POPL 2023
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, Volume 7, Number POPL
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Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, Volume 7, Number POPL, January 15–21, 2023, Boston, MA, USA

POPL 2023 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Abreu, Pedro POPL '23: "A Type-Based Approach to Divide-and-Conquer ..."
Aguirre, Alejandro POPL '23: "Step-Indexed Logical Relations ..."
Alur, Rajeev POPL '23: "Executing Microservice Applications ..." POPL '23: "A Robust Theory of Series ..."
Angel, Sebastian POPL '23: "Executing Microservice Applications ..."
Angiuli, Carlo POPL '23: "An Order-Theoretic Analysis ..."
Antonopoulos, Timos POPL '23: "An Algebra of Alignment for ..."
Arrial, Victor POPL '23: "Quantitative Inhabitation ..."
Bach Poulsen, Casper POPL '23: "Hefty Algebras: Modular Elaboration ..."
Baker, Alan POPL '23: "Taking Back Control in an ..."
Balzer, Stephanie POPL '23: "Higher-Order Leak and Deadlock ..."
Barrière, Aurèle POPL '23: "Formally Verified Native Code ..."
Barthe, Gilles POPL '23: "CoqQ: Foundational Verification ..."
Batz, Kevin POPL '23: "A Calculus for Amortized Expected ..."
Baumann, Pascal POPL '23: "Context-Bounded Verification ..."
Bembenek, Aaron POPL '23: "From SMT to ASP: Solver-Based ..."
Birkedal, Lars POPL '23: "Step-Indexed Logical Relations ..."
Blazy, Sandrine POPL '23: "Formally Verified Native Code ..."
Bodík, Rastislav POPL '23: "Grisette: Symbolic Compilation ..."
Bonchi, Filippo POPL '23: "Deconstructing the Calculus ..."
Bosamiya, Jay POPL '23: "MSWasm: Soundly Enforcing ..."
Bowers, Matthew POPL '23: "Top-Down Synthesis for Library ..."
Broman, David POPL '23: "Statically Resolvable Ambiguity ..."
Cambronero, José POPL '23: "FlashFill++: Scaling Programming ..."
Cao, David POPL '23: "babble: Learning Better Abstractions ..."
Castegren, Elias POPL '23: "Statically Resolvable Ambiguity ..."
Castellan, Simon POPL '23: "The Geometry of Causality: ..."
Chappe, Nicolas POPL '23: "Choice Trees: Representing ..."
Charguéraud, Arthur POPL '23: "A High-Level Separation Logic ..."
Chen, Yixuan POPL '23: "A Compositional Theory of ..."
Chen, Zilin POPL '23: "Dargent: A Silver Bullet for ..."
Cho, Hangyeol POPL '23: "Inductive Synthesis of Structurally ..."
Cho, Minki POPL '23: "Conditional Contextual Refinement ..."
Chong, Stephen POPL '23: "From SMT to ASP: Solver-Based ..."
Clairambault, Pierre POPL '23: "The Geometry of Causality: ..."
Clark, Jack POPL '23: "Taking Back Control in an ..."
D'Antoni, Loris POPL '23: "Unrealizability Logic ..."
Das, Ankush POPL '23: "Probabilistic Resource-Aware ..."
Das, Ria POPL '23: "Combining Functional and Automata ..."
Dash, Swaraj POPL '23: "Affine Monads and Lazy Structures ..."
Day, Joel D. POPL '23: "On the Expressive Power of ..."
Deep, Shaleen POPL '23: "The Fine-Grained Complexity ..."
Delaware, Benjamin POPL '23: "A Type-Based Approach to Divide-and-Conquer ..."
Denlinger, Aidan POPL '23: "MSWasm: Soundly Enforcing ..."
Di Florio, Cecilia POPL '23: "Elements of Quantitative Rewriting ..."
Di Giorgio, Alessandro POPL '23: "Deconstructing the Calculus ..."
Di Giusto, Cinzia POPL '23: "A Partial Order View of Message-Passing ..."
Ding, Shuo POPL '23: "Witnessability of Undecidable ..."
Disselkoen, Craig POPL '23: "MSWasm: Soundly Enforcing ..."
Donaldson, Alastair F. POPL '23: "Taking Back Control in an ..."
D'Osualdo, Emanuele POPL '23: "The Path to Durable Linearizability ..." POPL '23: "DimSum: A Decentralized Approach ..."
Dreyer, Derek POPL '23: "DimSum: A Decentralized Approach ..." POPL '23: "Conditional Contextual Refinement ..."
Ellis, Kevin POPL '23: "Top-Down Synthesis for Library ..."
Fan, Xiong POPL '23: "A Core Calculus for Equational ..."
Farzan, Azadeh POPL '23: "Stratified Commutativity in ..."
Ferré, Davide POPL '23: "A Partial Order View of Message-Passing ..."
Frostig, Roy POPL '23: "You Only Linearize Once: Tangents ..."
Fu, Peng POPL '23: "Proto-Quipper with Dynamic ..."
Ganardi, Moses POPL '23: "Context-Bounded Verification ..."
Gancher, Joshua POPL '23: "A Core Calculus for Equational ..."
Ganesh, Vijay POPL '23: "On the Expressive Power of ..."
Garg, Deepak POPL '23: "DimSum: A Decentralized Approach ..."
Gavazzo, Francesco POPL '23: "Elements of Quantitative Rewriting ..."
Gollamudi, Anitha POPL '23: "MSWasm: Soundly Enforcing ..."
Goncharov, Sergey POPL '23: "Towards a Higher-Order Mathematical ..."
Grand, Gabriel POPL '23: "Top-Down Synthesis for Library ..."
Greenberg, Michael POPL '23: "From SMT to ASP: Solver-Based ..."
Grewal, Nathan POPL '23: "On the Expressive Power of ..."
Gu, Yu POPL '23: "Optimal CHC Solving via Termination ..." POPL '23: "Modular Primal-Dual Fixpoint ..."
Guerrieri, Giulio POPL '23: "Quantitative Inhabitation ..."
Gulwani, Sumit POPL '23: "FlashFill++: Scaling Programming ..."
Hainry, Emmanuel POPL '23: "A General Noninterference ..."
Haller, Philipp POPL '23: "Statically Resolvable Ambiguity ..."
He, Paul POPL '23: "Choice Trees: Representing ..."
Henrio, Ludovic POPL '23: "Choice Trees: Representing ..."
Hicks, Michael POPL '23: "Qunity: A Unified Language ..."
Hoffmann, Jan POPL '23: "Probabilistic Resource-Aware ..."
Hou (Favonia), Kuen-Bang POPL '23: "An Order-Theoretic Analysis ..."
Huang, Xuejing POPL '23: "A Bowtie for a Beast: Overloading, ..." POPL '23: "Making a Type Difference: ..."
Hubers, Alex POPL '23: "A Type-Based Approach to Divide-and-Conquer ..."
Hunt, Sebastian POPL '23: "Reconciling Shannon and Scott ..."
Huot, Mathieu POPL '23: "ADEV: Sound Automatic Differentiation ..."
Hur, Chung-Kil POPL '23: "Conditional Contextual Refinement ..."
Jackson, Vincent POPL '23: "Dargent: A Silver Bullet for ..."
Jacobs, Jules POPL '23: "Higher-Order Leak and Deadlock ..." POPL '23: "Fast Coalgebraic Bisimilarity ..."
Jenkins, Christa POPL '23: "A Type-Based Approach to Divide-and-Conquer ..."
Jiang, Chuan POPL '23: "Comparative Synthesis: Learning ..."
Jochems, Jerome POPL '23: "Higher-Order MSL Horn Constraints ..."
Johnson, Evan POPL '23: "MSWasm: Soundly Enforcing ..."
Johnson, Matthew J. POPL '23: "You Only Linearize Once: Tangents ..."
Jones, Eddie POPL '23: "Higher-Order MSL Horn Constraints ..."
Kaddar, Younesse POPL '23: "Affine Monads and Lazy Structures ..."
Kallas, Konstantinos POPL '23: "Executing Microservice Applications ..."
Kaminski, Benjamin Lucien POPL '23: "A Calculus for Amortized Expected ..."
Katoen, Joost-Pieter POPL '23: "A Calculus for Amortized Expected ..."
Keller, Gabriele POPL '23: "Dargent: A Silver Bullet for ..."
Kerinec, Axel POPL '23: "Why Are Proofs Relevant in ..."
Kesner, Delia POPL '23: "Quantitative Inhabitation ..."
Kim, Jinwoo POPL '23: "Unrealizability Logic ..."
Kincaid, Zachary POPL '23: "When Less Is More: Consequence-Finding ..."
Kishida, Kohei POPL '23: "Proto-Quipper with Dynamic ..."
Klimis, Vasileios POPL '23: "Taking Back Control in an ..."
Klumpp, Dominik POPL '23: "Stratified Commutativity in ..."
Kobayashi, Naoki POPL '23: "HFL(Z) Validity Checking for ..."
Koh, Nicolas POPL '23: "When Less Is More: Consequence-Finding ..."
Kokologiannakis, Michalis POPL '23: "Kater: Automating Weak Memory ..."
Koskinen, Eric POPL '23: "An Algebra of Alignment for ..." POPL '23: "Modular Primal-Dual Fixpoint ..."
Koutris, Paraschos POPL '23: "The Fine-Grained Complexity ..."
Krebbers, Robbert POPL '23: "DimSum: A Decentralized Approach ..."
Krishnaswami, Neel POPL '23: "CN: Verifying Systems C Code ..."
Kunkel, Rose POPL '23: "babble: Learning Better Abstractions ..."
Lafont, Ambroise POPL '23: "Dargent: A Silver Bullet for ..."
Lahav, Ori POPL '23: "Kater: Automating Weak Memory ..." POPL '23: "An Operational Approach to ..."
Laversa, Laetitia POPL '23: "A Partial Order View of Message-Passing ..."
Le, Ton Chanh POPL '23: "An Algebra of Alignment for ..."
Le, Vu POPL '23: "FlashFill++: Scaling Programming ..."
Lee, Dongjae POPL '23: "Conditional Contextual Refinement ..."
Lee, Wonyeol POPL '23: "Smoothness Analysis for Probabilistic ..."
Lee, Woosuk POPL '23: "Inductive Synthesis of Structurally ..."
Leijen, Daan POPL '23: "Tail Recursion Modulo Context: ..."
Lemerre, Matthieu POPL '23: "SSA Translation Is an Abstract ..."
Lew, Alexander K. POPL '23: "ADEV: Sound Automatic Differentiation ..."
Li, Jianlin POPL '23: "Type-Preserving, Dependence-Aware ..."
Li, Liyi POPL '23: "Qunity: A Unified Language ..."
Li, Yuanbo POPL '23: "Single-Source-Single-Target ..."
Li, Zixuan POPL '23: "Comparative Synthesis: Learning ..."
Liu, Junyi POPL '23: "CoqQ: Foundational Verification ..."
Liu, Vincent POPL '23: "Executing Microservice Applications ..."
Lorenzen, Anton POPL '23: "Tail Recursion Modulo Context: ..."
Lozes, Etienne POPL '23: "A Partial Order View of Message-Passing ..."
Lu, Sirui POPL '23: "Grisette: Symbolic Compilation ..."
Maclaurin, Dougal POPL '23: "You Only Linearize Once: Tangents ..."
Majumdar, Rupak POPL '23: "Context-Bounded Verification ..."
Makwana, Dhruv C. POPL '23: "CN: Verifying Systems C Code ..."
Manea, Florin POPL '23: "On the Expressive Power of ..."
Mansinghka, Vikash K. POPL '23: "ADEV: Sound Automatic Differentiation ..."
Manzonetto, Giulio POPL '23: "Why Are Proofs Relevant in ..."
Matheja, Christoph POPL '23: "A Calculus for Amortized Expected ..."
Mathur, Umang POPL '23: "Dynamic Race Detection with ..."
McLaughlin, Craig POPL '23: "Dargent: A Silver Bullet for ..."
Memarian, Kayvan POPL '23: "CN: Verifying Systems C Code ..."
Michael, Alexandra E. POPL '23: "MSWasm: Soundly Enforcing ..."
Milius, Stefan POPL '23: "Towards a Higher-Order Mathematical ..."
Moine, Alexandre POPL '23: "A High-Level Separation Logic ..."
Morris, J. Garrett POPL '23: "A Type-Based Approach to Divide-and-Conquer ..."
Morrisett, Greg POPL '23: "A Core Calculus for Equational ..."
Mullanix, Reed POPL '23: "An Order-Theoretic Analysis ..."
Nagasamudram, Ramana POPL '23: "An Algebra of Alignment for ..."
Nandi, Chandrakana POPL '23: "babble: Learning Better Abstractions ..."
Naumann, David A. POPL '23: "An Algebra of Alignment for ..."
Neto, David POPL '23: "Taking Back Control in an ..."
Ngo, Minh POPL '23: "An Algebra of Alignment for ..."
O'Connor, Liam POPL '23: "Dargent: A Silver Bullet for ..."
Olausson, Theo X. POPL '23: "Top-Down Synthesis for Library ..."
Olimpieri, Federico POPL '23: "Why Are Proofs Relevant in ..."
Oliveira, Bruno C. d. S. POPL '23: "A Bowtie for a Beast: Overloading, ..." POPL '23: "Making a Type Difference: ..." POPL '23: "Recursive Subtyping for All ..."
Oliveira Vale, Arthur POPL '23: "A Compositional Theory of ..."
Palmkvist, Viktor POPL '23: "Statically Resolvable Ambiguity ..."
Paquet, Hugo POPL '23: "Affine Monads and Lazy Structures ..."
Parno, Bryan POPL '23: "MSWasm: Soundly Enforcing ..."
Paszke, Adam POPL '23: "You Only Linearize Once: Tangents ..."
Patrignani, Marco POPL '23: "MSWasm: Soundly Enforcing ..."
Péchoux, Romain POPL '23: "A General Noninterference ..."
Perelman, Daniel POPL '23: "FlashFill++: Scaling Programming ..."
Pichardie, David POPL '23: "Formally Verified Native Code ..."
Pitts, Andrew M. POPL '23: "Locally Nameless Sets ..."
Podelski, Andreas POPL '23: "Stratified Commutativity in ..."
Polikarpova, Nadia POPL '23: "babble: Learning Better Abstractions ..."
Popescu, Andrei POPL '23: "Admissible Types-to-PERs Relativization ..."
Pottier, François POPL '23: "A High-Level Separation Logic ..."
Pujet, Loïc POPL '23: "Impredicative Observational ..."
Pulte, Christopher POPL '23: "CN: Verifying Systems C Code ..."
Qiu, Xiaokang POPL '23: "Comparative Synthesis: Learning ..."
Raad, Azalea POPL '23: "The Path to Durable Linearizability ..."
Radhakrishna, Arjun POPL '23: "FlashFill++: Scaling Programming ..."
Radul, Alexey POPL '23: "You Only Linearize Once: Tangents ..."
Ramsay, Steven POPL '23: "Higher-Order MSL Horn Constraints ..."
Rand, Robert POPL '23: "Qunity: A Unified Language ..."
Rao, Sanjay POPL '23: "Comparative Synthesis: Learning ..."
Reps, Thomas POPL '23: "Unrealizability Logic ..." POPL '23: "Single-Source-Single-Target ..."
Rioux, Nick POPL '23: "A Bowtie for a Beast: Overloading, ..."
Rival, Xavier POPL '23: "Smoothness Analysis for Probabilistic ..."
Rizkallah, Christine POPL '23: "Dargent: A Silver Bullet for ..."
Ross, Neil J. POPL '23: "Proto-Quipper with Dynamic ..."
Sammler, Michael POPL '23: "DimSum: A Decentralized Approach ..." POPL '23: "Conditional Contextual Refinement ..."
Sands, David POPL '23: "Reconciling Shannon and Scott ..."
Santamaria, Alessio POPL '23: "Deconstructing the Calculus ..."
Sato, Ryosuke POPL '23: "HFL(Z) Validity Checking for ..."
Schröder, Lutz POPL '23: "Towards a Higher-Order Mathematical ..."
Sekiyama, Taro POPL '23: "Temporal Verification with ..."
Selinger, Peter POPL '23: "Proto-Quipper with Dynamic ..."
Sewell, Peter POPL '23: "CN: Verifying Systems C Code ..."
Sewell, Thomas POPL '23: "CN: Verifying Systems C Code ..."
Shao, Zhong POPL '23: "A Compositional Theory of ..."
Shi, Elaine POPL '23: "A Core Calculus for Equational ..."
Shi, Pengyuan POPL '23: "Type-Preserving, Dependence-Aware ..."
Simon, Clint POPL '23: "FlashFill++: Scaling Programming ..."
Singh, Abhishek Kr POPL '23: "An Operational Approach to ..."
Smeding, Tom J. POPL '23: "Efficient Dual-Numbers Reverse ..."
Sojakova, Kristina POPL '23: "A Core Calculus for Equational ..."
Solar-Lezama, Armando POPL '23: "Top-Down Synthesis for Library ..." POPL '23: "Combining Functional and Automata ..."
Song, Youngju POPL '23: "DimSum: A Decentralized Approach ..." POPL '23: "Conditional Contextual Refinement ..."
Spies, Simon POPL '23: "DimSum: A Decentralized Approach ..."
Stanford, Caleb POPL '23: "A Robust Theory of Series ..."
Staton, Sam POPL '23: "Affine Monads and Lazy Structures ..." POPL '23: "ADEV: Sound Automatic Differentiation ..."
Stefan, Deian POPL '23: "MSWasm: Soundly Enforcing ..."
Strub, Pierre-Yves POPL '23: "CoqQ: Foundational Verification ..."
Stucki, Sandro POPL '23: "Reconciling Shannon and Scott ..."
Stump, Aaron POPL '23: "A Type-Based Approach to Divide-and-Conquer ..."
Tabareau, Nicolas POPL '23: "Impredicative Observational ..."
Tanahashi, Kento POPL '23: "HFL(Z) Validity Checking for ..."
Tatlock, Zachary POPL '23: "babble: Learning Better Abstractions ..."
Tavares, Zenna POPL '23: "Combining Functional and Automata ..."
Tenenbaum, Joshua B. POPL '23: "Top-Down Synthesis for Library ..." POPL '23: "Combining Functional and Automata ..."
Terauchi, Tachio POPL '23: "Modular Primal-Dual Fixpoint ..."