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2015 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER), March 2-6, 2015, Montréal, Canada

SANER 2015 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Abdeen, Hani SANER '15: "Mining Multi-level API Usage ..."
Abi-Antoun, Marwan SANER '15: "Impact Analysis Based on a ..."
Aggarwal, Karan SANER '15: "Detecting Duplicate Bug Reports ..."
Alawneh, Luay SANER '15: "Towards a Common Metamodel ..."
Aljamaan, Hamoud SANER '15: "Umple: A Framework for Model ..."
Ammerlaan, Erik SANER '15: "Old Habits Die Hard: Why Refactoring ..."
Anquetil, Nicolas SANER '15: "Identifying the Exact Fixing ..." SANER '15: "Does JavaScript Software Embrace ..."
Antoniol, Giuliano SANER '15: "Would Static Analysis Tools ..." SANER '15: "Are PHP Applications Ready ..."
Arnaoudova, Venera SANER '15: "Would Static Analysis Tools ..."
Azad, Shams SANER '15: "The Influence of App Churn ..."
Bacchelli, Alberto SANER '15: "Untangling Fine-Grained Code ..."
Balasubramaniam, Dharini SANER '15: "Handling the Differential ..."
Baller, Hauke SANER '15: "Towards Incremental Model ..."
Bao, Lingfeng SANER '15: "amAssist: In-IDE Ambient Search ..." SANER '15: "Reverse Engineering Time-Series ..."
Benomar, Omar SANER '15: "Mining Multi-level API Usage ..."
Bergel, Alexandre SANER '15: "Efficiently Identifying Object ..." SANER '15: "Does JavaScript Software Embrace ..." SANER '15: "GiLA: GitHub Label Analyzer ..."
Berger, Bernhard J. SANER '15: "Taint Analysis of Manual Service ..."
Bezemer, Cor-Paul SANER '15: "Understanding Software Performance ..."
Bokil, Prasad SANER '15: "On Implementational Variations ..."
Bouwers, Eric SANER '15: "Tracking Known Security Vulnerabilities ..." SANER '15: "Software Risk Management in ..."
Brandtner, Martin SANER '15: "SQA-Profiles: Rule-Based Activity ..."
Bruegge, Bernd SANER '15: "Automated Extraction of Failure ..."
Buckley, Jim SANER '15: "Detection of Violation Causes ..."
Cabot, Jordi SANER '15: "Exploring the Use of Labels ..." SANER '15: "GiLA: GitHub Label Analyzer ..." SANER '15: "Assessing the Bus Factor of ..."
Cadariu, Mircea SANER '15: "Tracking Known Security Vulnerabilities ..."
Cai, Haipeng SANER '15: "A Framework for Cost-Effective ..." SANER '15: "TracerJD: Generic Trace-Based ..."
Cassou, Damien SANER '15: "Untangling Fine-Grained Code ..."
Cinnéide, Mel Ó SANER '15: "Detection of Violation Causes ..."
Cleland-Huang, Jane SANER '15: "On Whose Shoulders? (Keynote) ..."
Cleve, Anthony SANER '15: "Where Was This SQL Query Executed? ..."
Clua, Esteban SANER '15: "Niche vs. Breadth: Calculating ..."
Cordy, James R. SANER '15: "Are PHP Applications Ready ..." SANER '15: "TXL Source Transformation ..."
Cosentino, Valerio SANER '15: "Exploring the Use of Labels ..." SANER '15: "GiLA: GitHub Label Analyzer ..." SANER '15: "Assessing the Bus Factor of ..."
Counsell, Steve SANER '15: "Detection of Violation Causes ..."
Dal Sasso, Tommaso SANER '15: "Misery Loves Company: CrowdStacking ..."
Damevski, Kostadin SANER '15: "Scaling up Evaluation of Code ..."
Davis, Ian J. SANER '15: "Bash2py: A Bash to Python ..."
Debić, Boris SANER '15: "Checkpoint Alpha (Keynote) ..."
Deursen, Arie van SANER '15: "Tracking Known Security Vulnerabilities ..."
Dias, Martín SANER '15: "Untangling Fine-Grained Code ..."
Dietrich, Jens SANER '15: "Circular Dependencies and ..."
Di Penta, Massimiliano SANER '15: "Would Static Analysis Tools ..."
Duan, Yucong SANER '15: "Query Expansion via Wordnet ..."
Ducasse, Stéphane SANER '15: "Untangling Fine-Grained Code ..." SANER '15: "Identifying the Exact Fixing ..."
Dufour, Bruno SANER '15: "An Observational Study on ..."
English, Michael SANER '15: "Detection of Violation Causes ..."
Erfani, Mostafa SANER '15: "Towards an Ontology-Based ..."
Eshkevari, Laleh SANER '15: "Are PHP Applications Ready ..."
Etien, Anne SANER '15: "Identifying the Exact Fixing ..."
Falleri, Jean-Rémy SANER '15: "Circular Dependencies and ..." SANER '15: "Improving Pattern Tracking ..."
Felden, Timm SANER '15: "SKilLed Communication for ..."
Ferenc, Rudolf SANER '15: "A Software Quality Model for ..."
Fleck, Günter SANER '15: "RbG: A Documentation Generator ..."
Gall, Harald C. SANER '15: "SQA-Profiles: Rule-Based Activity ..."
Gao, Dongjing SANER '15: "amAssist: In-IDE Ambient Search ..."
Garzón, Miguel A. SANER '15: "Umple: A Framework for Model ..."
German, Daniel M. SANER '15: "Trusting a Library: A Study ..."
Giang, Andrew SANER '15: "Impact Analysis Based on a ..."
Gonzalez, Victor M. SANER '15: "An Empirical Study of Work ..."
Gousios, Georgios SANER '15: "Untangling Fine-Grained Code ..."
Gregg, Brendan SANER '15: "Understanding Software Performance ..."
Greiner, Russ SANER '15: "Detecting Duplicate Bug Reports ..."
Guerrouj, Latifa SANER '15: "The Influence of App Churn ..."
Gupta, Rajiv SANER '15: "MG++: Memory Graphs for Analyzing ..."
Hage, Jurriaan SANER '15: "A Search-Based Approach to ..."
Hamou-Lhadj, Abdelwahab SANER '15: "JCHARMING: A Bug Reproduction ..." SANER '15: "Towards a Common Metamodel ..."
Hashimoto, Masatomo SANER '15: "A Comprehensive and Scalable ..."
Hassan, Ahmed E. SANER '15: "Cross-Project Build Co-change ..."
Hassine, Jameleddine SANER '15: "Towards a Common Metamodel ..."
Hauck-Stattelmann, Stefan SANER '15: "A Static Code Analysis Tool ..."
Hayashi, Shinpei SANER '15: "Historef: A Tool for Edit ..."
Herold, Sebastian SANER '15: "Detection of Violation Causes ..."
Higo, Yoshiki SANER '15: "ClonePacker: A Tool for Clone ..."
Hills, Mark SANER '15: "Evolution of Dynamic Feature ..."
Hindle, Abram SANER '15: "Detecting Duplicate Bug Reports ..."
Holt, Richard C. SANER '15: "Bash2py: A Bash to Python ..."
Hoshino, Daiki SANER '15: "Historef: A Tool for Edit ..."
Hu, Jiajun SANER '15: "Explore the Evolution of Development ..." SANER '15: "Modeling the Evolution of ..."
Iida, Hajimu SANER '15: "Who Should Review My Code? ..."
Infante, Alejandro SANER '15: "Efficiently Identifying Object ..."
Inoue, Katsuro SANER '15: "Trusting a Library: A Study ..." SANER '15: "Evolution Analysis for Accessibility ..."
Ishio, Takashi SANER '15: "Trusting a Library: A Study ..."
Izquierdo, Javier Luis Cánovas SANER '15: "Exploring the Use of Labels ..." SANER '15: "GiLA: GitHub Label Analyzer ..." SANER '15: "Assessing the Bus Factor of ..."
Izumida, Tomonori SANER '15: "A Comprehensive and Scalable ..."
Jansen, Slinger SANER '15: "A Search-Based Approach to ..."
Jetley, Raoul SANER '15: "A Static Code Analysis Tool ..."
Jezek, Kamil SANER '15: "Circular Dependencies and ..."
Jiang, Qingtao SANER '15: "Summarizing Evolutionary Trajectory ..."
Jiang, Shihai SANER '15: "Understanding Developers' ..."
Jiang, Yujuan SANER '15: "Improving the Integration ..."
Keivanloo, Iman SANER '15: "Threshold-Free Code Clone ..."
Keresztesi, Tibor SANER '15: "A Software Quality Model for ..."
Khadka, Ravi SANER '15: "A Search-Based Approach to ..."
Khalaj, Ebrahim SANER '15: "Impact Analysis Based on a ..."
Khomh, Foutse SANER '15: "Do Code Review Practices Impact ..."
Knodel, Jens SANER '15: "Software Risk Management in ..."
Kobori, Kazuo SANER '15: "Evolution Analysis for Accessibility ..."
Kochhar, Pavneet Singh SANER '15: "Code Coverage and Test Suite ..."
Komondoor, Raghavan SANER '15: "Precision vs. Scalability: ..."
Kula, Raula Gaikovina SANER '15: "Trusting a Library: A Study ..." SANER '15: "Who Should Review My Code? ..."
Kusumoto, Shinji SANER '15: "ClonePacker: A Tool for Clone ..."
Ladányi, Gergely SANER '15: "A Software Quality Model for ..."
Lanza, Michele SANER '15: "Misery Loves Company: CrowdStacking ..." SANER '15: "Code Review: Veni, ViDI, Vici ..." SANER '15: "CEL: Touching Software Modeling ..."
Larsson, Alf SANER '15: "JCHARMING: A Bug Reproduction ..."
Laverdière, Marc-André SANER '15: "Taint Analysis of Manual Service ..."
Lawall, Julia SANER '15: "Improving Pattern Tracking ..."
Le, Tien-Duy B. SANER '15: "Beyond Support and Confidence: ..."
Leitner, Philipp SANER '15: "SQA-Profiles: Rule-Based Activity ..."
Lemma, Remo SANER '15: "CEL: Touching Software Modeling ..."
Lethbridge, Timothy C. SANER '15: "Umple: A Framework for Model ..."
Li, Bin SANER '15: "Explore the Evolution of Development ..." SANER '15: "Modeling the Evolution of ..."
Li, Hongwei SANER '15: "amAssist: In-IDE Ambient Search ..."
Li, Jing SANER '15: "Reverse Engineering Time-Series ..."
Lian, Xiaoli SANER '15: "Optimized Feature Selection ..."
Lity, Sascha SANER '15: "Towards Incremental Model ..."
Liu, Taiyue SANER '15: "CloCom: Mining Existing Source ..."
Lo, David SANER '15: "Query Expansion via Wordnet ..." SANER '15: "Code Coverage and Test Suite ..." SANER '15: "A Comparative Study on the ..." SANER '15: "Cross-Project Build Co-change ..." SANER '15: "Beyond Support and Confidence: ..." SANER '15: "Modeling the Evolution of ..." SANER '15: "NIRMAL: Automatic Identification ..."
Lorenz, Martin SANER '15: "The Impact of Column-Orientation ..."
Lu, Meili SANER '15: "Query Expansion via Wordnet ..."
Lv, Zhaojin SANER '15: "Understanding Developers' ..."
Ma, Peijun SANER '15: "Library Functions Identification ..."
Manzer, Ayesha SANER '15: "Measuring the Quality of Design ..."
Martin, Doug SANER '15: "Towards a Framework for Analysis, ..."
Maruyama, Katsuhisa SANER '15: "Historef: A Tool for Edit ..."
Matsuda, Jumpei SANER '15: "Historef: A Tool for Edit ..."
Matsumoto, Kenichi SANER '15: "Who Should Review My Code? ..."
Matsushita, Makoto SANER '15: "Evolution Analysis for Accessibility ..."
Mattsen, Sven SANER '15: "A Non-convex Abstract Domain ..."
McIntosh, Shane SANER '15: "Do Code Review Practices Impact ..." SANER '15: "Cross-Project Build Co-change ..."
Medicherla, Raveendra Kumar SANER '15: "Precision vs. Scalability: ..."
Merlo, Ettore SANER '15: "Taint Analysis of Manual Service ..."
Meurice, Loup SANER '15: "Where Was This SQL Query Executed? ..."
Mirakhorli, Mehdi SANER '15: "Software Architecture Reconstruction: ..."
Mocci, Andrea SANER '15: "Misery Loves Company: CrowdStacking ..." SANER '15: "Code Review: Veni, ViDI, Vici ..." SANER '15: "CEL: Touching Software Modeling ..."
Mondal, Manishankar SANER '15: "SPCP-Miner: A Tool for Mining ..."
Morales, Rodrigo SANER '15: "Towards a Framework for Automatic ..." SANER '15: "Do Code Review Practices Impact ..."
Mori, Akira SANER '15: "A Comprehensive and Scalable ..."
Moser, Michael SANER '15: "RbG: A Documentation Generator ..."
Müller, Sebastian C. SANER '15: "SQA-Profiles: Rule-Based Activity ..."
Murakami, Hiroaki SANER '15: "ClonePacker: A Tool for Clone ..."
Murta, Leonardo SANER '15: "Niche vs. Breadth: Calculating ..."
Muske, Tukaram SANER '15: "On Implementational Variations ..."
Naab, Matthias SANER '15: "Software Risk Management in ..."
Nagy, Csaba SANER '15: "Where Was This SQL Query Executed? ..."
Nair, Anil SANER '15: "A Static Code Analysis Tool ..."
Nair, Sreeja SANER '15: "A Static Code Analysis Tool ..."
Nayrolles, Mathieu SANER '15: "JCHARMING: A Bug Reproduction ..."
Neamtiu, Iulian SANER '15: "MG++: Memory Graphs for Analyzing ..."
Nosovic, Stefan SANER '15: "Automated Extraction of Failure ..."
Omori, Takayuki SANER '15: "Historef: A Tool for Edit ..."
Oumarou, Hayatou SANER '15: "Identifying the Exact Fixing ..."
Oyetoyan, Tosin Daniel SANER '15: "Circular Dependencies and ..."
Palix, Nicolas SANER '15: "Improving Pattern Tracking ..."
Panichella, Sebastiano SANER '15: "Would Static Analysis Tools ..."
Peng, Xin SANER '15: "Understanding Developers' ..." SANER '15: "Summarizing Evolutionary Trajectory ..." SANER '15: "amAssist: In-IDE Ambient Search ..."
Pete, Ildiko SANER '15: "Handling the Differential ..."
Pichler, Josef SANER '15: "RbG: A Documentation Generator ..."
Pollock, Lori SANER '15: "Scaling up Evaluation of Code ..."
Pouwelse, Johan SANER '15: "Understanding Software Performance ..."
Qiu, Jing SANER '15: "Library Functions Identification ..."
Rahman, Md Tajmilur SANER '15: "Investigating Modern Release ..."
Rahman, Mohammad Masudur SANER '15: "TextRank Based Search Term ..."
Rajlich, Václav SANER '15: "Impact Analysis Based on a ..."
Ramos, Miguel SANER '15: "Does JavaScript Software Embrace ..."
Rigby, Peter C. SANER '15: "The Influence of App Churn ..."
Robbes, Romain SANER '15: "An Empirical Study of Work ..."
Roehm, Tobias SANER '15: "Automated Extraction of Failure ..."
Rolandi, Belén SANER '15: "Exploring the Use of Labels ..." SANER '15: "GiLA: GitHub Label Analyzer ..."
Roy, Chanchal K. SANER '15: "TextRank Based Search Term ..." SANER '15: "SPCP-Miner: A Tool for Mining ..."
Rutgers, Tanner SANER '15: "Detecting Duplicate Bug Reports ..."
Saeidi, Amir M. SANER '15: "A Search-Based Approach to ..."
Saeki, Motoshi SANER '15: "Historef: A Tool for Edit ..."
Sahraoui, Houari SANER '15: "Mining Multi-level API Usage ..." SANER '15: "An Observational Study on ..."
Saied, Mohamed Aymen SANER '15: "Mining Multi-level API Usage ..." SANER '15: "An Observational Study on ..."
Sanchez, Heider SANER '15: "An Empirical Study of Work ..."
Santelices, Raul SANER '15: "A Framework for Cost-Effective ..." SANER '15: "TracerJD: Generic Trace-Based ..."
Santos, Fabien Dos SANER '15: "Are PHP Applications Ready ..."
Sarma, Anita SANER '15: "Niche vs. Breadth: Calculating ..."
Schaefer, Ina SANER '15: "Towards Incremental Model ..."
Schneider, Kevin A. SANER '15: "SPCP-Miner: A Tool for Mining ..."
Schupp, Sibylle SANER '15: "A Non-convex Abstract Domain ..."
Sharma, Abhishek SANER '15: "NIRMAL: Automatic Identification ..."
Shen, Liwei SANER '15: "Understanding Developers' ..."
Shepherd, David C. SANER '15: "Scaling up Evaluation of Code ..."
Shihab, Emad SANER '15: "Cross-Project Build Co-change ..."
Shtern, Mark SANER '15: "Protecting Web Applications ..."
Silva, Leonardo Humberto SANER '15: "Does JavaScript Software Embrace ..."
Silva Junior, Jose Ricardo da SANER '15: "Niche vs. Breadth: Calculating ..."
Singh, Vineet SANER '15: "MG++: Memory Graphs for Analyzing ..."
Stroulia, Eleni SANER '15: "Detecting Duplicate Bug Reports ..."
Su, Xiaohong SANER '15: "Library Functions Identification ..."
Sun, Xiaobing SANER '15: "Query Expansion via Wordnet ..." SANER '15: "Explore the Evolution of Development ..." SANER '15: "Modeling the Evolution of ..."
Tahar, Sofiène SANER '15: "JCHARMING: A Bug Reproduction ..."
Taiwe, Kolyang Dina SANER '15: "Identifying the Exact Fixing ..."
Tan, Lin SANER '15: "CloCom: Mining Existing Source ..."
Tantithamthavorn, Chakkrit SANER '15: "Who Should Review My Code? ..."
Thongtanunam, Patanamon SANER '15: "Who Should Review My Code? ..."
Thung, Ferdian SANER '15: "Code Coverage and Test Suite ..."
Tian, Yuan SANER '15: "A Comparative Study on the ..." SANER '15: "NIRMAL: Automatic Identification ..."
Timbers, Finbarr SANER '15: "Detecting Duplicate Bug Reports ..."
Tóth, Zoltán SANER '15: "A Software Quality Model for ..."
Tymchuk, Yuriy SANER '15: "Code Review: Veni, ViDI, Vici ..."
Tzerpos, Vassilios SANER '15: "Protecting Web Applications ..." SANER '15: "Measuring the Quality of Design ..."
Valente, Marco Tulio SANER '15: "Does JavaScript Software Embrace ..."
Veninga, Wim SANER '15: "Old Habits Die Hard: Why Refactoring ..."
Visser, Joost SANER '15: "Tracking Known Security Vulnerabilities ..." SANER '15: "Software Risk Management in ..."
Wang, Hai SANER '15: "Summarizing Evolutionary Trajectory ..."
Wang, Shaowei SANER '15: "Query Expansion via Wordnet ..."
Wang, Xinyu SANER '15: "Reverse Engineering Time-Series ..."
Wang, Yibin SANER '15: "Impact Analysis Based on a ..."
Weber, Theresa SANER '15: "Bash2py: A Bash to Python ..."
Wexler, Mike SANER '15: "Bash2py: A Bash to Python ..."
Wichmann, Arne SANER '15: "A Non-convex Abstract Domain ..."
Witlatschil, Michael SANER '15: "RbG: A Documentation Generator ..."
Wong, Edmund SANER '15: "CloCom: Mining Existing Source ..."
Xia, Xin SANER '15: "Cross-Project Build Co-change ..."
Xing, Zhenchang SANER '15: "Summarizing Evolutionary Trajectory ..." SANER '15: "amAssist: In-IDE Ambient Search ..." SANER '15: "Reverse Engineering Time-Series ..."
Yang, Shouzheng SANER '15: "Measuring the Quality of Design ..."
Yoshida, Norihiro SANER '15: "Who Should Review My Code? ..."
Zaidman, Andy SANER '15: "Old Habits Die Hard: Why Refactoring ..."
Zekan, Boze SANER '15: "Protecting Web Applications ..."
Zhang, Cheng SANER '15: "Bash2py: A Bash to Python ..."
Zhang, Feng SANER '15: "Threshold-Free Code Clone ..."
Zhang, Li SANER '15: "Optimized Feature Selection ..."
Zhao, Wenyun SANER '15: "Understanding Developers' ..." SANER '15: "Summarizing Evolutionary Trajectory ..." SANER '15: "amAssist: In-IDE Ambient Search ..."
Zhao, Xuejiao SANER '15: "amAssist: In-IDE Ambient Search ..."
Zhou, Bo SANER '15: "Reverse Engineering Time-Series ..."
Zou, Ying SANER '15: "Threshold-Free Code Clone ..."

277 authors

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