POPL 2025
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, Volume 9, Number POPL
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Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, Volume 9, Number POPL, January 19–25, 2025, Denver, CO, USA

POPL 2025 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Abdulla, Parosh Aziz POPL '25: "Verifying Quantum Circuits ..."
Accattoli, Beniamino POPL '25: "Interaction Equivalence ..."
Adams, Michael D. POPL '25: "Grove: A Bidirectionally Typed ..."
Aguirre, Alejandro POPL '25: "Approximate Relational Reasoning ..." POPL '25: "Modelling Recursion and Probabilistic ..."
Ait El Manssour, Rida POPL '25: "Simple Linear Loops: Algebraic ..."
Akiti, Nikhil POPL '25: "Generic Refinement Types ..."
Allain, Clément POPL '25: "Tail Modulo Cons, OCaml, and ..."
Amy, Matthew POPL '25: "Linear and Non-linear Relational ..."
Appel, Andrew W. POPL '25: "A Verified Foreign Function ..."
Arntzenius, Michael POPL '25: "Finite-Choice Logic Programming ..."
Arora, Jai POPL '25: "TensorRight: Automated Verification ..."
Arranz Olmos, Santiago POPL '25: "Preservation of Speculative ..."
Atkinson, Eric POPL '25: "Inference Plans for Hybrid ..."
Avanzini, Martin POPL '25: "A Quantitative Probabilistic ..."
Backes, Michael POPL '25: "Do You Even Lift? Strengthening ..."
Ball, Thomas POPL '25: "Symbolic Automata: Omega-Regularity ..."
Balzer, Stephanie POPL '25: "Semantic Logical Relations ..."
Banerjee, Rini POPL '25: "Fulminate: Testing CN Separation-Logic ..."
Bao, Jialu POPL '25: "Bluebell: An Alliance of Relational ..."
Barthe, Gilles POPL '25: "A Quantitative Probabilistic ..." POPL '25: "Automating Equational Proofs ..." POPL '25: "Preservation of Speculative ..."
Basin, David POPL '25: "Reachability Analysis of the ..."
Baudart, Guillaume POPL '25: "Inference Plans for Hybrid ..."
Belyakova, Julia POPL '25: "Derivative-Guided Symbolic ..."
Birkedal, Lars POPL '25: "Approximate Relational Reasoning ..." POPL '25: "Modelling Recursion and Probabilistic ..."
Blanchette, Henry POPL '25: "Pantograph: A Fluid and Typed ..."
Blatter, Lionel POPL '25: "Preservation of Speculative ..."
Blaudeau, Clément POPL '25: "Avoiding Signature Avoidance ..."
Bodik, Rastislav POPL '25: "TensorRight: Automated Verification ..."
Bour, Frédéric POPL '25: "Tail Modulo Cons, OCaml, and ..."
Cai, Yufan POPL '25: "Automated Program Refinement: ..."
Carbin, Michael POPL '25: "Inference Plans for Hybrid ..."
Casinghino, Chris POPL '25: "Data Race Freedom à la Mode ..."
Cesario, Jahrim Gabriele POPL '25: "Dis/Equality Graphs ..."
Ceulemans, Joris POPL '25: "BiSikkel: A Multimode Logical ..."
Chakraborty, Soham POPL '25: "Relaxed Memory Concurrency ..."
Chan, Jonathan POPL '25: "Consistency of a Dependent ..."
Chen, Yo-Ga POPL '25: "Verifying Quantum Circuits ..."
Chen, Yu-Fang POPL '25: "Verifying Quantum Circuits ..."
Cheng, Ellie Y. POPL '25: "Inference Plans for Hybrid ..."
Cheung, Alvin POPL '25: "Flo: A Semantic Foundation ..."
Cho, Minki POPL '25: "Archmage and CompCertCast: ..."
Choudhury, Vikraman POPL '25: "The Duality of λ-Abstraction ..."
Chuang, Cheng-En POPL '25: "Semantic Logical Relations ..."
Clément, Basile POPL '25: "Tail Modulo Cons, OCaml, and ..."
Colledan, Andrea POPL '25: "Flexible Type-Based Resource ..."
Conrado, Giovanna Kobus POPL '25: "Program Analysis via Multiple ..."
Correnson, Arthur POPL '25: "Coinductive Proofs for Temporal ..."
Cousot, Patrick POPL '25: "Calculational Design of Hyperlogics ..."
Cui, Chen POPL '25: "Bidirectional Higher-Rank ..."
Dal Lago, Ugo POPL '25: "Flexible Type-Based Resource ..."
Dardinier, Thibault POPL '25: "Formal Foundations for Translational ..."
Davoli, Davide POPL '25: "A Quantitative Probabilistic ..."
Devriese, Dominique POPL '25: "BiSikkel: A Multimode Logical ..."
Dimitrova, Rayna POPL '25: "Translation of Temporal Logic ..."
Ding, Tingting POPL '25: "Denotational Semantics of ..."
Dolan, Stephen POPL '25: "Data Race Freedom à la Mode ..."
Dong, Jin Song POPL '25: "Automated Program Refinement: ..."
D'Osualdo, Emanuele POPL '25: "Bluebell: An Alliance of Relational ..."
Dreyer, Derek POPL '25: "Data Race Freedom à la Mode ..."
Ebner, Gabriel POPL '25: "Symbolic Automata: Omega-Regularity ..."
Eisenberg, Richard A. POPL '25: "Data Race Freedom à la Mode ..."
Elad, Neta POPL '25: "Axe ’Em: Eliminating Spurious ..."
Elbeheiry, Laila POPL '25: "Data Race Freedom à la Mode ..."
Ernits, Juhan POPL '25: "RE#: High Performance Derivative-Based ..."
Fabian, Xaver POPL '25: "Do You Even Lift? Strengthening ..."
Fang, Yuzhou POPL '25: "An Incremental Algorithm for ..."
Farzan, Azadeh POPL '25: "Bluebell: An Alliance of Relational ..."
Finkbeiner, Bernd POPL '25: "Coinductive Proofs for Temporal ..."
Fu, Zhoulai POPL '25: "On Extending Incorrectness ..."
Gardner, Philippa POPL '25: "Progressful Interpreters for ..."
Gay, Simon J. POPL '25: "The Duality of λ-Abstraction ..."
Georges, Aïna Linn POPL '25: "Data Race Freedom à la Mode ..."
Giacobazzi, Roberto POPL '25: "The Best of Abstract Interpretations ..."
Gilbert, Gaëtan POPL '25: "All Your Base Are Belong to ..."
Giovannini, Eric POPL '25: "Denotational Semantics of ..."
Golovin, Pavel POPL '25: "RELINCHE: Automatically Checking ..."
Goncharov, Sergey POPL '25: "Abstract Operational Methods ..."
Gratzer, Daniel POPL '25: "A Modal Deconstruction of ..."
Gregersen, Simon Oddershede POPL '25: "Approximate Relational Reasoning ..."
Grégoire, Benjamin POPL '25: "A Quantitative Probabilistic ..." POPL '25: "Preservation of Speculative ..."
Griffis, Eric POPL '25: "Grove: A Bidirectionally Typed ..."
Guarnieri, Marco POPL '25: "Do You Even Lift? Strengthening ..."
Hack, Sebastian POPL '25: "MimIR: An Extensible and Type-Safe ..."
Haselwarter, Philipp G. POPL '25: "Approximate Relational Reasoning ..."
Heim, Philippe POPL '25: "Translation of Temporal Logic ..."
Hellerstein, Joseph M. POPL '25: "Flo: A Semantic Foundation ..."
Heunen, Chris POPL '25: "Qurts: Automatic Quantum Uncomputation ..."
Hirata, Kengo POPL '25: "Qurts: Automatic Quantum Uncomputation ..."
Holík, Lukáš POPL '25: "Verifying Quantum Circuits ..."
Hou, Zhe POPL '25: "Generically Automating Separation ..." POPL '25: "Automated Program Refinement: ..."
Houshmand, Farzin POPL '25: "TensorRight: Automated Verification ..."
Hu, Jason Z. S. POPL '25: "A Dependent Type Theory for ..."
Hu, Zhenjiang POPL '25: "Biparsers: Exact Printing ..."
Hur, Chung-Kil POPL '25: "Archmage and CompCertCast: ..." POPL '25: "VeriRT: An End-to-End Verification ..."
Iraci, Grant POPL '25: "Semantic Logical Relations ..."
Jagannathan, Suresh POPL '25: "Derivative-Guided Symbolic ..."
Jain, Devansh POPL '25: "TensorRight: Automated Verification ..."
Jhala, Ranjit POPL '25: "Generic Refinement Types ..."
Jiang, Shengyi POPL '25: "Bidirectional Higher-Rank ..."
Jung, Ralf POPL '25: "Program Logics à la Carte ..."
Kabashnyi, Ivan POPL '25: "Relaxed Memory Concurrency ..."
Kaminski, Benjamin Lucien POPL '25: "A Taxonomy of Hoare-Like Logics: ..."
Kappé, Tobias POPL '25: "CF-GKAT: Efficient Validation ..." POPL '25: "Algebras for Deterministic ..."
Kenison, George POPL '25: "Simple Linear Loops: Algebraic ..."
Kidney, Donnacha Oisín POPL '25: "Formalising Graph Algorithms ..."
Kim, Jinwoo POPL '25: "Archmage and CompCertCast: ..."
Kim, Yonghyun POPL '25: "Archmage and CompCertCast: ..." POPL '25: "VeriRT: An End-to-End Verification ..."
Kim, Yoonseung POPL '25: "VeriRT: An End-to-End Verification ..."
Kjelstrøm, Adam Husted POPL '25: "Program Analysis via Multiple ..."
Kobayashi, Naoki POPL '25: "On Decidable and Undecidable ..."
Koenig, Jérémie POPL '25: "Unifying Compositional Verification ..."
Kokologiannakis, Michalis POPL '25: "RELINCHE: Automatically Checking ..." POPL '25: "Model Checking C/C++ with ..."
Korkut, Joomy POPL '25: "A Verified Foreign Function ..."
Kozen, Dexter POPL '25: "A Demonic Outcome Logic for ..."
Krebbers, Robbert POPL '25: "Affect: An Affine Type and ..."
Krishnakumar, Niroop POPL '25: "Generic Refinement Types ..."
Krishnaswami, Neel POPL '25: "Fulminate: Testing CN Separation-Logic ..."
Kurashige, Cole POPL '25: "Generic Refinement Types ..."
Laddad, Shadaj POPL '25: "Flo: A Semantic Foundation ..."
Lampropoulos, Leonidas POPL '25: "Pantograph: A Fluid and Typed ..."
Lancelot, Adrienne POPL '25: "Interaction Equivalence ..."
Laporte, Vincent POPL '25: "Preservation of Speculative ..."
Lee, Jaehyung POPL '25: "Archmage and CompCertCast: ..."
Lee, Sung-Hwan POPL '25: "VeriRT: An End-to-End Verification ..."
Lehmann, Nico POPL '25: "Generic Refinement Types ..."
Leißa, Roland POPL '25: "MimIR: An Extensible and Type-Safe ..."
Lengál, Ondřej POPL '25: "Verifying Quantum Circuits ..."
Lesani, Mohsen POPL '25: "TensorRight: Automated Verification ..."
Li, Kwing Hei POPL '25: "Approximate Relational Reasoning ..."
Liell-Cock, Jack POPL '25: "Compositional Imprecise Probability: ..."
Lin, Jyun-Ao POPL '25: "Verifying Quantum Circuits ..."
Lin, Yun POPL '25: "Automated Program Refinement: ..."
Liu, Si POPL '25: "Reachability Analysis of the ..."
Liu, Yang POPL '25: "Generically Automating Separation ..."
Liu, Yiyun POPL '25: "Consistency of a Dependent ..."
Lo, Fang-Yi POPL '25: "Verifying Quantum Circuits ..."
Lu, Sirui POPL '25: "TensorRight: Automated Verification ..."
Luan, Xiaokun POPL '25: "Generically Automating Separation ..." POPL '25: "Automated Program Refinement: ..."
Lunderville, Joseph POPL '25: "Linear and Non-linear Relational ..."
Maillard, Kenji POPL '25: "All Your Base Are Belong to ..."
Majumdar, Rupak POPL '25: "Sound and Complete Proof Rules ..."
Makwana, Dhruv POPL '25: "Fulminate: Testing CN Separation-Logic ..."
Mandel, Louis POPL '25: "Inference Plans for Hybrid ..."
Manzonetto, Giulio POPL '25: "Interaction Equivalence ..."
Marmanis, Iason POPL '25: "Model Checking C/C++ with ..."
Martens, Chris POPL '25: "Finite-Choice Logic Programming ..."
Mathur, Umang POPL '25: "The Decision Problem for Regular ..."
McKinna, James POPL '25: "Barendregt Convenes with Knaster ..."
Meleshchenko, Innokentii POPL '25: "Relaxed Memory Concurrency ..."
Meluzzi, Matteo POPL '25: "Relaxed Memory Concurrency ..."
Memarian, Kayvan POPL '25: "Fulminate: Testing CN Separation-Logic ..."
Mendis, Charith POPL '25: "TensorRight: Automated Verification ..."
Mestel, David POPL '25: "The Decision Problem for Regular ..."
Meyer, Joachim POPL '25: "MimIR: An Extensible and Type-Safe ..."
Meyer, Roland POPL '25: "SNIP: Speculative Execution ..."
Milano, Mae POPL '25: "Flo: A Semantic Foundation ..."
Møgelberg, Rasmus Ejlers POPL '25: "Modelling Recursion and Probabilistic ..."
Moiseenko, Evgenii POPL '25: "Relaxed Memory Concurrency ..."
Müller, Peter POPL '25: "Formal Foundations for Translational ..."
Murawski, Andrzej S. POPL '25: "Guaranteed Bounds on Posterior ..."
Murthy, Karthik Srinivasa POPL '25: "TensorRight: Automated Verification ..."
Narayanan, Praveen POPL '25: "TensorRight: Automated Verification ..."
Narmour, Louis POPL '25: "Maximal Simplification of ..."
Narváez, David E. POPL '25: "CF-GKAT: Efficient Validation ..."
Naus, Nico POPL '25: "CF-GKAT: Efficient Validation ..."
Nevatia, Dhruv POPL '25: "Reachability Analysis of the ..."
New, Max S. POPL '25: "Denotational Semantics of ..."
Nuyts, Andreas POPL '25: "BiSikkel: A Multimode Logical ..."
Oliveira, Bruno C. d. S. POPL '25: "QuickSub: Efficient Iso-Recursive ..." POPL '25: "Bidirectional Higher-Rank ..."
Omar, Cyrus POPL '25: "Grove: A Bidirectionally Typed ..."
Ong, C.-H. Luke POPL '25: "Guaranteed Bounds on Posterior ..."
Padon, Oded POPL '25: "A Primal-Dual Perspective ..."
Parthasarathy, Gaurav POPL '25: "Formal Foundations for Translational ..."
Patrignani, Marco POPL '25: "Do You Even Lift? Strengthening ..."
Pavlogiannis, Andreas POPL '25: "Program Analysis via Multiple ..."
Pédrot, Pierre-Marie POPL '25: "All Your Base Are Belong to ..."
Peters, Benjamin POPL '25: "Data Race Freedom à la Mode ..."
Phothilimthana, Phitchaya Mangpo POPL '25: "TensorRight: Automated Verification ..."
Pientka, Brigitte POPL '25: "A Dependent Type Theory for ..."
Podkopaev, Anton POPL '25: "Relaxed Memory Concurrency ..."
Poiret, Josselin POPL '25: "All Your Base Are Belong to ..."
Popescu, Andrei POPL '25: "Barendregt Convenes with Knaster ..."
Porter, Thomas J. POPL '25: "Grove: A Bidirectionally Typed ..."
Pottier, François POPL '25: "Data Race Freedom à la Mode ..." POPL '25: "Tail Modulo Cons, OCaml, and ..."
Prinz, Jacob POPL '25: "Pantograph: A Fluid and Typed ..."
Pulte, Christopher POPL '25: "Fulminate: Testing CN Separation-Logic ..."
Radanne, Gabriel POPL '25: "Avoiding Signature Avoidance ..."
Radziuk, Stefan POPL '25: "Progressful Interpreters for ..."
Rajopadhye, Sanjay POPL '25: "Maximal Simplification of ..."
Ranzato, Francesco POPL '25: "The Best of Abstract Interpretations ..."
Rao, Xiaojia POPL '25: "Progressful Interpreters for ..."
Ravindran, Binoy POPL '25: "On Extending Incorrectness ..."
Rémy, Didier POPL '25: "Avoiding Signature Avoidance ..."
Sabne, Amit POPL '25: "TensorRight: Automated Verification ..."
Salvaneschi, Guido POPL '25: "Dis/Equality Graphs ..."
Sammler, Michael POPL '25: "Program Logics à la Carte ..." POPL '25: "Formal Foundations for Translational ..."
Sanan, David POPL '25: "Generically Automating Separation ..." POPL '25: "Automated Program Refinement: ..."
Sathiyanarayana, V.R. POPL '25: "Sound and Complete Proof Rules ..."
Satish, Sundara Vishnu POPL '25: "Grove: A Bidirectionally Typed ..."
Scherer, Gabriel POPL '25: "Tail Modulo Cons, OCaml, and ..."
Schrijvers, Tom POPL '25: "Biparsers: Exact Printing ..."
Sefat, Md Syadus POPL '25: "On Extending Incorrectness ..."
Sekiyama, Taro POPL '25: "Algebraic Temporal Effects: ..."
Sewell, Peter POPL '25: "Fulminate: Testing CN Separation-Logic ..."
Shao, Zhong POPL '25: "Unifying Compositional Verification ..."
Shirmohammadi, Mahsa POPL '25: "Simple Linear Loops: Algebraic ..."
Shoham, Sharon POPL '25: "Axe ’Em: Eliminating Spurious ..." POPL '25: "A Primal-Dual Perspective ..."
Silva, Alexandra POPL '25: "A Demonic Outcome Logic for ..."
Simmons, Robert J. POPL '25: "Finite-Choice Logic Programming ..."
Song, Youngju POPL '25: "Archmage and CompCertCast: ..."
Sozeau, Matthieu POPL '25: "All Your Base Are Belong to ..."