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2013 21st IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), July 15–19, 2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

RE 2013 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Alspaugh, Thomas A. RE '13: "Ongoing Software Development ..."
Amyot, Daniel RE '13: "Practical Applications of ..."
Antón, Annie I. RE '13: "An Empirical Investigation ..." RE '13: "Automated Text Mining for ..."
Aoyama, Mikio RE '13: "Requirements Clinic: Third ..."
Atlee, Joanne M. RE '13: "A Mode-Based Pattern for Feature ..."
Baresi, Luciano RE '13: "IRET: Requirements for Service ..."
Beatty, Joy RE '13: "Top Tips You Can Apply Immediately ..." RE '13: "Winning the Hidden Battle: ..."
Beer, Armin RE '13: "Using Defect Taxonomies for ..."
Behjati, Razieh RE '13: "Towards a Systematic Requirement-Based ..."
Behrendt, Malte RE '13: "Requirements Bazaar: Social ..."
Berenbach, Brian RE '13: "A Tool Implementation of the ..." RE '13: "Foundations for an Expert ..."
Berry, Daniel M. RE '13: "An Industrial Case Study of ..."
Borges, Marcos RE '13: "Workshops and Doctoral Symposium ..."
Breaux, Travis D. RE '13: "Assessing Regulatory Change ..." RE '13: "Formal Analysis of Privacy ..."
Breitman, Karin K. RE '13: "Brasilian Perspectives on ..."
Bruegge, Bernd RE '13: "A Tool Implementation of the ..."
Bults, Richard G. A. RE '13: "Early Phase Telemedicine Requirements ..."
Caire, Patrice RE '13: "Visual Notation Design 2.0: ..."
Callele, David RE '13: "Creative Collisions: Meet ..." RE '13: "The Requirements Engineering ..."
Castro, Jaelson RE '13: "Practical Applications of ..."
Cavallaro, Luca RE '13: "Requirements-Driven Adaptive ..."
Chen, Zhangji RE '13: "Keeping Requirements on Track ..."
Cleland-Huang, Jane RE '13: "Ready-Set-Transfer: Technology ..." RE '13: "Using TraceLab to Design, ..." RE '13: "Foundations for an Expert ..."
Cousins, Fiona RE '13: "Starchitects and Jack-Hammers: ..."
Creighton, Oliver RE '13: "Workshops and Doctoral Symposium ..."
Czauderna, Adam RE '13: "Using TraceLab to Design, ..."
Demmou, Hamid RE '13: "A Safety Requirement Engineering ..."
Dietrich, David RE '13: "A Mode-Based Pattern for Feature ..."
Dogan, Huseyin RE '13: "Identifying Top Challenges ..."
Dwarakanath, Anurag RE '13: "Automatic Extraction of Glossary ..."
Earp, Julie B. RE '13: "An Empirical Investigation ..."
Eck, Pascal van RE '13: "Requirements Engineering Conferences: ..."
Eisenstein, Jacob RE '13: "Automated Text Mining for ..."
Felderer, Michael RE '13: "Using Defect Taxonomies for ..."
Fernández, Daniel Méndez RE '13: "The Requirements Engineering ..."
Franch, Xavier RE '13: "Practical Applications of ..." RE '13: "PABRE-Proj: Applying Patterns ..."
Fuhrmann, Steffen RE '13: "Why Feature Dependencies Challenge ..."
Genon, Nicolas RE '13: "Visual Notation Design 2.0: ..."
Ghaisas, Smitta RE '13: "Ready-Set-Transfer: Technology ..."
Ghezzi, Carlo RE '13: "On Requirements Verification ..."
Glinz, Martin RE '13: "How Cloud Providers Elicit ..." RE '13: "RE@21 Spotlight: Most Influential ..."
Golnam, Arash RE '13: "The Integration of an RE Method ..."
Gordon, David G. RE '13: "The Regulatory World and the ..." RE '13: "Assessing Regulatory Change ..."
Gorschek, Tony RE '13: "A Little Rebellion Now and ..."
Grünbacher, Paul RE '13: "RE 2013 Doctoral Symposium ..."
Guillerm, Romaric RE '13: "A Safety Requirement Engineering ..."
Guo, Jin RE '13: "Foundations for an Expert ..."
Hauksdóttir, Dagný RE '13: "Challenges in Balancing the ..."
Hermens, Hermie J. RE '13: "Early Phase Telemedicine Requirements ..."
Hesari, Shokoofeh RE '13: "Towards a Systematic Requirement-Based ..."
Heymans, Patrick RE '13: "Visual Notation Design 2.0: ..."
Hiraoka, Masatoshi RE '13: "Requirements Clinic: Third ..."
Honiden, Shinichi RE '13: "A Goal Model Elaboration for ..."
Huffman Hayes, Jane RE '13: "Using TraceLab to Design, ..." RE '13: "Application of Reinforcement ..."
Jarke, Matthias RE '13: "Requirements Bazaar: Social ..."
Kayihura, Edward Kale RE '13: "Requirements Engineering for ..."
Kienzle, Jörg RE '13: "A Vision for Generic Concern-Oriented ..."
Kitani, Tsuyoshi RE '13: "Requirements Clinic: Third ..."
Klamma, Ralf RE '13: "Requirements Bazaar: Social ..."
Krka, Ivo RE '13: "Distributing Refinements of ..."
Kumari, Priyanka RE '13: "An Approach to Carry Out Consistency ..."
Kuschke, Tobias RE '13: "An Empirical Study on Project-Specific ..."
Kyriakopoulou, Sofia RE '13: "The Integration of an RE Method ..."
Larburu, Nekane RE '13: "Early Phase Telemedicine Requirements ..."
Leite, Roberto RE '13: "Brasilian Perspectives on ..."
Lencastre, Maria RE '13: "Top Tips You Can Apply Immediately ..."
Li, Juan RE '13: "Can Requirements Dependency ..."
Li, Mingshu RE '13: "Learning from Evolution History ..." RE '13: "Can Requirements Dependency ..."
Lim, Soo Ling RE '13: "Identifying Top Challenges ..."
Maalej, Walid RE '13: "User Feedback in the AppStore: ..."
Mäder, Patrick RE '13: "An Empirical Study on Project-Specific ..."
Mahaux, Martin RE '13: "A New Paradigm for Applied ..." RE '13: "Creative Collisions: Meet ..."
Mahmoud, Anas RE '13: "Supporting Requirements Traceability ..."
Maiden, Neil RE '13: "Requirements Engineering as ..." RE '13: "Future Directions of the RE ..."
Mannion, Mike RE '13: "Challenges in Balancing the ..."
Massey, Aaron K. RE '13: "Automated Text Mining for ..."
Mavin, Alistair RE '13: "A New Paradigm for Applied ..."
Maxwell, Jeremy C. RE '13: "An Empirical Investigation ..."
Mead, Nancy R. RE '13: "A History of the International ..."
Medvidovic, Nenad RE '13: "Distributing Refinements of ..."
Menghi, Claudio RE '13: "On Requirements Verification ..."
Molzam Sharifloo, Amir RE '13: "On Requirements Verification ..."
Moody, Daniel L. RE '13: "Visual Notation Design 2.0: ..."
Moreira, Ana RE '13: "RE 2013 Doctoral Symposium ..."
Morris, Stephen J. RE '13: "Models in the RE Series (RE@21) ..."
Mou, Dongyue RE '13: "MIRA: A Tooling-Framework ..."
Musasizi, Paul Isaac RE '13: "Requirements Engineering for ..."
Mussbacher, Gunter RE '13: "Practical Applications of ..." RE '13: "A Vision for Generic Concern-Oriented ..."
Muyanja, Andrew RE '13: "Requirements Engineering for ..."
Mylopoulos, John RE '13: "Requirements Engineering Conferences: ..."
Nair, Sunil RE '13: "Evidence Management for Evolutionary ..." RE '13: "A Review of Traceability Research ..."
Nakagawa, Hiroyuki RE '13: "A Goal Model Elaboration for ..."
Napolitano, Carlo RE '13: "Early Phase Telemedicine Requirements ..."
Nassimbwa, Catherine RE '13: "Requirements Engineering for ..."
Ncube, Cornelius RE '13: "Identifying Top Challenges ..."
Ngabirano, Amos RE '13: "Requirements Engineering for ..."
Niknafs, Ali RE '13: "An Industrial Case Study of ..."
Nistala, Padmalata RE '13: "An Approach to Carry Out Consistency ..."
Niu, Nan RE '13: "Keeping Requirements on Track ..." RE '13: "Supporting Requirements Traceability ..."
Nuseibeh, Bashar RE '13: "Requirements-Driven Adaptive ..."
Ohsuga, Akihiko RE '13: "A Goal Model Elaboration for ..."
Pagano, Dennis RE '13: "User Feedback in the AppStore: ..."
Palomares, Cristina RE '13: "PABRE-Proj: Applying Patterns ..."
Pasquale, Liliana RE '13: "IRET: Requirements for Service ..." RE '13: "Requirements-Driven Adaptive ..."
Penzenstadler, Birgit RE '13: "The Requirements Engineering ..."
Quer, Carme RE '13: "PABRE-Proj: Applying Patterns ..."
Ramnani, Roshni R. RE '13: "Automatic Extraction of Glossary ..."
Rao, Ashwini RE '13: "Formal Analysis of Privacy ..."
Ratiu, Daniel RE '13: "MIRA: A Tooling-Framework ..."
Reddivari, Sandeep RE '13: "Visual Analytics for Software ..." RE '13: "Keeping Requirements on Track ..."
Regev, Gil RE '13: "The Integration of an RE Method ..."
Rempel, Patrick RE '13: "An Empirical Study on Project-Specific ..."
Renzel, Dominik RE '13: "Requirements Bazaar: Social ..."
Richardson, Debra RE '13: "The Requirements Engineering ..."
Ripa, Gianluca RE '13: "IRET: Requirements for Service ..."
Sábat, Jaime RE '13: "Brasilian Perspectives on ..."
Sadou, Nabil RE '13: "A Safety Requirement Engineering ..."
Saito, Shinobu RE '13: "Requirements Clinic: Third ..."
Salehie, Mazeiar RE '13: "Requirements-Driven Adaptive ..."
Salger, Frank RE '13: "Requirements Reviews Revisited: ..."
Savolainen, Juha RE '13: "Challenges in Balancing the ..."
Sawyer, Pete RE '13: "Requirements Elicitation: ..."
Scacchi, Walt RE '13: "Ongoing Software Development ..."
Schneider, Florian RE '13: "A Tool Implementation of the ..."
Sen, Sagar RE '13: "A Review of Traceability Research ..."
Sengupta, Shubhashis RE '13: "Automatic Extraction of Glossary ..."
Seyff, Norbert RE '13: "How Cloud Providers Elicit ..."
Shi, Lin RE '13: "Learning from Evolution History ..."
Sinderen, Marten van RE '13: "Assumption-Based Risk Identification ..."
Spoletini, Paola RE '13: "On Requirements Verification ..."
Sultanov, Hakim RE '13: "Application of Reinforcement ..."
Sutcliffe, Alistair RE '13: "Requirements Elicitation: ..."
Swire, Peter P. RE '13: "Automated Text Mining for ..."
Takeuchi, Mutsuki RE '13: "Requirements Clinic: Third ..."
Terzakis, John RE '13: "The Impact of Requirements ..."
Teufl, Sabine RE '13: "MIRA: A Tooling-Framework ..."
Tickodri-Togboa, Sandy Stevens RE '13: "Requirements Engineering for ..."
Todoran, Irina RE '13: "How Cloud Providers Elicit ..."
Tun, Thein Than RE '13: "Requirements-Driven Adaptive ..."
Valença, George RE '13: "Requirements Negotiation Model: ..."
Vara, Jose Luis de la RE '13: "A Review of Traceability Research ..."
Vogelsang, Andreas RE '13: "Why Feature Dependencies Challenge ..."
Vriezekolk, Eelco RE '13: "Assumption-Based Risk Identification ..."
Wang, Junjie RE '13: "Can Requirements Dependency ..."
Wang, Qing RE '13: "Learning from Evolution History ..." RE '13: "Can Requirements Dependency ..."
Wegmann, Alain RE '13: "The Integration of an RE Method ..."
Widya, Ing RE '13: "Early Phase Telemedicine Requirements ..."
Wieringa, Roel RE '13: "Requirements Engineering Conferences: ..." RE '13: "Assumption-Based Risk Identification ..." RE '13: "RE@21 Spotlight: Most Influential ..."
Wnuk, Krzysztof RE '13: "The Requirements Engineering ..."
Yang, Da RE '13: "Can Requirements Dependency ..."
Yu, Eric RE '13: "Practical Applications of ..."
Yu, Yijun RE '13: "Requirements-Driven Adaptive ..."
Yue, Tao RE '13: "Towards a Systematic Requirement-Based ..."
Zarghami, Alireza RE '13: "Assumption-Based Risk Identification ..."
Zarifi Eslami, Mohammad RE '13: "Assumption-Based Risk Identification ..."
Zhang, He RE '13: "Can Requirements Dependency ..."

178 authors

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