POPL 2022 Co-Located Events
POPL 2022 Co-Located Events
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11th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Certified Programs and Proofs (CPP 2022), January 17-18, 2022, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Workshop CPP 2022 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Ahrens, Benedikt CPP '22: "Implementing a Category-Theoretic ..."
Ambal, Guillaume CPP '22: "Certified Abstract Machines ..."
Andronick, June CPP '22: "The seL4 Verification: The ..."
Appel, Andrew W. CPP '22: "Coq’s Vibrant Ecosystem ..."
Avigad, Jeremy CPP '22: "A Verified Algebraic Representation ..."
Birkedal, Lars CPP '22: "Mechanized Verification of ..."
Boulmé, Sylvain CPP '22: "Formally Verified Superblock ..."
Carbonneaux, Quentin CPP '22: "Applying Formal Verification ..."
Chan, Hing Lun CPP '22: "Windmills of the Minds: An ..."
Charguéraud, Arthur CPP '22: "Specification and Verification ..."
Cheung, Louis CPP '22: "Overcoming Restraint: Composing ..."
Conrad, Esther CPP '22: "A Compositional Proof Framework ..."
Dardik, Ian CPP '22: "Formal Verification of a Distributed ..."
Donato, Pablo CPP '22: "A Drag-and-Drop Proof Tactic ..."
Dutle, Aaron CPP '22: "A Compositional Proof Framework ..."
Egolf, Derek CPP '22: "Verbatim++: Verified, Optimized, ..."
Färber, Michael CPP '22: "Safe, Fast, Concurrent Proof ..."
Fasse, Justus CPP '22: "Formally Verified Superblock ..."
Firsov, Denis CPP '22: "Reflection, Rewinding, and ..."
Fisher, Kathleen CPP '22: "Verbatim++: Verified, Optimized, ..."
Frumin, Dan CPP '22: "Mechanized Verification of ..." CPP '22: "Semantic Cut Elimination for ..."
Ghiorzi, Enrico CPP '22: "(Deep) Induction Rules for ..."
Giannakopoulou, Dimitra CPP '22: "A Compositional Proof Framework ..."
Goldberg, Lior CPP '22: "A Verified Algebraic Representation ..."
Gourdin, Léo CPP '22: "Formally Verified Superblock ..."
Johann, Patricia CPP '22: "(Deep) Induction Rules for ..."
Kan, Shuanglong CPP '22: "CertiStr: A Certified String ..."
Kellison, Ariel CPP '22: "A Machine-Checked Direct Proof ..."
Kirst, Dominik CPP '22: "Undecidability, Incompleteness, ..."
Klee, Christoph CPP '22: "Applying Formal Verification ..."
Koch, Mark CPP '22: "Undecidability, Incompleteness, ..."
Lasser, Sam CPP '22: "Verbatim++: Verified, Optimized, ..."
Lenglet, Sergueï CPP '22: "Certified Abstract Machines ..."
Levit, David CPP '22: "A Verified Algebraic Representation ..."
Lin, Anthony Widjaja CPP '22: "CertiStr: A Certified String ..."
Matthes, Ralph CPP '22: "Implementing a Category-Theoretic ..."
Milehins, Mihails CPP '22: "An Extension of the Framework ..."
Mitchell, Neil CPP '22: "Forward Build Systems, Formally ..."
Moine, Alexandre CPP '22: "Specification and Verification ..."
Monniaux, David CPP '22: "Formally Verified Superblock ..."
Mörtberg, Anders CPP '22: "Implementing a Category-Theoretic ..."
Muñoz, César CPP '22: "Structural Embeddings Revisited ..."
Nardino, Nicolas CPP '22: "Formally Verified Superblock ..."
Nash, Oliver CPP '22: "Formalising Lie Algebras ..."
O'Connor, Liam CPP '22: "Overcoming Restraint: Composing ..."
O'Hearn, Peter W. CPP '22: "Applying Formal Verification ..."
Pottier, François CPP '22: "Specification and Verification ..."
Pressburger, Thomas CPP '22: "A Compositional Proof Framework ..."
Prieto-Cubides, Jonathan CPP '22: "On Homotopy of Walks and Spherical ..."
Rizkallah, Christine CPP '22: "Overcoming Restraint: Composing ..."
Rümmer, Philipp CPP '22: "CertiStr: A Certified String ..."
Schmitt, Alan CPP '22: "Certified Abstract Machines ..."
Schrader, Micha CPP '22: "CertiStr: A Certified String ..."
Schultz, William CPP '22: "Formal Verification of a Distributed ..."
Seginer, Yoav CPP '22: "A Verified Algebraic Representation ..."
Six, Cyril CPP '22: "Formally Verified Superblock ..."
Spall, Sarah CPP '22: "Forward Build Systems, Formally ..."
Strub, Pierre-Yves CPP '22: "A Drag-and-Drop Proof Tactic ..."
Titelman, Alon CPP '22: "A Verified Algebraic Representation ..."
Titolo, Laura CPP '22: "A Compositional Proof Framework ..."
Tobin-Hochstadt, Sam CPP '22: "Forward Build Systems, Formally ..."
Tripakis, Stavros CPP '22: "Formal Verification of a Distributed ..."
Unruh, Dominique CPP '22: "Reflection, Rewinding, and ..."
Vindum, Simon Friis CPP '22: "Mechanized Verification of ..."
Werner, Benjamin CPP '22: "A Drag-and-Drop Proof Tactic ..."
Zappa Nardelli, Francesco CPP '22: "Applying Formal Verification ..."
Zilberstein, Noam CPP '22: "Applying Formal Verification ..."

68 authors

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