extensions ..."
De Meuter, Wolfgang SANER '19: "Mining Scala Framework Extensions ..."
Deng, Xi SANER '19: "Testing the Message Flow of ..."
De Roover, Coen SANER '19: "Mining Scala Framework Extensions ..." SANER '19: "GuardiaML: Machine Learning-Assisted ..."
Derras, Mustapha SANER '19: "GUI Migration using MDE from ..."
Deruelle, Laurent SANER '19: "GUI Migration using MDE from ..."
Dilley, Nicolas SANER '19: "An Empirical Study of Messaging ..."
Di Nucci, Dario SANER '19: "Mining Scala Framework Extensions ..."
Di Penta, Massimiliano SANER '19: "A Study on the Interplay between ..."
Di Pompeo, Daniele SANER '19: "Automating Performance Antipattern ..."
Dong, Naipeng SANER '19: "Systematic Comprehension for ..." SANER '19: "Deep Review Sharing ..."
Du, Dongdong SANER '19: "DeepLink: A Code Knowledge ..."
Ducasse, Stéphane SANER '19: "GUI Migration using MDE from ..."
Ebert, Felipe SANER '19: "Confusion in Code Reviews: ..."
Efthymiadis, Kyriakos SANER '19: "GuardiaML: Machine Learning-Assisted ..."
Egyed, Alexander SANER '19: "Mining Cross-Task Artifact ..." SANER '19: "Feature Maps: A Comprehensible ..."
English, Michael SANER '19: "Identifying Feature Clones: ..."
Etien, Anne SANER '19: "GUI Migration using MDE from ..."
Fabry, Johan SANER '19: "Qualify First! A Large Scale ..."
Fan, Yaqing SANER '19: "Deep Review Sharing ..."
Farmahinifarahani, Farima SANER '19: "On Precision of Code Clone ..."
Fellin, Roberto SANER '19: "OBLIVE: Seamless Code Obfuscation ..."
Feng, Muyue SANER '19: "Open-Source License Violations ..."
Feng, Runhan SANER '19: "AppCommune: Automated Third-Party ..."
Feng, Xiaobing SANER '19: "Understanding Node Change ..."
Ferenc, Rudolf SANER '19: "Challenges of SonarQube Plug-In ..."
Filkov, Vladmir SANER '19: "Studying Android App Popularity ..."
Florez, Juan Manuel SANER '19: "Reformulating Queries for ..."
Fu, Ying SANER '19: "EVM*: From Offline Detection ..."
Gao, Hongyu SANER '19: "Testing the Message Flow of ..."
Gao, Jun SANER '19: "Should You Consider Adware ..."
Gao, Sa SANER '19: "A Neural Model for Method ..."
Godfrey, Michael W. SANER '19: "Detecting Feature-Interaction ..."
Gonzalez-Barahona, Jesus M. SANER '19: "On the Diversity of Software ..." SANER '19: "On the Impact of Outdated ..." SANER '19: "On the Relation between Outdated ..."
Grundy, John SANER '19: "Knowledge Graphing Git Repositories: ..."
Gu, Dawu SANER '19: "AppCommune: Automated Third-Party ..."
Guo, Chenkai SANER '19: "Systematic Comprehension for ..." SANER '19: "Deep Review Sharing ..."
Guo, Yao SANER '19: "Want to Earn a Few Extra Bucks? ..."
Hackman, Robert SANER '19: "Detecting Feature-Interaction ..."
Hassan, Ahmed E. SANER '19: "Software Engineering in a ..."
He, Ren SANER '19: "Want to Earn a Few Extra Bucks? ..."
Hendriks, Dennis SANER '19: "Improving Model Inference ..."
Higo, Yoshiki SANER '19: "Madoop: Improving Browser-Based ..."
Hu, Shi-Min SANER '19: "Detecting Data Races Caused ..."
Hu, Tianxiang SANER '19: "DeepLink: A Code Knowledge ..."
Hu, Yangyu SANER '19: "Want to Earn a Few Extra Bucks? ..."
Huang, Dengrong SANER '19: "Deep Review Sharing ..."
Huo, Wei SANER '19: "Open-Source License Violations ..."
Ilie, Daniel SANER '19: "Identifying Feature Clones: ..."
Islam, Judith F. SANER '19: "A Comparative Study of Software ..."
Jabareen, Malek SANER '19: "ICSD: Interactive Visual Support ..."
Jalali, Sajad SANER '19: "Program State Coverage: A ..."
Jbara, Ahmad SANER '19: "ICSD: Interactive Visual Support ..."
Jiang, Lingxiao SANER '19: "Bilateral Dependency Neural ..."
Jiang, Yanyan SANER '19: "Characterizing and Detecting ..."
Jiang, Yu SANER '19: "EVM*: From Offline Detection ..."
Jiang, Zu-Ming SANER '19: "Detecting Data Races Caused ..."
Jin, Zhi SANER '19: "Forward and Backward Traceability: ..."
Juefei-Xu, Felix SANER '19: "DeepCT: Tomographic Combinatorial ..."
Kästner, Christian SANER '19: "Identifying Redundancies in ..."
Kavaler, David SANER '19: "Studying Android App Popularity ..."
Kawuma, Simon SANER '19: "How Stable Are Eclipse Application ..."
Keung, Jacky Wai SANER '19: "An Empirical Study of Learning ..."
Khomh, Foutse SANER '19: "Studying Android App Popularity ..."
Kim, Dongsun SANER '19: "Avatar: Fixing Semantic Bugs ..."
Kirinuki, Hiroyuki SANER '19: "COLOR: Correct Locator Recommender ..."
Klein, Jacques SANER '19: "Should You Consider Adware ..."
Kong, Pingfan SANER '19: "Should You Consider Adware ..."
Koschke, Rainer SANER '19: "Towards Understandable Guards ..."
Koyuncu, Anil SANER '19: "Avatar: Fixing Semantic Bugs ..."
Kusumoto, Shinji SANER '19: "Madoop: Improving Browser-Based ..."
Lange, Julien SANER '19: "An Empirical Study of Messaging ..."
Lanza, Michele SANER '19: "On the Impact of Refactoring ..."
Lawall, Julia SANER '19: "Detecting Data Races Caused ..."
Lei, Yan SANER '19: "CNN-FL: An Effective Approach ..."
Lensink, Leonard SANER '19: "Improving Model Inference ..."
Li, Bixin SANER '19: "Accurate Design Pattern Detection ..." SANER '19: "Software Multiple-Level Change ..."
Li, Bo SANER '19: "DeepCT: Tomographic Combinatorial ..."
Li, Bodong SANER '19: "AppCommune: Automated Third-Party ..."
Li, Huizhong SANER '19: "EVM*: From Offline Detection ..."
Li, Juanru SANER '19: "AppCommune: Automated Third-Party ..."
Li, Li SANER '19: "Knowledge Graphing Git Repositories: ..." SANER '19: "Should You Consider Adware ..." SANER '19: "DeepCT: Tomographic Combinatorial ..." SANER '19: "Want to Earn a Few Extra Bucks? ..."
Li, Lian SANER '19: "Understanding Node Change ..."
Li, Panpan SANER '19: "CNN-FL: An Effective Approach ..."
Li, Wenjie SANER '19: "Characterizing and Detecting ..."
Li, Zhiyu SANER '19: "DeepLink: A Code Knowledge ..."
Liang, Zhenkai SANER '19: "Fuzzing Program Logic Deeply ..."
Lin, Bin SANER '19: "On the Impact of Refactoring ..."
Lin, Shang-Wei SANER '19: "A Neural Model for Method ..."
Linsbauer, Lukas SANER '19: "Feature Maps: A Comprehensible ..."
Liu, Binghong SANER '19: "Open-Source License Violations ..."
Liu, Jin SANER '19: "An Empirical Study of Learning ..."
Liu, Kui SANER '19: "Avatar: Fixing Semantic Bugs ..."
Liu, Yang SANER '19: "DeepCT: Tomographic Combinatorial ..."
Liu, Yepang SANER '19: "Characterizing and Detecting ..."
Liu, Yuwei SANER '19: "Fuzzing Program Logic Deeply ..."
Liu, Yuxin SANER '19: "Knowledge Graphing Git Repositories: ..."
Lopes, Cristina V. SANER '19: "On Precision of Code Clone ..."
Lü, Jian SANER '19: "Characterizing and Detecting ..."
Lu, Jie SANER '19: "Understanding Node Change ..."
Ma, Fuchen SANER '19: "EVM*: From Offline Detection ..."
Ma, Lei SANER '19: "Knowledge Graphing Git Repositories: ..." SANER '19: "DeepCT: Tomographic Combinatorial ..."
Ma, Xiaoxing SANER '19: "Characterizing and Detecting ..."
Ma, Yukun SANER '19: "A Neural Model for Method ..."
Madeiral, Fernanda SANER '19: "Bears: An Extensible Java ..."
Mahdieh, Mostafa SANER '19: "Program State Coverage: A ..."
Mahmoudi, Mehran SANER '19: "Are Refactorings to Blame? ..."
Maia, Marcelo SANER '19: "Bears: An Extensible Java ..."
Manz, Günter SANER '19: "Challenges of SonarQube Plug-In ..."
Mao, Weixuan SANER '19: "Open-Source License Violations ..."
Mao, Xiaoguang SANER '19: "CNN-FL: An Effective Approach ..."
Marcus, Andrian SANER '19: "Reformulating Queries for ..."
Martínez, Matías SANER '19: "Sorting and Transforming Program ..."
Matsumoto, Shinsuke SANER '19: "Madoop: Improving Browser-Based ..."
Matsuo, Hiroyuki SANER '19: "Madoop: Improving Browser-Based ..."
Mayr-Dorn, Christoph SANER '19: "Mining Cross-Task Artifact ..."
McIntosh, Shane SANER '19: "Reuse (or Lack Thereof) in ..."
Melo, Hugo SANER '19: "Unveiling Exception Handling ..."
Mens, Tom SANER '19: "On the Diversity of Software ..." SANER '19: "On the Impact of Outdated ..." SANER '19: "On the Relation between Outdated ..."
Mirian-Hosseinabadi, Seyed-Hassan SANER '19: "Program State Coverage: A ..."
Molderez, Tim SANER '19: "Mining Scala Framework Extensions ..."
Mombach, Thais SANER '19: "Migrating to GraphQL: A Practical ..."
Mondal, Manishankar SANER '19: "A Comparative Study of Software ..."
Monperrus, Martin SANER '19: "Bears: An Extensible Java ..." SANER '19: "Sorting and Transforming Program ..."
Muscedere, Bryan J. SANER '19: "Detecting Feature-Interaction ..."
Mussbacher, Gunter SANER '19: "Reuse (or Lack Thereof) in ..."
Nadi, Sarah SANER '19: "Are Refactorings to Blame? ..."
Nagy, Csaba SANER '19: "On the Impact of Refactoring ..."
Natsukawa, Katsuyuki SANER '19: "COLOR: Correct Locator Recommender ..."
Nicolay, Jens SANER '19: "GuardiaML: Machine Learning-Assisted ..."
Novielli, Nicole SANER '19: "Confusion in Code Reviews: ..."
Nowé, Ann SANER '19: "GuardiaML: Machine Learning-Assisted ..."
Openja, Moses SANER '19: "How Stable Are Eclipse Application ..." SANER '19: "Studying Android App Popularity ..."
Pacheco, Yunior SANER '19: "Mining Scala Framework Extensions ..."
Paul, Rajshakhar SANER '19: "Expressions of Sentiments ..."
Pereira, Boris SANER '19: "Qualify First! A Large Scale ..."
Pizzolotto, Davide SANER '19: "OBLIVE: Seamless Code Obfuscation ..."
Poshyvanyk, Denys SANER '19: "Sorting and Transforming Program ..."
Povazan, Ivan SANER '19: "Qualify First! A Large Scale ..."
Pupo, Angel Luis Scull SANER '19: "GuardiaML: Machine Learning-Assisted ..."
Qi, Xiaofang SANER '19: "A Splitting Strategy for Testing ..."
Quante, Jochen SANER '19: "Towards Understandable Guards ..."
Ren, Luyao SANER '19: "Identifying Redundancies in ..."
Ren, Meng SANER '19: "EVM*: From Offline Detection ..."
Robles, Gregorio SANER '19: "On the Diversity of Software ..." SANER '19: "On the Impact of Outdated ..." SANER '19: "On the Relation between Outdated ..."
Roy, Chanchal K. SANER '19: "A Comparative Study of Software ..."
Said, Wasim SANER '19: "Towards Understandable Guards ..."
Saini, Vaibhav SANER '19: "On Precision of Code Clone ..."
Sajnani, Hitesh SANER '19: "On Precision of Code Clone ..."
Scanlon, Maria SANER '19: "Identifying Feature Clones: ..."
Schiffelers, Ramon SANER '19: "Improving Model Inference ..."
Serebrenik, Alexander SANER '19: "How Stable Are Eclipse Application ..." SANER '19: "Improving Model Inference ..." SANER '19: "Confusion in Code Reviews: ..."
Seriai, Abderrahmane SANER '19: "GUI Migration using MDE from ..."
Shi, Xiang SANER '19: "EVM*: From Offline Detection ..."
Shihab, Emad SANER '19: "Is Self-Admitted Technical ..."
Sidhu, Puneet Kaur SANER '19: "Reuse (or Lack Thereof) in ..."
Sierra, Giancarlo SANER '19: "Is Self-Admitted Technical ..."
Siket, István SANER '19: "Challenges of SonarQube Plug-In ..."
Singh, Unnati SANER '19: "Reformulating Queries for ..."
Someoliayi, Khashayar Etemadi SANER '19: "Program State Coverage: A ..."
Song, Wen SANER '19: "A Neural Model for Method ..."
Stolee, Kathryn T. SANER '19: "Mining Specifications from ..." SANER '19: "Exploring Regular Expression ..."
Su, Hang SANER '19: "Testing the Message Flow of ..."
Su, He SANER '19: "Open-Source License Violations ..."
Su, Purui SANER '19: "Fuzzing Program Logic Deeply ..."
Sultana, Kazi Zakia SANER '19: "Expressions of Sentiments ..."
Sun, Peng SANER '19: "Mining Specifications from ..."
Sun, Weisong SANER '19: "Towards Generating Cost-Effective ..."
Tahir, Amjed SANER '19: "Please Help! A Preliminary ..."
Tahmid, Ahmad SANER '19: "Is Self-Admitted Technical ..."
Tang, Qian SANER '19: "Open-Source License Violations ..."
Tang, Yutian SANER '19: "A Comparative Study of Android ..."
Tanno, Haruto SANER '19: "COLOR: Correct Locator Recommender ..."
Thaller, Hannes SANER '19: "Feature Maps: A Comprehensible ..."
Treude, Christoph SANER '19: "Unveiling Exception Handling ..."
Tsantalis, Nikolaos SANER '19: "Are Refactorings to Blame? ..." SANER '19: "Is Self-Admitted Technical ..."
Tsunoda, Masateru SANER '19: "Please Help! A Preliminary ..."
Tufano, Michele SANER '19: "Sorting and Transforming Program ..."
Urli, Simon SANER '19: "Bears: An Extensible Java ..."
Valente, Marco Tulio SANER '19: "Migrating to GraphQL: A Practical ..." SANER '19: "GoCity: Code City for Go ..."
Verhaeghe, Benoît SANER '19: "GUI Migration using MDE from ..."
Wang, Dongdong SANER '19: "Software Multiple-Level Change ..."
Wang, Haoyu SANER '19: "Knowledge Graphing Git Repositories: ..." SANER '19: "Want to Earn a Few Extra Bucks? ..."
Wang, Mingzhe SANER '19: "EVM*: From Offline Detection ..."
Wang, Peipei SANER '19: "Exploring Regular Expression ..."
Wang, Shiyang SANER '19: "Open-Source License Violations ..."
Wang, Tong SANER '19: "Software Multiple-Level Change ..."
Wang, Wei SANER '19: "Open-Source License Violations ..."
Wang, Weijing SANER '19: "Systematic Comprehension for ..."
Wang, Xingya SANER '19: "Towards Generating Cost-Effective ..."
Wang, Yanhao SANER '19: "Fuzzing Program Logic Deeply ..."
Wąsowski, Andrzej SANER '19: "Identifying Redundancies in ..."
White, Martin SANER '19: "Sorting and Transforming Program ..."
Whitehead, E. James SANER '19: "Pruning the AST with Hunks ..."
Whittle, Jon SANER '19: "Does Your Software Value What ..."
Włodarski, Leszek SANER '19: "Qualify First! A Large Scale ..."
Wu, Haoran SANER '19: "Towards Generating Cost-Effective ..."
Wu, Yanfeng SANER '19: "Systematic Comprehension for ..."
Xiao, Yang SANER '19: "Open-Source License Violations ..."
Xie, Rui SANER '19: "DeepLink: A Code Knowledge ..."
Xing, Zhenchang SANER '19: "A Neural Model for Method ..."
Xiong, Renhao SANER '19: "Accurate Design Pattern Detection ..."
Xu, Chang SANER '19: "Characterizing and Detecting ..."
Xu, Guoai SANER '19: "Want to Earn a Few Extra Bucks? ..."
Xu, Jiahuan SANER '19: "Open-Source License Violations ..."
Xu, Jing SANER '19: "Systematic Comprehension for ..." SANER '19: "Deep Review Sharing ..."
Xu, Yifan SANER '19: "Deep Review Sharing ..."
Xu, Zhou SANER '19: "An Empirical Study of Learning ..."
Xue, Minhui SANER '19: "DeepCT: Tomographic Combinatorial ..."
Yan, Jun SANER '19: "Testing the Message Flow of ..."
Yang, Chunhua SANER '19: "Pruning the AST with Hunks ..."
Yang, Di SANER '19: "On Precision of Code Clone ..."
Yang, Hui SANER '19: "Deep Review Sharing ..."
Yang, Lin SANER '19: "A Human-as-Sensors Approach ..."
Yang, Nan SANER '19: "Improving Model Inference ..."
Yang, Yulong SANER '19: "A Human-as-Sensors Approach ..."
Yasin, Ameen SANER '19: "ICSD: Interactive Visual Support ..."
Ye, Quanqi SANER '19: "Systematic Comprehension for ..." SANER '19: "Deep Review Sharing ..."
Ye, Wei SANER '19: "DeepLink: A Code Knowledge ..."
Yin, Xiaofei SANER '19: "An Empirical Study of Learning ..."
Yu, Xiao SANER '19: "An Empirical Study of Learning ..."
Yu, Yijun SANER '19: "Bilateral Dependency Neural ..."
Yuan, Zimu SANER '19: "Open-Source License Violations ..."
Yukizawa, Ugo SANER '19: "Please Help! A Preliminary ..."
Zampetti, Fiorella SANER '19: "A Study on the Interplay between ..."
Zaytsev, Vadim SANER '19: "Qualify First! A Large Scale ..."
Zerouali, Ahmed SANER '19: "On the Diversity of Software ..." SANER '19: "On the Impact of Outdated ..." SANER '19: "On the Relation between Outdated ..."
Zhan, Xian SANER '19: "A Comparative Study of Android ..."
Zhang, Kaixiang SANER '19: "EVM*: From Offline Detection ..."
Zhang, Kang SANER '19: "A Human-as-Sensors Approach ..."
Zhang, Sen SANER '19: "Systematic Comprehension for ..."