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2014 IEEE 22nd International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), August 25-29, 2014, Karlskrona, Sweden

RE 2014 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors
Online Calendar - iCal File


Adedjouma, Morayo RE '14: "Automated Detection and Resolution ..."
Alkhanifer, Abdulrhman RE '14: "Towards a Situation Awareness ..."
Almorsy, Mohamed RE '14: "GUITAR: An Ontology-based ..."
Alves, Carina RE '14: "Competition and Collaboration ..."
Amornborvornwong, Sorawit RE '14: "TiQi: Towards Natural Language ..."
Amyot, Daniel RE '14: "Goal-Oriented Compliance with ..."
Anish, Preethu Rose RE '14: "Product Knowledge Configurator ..."
Antón, Annie I. RE '14: "Now More Than Ever: Privacy ..." RE '14: "Identifying and Classifying ..."
Antonelli, Leandro RE '14: "Language Extended Lexicon ..."
Aoyama, Mikio RE '14: "RISDM: A Requirements Inspection ..."
Aquanette, Rundale RE '14: "TiQi: Towards Natural Language ..."
Aydemir, F. Başak RE '14: "Protos: Foundations for Engineering ..."
Badger, Julia RE '14: "VARED: Verification and Analysis ..."
Bano, Muneera RE '14: "Aligning Services and Requirements ..."
Becker, Steffen RE '14: "Experience of Pragmatically ..."
Bhowmik, Tanmay RE '14: "Stakeholders' Social Interaction ..." RE '14: "Traceability-Enabled Refactoring ..." RE '14: "Automated Support for Combinational ..."
Bomfim, Camilla RE '14: "Modelling Sustainability in ..."
Borgida, Alexander RE '14: "Non-functional Requirements ..."
Borici, Arber RE '14: "Openness and Requirements: ..."
Böttcher, Boris RE '14: "Efficient Visual Notations ..."
Breaux, Travis D. RE '14: "Scaling Requirements Extraction ..." RE '14: "Managing Security Requirements ..." RE '14: "The Role of Legal Expertise ..."
Briand, Lionel C. RE '14: "Automated Detection and Resolution ..."
Brinkkemper, Sjaak RE '14: "Competition and Collaboration ..."
Bruun, Lars RE '14: "Handling Design-Level Requirements ..."
Buksa, Ilze RE '14: "Business Processes and Regulations ..."
Bull, Christopher N. RE '14: "Discovering Affect-Laden Requirements ..."
Bürger, Jens RE '14: "Maintaining Requirements for ..."
Cailliau, Antoine RE '14: "Integrating Exception Handling ..."
Chakraborty, Rachna RE '14: "Decisively: Application of ..."
Chechik, Marsha RE '14: "Supporting Early Decision-Making ..."
Chen, Bihuan RE '14: "Rationalism with a Dose of ..."
Chen, Feng RE '14: "From Architecture to Requirements: ..."
Cheng, Jinghui RE '14: "Therapist-Centered Requirements: ..."
Chopra, Amit K. RE '14: "Protos: Foundations for Engineering ..."
Claunch, Charles RE '14: "VARED: Verification and Analysis ..."
Cleland-Huang, Jane RE '14: "TiQi: Towards Natural Language ..." RE '14: "Automated Extraction and Visualization ..."
Dalpiaz, Fabiano RE '14: "Protos: Foundations for Engineering ..."
Damian, Daniela RE '14: "Openness and Requirements: ..."
Daneva, Maya RE '14: "How Practitioners Approach ..."
De Gooijer, Thijmen RE '14: "Experience of Pragmatically ..."
De Oliveira, Tiago RE '14: "A Case Study using a Protocol ..."
Di Sandro, Alessio RE '14: "Supporting Early Decision-Making ..."
Duboc, Leticia RE '14: "Modelling Sustainability in ..."
Dubois, Eric RE '14: "Goal-Oriented Compliance with ..."
Feja, Sven RE '14: "Business Application Modeler: ..."
Ferreira, Marília Guterres RE '14: "Creative Strategic Scenarios ..."
Fiedler, Markus RE '14: "Quality Requirements Elicitation ..."
Filipovikj, Predrag RE '14: "Reassessing the Pattern-Based ..."
Fotrousi, Farnaz RE '14: "Quality Requirements Elicitation ..."
Fricker, Samuel A. RE '14: "Quality Requirements Elicitation ..."
Fuchs, Emmerich RE '14: "Lightweight Requirements Engineering ..."
Gärtner, Stefan RE '14: "Maintaining Requirements for ..."
Gervasi, Vincenzo RE '14: "Supporting Traceability through ..."
Ghaisas, Smita RE '14: "Capturing and Sharing Domain ..." RE '14: "Product Knowledge Configurator ..."
Ghanavati, Sepideh RE '14: "Goal-Oriented Compliance with ..."
Ghezzi, Carlo RE '14: "Engineering Topology Aware ..."
Giorgini, Paolo RE '14: "Protos: Foundations for Engineering ..."
Glinz, Martin RE '14: "Lightweight Requirements Engineering ..."
Gordon, David G. RE '14: "The Role of Legal Expertise ..."
Gregoriades, Andreas RE '14: "Simulation-Based Requirements ..."
Grundy, John RE '14: "GUITAR: An Ontology-based ..."
Guizzardi, Giancarlo RE '14: "Non-functional Requirements ..."
Guizzardi, Renata S. S. RE '14: "Non-functional Requirements ..."
Guzman, Emitza RE '14: "How Do Users Like This Feature? ..."
Hadler, Christian RE '14: "Business Application Modeler: ..."
Hammouda, Imed RE '14: "EAM: Ecosystemability Assessment ..."
Hansen, Mikkel Bovbjerg RE '14: "Handling Design-Level Requirements ..."
Heimann, Virgínia RE '14: "Competition and Collaboration ..."
Hess, Anne RE '14: "Lightweight Requirements Engineering ..."
Hinai, Maryam Al RE '14: "Quantification of Social Sustainability ..."
Hogrebe, Frank RE '14: "Efficient Visual Notations ..."
Horkoff, Jennifer RE '14: "Non-functional Requirements ..." RE '14: "Supporting Early Decision-Making ..."
Huffman Hayes, Jane RE '14: "Ready-Set-Transfer! Technology ..."
Ingolfo, Silvia RE '14: "Nòmos 3: Reasoning about ..."
Ionita, Dan RE '14: "Context-Sensitive Information ..."
Iversen, Jørgen Bøndergaard RE '14: "Handling Design-Level Requirements ..."
Jansen, Slinger RE '14: "Competition and Collaboration ..."
Jørgensen, Jens Bæk RE '14: "Handling Design-Level Requirements ..."
Jürjens, Jan RE '14: "Maintaining Requirements for ..."
Karlsson, Daniel RE '14: "Towards Feature-Oriented Requirements ..."
Kauppinen, Marjo RE '14: "Evaluating the Business Value ..."
King, Jason RE '14: "Hidden in Plain Sight: Automatically ..."
Knauss, Alessia RE '14: "Openness and Requirements: ..."
Knauss, Eric RE '14: "EAM: Ecosystemability Assessment ..." RE '14: "Openness and Requirements: ..."
Knudsen, Bjarne RE '14: "Handling Design-Level Requirements ..."
Koziolek, Anne RE '14: "Experience of Pragmatically ..."
Lamsweerde, Axel van RE '14: "Integrating Exception Handling ..."
Laue, Ralf RE '14: "Efficient Visual Notations ..."
Lehker, Jean-Michel RE '14: "Managing Security Requirements ..."
Leite, Julio Cesar Sampaio do Prado RE '14: "Language Extended Lexicon ..."
Letier, Emmanuel RE '14: "Building a National E-Service ..."
Letychevskyi, Oleksandr RE '14: "Symbolic Verification of Requirements ..."
Li, Feng-Lin RE '14: "Non-functional Requirements ..."
Liu, Hui RE '14: "Traceability-Enabled Refactoring ..."
Liu, Lin RE '14: "Non-functional Requirements ..."
Liu, Yanji RE '14: "Combined Goal and Feature ..."
Liwång, Bo RE '14: "Towards Feature-Oriented Requirements ..."
Lohar, Sugandha RE '14: "TiQi: Towards Natural Language ..."
Lönn, Henrik RE '14: "Towards Feature-Oriented Requirements ..."
Lu, Yue RE '14: "Towards Feature-Oriented Requirements ..."
Ludi, Stephanie RE '14: "Towards a Situation Awareness ..."
Lundqvist, Kristina RE '14: "Towards Feature-Oriented Requirements ..."
Maalej, Walid RE '14: "Capturing and Sharing Domain ..." RE '14: "How Do Users Like This Feature? ..."
Mahmoud, Anas RE '14: "Automated Support for Combinational ..."
Maiden, Neil RE '14: "The Effect of Variability ..."
Männistö, Tomi RE '14: "Evaluating the Business Value ..."
Martins, Luiz Eduardo Galvão RE '14: "A Case Study using a Protocol ..."
Massacci, Fabio RE '14: "An Approach for Decision Support ..."
Massey, Aaron K. RE '14: "Identifying and Classifying ..."
Menghi, Claudio RE '14: "Engineering Topology Aware ..."
Mirakhorli, Mehdi RE '14: "Automated Extraction and Visualization ..."
Mou, Dongyue RE '14: "Structured Multi-view Modeling ..."
Mussbacher, Gunter RE '14: "Combined Goal and Feature ..."
Mylopoulos, John RE '14: "Nòmos 3: Reasoning about ..." RE '14: "Rationalism with a Dose of ..." RE '14: "Non-functional Requirements ..." RE '14: "Protos: Foundations for Engineering ..."
Nguyen, Tuong Huan RE '14: "GUITAR: An Ontology-based ..."
Niu, Jianwei RE '14: "Managing Security Requirements ..."
Niu, Nan RE '14: "Traceability-Enabled Refactoring ..." RE '14: "Automated Support for Combinational ..."
Niu, Zhendong RE '14: "Traceability-Enabled Refactoring ..."
Nunes, Wesley RE '14: "Modelling Sustainability in ..."
Nuseibeh, Bashar RE '14: "Engineering Topology Aware ..."
Nüttgens, Markus RE '14: "Efficient Visual Notations ..."
Nyberg, Mattias RE '14: "Reassessing the Pattern-Based ..."
Oliveros, Alejandro RE '14: "Language Extended Lexicon ..."
Ott, Greg RE '14: "TiQi: Towards Natural Language ..."
Pampaka, Maria RE '14: "Simulation-Based Requirements ..."
Pasquale, Liliana RE '14: "Engineering Topology Aware ..."
Peng, Xin RE '14: "Rationalism with a Dose of ..."
Pinto-Albuquerque, Maria RE '14: "Tackling the Requirements ..."
Porter, Chris RE '14: "Building a National E-Service ..."
Pruski, Piotr RE '14: "TiQi: Towards Natural Language ..."
Putnam, Cynthia RE '14: "Therapist-Centered Requirements: ..."
Qian, Wenyi RE '14: "Rationalism with a Dose of ..."
Rahimi, Mona RE '14: "Automated Extraction and Visualization ..."
Rapp, Daniel RE '14: "Lightweight Requirements Engineering ..."
Rashid, Awais RE '14: "Tackling the Requirements ..."
Rasin, Alexander RE '14: "TiQi: Towards Natural Language ..."
Ratiu, Daniel RE '14: "Structured Multi-view Modeling ..."
Rayson, Paul RE '14: "Discovering Affect-Laden Requirements ..."
Riaz, Maria RE '14: "Hidden in Plain Sight: Automatically ..."
Rifaut, André RE '14: "Goal-Oriented Compliance with ..."
Rodriguez-Navas, Guillermo RE '14: "Reassessing the Pattern-Based ..."
Rossi, Gustavo RE '14: "Language Extended Lexicon ..."
Rubython, Amanda RE '14: "The Effect of Variability ..."
Ruhroth, Thomas RE '14: "Maintaining Requirements for ..."
Rutledge, Richard L. RE '14: "Identifying and Classifying ..."
Sabetzadeh, Mehrdad RE '14: "Automated Detection and Resolution ..."
Saito, Shinobu RE '14: "RISDM: A Requirements Inspection ..."
Salay, Rick RE '14: "Supporting Early Decision-Making ..."
Sasse, M. Angela RE '14: "Building a National E-Service ..."
Savolainen, Juha RE '14: "Automated Support for Combinational ..."
Sawyer, Pete RE '14: "Discovering Affect-Laden Requirements ..."
Saxena, Sanjaya Kumar RE '14: "Decisively: Application of ..."
Schaub, Florian RE '14: "Scaling Requirements Extraction ..."
Schneider, Kurt RE '14: "Maintaining Requirements for ..."
Schots, Marcelo RE '14: "Modelling Sustainability in ..."
Seyff, Norbert RE '14: "Lightweight Requirements Engineering ..."
Siena, Alberto RE '14: "Nòmos 3: Reasoning about ..."
Singh, Munindar P. RE '14: "Protos: Foundations for Engineering ..."
Slankas, John RE '14: "Hidden in Plain Sight: Automatically ..."
Slavin, Rocky RE '14: "Managing Security Requirements ..."
Speck, Andreas RE '14: "Business Application Modeler: ..."
Spörri, Peter RE '14: "Lightweight Requirements Engineering ..."
Stålhane, Tor RE '14: "The DODT Tool Applied to Sub-Sea ..."
Su, Yukun RE '14: "Combined Goal and Feature ..."
Sutcliffe, Alistair RE '14: "Simulation-Based Requirements ..." RE '14: "Discovering Affect-Laden Requirements ..."
Swire, Peter P. RE '14: "Identifying and Classifying ..."
Takeuchi, Mutsuki RE '14: "RISDM: A Requirements Inspection ..."
Teruel, Miguel A. RE '14: "Improving Collaborative and ..."
Throop, David RE '14: "VARED: Verification and Analysis ..."
Töhönen, Harri RE '14: "Evaluating the Business Value ..."
Tran, Le Minh Sang RE '14: "An Approach for Decision Support ..."
Tsigkanos, Christos RE '14: "Engineering Topology Aware ..."
Valença, George RE '14: "Competition and Collaboration ..."
Wang, Huanhuan RE '14: "Rationalism with a Dose of ..."
Wasserman, Anthony I. RE '14: "Startups and Requirements ..."
Weigert, Thomas RE '14: "Symbolic Verification of Requirements ..."
Wien, Tormod RE '14: "The DODT Tool Applied to Sub-Sea ..."
Williams, Laurie RE '14: "Hidden in Plain Sight: Automatically ..."
Witt, Sören RE '14: "Business Application Modeler: ..."
Wohlrab, Rebekka RE '14: "Experience of Pragmatically ..."
Yamada, Setsuo RE '14: "RISDM: A Requirements Inspection ..."
Yin, Xinshang RE '14: "Combined Goal and Feature ..."
Zhao, Wenyun RE '14: "Rationalism with a Dose of ..."
Zhou, Jiale RE '14: "Requirements Development and ..." RE '14: "Towards Feature-Oriented Requirements ..."
Zhu, Xiuna RE '14: "Structured Multi-view Modeling ..."
Zowghi, Didar RE '14: "Supporting Traceability through ..." RE '14: "Ready-Set-Transfer! Technology ..."

203 authors

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