POPL 2021 Co-Located Events
POPL 2021 Co-Located Events
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10th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Certified Programs and Proofs (CPP 2021), January 17-19, 2021, Virtual, Denmark

Workshop CPP 2021 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Anderson, Sean CPP '21: "Towards Formally Verified ..."
Annenkov, Danil CPP '21: "Extracting Smart Contracts ..."
Banerjee, Anindya CPP '21: "A Formal Proof of PAC Learnability ..."
Becker, Heiko CPP '21: "Lassie: HOL4 Tactics by Example ..."
Bégay, Pierre-Léo CPP '21: "Developing and Certifying ..."
Bengtson, Jesper CPP '21: "Machine-Checked Semantic Session ..."
Benzaken, Véronique CPP '21: "A Coq Formalization of Data ..."
Birkedal, Lars CPP '21: "Contextual Refinement of the ..." CPP '21: "Reasoning about Monotonicity ..."
Blanchette, Jasmin CPP '21: "A Modular Isabelle Framework ..."
Bos, Nathaniel CPP '21: "Lassie: HOL4 Tactics by Example ..."
Brunthaler, Stefan CPP '21: "Towards Efficient and Verified ..."
Cacciari Miraldo, Victor CPP '21: "Formal Verification of Authenticated, ..."
Carette, Jacques CPP '21: "Formalizing Category Theory ..."
Carr, Harold CPP '21: "Formal Verification of Authenticated, ..."
Catt, Elliot CPP '21: "On the Formalisation of Kolmogorov ..."
Chhak, CHR CPP '21: "Towards Formally Verified ..."
Cohen-Boulakia, Sarah CPP '21: "A Coq Formalization of Data ..."
Commelin, Johan CPP '21: "Formalizing the Ring of Witt ..."
Contejean, Évelyne CPP '21: "A Coq Formalization of Data ..."
Crégut, Pierre CPP '21: "Developing and Certifying ..."
Darulova, Eva CPP '21: "Lassie: HOL4 Tactics by Example ..."
Desharnais, Martin CPP '21: "Towards Efficient and Verified ..."
Dutle, Aaron CPP '21: "Formal Verification of Semi-algebraic ..."
Felgenhauer, Bertram CPP '21: "A Verified Decision Procedure ..."
Fulton, Nathan CPP '21: "CertRL: Formalizing Convergence ..."
Gavran, Ivan CPP '21: "Lassie: HOL4 Tactics by Example ..."
Haslbeck, Max W. CPP '21: "An Isabelle/HOL Formalization ..."
Hinrichsen, Jonas Kastberg CPP '21: "Machine-Checked Semantic Session ..."
Hu, Jason Z. S. CPP '21: "Formalizing Category Theory ..."
Keller, Chantal CPP '21: "A Coq Formalization of Data ..."
Kirst, Dominik CPP '21: "The Generalised Continuum ..."
Krebbers, Robbert CPP '21: "Machine-Checked Semantic Session ..."
Laurent, Olivier CPP '21: "An Anti-Locally-Nameless Approach ..."
Lewis, Robert Y. CPP '21: "Formalizing the Ring of Witt ..."
Limperg, Jannis CPP '21: "A Novice-Friendly Induction ..."
Lochmann, Alexander CPP '21: "A Verified Decision Procedure ..."
Lööw, Andreas CPP '21: "Lutsig: A Verified Verilog ..."
Louwrink, Daniël CPP '21: "Machine-Checked Semantic Session ..."
Majumdar, Rupak CPP '21: "Lassie: HOL4 Tactics by Example ..."
Middeldorp, Aart CPP '21: "A Verified Decision Procedure ..."
Milo, Mikkel CPP '21: "Extracting Smart Contracts ..."
Mitterwallner, Fabian CPP '21: "A Verified Decision Procedure ..."
Moir, Mark CPP '21: "Formal Verification of Authenticated, ..."
Monin, Jean-François CPP '21: "Developing and Certifying ..."
Myreen, Magnus O. CPP '21: "A Minimalistic Verified Bootstrapped ..."
Nielsen, Jakob Botsch CPP '21: "Extracting Smart Contracts ..."
Nipkow, Tobias CPP '21: "Teaching Algorithms and Data ..."
Norrish, Michael CPP '21: "On the Formalisation of Kolmogorov ..."
Pestun, Vasily CPP '21: "CertRL: Formalizing Convergence ..."
Rech, Felix CPP '21: "The Generalised Continuum ..."
Sewell, Peter CPP '21: "Underpinning the Foundations: ..."
Shinnar, Avraham CPP '21: "CertRL: Formalizing Convergence ..."
Silva, Lisandra CPP '21: "Formal Verification of Authenticated, ..."
Slagel, J. Tanner CPP '21: "Formal Verification of Semi-algebraic ..."
Spitters, Bas CPP '21: "Extracting Smart Contracts ..."
Steele Jr., Guy L. CPP '21: "Formal Verification of Authenticated, ..."
Tassarotti, Joseph CPP '21: "A Formal Proof of PAC Learnability ..."
Thiemann, René CPP '21: "An Isabelle/HOL Formalization ..."
Timany, Amin CPP '21: "Reasoning about Monotonicity ..."
Tolmach, Andrew CPP '21: "Towards Formally Verified ..."
Tourret, Sophie CPP '21: "A Modular Isabelle Framework ..."
Trager, Barry CPP '21: "CertRL: Formalizing Convergence ..."
Tristan, Jean-Baptiste CPP '21: "A Formal Proof of PAC Learnability ..."
Vajjha, Koundinya CPP '21: "CertRL: Formalizing Convergence ..." CPP '21: "A Formal Proof of PAC Learnability ..."
Vindum, Simon Friis CPP '21: "Contextual Refinement of the ..."
White, Lauren CPP '21: "Formal Verification of Semi-algebraic ..."
Zucchini, Rébecca CPP '21: "A Coq Formalization of Data ..."

69 authors

proc time: 10.68