POPL 2020 Co-Located Events
POPL 2020 Co-Located Events
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9th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Certified Programs and Proofs (CPP 2020), January 20–21, 2020, New Orleans, LA, USA

Workshop CPP 2020 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Altmanninger, Johannes CPP '20: "Frying the Egg, Roasting the ..."
Annenkov, Danil CPP '20: "ConCert: A Smart Contract ..."
Aspinall, David CPP '20: "Formalising Oblivious Transfer ..."
Bach Poulsen, Casper CPP '20: "Intrinsically-Typed Definitional ..."
Blaudeau, Clement CPP '20: "A Verified Packrat Parser ..."
Brown, Chad CPP '20: "Exploration of Neural Machine ..."
Buldas, Ahto CPP '20: "Verified Security of BLT Signature ..."
Butler, David CPP '20: "Formalising Oblivious Transfer ..."
Buzzard, Kevin CPP '20: "Formalising Perfectoid Spaces ..."
Chen, Xiaohong CPP '20: "Matching Logic: The Foundation ..."
Chlipala, Adam CPP '20: "Proof Assistants at the Hardware-Software ..."
Commelin, Johan CPP '20: "Formalising Perfectoid Spaces ..."
Díaz, Tomás CPP '20: "A Mechanized Formalization ..."
Doczkal, Christian CPP '20: "Completeness of an Axiomatization ..."
Firsov, Denis CPP '20: "Verified Security of BLT Signature ..."
Forsberg, Fredrik Nordvall CPP '20: "Three Equivalent Ordinal Notation ..."
Forster, Yannick CPP '20: "Verified Programming of Turing ..." CPP '20: "Undecidability of Higher-Order ..." CPP '20: "Coq à la Carte: A Practical ..."
Gascón, Adrià CPP '20: "Formalising Oblivious Transfer ..."
Ghani, Neil CPP '20: "Three Equivalent Ordinal Notation ..."
Goel, Shilpi CPP '20: "Verifying x86 Instruction ..."
Grossman, Dan CPP '20: "REPLica: REPL Instrumentation ..."
Han, Jesse Michael CPP '20: "A Formal Proof of the Independence ..."
He, Paul CPP '20: "An Equational Theory for Weak ..."
Hobor, Aquinas CPP '20: "A Functional Proof Pearl: ..."
Hur, Chung-Kil CPP '20: "An Equational Theory for Weak ..."
Immler, Fabian CPP '20: "The Poincaré-Bendixson Theorem ..."
Kaliszyk, Cezary CPP '20: "Exploration of Neural Machine ..."
Krebbers, Robbert CPP '20: "Intrinsically-Typed Definitional ..."
Kunze, Fabian CPP '20: "Verified Programming of Turing ..."
Laanoja, Risto CPP '20: "Verified Security of BLT Signature ..."
Lerner, Sorin CPP '20: "REPLica: REPL Instrumentation ..."
Letan, Thomas CPP '20: "FreeSpec: Specifying, Verifying, ..."
Massot, Patrick CPP '20: "Formalising Perfectoid Spaces ..."
Mohan, Anshuman CPP '20: "A Functional Proof Pearl: ..."
Mörtberg, Anders CPP '20: "Cubical Synthetic Homotopy ..."
Natarajan, Raja CPP '20: "A Constructive Formalization ..."
Nielsen, Jakob Botsch CPP '20: "ConCert: A Smart Contract ..."
Nipkow, Tobias CPP '20: "Proof Pearl: Braun Trees ..."
Olmedo, Federico CPP '20: "A Mechanized Formalization ..."
Overbeek, Roy CPP '20: "Formalizing Determinacy of ..."
Pous, Damien CPP '20: "Completeness of an Axiomatization ..."
Pujet, Loïc CPP '20: "Cubical Synthetic Homotopy ..."
Rebola Pardo, Adrián CPP '20: "Frying the Egg, Roasting the ..."
Régis-Gianas, Yann CPP '20: "FreeSpec: Specifying, Verifying, ..."
Ringer, Talia CPP '20: "REPLica: REPL Instrumentation ..."
Roşu, Grigore CPP '20: "Matching Logic: The Foundation ..."
Rouvoet, Arjen CPP '20: "Intrinsically-Typed Definitional ..."
Sanchez-Stern, Alex CPP '20: "REPLica: REPL Instrumentation ..."
Sewell, Thomas CPP '20: "Proof Pearl: Braun Trees ..."
Shankar, Natarajan CPP '20: "A Verified Packrat Parser ..."
Singh, Abhishek Kr CPP '20: "A Constructive Formalization ..."
Slobodova, Anna CPP '20: "Verifying x86 Instruction ..."
Spies, Simon CPP '20: "Undecidability of Higher-Order ..."
Spitters, Bas CPP '20: "ConCert: A Smart Contract ..."
Stark, Kathrin CPP '20: "Coq à la Carte: A Practical ..."
Sumners, Rob CPP '20: "Verifying x86 Instruction ..."
Swords, Sol CPP '20: "Verifying x86 Instruction ..."
Tan, Yong Kiam CPP '20: "The Poincaré-Bendixson Theorem ..."
Tanter, Éric CPP '20: "A Mechanized Formalization ..."
The mathlib Community CPP '20: "The Lean Mathematical Library ..."
Tran, Linh CPP '20: "A Functional Proof Pearl: ..."
Truu, Ahto CPP '20: "Verified Security of BLT Signature ..."
Urban, Josef CPP '20: "Exploration of Neural Machine ..."
Van Doorn, Floris CPP '20: "A Formal Proof of the Independence ..."
Veltri, Niccolò CPP '20: "Formalizing 𝜋-Calculus ..."
Vezzosi, Andrea CPP '20: "Formalizing 𝜋-Calculus ..."
Visser, Eelco CPP '20: "Intrinsically-Typed Definitional ..."
Wang, Qingxiang CPP '20: "Exploration of Neural Machine ..."
Wuttke, Maximilian CPP '20: "Verified Programming of Turing ..."
Xu, Chuangjie CPP '20: "Three Equivalent Ordinal Notation ..."
Zakowski, Yannick CPP '20: "An Equational Theory for Weak ..."
Zdancewic, Steve CPP '20: "An Equational Theory for Weak ..."

74 authors

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