POPL 2024
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, Volume 8, Number POPL
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Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, Volume 8, Number POPL, January 14–20, 2024, London, UK

POPL 2024 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Abeysinghe, Supun POPL '24: "Flan: An Expressive and Efficient ..."
Acar, Umut A. POPL '24: "Automatic Parallelism Management ..." POPL '24: "Disentanglement with Futures, ..."
Ackerman, Nate POPL '24: "Probabilistic Programming ..."
Aguirre, Alejandro POPL '24: "Asynchronous Probabilistic ..."
Aldrich, Jonathan POPL '24: "Sound Gradual Verification ..."
Altenkirch, Thorsten POPL '24: "Internal Parametricity, without ..."
Andrici, Cezar-Constantin POPL '24: "Securing Verified IO Programs ..."
Ang, Zhendong POPL '24: "Predictive Monitoring against ..."
Appel, Andrew W. POPL '24: "VST-A: A Foundationally Sound ..."
Arora, Jatin POPL '24: "Disentanglement with Futures, ..."
Asada, Kazuyuki POPL '24: "Enriched Presheaf Model of ..."
Atkey, Robert POPL '24: "Polynomial Time and Dependent ..."
Attouche, Lyes POPL '24: "Validation of Modern JSON ..."
Azevedo de Amorim, Arthur POPL '24: "Pipelines and Beyond: Graph ..."
Baazizi, Mohamed-Amine POPL '24: "Validation of Modern JSON ..."
Bai, Guangdong POPL '24: "ReLU Hull Approximation ..."
Balasubramanian, A. R. POPL '24: "Reachability in Continuous ..."
Balzer, Stephanie POPL '24: "DisLog: A Separation Logic ..."
Bao, Yuyan POPL '24: "Polymorphic Reachability Types: ..."
Bardin, Sébastien POPL '24: "Inference of Robust Reachability ..."
Barthe, Gilles POPL '24: "Decision and Complexity of ..."
Bastani, Osbert POPL '24: "Optimal Program Synthesis ..."
Batz, Kevin POPL '24: "Programmatic Strategy Synthesis: ..."
Bergsträßer, Pascal POPL '24: "Ramsey Quantifiers in Linear ..."
Bhat, Siddharth POPL '24: "Guided Equality Saturation ..."
Birkedal, Lars POPL '24: "Modular Denotational Semantics ..." POPL '24: "The Logical Essence of Well-Bracketed ..." POPL '24: "An Axiomatic Basis for Computer ..." POPL '24: "The Essence of Generalized ..." POPL '24: "Asynchronous Probabilistic ..." POPL '24: "Trillium: Higher-Order Concurrent ..."
Biskup, Tom Jannik POPL '24: "Programmatic Strategy Synthesis: ..."
Biswas, Joydeep POPL '24: "Programming-by-Demonstration ..."
Blinn, Andrew POPL '24: "Total Type Error Localization ..."
Bojańczyk, Mikołaj POPL '24: "Polyregular Functions on Unordered ..."
Borkowski, Michael H. POPL '24: "Mechanizing Refinement Types ..."
Bortolussi, Luca POPL '24: "Inference of Probabilistic ..."
Boruch-Gruszecki, Aleksander POPL '24: "When Subtyping Constraints ..."
Bowman, William J. POPL '24: "Indexed Types for a Statically ..."
Bračevac, Oliver POPL '24: "Polymorphic Reachability Types: ..."
Briggs, Ian POPL '24: "Implementation and Synthesis ..."
Buna-Marginean, Alex POPL '24: "On Learning Polynomial Recursive ..."
Campion, Marco POPL '24: "Monotonicity and the Precision ..."
Campora, John Peter POPL '24: "Type-Based Gradual Typing ..."
Cao, Qinxiang POPL '24: "VST-A: A Foundationally Sound ..."
Carette, Jacques POPL '24: "With a Few Square Roots, Quantum ..."
Castagna, Giuseppe POPL '24: "Polymorphic Type Inference ..."
Ceragioli, Lorenzo POPL '24: "Quantum Bisimilarity via Barbs ..."
Chakraborty, Soham POPL '24: "How Hard Is Weak-Memory Testing? ..."
Chaliasos, Stefanos POPL '24: "API-Driven Program Synthesis ..."
Chamoun, Yorgo POPL '24: "Internal Parametricity, without ..."
Chan, Jonathan POPL '24: "Internalizing Indistinguishability ..."
Chataing, Nicolas POPL '24: "Unboxed Data Constructors: ..."
Chattopadhyay, Agnishom POPL '24: "Efficient Matching of Regular ..."
Chau, Chun Yin POPL '24: "When Subtyping Constraints ..."
Chen, Sheng POPL '24: "Type-Based Gradual Typing ..."
Chen, Taolue POPL '24: "EasyBC: A Cryptography-Specific ..."
Chen, Yuqi POPL '24: "EasyBC: A Cryptography-Specific ..."
Cheval, Vincent POPL '24: "On Learning Polynomial Recursive ..."
Ciobâcă, Ștefan POPL '24: "Securing Verified IO Programs ..."
Cohen, Joshua M. POPL '24: "A Formalization of Core Why3 ..."
Cohen, Liron POPL '24: "The Complex(ity) Landscape ..."
Colazzo, Dario POPL '24: "Validation of Modern JSON ..."
Couroussé, Damien POPL '24: "Inference of Robust Reachability ..."
Cousot, Patrick POPL '24: "Calculational Design of [In]Correctness ..."
Crichton, Will POPL '24: "A Core Calculus for Documents: ..."
Cyphert, John POPL '24: "Solvable Polynomial Ideals: ..."
Dal Lago, Ugo POPL '24: "On Model-Checking Higher-Order ..."
Dalla Preda, Mila POPL '24: "Monotonicity and the Precision ..."
Das, Ankush POPL '24: "Parametric Subtyping for Structural ..."
Deng, Haowei POPL '24: "A Case for Synthesis of Recursive ..."
Devriese, Dominique POPL '24: "Internal and Observational ..."
DeYoung, Henry POPL '24: "Parametric Subtyping for Structural ..."
Dillig, Işıl POPL '24: "Programming-by-Demonstration ..." POPL '24: "Semantic Code Refactoring ..."
Dimitrova, Rayna POPL '24: "Solving Infinite-State Games ..."
Dimoulas, Christos POPL '24: "Effectful Software Contracts ..."
Ding, Yuantian POPL '24: "Enhanced Enumeration Techniques ..."
DiVincenzo, Jenna POPL '24: "Sound Gradual Verification ..."
Dolan, Stephen POPL '24: "Unboxed Data Constructors: ..."
Dong, Rui POPL '24: "Efficient Bottom-Up Synthesis ..."
Du, Ke POPL '24: "An Iris Instance for Verifying ..."
Dukkipati, Anand POPL '24: "Total Type Error Localization ..."
Elad, Neta POPL '24: "An Infinite Needle in a Finite ..."
Elsman, Martin POPL '24: "Explicit Effects and Effect ..."
Faggian, Claudia POPL '24: "Higher Order Bayesian Networks, ..."
Fan, Andong POPL '24: "When Subtyping Constraints ..."
Farzan, Azadeh POPL '24: "Coarser Equivalences for Causal ..." POPL '24: "Commutativity Simplifies Proofs ..."
Felleisen, Matthias POPL '24: "Effectful Software Contracts ..."
Fluet, Matthew POPL '24: "Automatic Parallelism Management ..."
Frank, Justin POPL '24: "Generating Well-Typed Terms ..." POPL '24: "Indexed Types for a Statically ..."
Freer, Cameron E. POPL '24: "Probabilistic Programming ..."
Frumin, Dan POPL '24: "Modular Denotational Semantics ..."
Gadducci, Fabio POPL '24: "Quantum Bisimilarity via Barbs ..."
Ganardi, Moses POPL '24: "Ramsey Quantifiers in Linear ..."
Geller, Adam T. POPL '24: "Indexed Types for a Statically ..."
Ghelli, Giorgio POPL '24: "Validation of Modern JSON ..."
Ghyselen, Alexis POPL '24: "On Model-Checking Higher-Order ..."
Giacobazzi, Roberto POPL '24: "Monotonicity and the Precision ..."
Girol, Guillaume POPL '24: "Inference of Robust Reachability ..."
Goens, Andrés POPL '24: "Guided Equality Saturation ..."
Gondelman, Léon POPL '24: "Trillium: Higher-Order Concurrent ..."
Gregersen, Simon Oddershede POPL '24: "Asynchronous Probabilistic ..." POPL '24: "Trillium: Higher-Order Concurrent ..."
Grodin, Harrison POPL '24: "Decalf: A Directed, Effectful ..."
Grosser, Tobias POPL '24: "Guided Equality Saturation ..."
Gu, Ronghui POPL '24: "Mostly Automated Verification ..."
Guéneau, Armaël POPL '24: "The Logical Essence of Well-Bracketed ..." POPL '24: "Thunks and Debits in Separation ..."
Guilloud, Simon POPL '24: "Orthologic with Axioms ..."
Guo, Guanchen POPL '24: "Fusing Direct Manipulations ..."
Gutsfeld, Jens Oliver POPL '24: "Deciding Asynchronous Hyperproperties ..."
Hague, Matthew POPL '24: "Parikh’s Theorem Made Symbolic ..."
Hammond, Angus POPL '24: "An Axiomatic Basis for Computer ..."
Harper, Robert POPL '24: "Decalf: A Directed, Effectful ..."
Haselwarter, Philipp G. POPL '24: "Asynchronous Probabilistic ..."
He, Xiao POPL '24: "Fusing Direct Manipulations ..."
Heim, Philippe POPL '24: "Solving Infinite-State Games ..."
Hernandez, Lizzie POPL '24: "A Universal, Sound, and Complete ..."
Heunen, Chris POPL '24: "With a Few Square Roots, Quantum ..."
Hewer, Brandon POPL '24: "Quotient Haskell: Lightweight ..."
Hillerström, Daniel POPL '24: "Soundly Handling Linearity ..."
Hinrichsen, Jonas Kastberg POPL '24: "Deadlock-Free Separation Logic: ..." POPL '24: "Trillium: Higher-Order Concurrent ..."
Höfner, Peter POPL '24: "Shoggoth: A Formal Foundation ..."
Hong, Chih-Duo POPL '24: "Regular Abstractions for Array ..."
Hriţcu, Cătălin POPL '24: "Securing Verified IO Programs ..."
Hu, Zhenjiang POPL '24: "Fusing Direct Manipulations ..."
Hutton, Graham POPL '24: "Quotient Haskell: Lightweight ..."
Incerto, Emilio POPL '24: "Inference of Probabilistic ..."
Jabarin, Adham POPL '24: "The Complex(ity) Landscape ..."
Jacobs, Jules POPL '24: "Deadlock-Free Separation Logic: ..."
Jayanti, Prasad POPL '24: "A Universal, Sound, and Complete ..."
Jayanti, Siddhartha POPL '24: "A Universal, Sound, and Complete ..."
Jeż, Artur POPL '24: "Parikh’s Theorem Made Symbolic ..."
Jhala, Ranjit POPL '24: "Mechanizing Refinement Types ..."
Jia, Songlin POPL '24: "Polymorphic Reachability Types: ..."
Johnson-Freyd, Philip POPL '24: "A Formalization of Core Why3 ..."
Jourdan, Jacques-Henri POPL '24: "Thunks and Debits in Separation ..."
Kaarsgaard, Robin POPL '24: "With a Few Square Roots, Quantum ..."
Kaddar, Younesse POPL '24: "Probabilistic Programming ..."
Kammar, Ohad POPL '24: "Shoggoth: A Formal Foundation ..."
Kaposi, Ambrus POPL '24: "Internal Parametricity, without ..."
Karwowski, Jacek POPL '24: "Probabilistic Programming ..."
Katoen, Joost-Pieter POPL '24: "Programmatic Strategy Synthesis: ..."
Kawamata, Fuga POPL '24: "Answer Refinement Modification: ..."
Khan, Mohammad Wahiduzzaman POPL '24: "Type-Based Gradual Typing ..."
Kidney, Donnacha Oisín POPL '24: "Algebraic Effects Meet Hoare ..."
Kincaid, Zachary POPL '24: "Solvable Polynomial Ideals: ..."
Klin, Bartek POPL '24: "Polyregular Functions on Unordered ..."
Klumpp, Dominik POPL '24: "Commutativity Simplifies Proofs ..."
Kœhler, Thomas POPL '24: "Guided Equality Saturation ..."
Koenig, Jérémie POPL '24: "Fully Composable and Adequate ..."
Kovács, Laura POPL '24: "Strong Invariants Are Hard: ..."
Krebbers, Robbert POPL '24: "Deadlock-Free Separation Logic: ..."
Krishna, Shankara Narayanan POPL '24: "How Hard Is Weak-Memory Testing? ..."
Krishna, Shankaranarayanan POPL '24: "On-the-Fly Static Analysis ..."
Krishnamurthi, Shriram POPL '24: "A Core Calculus for Documents: ..."
Kunčak, Viktor POPL '24: "Orthologic with Axioms ..."
Lad, Yash POPL '24: "Implementation and Synthesis ..."
Lal, Aniket POPL '24: "On-the-Fly Static Analysis ..."
Lampropoulos, Leonidas POPL '24: "Generating Well-Typed Terms ..."
Laurent, Mickaël POPL '24: "Polymorphic Type Inference ..."
Li, Jiaying POPL '24: "ReLU Hull Approximation ..."
Li, Xiang POPL '24: "Efficient Bottom-Up Synthesis ..."
Lin, Anthony W. POPL '24: "Ramsey Quantifiers in Linear ..." POPL '24: "Regular Abstractions for Array ..." POPL '24: "Parikh’s Theorem Made Symbolic ..."
Lindley, Sam POPL '24: "Soundly Handling Linearity ..."
Liu, Pengyu POPL '24: "SimuQ: A Framework for Programming ..."
Liu, Yiyun POPL '24: "Internalizing Indistinguishability ..."
Liu, Zongyuan POPL '24: "An Axiomatic Basis for Computer ..."
Lomurno, Giuseppe POPL '24: "Quantum Bisimilarity via Barbs ..."
Ma, Zhongkui POPL '24: "ReLU Hull Approximation ..."
Majumdar, Rupak POPL '24: "Positive Almost-Sure Termination: ..." POPL '24: "Reachability in Continuous ..."
Mamouras, Konstantinos POPL '24: "Efficient Matching of Regular ..."
Mansky, William POPL '24: "An Iris Instance for Verifying ..."
Maroof, Raef POPL '24: "Total Type Error Localization ..."
Martínez, Guido POPL '24: "Securing Verified IO Programs ..."
Mathur, Umang POPL '24: "Coarser Equivalences for Causal ..." POPL '24: "How Hard Is Weak-Memory Testing? ..." POPL '24: "Predictive Monitoring against ..."
Mell, Stephen POPL '24: "Optimal Program Synthesis ..."
Mével, Glen POPL '24: "Thunks and Debits in Separation ..."
Missula, Meghana POPL '24: "Programming-by-Demonstration ..."
Moine, Alexandre POPL '24: "DisLog: A Separation Logic ..."
Moosbrugger, Marcel POPL '24: "Strong Invariants Are Hard: ..."
Mordido, Andreia POPL '24: "Parametric Subtyping for Structural ..."
Morris, J. Garrett POPL '24: "Soundly Handling Linearity ..."
Moss, Sean POPL '24: "Probabilistic Programming ..."
Moy, Cameron POPL '24: "Effectful Software Contracts ..."
Muller, Stefan K. POPL '24: "Pipelines and Beyond: Graph ..." POPL '24: "Disentanglement with Futures, ..."
Müller-Olm, Markus POPL '24: "Deciding Asynchronous Hyperproperties ..."
Müllner, Julian POPL '24: "Strong Invariants Are Hard: ..."
Nguyễn, Kim POPL '24: "Polymorphic Type Inference ..."
Nieh, Jason POPL '24: "Mostly Automated Verification ..."
Nieto, Abel POPL '24: "Trillium: Higher-Order Concurrent ..."
Niu, Yue POPL '24: "Decalf: A Directed, Effectful ..."
Nuyts, Andreas POPL '24: "Internal and Observational ..."
O’Connor, Liam POPL '24: "Shoggoth: A Formal Foundation ..."
Ohrem, Christoph POPL '24: "Deciding Asynchronous Hyperproperties ..."
Omar, Cyrus POPL '24: "Total Type Error Localization ..."
Padon, Oded POPL '24: "An Infinite Needle in a Finite ..."
Pailoor, Shankara POPL '24: "Semantic Code Refactoring ..."
Pan, Zhiyi POPL '24: "Total Type Error Localization ..."
Panchekha, Pavel POPL '24: "Implementation and Synthesis ..."
Parreaux, Lionel POPL '24: "When Subtyping Constraints ..."
Patton, Noah POPL '24: "Programming-by-Demonstration ..."
Pautasso, Daniele POPL '24: "Higher Order Bayesian Networks, ..."
Pavlogiannis, Andreas POPL '24: "On-the-Fly Static Analysis ..." POPL '24: "How Hard Is Weak-Memory Testing? ..."
Peng, Yuxiang POPL '24: "A Case for Synthesis of Recursive ..." POPL '24: "SimuQ: A Framework for Programming ..."
Pérami, Thibaut POPL '24: "An Axiomatic Basis for Computer ..."
Pfenning, Frank POPL '24: "Parametric Subtyping for Structural ..."
Pichon-Pharabod, Jean POPL '24: "An Axiomatic Basis for Computer ..."
Podelski, Andreas POPL '24: "Commutativity Simplifies Proofs ..."
Popescu, Andrei POPL '24: "Nominal Recursors as Epi-Recursors ..." POPL '24: "The Complex(ity) Landscape ..."
Pottier, François POPL '24: "Thunks and Debits in Separation ..."
Qin, Jianxing POPL '24: "VST-A: A Foundationally Sound ..."
Qin, Xueying POPL '24: "Shoggoth: A Formal Foundation ..."
Qiu, Xiaokang POPL '24: "Enhanced Enumeration Techniques ..."
Quiring, Benjamin POPL '24: "Generating Well-Typed Terms ..."
Rahmani, Kia POPL '24: "Programming-by-Demonstration ..."
Rainey, Mike POPL '24: "Automatic Parallelism Management ..."
Rakotonirina, Itsaka POPL '24: "Decision and Complexity of ..."
Ramsay, Steven POPL '24: "Ill-Typed Programs Don’t ..."
Randone, Francesca POPL '24: "Inference of Probabilistic ..."
Recoules, Frédéric POPL '24: "Inference of Robust Reachability ..."
Rinaldi, Francis POPL '24: "Pipelines and Beyond: Graph ..."
Rivas, Exequiel POPL '24: "Securing Verified IO Programs ..."
Rompf, Tiark POPL '24: "Polymorphic Reachability Types: ..." POPL '24: "Flan: An Expressive and Efficient ..."
Rowe, Reuben N. S. POPL '24: "The Complex(ity) Landscape ..."
Roy, Daniel POPL '24: "Probabilistic Programming ..."
Sabry, Amr POPL '24: "With a Few Square Roots, Quantum ..."
Sartiani, Carlo POPL '24: "Validation of Modern JSON ..."