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20th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP 2015), February 7–11, 2015, San Francisco, CA, USA

PPoPP 2015 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors
Online Calendar - iCal File


Acharya, Aravind PPoPP '15: "PLUTO+: Near-Complete Modeling ..."
Alistarh, Dan PPoPP '15: "The SprayList: A Scalable ..."
Al-Saber, Nabeel PPoPP '15: "SemCache++: Semantics-Aware ..."
Amato, Nancy M. PPoPP '15: "Decoupled Load Balancing ..." PPoPP '15: "A Hierarchical Approach to ..."
Amer, Abdelhalim PPoPP '15: "MPI+Threads: Runtime Contention ..."
Antonopoulos, Christos D. PPoPP '15: "A Programming Model and Runtime ..."
Araujo, Guido PPoPP '15: "Performance Implications of ..."
Arbel, Maya PPoPP '15: "Predicate RCU: An RCU for ..."
Ashari, Arash PPoPP '15: "On Optimizing Machine Learning ..."
Balaji, Pavan PPoPP '15: "MPI+Threads: Runtime Contention ..."
Baldassin, Alexandro PPoPP '15: "Performance Implications of ..."
Ballard, Grey PPoPP '15: "A Framework for Practical ..."
Barthou, Denis PPoPP '15: "Static/Dynamic Validation ..."
Bellas, Nikolaos PPoPP '15: "A Programming Model and Runtime ..."
Benson, Austin R. PPoPP '15: "A Framework for Practical ..."
Boehm, Matthias PPoPP '15: "On Optimizing Machine Learning ..."
Bond, Michael D. PPoPP '15: "Low-Overhead Software Transactional ..."
Bondhugula, Uday PPoPP '15: "PLUTO+: Near-Complete Modeling ..."
Borin, Edson PPoPP '15: "Performance Implications of ..."
Campbell, Keith PPoPP '15: "On Optimizing Machine Learning ..."
Cao, Man PPoPP '15: "Low-Overhead Software Transactional ..."
Carribault, Patrick PPoPP '15: "Static/Dynamic Validation ..."
Catanzaro, Bryan PPoPP '15: "A Collection-Oriented Programming ..."
Chabbi, Milind PPoPP '15: "Barrier Elision for Production ..." PPoPP '15: "High Performance Locks for ..."
Chalios, Charalambos PPoPP '15: "A Programming Model and Runtime ..."
Chang, Yen-Jung PPoPP '15: "A Parallel Algorithm for Global ..."
Chao, Yen-Ting PPoPP '15: "VirtCL: A Framework for OpenCL ..."
Chen, Haibo PPoPP '15: "NUMA-Aware Graph-Structured ..." PPoPP '15: "SYNC or ASYNC: Time to Fuse ..."
Chen, Rong PPoPP '15: "NUMA-Aware Graph-Structured ..." PPoPP '15: "SYNC or ASYNC: Time to Fuse ..."
Chen, Yifeng PPoPP '15: "Tiles: A New Language Mechanism ..."
Choi, Jong Youl PPoPP '15: "Combining Phase Identification ..."
Chowdhury, Rezaul A. PPoPP '15: "Cache-Oblivious Wavefront: ..."
Cintra, Marcelo PPoPP '15: "Fence Placement for Legacy ..."
Cogumbreiro, Tiago PPoPP '15: "Dynamic Deadlock Verification ..."
Cui, Xiang PPoPP '15: "Tiles: A New Language Mechanism ..."
Daily, Jeff PPoPP '15: "Diagnosing the Causes and ..."
Das, Madan PPoPP '15: "Section Based Program Analysis ..."
Dathathri, Roshan PPoPP '15: "Distributed Memory Code Generation ..."
Davidson, Andrew PPoPP '15: "Gunrock: A High-Performance ..."
De Jong, Wibe PPoPP '15: "Barrier Elision for Production ..."
De Supinski, Bronis R. PPoPP '15: "Decoupled Load Balancing ..."
Di, Sheng PPoPP '15: "Optimization of Asynchronous ..."
Dig, Danny PPoPP '15: "Are Web Applications Ready ..."
Dinh, Quang PPoPP '15: "Scalable and Efficient Implementation ..."
Donaldson, Alastair F. PPoPP '15: "The Lazy Happens-Before Relation: ..."
Dong, Tingxing PPoPP '15: "Towards Batched Linear Solvers ..."
Dongarra, Jack PPoPP '15: "Towards Batched Linear Solvers ..."
Elango, Venmugil PPoPP '15: "Distributed Memory Code Generation ..."
Fagan, Michael PPoPP '15: "High Performance Locks for ..."
Gamblin, Todd PPoPP '15: "Decoupled Load Balancing ..."
Ganapathi, Pramod PPoPP '15: "Cache-Oblivious Wavefront: ..."
Garg, Vijay K. PPoPP '15: "A Parallel Algorithm for Global ..."
Garland, Michael PPoPP '15: "A Collection-Oriented Programming ..."
Golan-Gueta, Guy PPoPP '15: "Automatic Scalable Atomicity ..."
Gramoli, Vincent PPoPP '15: "More Than You Ever Wanted ..."
Gross, Thomas R. PPoPP '15: "A Library for Portable and ..."
Gruber, Jakob PPoPP '15: "The Lock-Free k-LSM Relaxed ..."
Guan, Haibing PPoPP '15: "SYNC or ASYNC: Time to Fuse ..."
Haidar, Azzam PPoPP '15: "Towards Batched Linear Solvers ..."
Hall, Mary PPoPP '15: "A Collection-Oriented Programming ..."
Harshvardhan PPoPP '15: "A Hierarchical Approach to ..."
He, Bingsheng PPoPP '15: "Optimization of Asynchronous ..."
Herhut, Stephan PPoPP '15: "Are Web Applications Ready ..."
Hoisie, Adolfy PPoPP '15: "Diagnosing the Causes and ..."
Hu, Raymond PPoPP '15: "Dynamic Deadlock Verification ..."
Huang, Jipeng PPoPP '15: "Low-Overhead Software Transactional ..."
Iancu, Costin PPoPP '15: "Barrier Elision for Production ..."
Jin, Hai PPoPP '15: "Optimization of Asynchronous ..."
Jin, Ye PPoPP '15: "Combining Phase Identification ..."
Kan, Haibin PPoPP '15: "Cache-Oblivious Wavefront: ..."
Keenleyside, John PPoPP '15: "On Optimizing Machine Learning ..."
Kerbyson, Darren J. PPoPP '15: "Diagnosing the Causes and ..."
Kim, Channoh PPoPP '15: "JAWS: A JavaScript Framework ..."
Kim, Hanjun PPoPP '15: "JAWS: A JavaScript Framework ..."
Kim, Jincheon PPoPP '15: "JAWS: A JavaScript Framework ..."
Kim, Jinwook PPoPP '15: "GStream: A Graph Streaming ..."
Kim, Jungwon PPoPP '15: "An OpenACC-Based Unified Programming ..."
Kim, Min-Soo PPoPP '15: "GStream: A Graph Streaming ..."
Klasky, Scott PPoPP '15: "Combining Phase Identification ..."
Kopinsky, Justin PPoPP '15: "The SprayList: A Scalable ..."
Kulkarni, Milind PPoPP '15: "SemCache++: Semantics-Aware ..."
Lalis, Spyros PPoPP '15: "A Programming Model and Runtime ..."
Lavrijsen, Wim PPoPP '15: "Barrier Elision for Production ..."
Lee, Jae W. PPoPP '15: "JAWS: A JavaScript Framework ..."
Lee, Seyong PPoPP '15: "An OpenACC-Based Unified Programming ..."
Li, Huiying PPoPP '15: "JAWS: A JavaScript Framework ..."
Li, Jerry PPoPP '15: "The SprayList: A Scalable ..."
Liang, Junling PPoPP '15: "Optimization of Asynchronous ..."
Liu, Mingliang PPoPP '15: "Combining Phase Identification ..."
Liu, Qing PPoPP '15: "Combining Phase Identification ..."
Logan, Jeremy PPoPP '15: "Combining Phase Identification ..."
Lu, Huiwei PPoPP '15: "MPI+Threads: Runtime Contention ..."
Lu, Lu PPoPP '15: "Optimization of Asynchronous ..."
Luo, Xuan PPoPP '15: "Optimization of Asynchronous ..."
Luszczek, Piotr PPoPP '15: "Towards Batched Linear Solvers ..."
Ma, Xiaosong PPoPP '15: "Combining Phase Identification ..."
Majo, Zoltan PPoPP '15: "A Library for Portable and ..."
Martins, Francisco PPoPP '15: "Dynamic Deadlock Verification ..."
Matsuoka, Satoshi PPoPP '15: "MPI+Threads: Runtime Contention ..."
McPherson, Andrew J. PPoPP '15: "Fence Placement for Legacy ..."
Mei, Hong PPoPP '15: "Tiles: A New Language Mechanism ..."
Mellor-Crummey, John PPoPP '15: "Barrier Elision for Production ..." PPoPP '15: "High Performance Locks for ..."
Meyer, Bertrand PPoPP '15: "Efficient and Reasonable Object-Oriented ..."
Mittal, Neeraj PPoPP '15: "CASTLE: Fast Concurrent Internal ..."
Morrison, Adam PPoPP '15: "Predicate RCU: An RCU for ..."
Muralidharan, Saurav PPoPP '15: "A Collection-Oriented Programming ..."
Nagarajan, Vijay PPoPP '15: "Fence Placement for Legacy ..."
Nanz, Sebastian PPoPP '15: "Efficient and Reasonable Object-Oriented ..."
Nikolopoulos, Dimitrios S. PPoPP '15: "A Programming Model and Runtime ..."
Oh, Younghwan PPoPP '15: "JAWS: A JavaScript Framework ..."
Owens, John D. PPoPP '15: "Gunrock: A High-Performance ..."
Pan, Yuechao PPoPP '15: "Gunrock: A High-Performance ..."
Parasyris, Konstantinos PPoPP '15: "A Programming Model and Runtime ..."
Pearce, Olga PPoPP '15: "Decoupled Load Balancing ..."
Petit, Eric PPoPP '15: "Scalable and Efficient Implementation ..."
Piao, Xianglan PPoPP '15: "JAWS: A JavaScript Framework ..."
Podhorszki, Norbert PPoPP '15: "Combining Phase Identification ..."
Pouchet, Louis-Noël PPoPP '15: "Distributed Memory Code Generation ..."
Radoi, Cosmin PPoPP '15: "Are Web Applications Ready ..."
Ramachandran, Arunmoezhi PPoPP '15: "CASTLE: Fast Concurrent Internal ..."
Ramalingam, G. PPoPP '15: "Automatic Scalable Atomicity ..."
Ramanujam, J. PPoPP '15: "Distributed Memory Code Generation ..."
Rauchwerger, Lawrence PPoPP '15: "A Hierarchical Approach to ..."
Ravishankar, Mahesh PPoPP '15: "Distributed Memory Code Generation ..."
Reinwald, Berthold PPoPP '15: "On Optimizing Machine Learning ..."
Renau, Jose PPoPP '15: "Section Based Program Analysis ..."
Riffel, Andy PPoPP '15: "Gunrock: A High-Performance ..."
Rountev, Atanas PPoPP '15: "Distributed Memory Code Generation ..."
Sadayappan, P. PPoPP '15: "On Optimizing Machine Learning ..." PPoPP '15: "Distributed Memory Code Generation ..."
Sagiv, Mooly PPoPP '15: "Automatic Scalable Atomicity ..."
Saillard, Emmanuelle PPoPP '15: "Static/Dynamic Validation ..."
Sarkar, Susmit PPoPP '15: "Fence Placement for Legacy ..."
Schulz, Martin PPoPP '15: "Decoupled Load Balancing ..."
Scott, Michael L. PPoPP '15: "Software Partitioning of Hardware ..."
Sen, Koushik PPoPP '15: "Barrier Elision for Production ..."
Seo, Hyunseok PPoPP '15: "GStream: A Graph Streaming ..."
Shavit, Nir PPoPP '15: "The SprayList: A Scalable ..."
Shi, Xuanhua PPoPP '15: "Optimization of Asynchronous ..."
Sidelnik, Albert PPoPP '15: "A Collection-Oriented Programming ..."
Southern, Gabriel PPoPP '15: "Section Based Program Analysis ..."
Sreeram, Jaswanth PPoPP '15: "Are Web Applications Ready ..."
Tallent, Nathan R. PPoPP '15: "Diagnosing the Causes and ..."
Tang, Yuan PPoPP '15: "Cache-Oblivious Wavefront: ..."
Tatikonda, Shirish PPoPP '15: "On Optimizing Machine Learning ..."
Thébault, Loïc PPoPP '15: "Scalable and Efficient Implementation ..."
Thomson, Paul PPoPP '15: "The Lazy Happens-Before Relation: ..."
Tithi, Jesmin Jahan PPoPP '15: "Cache-Oblivious Wavefront: ..."
Tomov, Stanimire PPoPP '15: "Towards Batched Linear Solvers ..."
Träff, Jesper Larsson PPoPP '15: "The Lock-Free k-LSM Relaxed ..."
Tsai, Yeh-Ning PPoPP '15: "VirtCL: A Framework for OpenCL ..."
Tsigas, Philippas PPoPP '15: "The Lock-Free k-LSM Relaxed ..."
Van Dam, Hubertus PPoPP '15: "Diagnosing the Causes and ..."
Vandierendonck, Hans PPoPP '15: "A Programming Model and Runtime ..."
Vassiliadis, Vassilis PPoPP '15: "A Programming Model and Runtime ..."
Vetter, Jeffrey S. PPoPP '15: "An OpenACC-Based Unified Programming ..."
Vishnu, Abhinav PPoPP '15: "Diagnosing the Causes and ..."
Wang, Yangzihao PPoPP '15: "Gunrock: A High-Performance ..."
Wang, Zhixiang PPoPP '15: "Optimization of Asynchronous ..."
Wei, Yanjie PPoPP '15: "MPI+Threads: Runtime Contention ..."
West, Scott PPoPP '15: "Efficient and Reasonable Object-Oriented ..."
Wimmer, Martin PPoPP '15: "The Lock-Free k-LSM Relaxed ..."
Wu, Hen-Jung PPoPP '15: "VirtCL: A Framework for OpenCL ..."
Wu, Yuduo PPoPP '15: "Gunrock: A High-Performance ..."
Xiang, Lingxiang PPoPP '15: "Software Partitioning of Hardware ..."
Xie, Chenning PPoPP '15: "SYNC or ASYNC: Time to Fuse ..."
Yahav, Eran PPoPP '15: "Automatic Scalable Atomicity ..."
Yoshida, Nobuko PPoPP '15: "Dynamic Deadlock Verification ..."
You, Ronghui PPoPP '15: "Cache-Oblivious Wavefront: ..."
You, Yi-Ping PPoPP '15: "VirtCL: A Framework for OpenCL ..."
Zang, Binyu PPoPP '15: "SYNC or ASYNC: Time to Fuse ..."
Zhang, Kaiyuan PPoPP '15: "NUMA-Aware Graph-Structured ..."
Zhang, Minjia PPoPP '15: "Low-Overhead Software Transactional ..."
Zhong, Jianlong PPoPP '15: "Optimization of Asynchronous ..."

179 authors

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