Programming Journal, Volume 10, Issue 1
The Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming
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Programming Journal, Volume 10, Issue 1 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Ali, Karim Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "Dynamic Program Slices Change ..."
Aotani, Tomoyuki Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "Consistent Distributed Reactive ..." Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "Evolution Language Framework ..."
Bañados Schwerter, Felipe Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "Dynamic Program Slices Change ..."
Beckmann, Tom Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "Probing the Design Space: ..."
Bergsiek, Joana Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "Probing the Design Space: ..."
Caldwell, Sam Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "Conversational Concurrency ..."
Chiodini, Luca Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "Two Approaches for Programming ..."
Combemale, Benoit Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "PolyDebug: A Framework for ..."
De Koster, Joeri Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "Skitter: A Distributed Stream ..."
De Meuter, Wolfgang Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "Skitter: A Distributed Stream ..."
Ducasse, Stéphane Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "Meta-compilation of Baseline ..."
Felleisen, Matthias Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "Conversational Concurrency ..."
Flesselle, Eugene Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "On the State of Coherence ..."
Fors, Niklas Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "Study of the Use of Property ..."
Garcia, Ronald Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "Dynamic Program Slices Change ..."
Garnock-Jones, Tony Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "Conversational Concurrency ..."
Hauswirth, Matthias Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "Two Approaches for Programming ..."
Hellas, Arto Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "Two Approaches for Programming ..."
Hirschfeld, Robert Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "Probing the Design Space: ..."
Hofer, Peter Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "Automated Profile-Guided Replacement ..."
Holmes, Reid Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "Dynamic Program Slices Change ..."
Houdaille, Philémon Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "PolyDebug: A Framework for ..."
Kamina, Tetsuo Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "Consistent Distributed Reactive ..." Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "Evolution Language Framework ..."
Khelladi, Djamel Eddine Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "PolyDebug: A Framework for ..."
Kloibhofer, Sebastian Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "Automated Profile-Guided Replacement ..."
Krebs, Eva Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "Probing the Design Space: ..."
Leopoldseder, David Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "Automated Profile-Guided Replacement ..."
Makor, Lukas Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "Automated Profile-Guided Replacement ..."
Masuhara, Hidehiko Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "Consistent Distributed Reactive ..." Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "Evolution Language Framework ..."
Mattis, Toni Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "Probing the Design Space: ..."
Mössenböck, Hanspeter Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "Automated Profile-Guided Replacement ..."
Mussbacher, Gunter Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "PolyDebug: A Framework for ..."
Österlund, Erik Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "Monk: Opportunistic Scheduling ..."
Palumbo, Nahuel Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "Meta-compilation of Baseline ..."
Perugini, Saverio Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "The Formal Semantics and Implementation ..."
Pham, Cao Nguyen Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "On the State of Coherence ..."
Poirier, Aurore Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "An Attempt to Catch Up with ..."
Polito, Guillermo Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "Meta-compilation of Baseline ..."
Racordon, Dimi Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "On the State of Coherence ..."
Ramson, Stefan Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "Probing the Design Space: ..."
Rinard, Martin C. Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "Probing the Design Space: ..."
Risberg Alaküla, Anton Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "Study of the Use of Property ..."
Rohou, Erven Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "An Attempt to Catch Up with ..."
Rowland, Zachary S. Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "The Formal Semantics and Implementation ..."
Saey, Mathijs Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "Skitter: A Distributed Stream ..."
Seppälä, Otto Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "Two Approaches for Programming ..."
Serrano, Manuel Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "An Attempt to Catch Up with ..."
Shimchenko, Marina Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "Monk: Opportunistic Scheduling ..."
Söderberg, Emma Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "Study of the Use of Property ..."
Sorva, Juha Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "Two Approaches for Programming ..."
Tesone, Pablo Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "Meta-compilation of Baseline ..."
Van der Storm, Tijs Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "PolyDebug: A Framework for ..."
Wrigstad, Tobias Art Sci. Eng. Program., vol. 10, issue 1: "Monk: Opportunistic Scheduling ..."

56 authors

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