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2012 20th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), September 24–28, 2012, Chicago, Illinois, USA

RE 2012 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors
Online Calendar - iCal File


Alexandrova, Assia RE '12: "Business Requirements Analysis ..."
Alhaj, Mohammad RE '12: "Towards Outcome-Based Regulatory ..."
Ali, Raian RE '12: "Requirements-Driven Adaptive ..."
Ameller, David RE '12: "ArchiTech: Tool Support for ..." RE '12: "How do Software Architects ..."
Amornborvornwong, Sorawit RE '12: "Breaking the Big-Bang Practice ..."
Amyot, Daniel RE '12: "Concern-Driven Development ..." RE '12: "Tool Support for Combined ..." RE '12: "Towards Outcome-Based Regulatory ..."
Antón, Annie I. RE '12: "Managing Changing Compliance ..."
Antoniol, Giuliano RE '12: "The Quest for Ubiquity: A ..."
Aranda, Jorge RE '12: "On Eliciting Contribution ..."
Arora, Silky RE '12: "Resolving Uncertainty in Automotive ..."
Atlee, Joanne M. RE '12: "A Feature-Oriented Requirements ..."
Ayala, Claudia RE '12: "How do Software Architects ..."
Bandara, Arosha K. RE '12: "Privacy Arguments: Analysing ..."
Behnam, Saeed Ahmadi RE '12: "Towards Outcome-Based Regulatory ..."
Bekkers, Willem RE '12: "Evaluating the Software Product ..."
Bemd, Lucas van den RE '12: "Evaluating the Software Product ..."
Ben Charrada, Eya RE '12: "Identifying Outdated Requirements ..."
Bencomo, Nelly RE '12: "Run-Time Model Evaluation ..."
Berenbach, Brian RE '12: "The Use of a Requirements ..."
Bergquist, Taylor G. RE '12: "Requirements Analysis for ..."
Berry, Daniel M. RE '12: "The Impact of Domain Knowledge ..."
Boehm, Barry RE '12: "Selecting an Appropriate Framework ..."
Braun, Edna RE '12: "Towards Outcome-Based Regulatory ..."
Breaux, Travis D. RE '12: "Reconciling Multi-jurisdictional ..."
Brinkkemper, Sjaak RE '12: "Evaluating the Software Product ..."
Cabot, Jordi RE '12: "How do Software Architects ..."
Cailliau, Antoine RE '12: "A Probabilistic Framework ..."
Cartwright, Nick RE '12: "Towards Outcome-Based Regulatory ..."
Chechik, Marsha RE '12: "Managing Requirements Uncertainty ..."
Chen, Zhangji RE '12: "ReCVisu: A Tool for Clustering-Based ..."
Chernak, Yuri RE '12: "Requirements Composition Table ..."
Chung, Lawrence RE '12: "The RE-Tools: A Multi-notational ..."
Cleland-Huang, Jane RE '12: "Breaking the Big-Bang Practice ..." RE '12: "Detecting and Classifying ..." RE '12: "The Quest for Ubiquity: A ..."
Collell, Oriol RE '12: "ArchiTech: Tool Support for ..."
Cordy, Maxime RE '12: "Efficient Consistency Checking ..."
Dalpiaz, Fabiano RE '12: "STS-Tool: Socio-technical ..."
Damian, Daniela RE '12: "Detecting and Classifying ..."
Dekhtyar, Alex RE '12: "Process Improvement for Traceability: ..."
Dekhtyar, Olga RE '12: "Process Improvement for Traceability: ..."
De Roeck, Anne RE '12: "Speculative Requirements: ..."
Doerr, Joerg RE '12: "What You Need Is What You ..."
Egyed, Alexander RE '12: "The Quest for Ubiquity: A ..."
Ferrari, Alessio RE '12: "Using Collective Intelligence ..."
Franch, Xavier RE '12: "ArchiTech: Tool Support for ..." RE '12: "How do Software Architects ..."
Fu, Lingxiao RE '12: "Stateful Requirements Monitoring ..."
Gervasi, Vincenzo RE '12: "Speculative Requirements: ..."
Ghazarian, Arbi RE '12: "Characterization of Functional ..."
Giorgini, Paolo RE '12: "STS-Tool: Socio-technical ..."
Glinz, Martin RE '12: "Flexible, Lightweight Requirements ..." RE '12: "Identifying Outdated Requirements ..."
Gnesi, Stefania RE '12: "Using Collective Intelligence ..."
Gordon, David G. RE '12: "Reconciling Multi-jurisdictional ..."
Gotel, Orlena C. Z. RE '12: "The Quest for Ubiquity: A ..."
Greenyer, Joel RE '12: "Efficient Consistency Checking ..."
Gross, Anne RE '12: "What You Need Is What You ..."
Grünbacher, Paul RE '12: "The Quest for Ubiquity: A ..."
Haley, Charles RE '12: "Privacy Arguments: Analysing ..."
Hauksdottir, Dagny RE '12: "Requirements Reuse at Danfoss ..."
Henderson, Eric R. RE '12: "Requirements Analysis for ..."
Heymans, Patrick RE '12: "Efficient Consistency Checking ..."
Hoffmann, Axel RE '12: "A Pattern-Based Approach for ..."
Horkoff, Jennifer RE '12: "Managing Requirements Uncertainty ..."
Huffman Hayes, Jane RE '12: "Process Improvement for Traceability: ..." RE '12: "The Quest for Ubiquity: A ..."
Hwong, Beatrice RE '12: "Categorizing Requirements ..."
Jalman, Rina RE '12: "On Eliciting Contribution ..."
Jin, Zhi RE '12: "CoFM: An Environment for Collaborative ..." RE '12: "Mining Binary Constraints ..."
Kealey, Jason RE '12: "Concern-Driven Development ..."
Kienzle, Jörg RE '12: "Concern-Driven Development ..."
Klinge, Titus H. RE '12: "Requirements Analysis for ..."
Knauss, Alessia RE '12: "On the Usage of Context for ..."
Knauss, Eric RE '12: "Detecting and Classifying ..."
Kong, Wei-Keat RE '12: "Process Improvement for Traceability: ..."
Koziolek, Anne RE '12: "Identifying Outdated Requirements ..."
Kukreja, Nupul RE '12: "Selecting an Appropriate Framework ..."
Lamsweerde, Axel van RE '12: "A Probabilistic Framework ..."
Lathrop, James I. RE '12: "Requirements Analysis for ..."
Leblanc, Stéphane RE '12: "Concern-Driven Development ..."
Li, Long RE '12: "MbFM: A Matrix-Based Tool ..."
Liaskos, Sotirios RE '12: "On Eliciting Contribution ..."
Lutz, Jack H. RE '12: "Requirements Analysis for ..."
Lutz, Robyn R. RE '12: "Requirements Analysis for ..."
Mäder, Patrick RE '12: "Breaking the Big-Bang Practice ..."
Maglyas, Andrey RE '12: "What Do Practitioners Mean ..."
Mahmoud, Anas RE '12: "Enhancing Candidate Link Generation ..."
Mathur, Divita RE '12: "Requirements Analysis for ..."
Maxwell, Jeremy C. RE '12: "Managing Changing Compliance ..."
Mei, Hong RE '12: "Mining Binary Constraints ..."
Mendizabal, Odorico Machado RE '12: "Log-Based Approach for Performance ..."
Mijnhardt, Frederik RE '12: "Evaluating the Software Product ..."
Mirakhorli, Mehdi RE '12: "Breaking the Big-Bang Practice ..."
Mussbacher, Gunter RE '12: "Towards Outcome-Based Regulatory ..."
Mylopoulos, John RE '12: "Stateful Requirements Monitoring ..."
Naughton, Helmut RE '12: "The Use of a Requirements ..."
Niknafs, Ali RE '12: "The Impact of Domain Knowledge ..."
Nikula, Uolevi RE '12: "What Do Practitioners Mean ..."
Niu, Nan RE '12: "ReCVisu: A Tool for Clustering-Based ..." RE '12: "Enhancing Candidate Link Generation ..."
Nuseibeh, Bashar RE '12: "Speculative Requirements: ..." RE '12: "Requirements-Driven Adaptive ..." RE '12: "Privacy Arguments: Analysing ..."
Omoronyia, Inah RE '12: "Requirements-Driven Adaptive ..." RE '12: "Privacy Arguments: Analysing ..."
Ott, Daniel RE '12: "Defects in Natural Language ..."
Padmanabhuni, Srinivas RE '12: "Selecting an Appropriate Framework ..."
Paja, Elda RE '12: "STS-Tool: Socio-technical ..."
Pasquale, Liliana RE '12: "Requirements-Driven Adaptive ..."
Payyavula, Sheetal Swaroop RE '12: "Selecting an Appropriate Framework ..."
Peng, Xin RE '12: "Stateful Requirements Monitoring ..."
Petriu, Dorina RE '12: "Tool Support for Combined ..."
Poggianella, Mauro RE '12: "STS-Tool: Socio-technical ..."
Poo-Caamaño, Germán RE '12: "Detecting and Classifying ..."
Price, Blaine A. RE '12: "Privacy Arguments: Analysing ..."
Reddivari, Sandeep RE '12: "ReCVisu: A Tool for Clustering-Based ..."
Richards, Greg RE '12: "Towards Outcome-Based Regulatory ..."
Riegel, Norman RE '12: "Model-Based Prioritization ..."
Roberti, Pierluigi RE '12: "STS-Tool: Socio-technical ..."
S, Ramesh RE '12: "Resolving Uncertainty in Automotive ..."
Saad, Rodrigo RE '12: "Log-Based Approach for Performance ..."
Salay, Rick RE '12: "Managing Requirements Uncertainty ..."
Salehie, Mazeiar RE '12: "Requirements-Driven Adaptive ..."
Sampath, Prahladavaradan RE '12: "Resolving Uncertainty in Automotive ..."
Savolainen, Juha RE '12: "Requirements Reuse at Danfoss ..."
Schneider, Florian RE '12: "The Use of a Requirements ..."
Seyff, Norbert RE '12: "Flexible, Lightweight Requirements ..."
Shaker, Pourya RE '12: "A Feature-Oriented Requirements ..."
Shamsaei, Azalia RE '12: "Towards Outcome-Based Regulatory ..."
Sharifloo, Amir Molzam RE '12: "Efficient Consistency Checking ..."
Śmiałek, Michał RE '12: "Facilitating Transition from ..."
Smolander, Kari RE '12: "What Do Practitioners Mean ..."
Song, Xiping RE '12: "Categorizing Requirements ..."
Spier, Martin RE '12: "Log-Based Approach for Performance ..."
Straszak, Tomasz RE '12: "Facilitating Transition from ..."
Stull, D. M. RE '12: "Requirements Analysis for ..."
Supakkul, Sam RE '12: "The RE-Tools: A Multi-notational ..."
Swire, Peter RE '12: "Managing Changing Compliance ..."
Tawhid, Rasha RE '12: "Towards Outcome-Based Regulatory ..."
Todoran, Irina RE '12: "StakeCloud: Stakeholder Requirements ..."
Tun, Thein Than RE '12: "Privacy Arguments: Analysing ..."
Vermehren, Arne RE '12: "Requirements Reuse at Danfoss ..."
Vrbaski, Mira RE '12: "Tool Support for Combined ..."
Wagner, Christoph RE '12: "Evaluating the Software Product ..."
Wang, Shige RE '12: "A Feature-Oriented Requirements ..."
Weerd, Inge van de RE '12: "Evaluating the Software Product ..."
Welsh, Kristopher RE '12: "Run-Time Model Evaluation ..."
Willis, Alistair RE '12: "Speculative Requirements: ..."
Wüest, Dustin RE '12: "Flexible, Lightweight Requirements ..."
Yang, Hui RE '12: "Speculative Requirements: ..."
Yi, Li RE '12: "CoFM: An Environment for Collaborative ..." RE '12: "Mining Binary Constraints ..."
Yu, Yijun RE '12: "Stateful Requirements Monitoring ..." RE '12: "Privacy Arguments: Analysing ..."
Zhang, Wei RE '12: "CoFM: An Environment for Collaborative ..." RE '12: "MbFM: A Matrix-Based Tool ..." RE '12: "Mining Binary Constraints ..."
Zhao, Haiyan RE '12: "CoFM: An Environment for Collaborative ..." RE '12: "MbFM: A Matrix-Based Tool ..." RE '12: "Mining Binary Constraints ..."
Zhao, Wenyun RE '12: "Stateful Requirements Monitoring ..."
Zisman, Andrea RE '12: "The Quest for Ubiquity: A ..."

167 authors

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