POPL 2017
44th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2017)
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44th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2017), January 15–21, 2017, Paris, France

POPL 2017 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Ahman, Danel POPL '17: "Dijkstra Monads for Free ..."
Akella, Aditya POPL '17: "Genesis: Synthesizing Forwarding ..."
Aldrich, Jonathan POPL '17: "Hazelnut: A Bidirectionally ..."
Alglave, Jade POPL '17: "Ogre and Pythia: An Invariance ..."
Amin, Nada POPL '17: "Type Soundness Proofs with ..." POPL '17: "LMS-Verify: Abstraction without ..."
Angiuli, Carlo POPL '17: "Computational Higher-Dimensional ..."
Assaf, Mounir POPL '17: "Hypercollecting Semantics ..."
Azevedo de Amorim, Arthur POPL '17: "A Semantic Account of Metric ..."
Baranowski, Mark POPL '17: "Rigorous Floating-Point Mixed-Precision ..."
Barthe, Gilles POPL '17: "Coupling Proofs Are Probabilistic ..." POPL '17: "Relational Cost Analysis ..."
Batty, Mark POPL '17: "Automatically Comparing Memory ..." POPL '17: "Mixed-Size Concurrency: ARM, ..."
Berenger, Francois POPL '17: "Semantic-Directed Clumping ..."
Biboudis, Aggelos POPL '17: "Stream Fusion, to Completeness ..."
Birkedal, Lars POPL '17: "Interactive Proofs in Higher-Order ..." POPL '17: "A Relational Model of Types-and-Effects ..."
Blelloch, Guy E. POPL '17: "Parallel Functional Arrays ..."
Bouajjani, Ahmed POPL '17: "On Verifying Causal Consistency ..."
Briggs, Ian POPL '17: "Rigorous Floating-Point Mixed-Precision ..."
Brown, Matt POPL '17: "Typed Self-Evaluation via ..."
Bruse, Florian POPL '17: "On the Relationship between ..."
Brutschy, Lucas POPL '17: "Serializability for Eventual ..."
Chang, Bor-Yuh Evan POPL '17: "Semantic-Directed Clumping ..."
Chang, Stephen POPL '17: "Type Systems as Macros ..."
Chatterjee, Krishnendu POPL '17: "Stochastic Invariants for ..."
Cherigui, Ikram POPL '17: "A Semantic Account of Metric ..."
Chiang, Wei-Fan POPL '17: "Rigorous Floating-Point Mixed-Precision ..."
Chlipala, Adam POPL '17: "A Program Optimization for ..."
Çiçek, Ezgi POPL '17: "Relational Cost Analysis ..."
Cimini, Matteo POPL '17: "Automatically Generating the ..."
Constantinides, George A. POPL '17: "Automatically Comparing Memory ..."
Cousot, Patrick POPL '17: "Ogre and Pythia: An Invariance ..."
Crary, Karl POPL '17: "Modules, Abstraction, and ..."
Dal Lago, Ugo POPL '17: "The Geometry of Parallelism: ..."
D'Antoni, Loris POPL '17: "Monadic Second-Order Logic ..." POPL '17: "Genesis: Synthesizing Forwarding ..."
Das, Ankush POPL '17: "Towards Automatic Resource ..."
Dillig, Isil POPL '17: "Component-Based Synthesis ..."
Dimitrov, Dimitar POPL '17: "Serializability for Eventual ..."
Dolan, Stephen POPL '17: "Polymorphism, Subtyping, and ..."
Donaldson, Alastair F. POPL '17: "Dynamic Race Detection for ..."
Dreyer, Derek POPL '17: "A Promising Semantics for ..."
Dudenhefner, Andrej POPL '17: "Intersection Type Calculi ..."
Dunfield, Joshua POPL '17: "Sums of Uncertainty: Refinements ..."
Enea, Constantin POPL '17: "On Verifying Causal Consistency ..."
Faggian, Claudia POPL '17: "The Geometry of Parallelism: ..."
Feng, Yu POPL '17: "Component-Based Synthesis ..."
Flur, Shaked POPL '17: "Mixed-Size Concurrency: ARM, ..."
Foster, Nate POPL '17: "Cantor Meets Scott: Semantic ..."
Gaboardi, Marco POPL '17: "Relational Cost Analysis ..." POPL '17: "A Semantic Account of Metric ..."
Gallois-Wong, Diane POPL '17: "Beginner's Luck: A Language ..."
Garg, Deepak POPL '17: "Relational Cost Analysis ..."
Germane, Kimball POPL '17: "A Posteriori Environment Analysis ..."
Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh POPL '17: "Rigorous Floating-Point Mixed-Precision ..."
Gray, Kathryn E. POPL '17: "Mixed-Size Concurrency: ARM, ..."
Greenman, Ben POPL '17: "Type Systems as Macros ..."
Grégoire, Benjamin POPL '17: "Coupling Proofs Are Probabilistic ..."
Grigore, Radu POPL '17: "Java Generics Are Turing Complete ..."
Guerraoui, Rachid POPL '17: "On Verifying Causal Consistency ..."
Hammer, Matthew A. POPL '17: "Hazelnut: A Bidirectionally ..."
Hamza, Jad POPL '17: "On Verifying Causal Consistency ..."
Harper, Robert POPL '17: "Computational Higher-Dimensional ..." POPL '17: "Parallel Functional Arrays ..."
Harris, William R. POPL '17: "Complexity Verification using ..."
Hilton, Michael POPL '17: "Hazelnut: A Bidirectionally ..."
Hoenicke, Jochen POPL '17: "Thread Modularity at Many ..."
Hoffmann, Jan POPL '17: "Relational Cost Analysis ..." POPL '17: "Towards Automatic Resource ..."
Hriţcu, Cătălin POPL '17: "Beginner's Luck: A Language ..." POPL '17: "Dijkstra Monads for Free ..."
Hsu, Justin POPL '17: "Coupling Proofs Are Probabilistic ..." POPL '17: "A Semantic Account of Metric ..."
Hughes, John POPL '17: "Beginner's Luck: A Language ..."
Hur, Chung-Kil POPL '17: "A Promising Semantics for ..."
Igarashi, Atsushi POPL '17: "Stateful Manifest Contracts ..."
Ilik, Danko POPL '17: "The exp-log Normal Form of ..."
Jafery, Khurram A. POPL '17: "Sums of Uncertainty: Refinements ..."
Kang, Jeehoon POPL '17: "A Promising Semantics for ..."
Katsumata, Shin-ya POPL '17: "A Semantic Account of Metric ..."
Kifer, Daniel POPL '17: "LightDP: Towards Automating ..."
Kiselyov, Oleg POPL '17: "Stream Fusion, to Completeness ..."
Klin, Bartek POPL '17: "Learning Nominal Automata ..."
Knauth, Alex POPL '17: "Type Systems as Macros ..."
Kobayashi, Naoki POPL '17: "On the Relationship between ..."
Konnov, Igor POPL '17: "A Short Counterexample Property ..."
Kopczyński, Eryk POPL '17: "LOIS: Syntax and Semantics ..."
Kovács, Laura POPL '17: "Coming to Terms with Quantified ..."
Kozen, Dexter POPL '17: "Cantor Meets Scott: Semantic ..."
Krebbers, Robbert POPL '17: "Interactive Proofs in Higher-Order ..."
Krogh-Jespersen, Morten POPL '17: "A Relational Model of Types-and-Effects ..."
Kulal, Sumith POPL '17: "Contract-Based Resource Verification ..."
Kumar, Ananya POPL '17: "Parallel Functional Arrays ..."
Kumar, Praveen POPL '17: "Cantor Meets Scott: Semantic ..."
Kuncak, Viktor POPL '17: "Contract-Based Resource Verification ..."
Lahav, Ori POPL '17: "A Promising Semantics for ..."
Lampropoulos, Leonidas POPL '17: "Beginner's Luck: A Language ..."
Lange, Julien POPL '17: "Fencing off Go: Liveness and ..."
Lazić, Marijana POPL '17: "A Short Counterexample Property ..."
Lehmann, Nico POPL '17: "Gradual Refinement Types ..."
Leijen, Daan POPL '17: "Type Directed Compilation ..."
Levy, Paul Blain POPL '17: "Contextual Isomorphisms ..."
Li, Huisong POPL '17: "Semantic-Directed Clumping ..."
Lidbury, Christopher POPL '17: "Dynamic Race Detection for ..."
Lindley, Sam POPL '17: "Do Be Do Be Do ..."
Liu, Xinxin POPL '17: "Analyzing Divergence in Bisimulation ..."
Lozes, Étienne POPL '17: "On the Relationship between ..."
Madhavan, Ravichandhran POPL '17: "Contract-Based Resource Verification ..."
Maillard, Kenji POPL '17: "Dijkstra Monads for Free ..."
Majumdar, Rupak POPL '17: "Thread Modularity at Many ..."
Maranget, Luc POPL '17: "Mixed-Size Concurrency: ARM, ..."
Martínez, Guido POPL '17: "Dijkstra Monads for Free ..."
Martins, Ruben POPL '17: "Component-Based Synthesis ..."
McBride, Conor POPL '17: "Do Be Do Be Do ..."
McLaughlin, Craig POPL '17: "Do Be Do Be Do ..."
Might, Matthew POPL '17: "A Posteriori Environment Analysis ..."
Moerman, Joshua POPL '17: "Learning Nominal Automata ..."
Müller, Peter POPL '17: "Serializability for Eventual ..."
Mycroft, Alan POPL '17: "Polymorphism, Subtyping, and ..."
Naumann, David A. POPL '17: "Hypercollecting Semantics ..."
Ng, Nicholas POPL '17: "Fencing off Go: Liveness and ..."
Nienhuis, Kyndylan POPL '17: "Mixed-Size Concurrency: ARM, ..."
Novotný, Petr POPL '17: "Stochastic Invariants for ..."
Omar, Cyrus POPL '17: "Hazelnut: A Bidirectionally ..."
Palladinos, Nick POPL '17: "Stream Fusion, to Completeness ..."
Palsberg, Jens POPL '17: "Typed Self-Evaluation via ..."
Paykin, Jennifer POPL '17: "QWIRE: A Core Language for ..."
Pierce, Benjamin C. POPL '17: "Beginner's Luck: A Language ..."
Plotkin, Gordon POPL '17: "Dijkstra Monads for Free ..."
Podelski, Andreas POPL '17: "Thread Modularity at Many ..."
Protzenko, Jonathan POPL '17: "Dijkstra Monads for Free ..."
Pulte, Christopher POPL '17: "Mixed-Size Concurrency: ARM, ..."
Püschel, Markus POPL '17: "Fast Polyhedra Abstract Domain ..."
Rakamarić, Zvonimir POPL '17: "Rigorous Floating-Point Mixed-Precision ..."
Ramsey, Norman POPL '17: "Exact Bayesian Inference by ..."
Rand, Robert POPL '17: "QWIRE: A Core Language for ..."
Rastogi, Aseem POPL '17: "Dijkstra Monads for Free ..."
Rehof, Jakob POPL '17: "Intersection Type Calculi ..."
Reps, Thomas W. POPL '17: "Component-Based Synthesis ..."
Rival, Xavier POPL '17: "Semantic-Directed Clumping ..."
Robillard, Simon POPL '17: "Coming to Terms with Quantified ..."
Rompf, Tiark POPL '17: "Type Soundness Proofs with ..." POPL '17: "LMS-Verify: Abstraction without ..."
Sahin, Burak POPL '17: "Complexity Verification using ..."
Sammartino, Matteo POPL '17: "Learning Nominal Automata ..."
Sarkar, Susmit POPL '17: "Mixed-Size Concurrency: ARM, ..."
Scherer, Gabriel POPL '17: "Deciding Equivalence with ..."
Scully, Ziv POPL '17: "A Program Optimization for ..."
Sekiyama, Taro POPL '17: "Stateful Manifest Contracts ..."
Sewell, Peter POPL '17: "Mixed-Size Concurrency: ARM, ..."
Sezgin, Ali POPL '17: "Mixed-Size Concurrency: ARM, ..."
Shan, Chung-chieh POPL '17: "Exact Bayesian Inference by ..."
Siek, Jeremy G. POPL '17: "Big Types in Little Runtime: ..." POPL '17: "Automatically Generating the ..."
Signoles, Julien POPL '17: "Hypercollecting Semantics ..."
Silva, Alexandra POPL '17: "Cantor Meets Scott: Semantic ..." POPL '17: "Learning Nominal Automata ..."
Singh, Gagandeep POPL '17: "Fast Polyhedra Abstract Domain ..."
Smaragdakis, Yannis POPL '17: "Stream Fusion, to Completeness ..."
Smolka, Steffen POPL '17: "Cantor Meets Scott: Semantic ..."
Solovyev, Alexey POPL '17: "Rigorous Floating-Point Mixed-Precision ..."
Sorensen, Tyler POPL '17: "Automatically Comparing Memory ..."
Srikanth, Akhilesh POPL '17: "Complexity Verification using ..."
Strub, Pierre-Yves POPL '17: "Coupling Proofs Are Probabilistic ..."
Su, Zhendong POPL '17: "Context-Sensitive Data-Dependence ..."
Subramanian, Kausik POPL '17: "Genesis: Synthesizing Forwarding ..."
Svendsen, Kasper POPL '17: "A Relational Model of Types-and-Effects ..."
Swamy, Nikhil POPL '17: "Dijkstra Monads for Free ..."
Swords, Cameron POPL '17: "Big Types in Little Runtime: ..."
Szynwelski, Michał POPL '17: "Learning Nominal Automata ..."
Tanter, Éric POPL '17: "Gradual Refinement Types ..."
Timany, Amin POPL '17: "Interactive Proofs in Higher-Order ..."
Toninho, Bernardo POPL '17: "Fencing off Go: Liveness and ..."
Toruńczyk, Szymon POPL '17: "LOIS: Syntax and Semantics ..."
Totel, Éric POPL '17: "Hypercollecting Semantics ..."
Tronel, Frédéric POPL '17: "Hypercollecting Semantics ..."
Turon, Aaron POPL '17: "Rust: From POPL to Practice ..."
Vafeiadis, Viktor POPL '17: "A Promising Semantics for ..."
Valiron, Benoît POPL '17: "The Geometry of Parallelism: ..."
Veanes, Margus POPL '17: "Monadic Second-Order Logic ..."
Vechev, Martin POPL '17: "Serializability for Eventual ..." POPL '17: "Fast Polyhedra Abstract Domain ..."
Veith, Helmut POPL '17: "A Short Counterexample Property ..."
Vitousek, Michael M. POPL '17: "Big Types in Little Runtime: ..."
Voronkov, Andrei POPL '17: "Coming to Terms with Quantified ..."
Voysey, Ian POPL '17: "Hazelnut: A Bidirectionally ..."
Wang, Yuepeng POPL '17: "Component-Based Synthesis ..."
Weirich, Stephanie POPL '17: "The Influence of Dependent ..."
Weng, Shu-Chun POPL '17: "Towards Automatic Resource ..."
Wickerson, John POPL '17: "Automatically Comparing Memory ..."
Widder, Josef POPL '17: "A Short Counterexample Property ..."
Wilson, Todd POPL '17: "Computational Higher-Dimensional ..."
Wu, Xiaodi POPL '17: "Invariants of Quantum Programs: ..."
Xia, Li-yao POPL '17: "Beginner's Luck: A Language ..."
Ying, Mingsheng POPL '17: "Invariants of Quantum Programs: ..."
Ying, Shenggang POPL '17: "Invariants of Quantum Programs: ..."
Yoshida, Nobuko POPL '17: "Fencing off Go: Liveness and ..."
Yoshimizu, Akira POPL '17: "The Geometry of Parallelism: ..."
Yu, Tingting POPL '17: "Analyzing Divergence in Bisimulation ..."
Zdancewic, Steve POPL '17: "QWIRE: A Core Language for ..."
Zhang, Danfeng POPL '17: "LightDP: Towards Automating ..."
Zhang, Qirun POPL '17: "Context-Sensitive Data-Dependence ..."
Zhang, Wenhui POPL '17: "Analyzing Divergence in Bisimulation ..."
Žikelić, Ðorđe POPL '17: "Stochastic Invariants for ..."

206 authors

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