SANER 2018
2018 IEEE 25th International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER)
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2018 IEEE 25th International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER), March 20-23, 2018, Campobasso, Italy

SANER 2018 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Aalst, Wil M. P. van der SANER '18: "Recursion Aware Modeling and ..." SANER '18: "The Statechart Workbench: ..."
Ahasanuzzaman, Md SANER '18: "Classifying Stack Overflow ..."
Alkadhi, Rana SANER '18: "How Do Developers Discuss ..."
Amaral, José Nelson SANER '18: "Syntax and Sensibility: Using ..."
Ampatzoglou, Apostolos SANER '18: "A Mapping Study on Design-Time ..." SANER '18: "How Do Developers Fix Issues ..."
Antoniol, Giuliano SANER '18: "Clustering Support for Inadequate ..." SANER '18: "Keep It Simple: Is Deep Learning ..."
Arnaoudova, Venera SANER '18: "Keep It Simple: Is Deep Learning ..."
Arvanitou, Elvira Maria SANER '18: "A Mapping Study on Design-Time ..."
Asaduzzaman, Muhammad SANER '18: "Classifying Stack Overflow ..."
Avgeriou, Paris SANER '18: "A Mapping Study on Design-Time ..." SANER '18: "How Do Developers Fix Issues ..."
Babar, Muhammad Ali SANER '18: "Automatically Exploiting Implicit ..."
Bacchelli, Alberto SANER '18: "Re-evaluating Method-Level ..."
Bao, Lingfeng SANER '18: "Mining Sandboxes: Are We There ..."
Barbosa, Eiji SANER '18: "Improving Developers Awareness ..."
Baresi, Luciano SANER '18: "A Comparison Framework for ..."
Bavota, Gabriele SANER '18: "RETICULA: Real-Time Code Quality ..."
Bener, Ayse SANER '18: "The Relationship between Evolutionary ..."
Bent, Eduard van der SANER '18: "How Good Is Your Puppet? An ..."
Binamungu, Leonard Peter SANER '18: "Maintaining Behaviour Driven ..."
Bonifácio, Rodrigo SANER '18: "Reconciling the Past and the ..."
Bosch, Jan SANER '18: "Towards a New Digital Business ..."
Bowes, David SANER '18: "The Relationship between Evolutionary ..."
Brand, Mark G. J. van den SANER '18: "Recursion Aware Modeling and ..." SANER '18: "The Statechart Workbench: ..."
Brito, Aline SANER '18: "Why and How Java Developers ..." SANER '18: "APIDiff: Detecting API Breaking ..."
Bruegge, Bernd SANER '18: "How Do Developers Discuss ..."
Budimac, Zoran SANER '18: "LICCA: A Tool for Cross-Language ..."
Burger, Andreas SANER '18: "FINALIsT²: Feature Identification, ..."
Caglayan, Bora SANER '18: "The Relationship between Evolutionary ..."
Campbell, Joshua Charles SANER '18: "Syntax and Sensibility: Using ..."
Cardozo, Nicolás SANER '18: "LICCA: A Tool for Cross-Language ..."
Carvalho Júnior, Antônio SANER '18: "Reconciling the Past and the ..."
Chaikalis, Theodoros SANER '18: "Ten Years of JDeodorant: Lessons ..."
Chang, Bor-Yuh Evan SANER '18: "Mining Framework Usage Graphs ..."
Chatley, Robert SANER '18: "Diggit: Automated Code Review ..."
Chatzigeorgiou, Alexander SANER '18: "A Mapping Study on Design-Time ..." SANER '18: "How Do Developers Fix Issues ..." SANER '18: "Ten Years of JDeodorant: Lessons ..."
Chaudron, Michel R. V. SANER '18: "OctoBubbles: A Multi-view ..."
Chen, Hao SANER '18: "Detecting Third-Party Libraries ..."
Chen, Xin SANER '18: "Automated Quality Assessment ..."
Chen, Yuanliang SANER '18: "Fuzz Testing in Practice: ..."
Chen, Zhenyu SANER '18: "Automated Quality Assessment ..."
Ciurumelea, Adelina SANER '18: "Exploring the Integration ..." SANER '18: "BECLoMA: Augmenting Stack ..."
Coelho, Roberta SANER '18: "Improving Developers Awareness ..."
Corazza, Anna SANER '18: "Clustering Support for Inadequate ..."
Cordy, James R. SANER '18: "Benchmarks for Software Clone ..."
Costa, Daniel Alencar da SANER '18: "The Impact of Refactoring ..."
Counsell, Steve SANER '18: "The Relationship between Evolutionary ..."
Coviello, Carmen SANER '18: "Clustering Support for Inadequate ..."
Dai, Jiarun SANER '18: "Detecting Third-Party Libraries ..."
Dams, Dennis SANER '18: "Model-Based Software Restructuring: ..."
Dantas, Reno SANER '18: "Reconciling the Past and the ..."
De Lucia, Andrea SANER '18: "Detecting Code Smells using ..."
De Roover, Coen SANER '18: "A Generalized Model for Visualizing ..."
Diamantidis, N. A. SANER '18: "Automated Refactoring of Client-Side ..."
Dias, Luiz Felipe SANER '18: "How Do Scientists Develop ..."
Digkas, Georgios SANER '18: "How Do Developers Fix Issues ..."
Di Nucci, Dario SANER '18: "Detecting Code Smells using ..."
Dorninger, Bernhard SANER '18: "Reengineering an Industrial ..." SANER '18: "Grammatical Inference from ..."
Dou, Wensheng SANER '18: "Detecting Faulty Empty Cells ..."
Durieux, Thomas SANER '18: "Dissection of a Bug Dataset: ..."
Embury, Suzanne M. SANER '18: "Maintaining Behaviour Driven ..."
Exler, Markus SANER '18: "Grammatical Inference from ..."
Fakhoury, Sarah SANER '18: "Keep It Simple: Is Deep Learning ..."
Fantin, Luísa SANER '18: "Reconciling the Past and the ..."
Feldmann, Stefan SANER '18: "Modularity and Architecture ..."
Feng, Yang SANER '18: "Generating Descriptions for ..."
Feng, Zhiyong SANER '18: "DeepWeak: Reasoning Common ..."
Fischer, Juliane SANER '18: "Modularity and Architecture ..."
Fleck, Günter SANER '18: "Grammatical Inference from ..."
Frunzio, Luigi SANER '18: "RETICULA: Real-Time Code Quality ..."
Gall, Harald C. SANER '18: "Context Is King: The Developer ..." SANER '18: "Exploring the Integration ..." SANER '18: "BECLoMA: Augmenting Stack ..."
Galster, Matthias SANER '18: "A Mapping Study on Design-Time ..."
Gao, Chushu SANER '18: "Detecting Faulty Empty Cells ..."
German, Daniel M. SANER '18: "A Generalized Model for Visualizing ..."
Giakoumakis, E. A. SANER '18: "Automated Refactoring of Client-Side ..."
Gousios, Georgios SANER '18: "How Good Is Your Puppet? An ..."
Grano, Giovanni SANER '18: "Exploring the Integration ..." SANER '18: "BECLoMA: Augmenting Stack ..."
Gromov, Peter SANER '18: "Compilers Are Sprinters – ..."
Grünbacher, Paul SANER '18: "A Comparison Framework for ..."
Grüner, Sten SANER '18: "FINALIsT²: Feature Identification, ..."
Guéhéneuc, Yann-Gaël SANER '18: "Design Patterns Impact on ..."
Guinea, Sam SANER '18: "A Comparison Framework for ..."
Guo, Jianbo SANER '18: "Connecting Software Metrics ..."
Guzman, Emitza SANER '18: "How Do Developers Discuss ..."
Hage, Jurriaan SANER '18: "How Good Is Your Puppet? An ..."
Hall, Tracy SANER '18: "The Relationship between Evolutionary ..."
Han, Jun SANER '18: "Mining Accurate Message Formats ..."
Han, Zhuobing SANER '18: "DeepWeak: Reasoning Common ..."
Hassan, Ahmed E. SANER '18: "Towards Just-in-Time Suggestions ..." SANER '18: "Which Log Level Should Developers ..." SANER '18: "A Study of the Relation of ..." SANER '18: "Review Participation in Modern ..."
Hata, Hideaki SANER '18: "Bring Your Own Coding Style ..."
Hayashi, Shinpei SANER '18: "ChangeMacroRecorder: Recording ..."
He, Tieke SANER '18: "Automated Quality Assessment ..."
Hindle, Abram SANER '18: "Syntax and Sensibility: Using ..."
Hora, Andre SANER '18: "Why and How Java Developers ..." SANER '18: "APIDiff: Detecting API Breaking ..."
Hossain, Md Arafat SANER '18: "Mining Accurate Message Formats ..."
Huang, Sirong SANER '18: "Detecting Third-Party Libraries ..."
Huang, Tao SANER '18: "Detecting Faulty Empty Cells ..."
Iida, Hajimu SANER '18: "Review Participation in Modern ..."
Inoue, Katsuro SANER '18: "A Generalized Model for Visualizing ..."
Ishio, Takashi SANER '18: "A Generalized Model for Visualizing ..."
Islam, Md. Rakibul SANER '18: "A Comparison of Software Engineering ..."
Jay, Nathan SANER '18: "Structured Random Differential ..."
Jia, Zhouyang SANER '18: "SMARTLOG: Place Error Log ..."
Jiang, He SANER '18: "Automated Quality Assessment ..."
Jiang, Jiaojiao SANER '18: "Mining Accurate Message Formats ..."
Jiang, Yu SANER '18: "Fuzz Testing in Practice: ..."
Jolak, Rodi SANER '18: "OctoBubbles: A Multi-view ..."
Jones, James A. SANER '18: "Generating Descriptions for ..."
Jones, Lawrence SANER '18: "Diggit: Automated Code Review ..."
Juergens, Elmar SANER '18: "A Decade of Software Quality ..."
Kabir, Muhammad Ashad SANER '18: "Mining Accurate Message Formats ..."
Käfer, Verena SANER '18: "Spreadsheet Guardian: An Approach ..."
Karamitas, Chariton SANER '18: "Efficient Features for Function ..."
Katz, Deborah S. SANER '18: "Using Recurrent Neural Networks ..."
Kehagias, Athanasios SANER '18: "Efficient Features for Function ..."
Keivanloo, Iman SANER '18: "A Study of the Relation of ..."
Kern, Albin SANER '18: "Reengineering an Industrial ..."
Khomh, Foutse SANER '18: "Keep It Simple: Is Deep Learning ..." SANER '18: "Design Patterns Impact on ..."
Kirbas, Serkan SANER '18: "The Relationship between Evolutionary ..."
Konstantinou, Nikolaos SANER '18: "Maintaining Behaviour Driven ..."
Kramer, Pepijn SANER '18: "Model-Based Software Restructuring: ..."
Kula, Raula Gaikovina SANER '18: "A Generalized Model for Visualizing ..."
Kulesz, Daniel SANER '18: "Spreadsheet Guardian: An Approach ..."
Kulesza, Uirá SANER '18: "The Impact of Refactoring ..."
Kusumoto, Shinji SANER '18: "Bring Your Own Coding Style ..."
Lago, Patricia SANER '18: "An Extensible Approach for ..."
Lanza, Michele SANER '18: "RETICULA: Real-Time Code Quality ..."
Laverdière, Marc-André SANER '18: "Detection of Protection-Impacting ..."
Le, Khanh-Duy SANER '18: "OctoBubbles: A Multi-view ..."
Le, Tien-Duy B. SANER '18: "Mining Sandboxes: Are We There ..."
Leemans, Maikel SANER '18: "Recursion Aware Modeling and ..." SANER '18: "The Statechart Workbench: ..."
Le Goues, Claire SANER '18: "Using a Probabilistic Model ..."
Li, Heng SANER '18: "Towards Just-in-Time Suggestions ..." SANER '18: "Which Log Level Should Developers ..."
Li, Junyi SANER '18: "Supporting Exploratory Code ..."
Li, Shanshan SANER '18: "SMARTLOG: Place Error Log ..."
Li, Xiaochen SANER '18: "Automated Quality Assessment ..."
Li, Xiaohong SANER '18: "DeepWeak: Reasoning Common ..."
Li, Yang SANER '18: "Extracting Features from Requirements: ..."
Li, Yanhui SANER '18: "Connecting Software Metrics ..."
Liang, Jie SANER '18: "Fuzz Testing in Practice: ..."
Liang, Peng SANER '18: "Automatically Exploiting Implicit ..."
Liao, Xiangke SANER '18: "SMARTLOG: Place Error Log ..."
Lin, Bin SANER '18: "RETICULA: Real-Time Code Quality ..."
Linares-Vásquez, Mario SANER '18: "How Developers Micro-Optimize ..."
Liu, Di SANER '18: "Generating Descriptions for ..."
Liu, Hongtao SANER '18: "DeepWeak: Reasoning Common ..."
Liu, Jin SANER '18: "Cross-Version Defect Prediction ..."
Liu, Wenjian SANER '18: "Supporting Exploratory Code ..."
Liu, Xiaodong SANER '18: "SMARTLOG: Place Error Log ..."
Liu, Xuliang SANER '18: "Mining StackOverflow for Program ..."
Liu, Yibin SANER '18: "Connecting Software Metrics ..."
Liu, Yunhuai SANER '18: "SMARTLOG: Place Error Log ..."
Lo, David SANER '18: "Mining Sandboxes: Are We There ..."
Lucas, Walter SANER '18: "Reconciling the Past and the ..."
Lungu, Mircea SANER '18: "How Do Developers Fix Issues ..."
Luo, Xiapu SANER '18: "Cross-Version Defect Prediction ..."
Macho, Christian SANER '18: "Automatically Repairing Dependency-Related ..."
Madeiral, Fernanda SANER '18: "Dissection of a Bug Dataset: ..."
Maia, Marcelo de Almeida SANER '18: "Dissection of a Bug Dataset: ..." SANER '18: "Duplicate Question Detection ..."
Malavolta, Ivano SANER '18: "An Extensible Approach for ..."
Marchetto, Alessandro SANER '18: "Clustering Support for Inadequate ..."
Marcílio, Diego SANER '18: "Reconciling the Past and the ..."
Maruyama, Katsuhisa SANER '18: "ChangeMacroRecorder: Recording ..."
Matsumoto, Shinsuke SANER '18: "Bring Your Own Coding Style ..."
McIntosh, Shane SANER '18: "Review Participation in Modern ..." SANER '18: "Automatically Repairing Dependency-Related ..."
Melo, Hugo SANER '18: "Improving Developers Awareness ..."
Merlo, Ettore SANER '18: "Detection of Protection-Impacting ..."
Miller, Barton P. SANER '18: "Structured Random Differential ..."
Mondal, Manishankar SANER '18: "Micro-clones in Evolving Software ..."
Monperrus, Martin SANER '18: "Dissection of a Bug Dataset: ..."
Montenegro, Taiza SANER '18: "Improving Developers Awareness ..."
Mooij, Arjan SANER '18: "Model-Based Software Restructuring: ..."
Moser, Michael SANER '18: "Reengineering an Industrial ..." SANER '18: "Grammatical Inference from ..."
Mover, Sergio SANER '18: "Mining Framework Usage Graphs ..."
Neto, Edmilson Campos SANER '18: "The Impact of Refactoring ..."
Nguyen, Anh Tuan SANER '18: "A Deep Neural Network Language ..."
Nguyen, Tien N. SANER '18: "A Deep Neural Network Language ..."
Nguyen, Trong Duc SANER '18: "A Deep Neural Network Language ..."
Noei, Ehsan SANER '18: "A Study of the Relation of ..."
Noiseux, Cedric SANER '18: "Keep It Simple: Is Deep Learning ..."
Nonnenmacher, Manuel SANER '18: "How Do Developers Discuss ..."
Obbink, Niels Groot SANER '18: "An Extensible Approach for ..."
Ogura, Naoto SANER '18: "Bring Your Own Coding Style ..."
Olsen, Rhys Braginton Pettee SANER '18: "Mining Framework Usage Graphs ..."
Omori, Takayuki SANER '18: "ChangeMacroRecorder: Recording ..."
Paixão, Klérisson SANER '18: "Duplicate Question Detection ..."
Palomba, Fabio SANER '18: "Context Is King: The Developer ..." SANER '18: "Exploring the Integration ..." SANER '18: "Re-evaluating Method-Level ..." SANER '18: "Detecting Code Smells using ..." SANER '18: "BECLoMA: Augmenting Stack ..."
Paltoglou, Aikaterini SANER '18: "Automated Refactoring of Client-Side ..."
Panichella, Sebastiano SANER '18: "Context Is King: The Developer ..." SANER '18: "Exploring the Integration ..." SANER '18: "BECLoMA: Augmenting Stack ..."
Pascarella, Luca SANER '18: "Re-evaluating Method-Level ..."
Patel, Dhvani SANER '18: "Syntax and Sensibility: Using ..."
Pelloni, Lucas SANER '18: "BECLoMA: Augmenting Stack ..."
Peng, Xin SANER '18: "Supporting Exploratory Code ..."
Phan, Hung Dang SANER '18: "A Deep Neural Network Language ..."
Pichler, Josef SANER '18: "Grammatical Inference from ..."
Pinto, Gustavo SANER '18: "How Do Scientists Develop ..."
Pinzger, Martin SANER '18: "Automatically Repairing Dependency-Related ..."
Poshyvanyk, Denys SANER '18: "How Developers Micro-Optimize ..."
Proksch, Sebastian SANER '18: "Context Is King: The Developer ..."
Rabiser, Rick SANER '18: "A Comparison Framework for ..."
Rădulescu, Andrei SANER '18: "Model-Based Software Restructuring: ..."
Rakić, Gordana SANER '18: "LICCA: A Tool for Cross-Language ..."
Romano, Simone SANER '18: "Clustering Support for Inadequate ..."
Rösch, Susanne SANER '18: "Modularity and Architecture ..."
Roy, Chanchal K. SANER '18: "Classifying Stack Overflow ..." SANER '18: "Micro-clones in Evolving Software ..." SANER '18: "Benchmarks for Software Clone ..."
Ruchti, Jason SANER '18: "Using Recurrent Neural Networks ..."
Saake, Gunter SANER '18: "Extracting Features from Requirements: ..."
Salem, Aleieldin SANER '18: "GoldRusher: A Miner for Rapid ..."
Sankaranarayanan, Sriram SANER '18: "Mining Framework Usage Graphs ..."
Santos, Eddie Antonio SANER '18: "Syntax and Sensibility: Using ..."
Scanniello, Giuseppe SANER '18: "Clustering Support for Inadequate ..."
Schneider, Jean-Guy SANER '18: "Mining Accurate Message Formats ..."
Schneider, Kevin A. SANER '18: "Classifying Stack Overflow ..." SANER '18: "Micro-clones in Evolving Software ..."
Schulte, Eric SANER '18: "Using Recurrent Neural Networks ..."
Schulze, Sandro SANER '18: "Extracting Features from Requirements: ..."
Scoccia, Gian Luca SANER '18: "An Extensible Approach for ..."
Sen, Alper SANER '18: "The Relationship between Evolutionary ..."
Sener, Kaan Burak SANER '18: "OctoBubbles: A Multi-view ..."
Serebrenik, Alexander SANER '18: "Detecting Code Smells using ..."
Shang, Weiyi SANER '18: "Towards Just-in-Time Suggestions ..." SANER '18: "Which Log Level Should Developers ..."
Silva, Rodrigo F. G. SANER '18: "Duplicate Question Detection ..."
Silva, Uriel SANER '18: "Reconciling the Past and the ..."
Sobreira, Victor SANER '18: "Dissection of a Bug Dataset: ..."
Soto, Mauricio SANER '18: "Using a Probabilistic Model ..."
Syer, Mark D. SANER '18: "A Study of the Relation of ..."
Tamburri, Damian A. SANER '18: "Detecting Code Smells using ..."
Thongtanunam, Patanamon SANER '18: "Review Participation in Modern ..."
Tsantalis, Nikolaos SANER '18: "Ten Years of JDeodorant: Lessons ..."
Tufano, Michele SANER '18: "How Developers Micro-Optimize ..."
Ulewicz, Sebastian SANER '18: "Modularity and Architecture ..."
Valente, Marco Tulio SANER '18: "Why and How Java Developers ..." SANER '18: "APIDiff: Detecting API Breaking ..."
Vaňhara, Jaromír SANER '18: "Model-Based Software Restructuring: ..."
Vassallo, Carmine SANER '18: "Context Is King: The Developer ..."
Vendome, Christopher SANER '18: "How Developers Micro-Optimize ..."
Versteeg, Steve SANER '18: "Mining Accurate Message Formats ..."
Vierhauser, Michael SANER '18: "A Comparison Framework for ..."
Vislavski, Tijana SANER '18: "LICCA: A Tool for Cross-Language ..."
Visser, Joost SANER '18: "How Good Is Your Puppet? An ..."
Vogel-Heuser, Birgit SANER '18: "Modularity and Architecture ..."
Wagner, Stefan SANER '18: "Spreadsheet Guardian: An Approach ..."
Wang, Mingzhe SANER '18: "Fuzz Testing in Practice: ..."
Wang, Shuo SANER '18: "Detecting Faulty Empty Cells ..."
Wei, Jun SANER '18: "Detecting Faulty Empty Cells ..."
Wiese, Igor SANER '18: "How Do Scientists Develop ..."
Xavier, Laerte SANER '18: "Why and How Java Developers ..." SANER '18: "APIDiff: Detecting API Breaking ..."
Xie, Bing SANER '18: "Supporting Exploratory Code ..."
Xing, Zhenchang SANER '18: "Supporting Exploratory Code ..." SANER '18: "DeepWeak: Reasoning Common ..."
Xu, Baowen SANER '18: "Connecting Software Metrics ..."
Xu, Liang SANER '18: "Detecting Faulty Empty Cells ..."
Xu, Yongrui SANER '18: "Automatically Exploiting Implicit ..."
Xu, Zhou SANER '18: "Cross-Version Defect Prediction ..."
Yang, Bo SANER '18: "Detecting Faulty Empty Cells ..."
Yang, Min SANER '18: "Detecting Third-Party Libraries ..."
Yang, Zhemin SANER '18: "Detecting Third-Party Libraries ..."
Zafeiris, Vassilis E. SANER '18: "Automated Refactoring of Client-Side ..."
Zaidman, Andy SANER '18: "Context Is King: The Developer ..."
Zhang, Renwei SANER '18: "Fuzz Testing in Practice: ..."
Zhang, Tao SANER '18: "Cross-Version Defect Prediction ..."
Zhang, Xiaofang SANER '18: "Generating Descriptions for ..."
Zhang, Xiaohan SANER '18: "Detecting Third-Party Libraries ..."
Zhang, Yuan SANER '18: "Detecting Third-Party Libraries ..."
Zhao, Wenyun SANER '18: "Supporting Exploratory Code ..."
Zhong, Hao SANER '18: "Mining StackOverflow for Program ..."
Zhou, Yuming SANER '18: "Connecting Software Metrics ..."
Zibran, Minhaz F. SANER '18: "A Comparison of Software Engineering ..."
Zou, Ying SANER '18: "Towards Just-in-Time Suggestions ..." SANER '18: "A Study of the Relation of ..."

302 authors

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