POPL 2025 Co-Located Events
POPL 2025 Co-Located Events
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14th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Certified Programs and Proofs (CPP 2025), January 20-21, 2025, Denver, CO, USA

Workshop CPP 2025 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Alexandru, Cass CPP '25: "Intrinsically Correct Sorting ..."
Almeida, Ricardo CPP '25: "A CHERI C Memory Model for ..."
Baanen, Anne CPP '25: "Certifying Rings of Integers ..."
Bacelar Almeida, José CPP '25: "Leakage-Free Probabilistic ..."
Birkedal, Lars CPP '25: "The Nextgen Modality: A Modality ..."
Boulmé, Sylvain CPP '25: "Formally Verified Hardening ..."
Campbell, Brian CPP '25: "A CHERI C Memory Model for ..."
Chappe, Nicolas CPP '25: "Monadic Interpreters for Concurrent ..."
Chattopadhyay, Agnishom CPP '25: "Verified and Efficient Matching ..."
Chavarri Villarello, Alain CPP '25: "Certifying Rings of Integers ..."
Cheney, James CPP '25: "Nominal Matching Logic with ..."
Cheung, Louis CPP '25: "Formalized Burrows-Wheeler ..."
Choudhury, Vikraman CPP '25: "Intrinsically Correct Sorting ..."
Dahmen, Sander R. CPP '25: "Certifying Rings of Integers ..."
Fernández, Maribel CPP '25: "Nominal Matching Logic with ..."
Filardo, Nathaniel CPP '25: "A CHERI C Memory Model for ..."
Firsov, Denis CPP '25: "Leakage-Free Probabilistic ..."
From, Asta Halkjær CPP '25: "An Isabelle/HOL Framework ..."
Georges, Aïna Linn CPP '25: "The Nextgen Modality: A Modality ..."
Heidler, Katharina CPP '25: "Formalizing the One-Way to ..."
Henrio, Ludovic CPP '25: "Monadic Interpreters for Concurrent ..."
Hivert, Florent CPP '25: "Machine Checked Proofs and ..."
Hur, Chung-Kil CPP '25: "CRIS: The Power of Imagination ..."
Jensen, Martin CPP '25: "CertiCoq-Wasm: A Verified ..."
Kim, Dohan CPP '25: "An Isabelle Formalization ..."
Kirk, Christina CPP '25: "Formalizing Simultaneous Critical ..."
Li, Angela W. CPP '25: "Verified and Efficient Matching ..."
Limperg, Jannis CPP '25: "Tactic Script Optimisation ..."
Mamouras, Konstantinos CPP '25: "Verified and Efficient Matching ..."
Meier, Wolfgang CPP '25: "CertiCoq-Wasm: A Verified ..."
Memarian, Kayvan CPP '25: "A CHERI C Memory Model for ..."
Middeldorp, Aart CPP '25: "Formalizing Simultaneous Critical ..."
Minamide, Yasuhiko CPP '25: "Further Tackling Post Correspondence ..." CPP '25: "Formalization of Differential ..."
Moffat, Alistair CPP '25: "Formalized Burrows-Wheeler ..."
Momigliano, Alberto CPP '25: "Split Decisions: Explicit ..."
Monniaux, David CPP '25: "Formally Verified Hardening ..."
Oliveira, Tiago CPP '25: "Leakage-Free Probabilistic ..."
Omori, Akihiro CPP '25: "Further Tackling Post Correspondence ..."
Pesin, Basile CPP '25: "Formally Verified Hardening ..."
Pichon-Pharabod, Jean CPP '25: "CertiCoq-Wasm: A Verified ..."
Pientka, Brigitte CPP '25: "Split Decisions: Explicit ..."
Potet, Marie-Laure CPP '25: "Formally Verified Hardening ..."
Riehl, Emily CPP '25: "Prospects for Computer Formalization ..."
Rizkallah, Christine CPP '25: "Formalized Burrows-Wheeler ..."
Rot, Jurriaan CPP '25: "Intrinsically Correct Sorting ..."
Saito, Teppei CPP '25: "An Isabelle Formalization ..."
Sano, Chuta CPP '25: "Split Decisions: Explicit ..."
Sato, Tetsuya CPP '25: "Formalization of Differential ..."
Sebe, Mircea CPP '25: "Nominal Matching Logic with ..."
Sewell, Peter CPP '25: "A CHERI C Memory Model for ..."
Spitters, Bas CPP '25: "CertiCoq-Wasm: A Verified ..."
Stark, Ian CPP '25: "A CHERI C Memory Model for ..."
Thiemann, René CPP '25: "An Isabelle Formalization ..."
Unruh, Dominique CPP '25: "Formalizing the One-Way to ..." CPP '25: "Leakage-Free Probabilistic ..."
Van der Weide, Niels CPP '25: "Intrinsically Correct Sorting ..."
Vindum, Simon Friis CPP '25: "The Nextgen Modality: A Modality ..."
Yamada, Akihisa CPP '25: "An Isabelle Formalization ..."
Zackon, Daniel CPP '25: "Split Decisions: Explicit ..."
Zakowski, Yannick CPP '25: "Monadic Interpreters for Concurrent ..."
Zaliva, Vadim CPP '25: "A CHERI C Memory Model for ..."

62 authors

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