POPL 2016
43rd ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2016)
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43rd ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2016), January 20–22, 2016, St. Petersburg, FL, USA

POPL 2016 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Adams, Michael D. POPL '16: "Pushdown Control-Flow Analysis ..."
Albarghouthi, Aws POPL '16: "Maximal Specification Synthesis ..."
Altenkirch, Thorsten POPL '16: "Type Theory in Type Theory ..."
Andrysco, Marc POPL '16: "Printing Floating-Point Numbers: ..."
Bao, Wenlei POPL '16: "PolyCheck: Dynamic Verification ..."
Barceló, Pablo POPL '16: "String Solving with Word Equations ..."
Bartel, Alexandre POPL '16: "Combining Static Analysis ..."
Batty, Mark POPL '16: "Overhauling SC Atomics in ..."
Bell, Christian J. POPL '16: "Chapar: Certified Causally ..."
Bhargavan, Karthikeyan POPL '16: "Dependent Types and Multi-monadic ..."
Bhaskaracharya, Somashekaracharya G. POPL '16: "SMO: An Integrated Approach ..."
Bielik, Pavol POPL '16: "Learning Programs from Noisy ..."
Bjørner, Nikolaj POPL '16: "Scaling Network Verification ..."
Bondhugula, Uday POPL '16: "SMO: An Integrated Approach ..."
Borgström, Johannes POPL '16: "Fabular: Regression Formulas ..."
Bornholt, James POPL '16: "Optimizing Synthesis with ..."
Brotherston, James POPL '16: "Model Checking for Symbolic-Heap ..."
Brown, Matt POPL '16: "Breaking through the Normalization ..."
Cai, Yufei POPL '16: "System F-omega with Equirecursive ..."
Cardelli, Luca POPL '16: "Symbolic Computation of Differential ..."
Ceze, Luis POPL '16: "Optimizing Synthesis with ..."
Chatterjee, Krishnendu POPL '16: "Algorithmic Analysis of Qualitative ..." POPL '16: "Algorithms for Algebraic Path ..."
Chen, Sheng POPL '16: "Principal Type Inference for ..."
Cheung, Shing-Chi POPL '16: "Casper: An Efficient Approach ..."
Chlipala, Adam POPL '16: "Chapar: Certified Causally ..."
Cimini, Matteo POPL '16: "The Gradualizer: A Methodology ..."
Cîrstea, Corina POPL '16: "Lattice-Theoretic Progress ..."
Clark, Alison M. POPL '16: "Abstracting Gradual Typing ..."
Cohen, Albert POPL '16: "SMO: An Integrated Approach ..."
Curien, Pierre-Louis POPL '16: "A Theory of Effects and Resources: ..."
Deacon, Will POPL '16: "Modelling the ARMv8 Architecture, ..."
Delignat-Lavaud, Antoine POPL '16: "Dependent Types and Multi-monadic ..."
Dering, Matthew POPL '16: "Combining Static Analysis ..."
Devriese, Dominique POPL '16: "Fully-Abstract Compilation ..."
Dillig, Isil POPL '16: "Maximal Specification Synthesis ..."
Donaldson, Alastair F. POPL '16: "Overhauling SC Atomics in ..."
Drăgoi, Cezara POPL '16: "PSync: A Partially Synchronous ..."
Dreyer, Derek POPL '16: "Lightweight Verification of ..."
El-Yaniv, Ran POPL '16: "Estimating Types in Binaries ..."
Emmi, Michael POPL '16: "Symbolic Abstract Data Type ..."
Enea, Constantin POPL '16: "Symbolic Abstract Data Type ..."
Erdweg, Sebastian POPL '16: "Sound Type-Dependent Syntactic ..."
Erwig, Martin POPL '16: "Principal Type Inference for ..."
Felleisen, Matthias POPL '16: "Is Sound Gradual Typing Dead? ..."
Feltey, Daniel POPL '16: "Is Sound Gradual Typing Dead? ..."
Feng, Xinyu POPL '16: "A Program Logic for Concurrent ..."
Ferreira, Carla POPL '16: "'Cause I'm Strong ..."
Fiore, Marcelo POPL '16: "A Theory of Effects and Resources: ..."
Flatt, Matthew POPL '16: "Binding as Sets of Scopes ..."
Flur, Shaked POPL '16: "Modelling the ARMv8 Architecture, ..."
Forest, Simon POPL '16: "Dependent Types and Multi-monadic ..."
Fournet, Cédric POPL '16: "Dependent Types and Multi-monadic ..."
Frankle, Jonathan POPL '16: "Example-Directed Synthesis: ..."
Fu, Hongfei POPL '16: "Algorithmic Analysis of Qualitative ..."
Garcia, Ronald POPL '16: "Abstracting Gradual Typing ..."
Garg, Pranav POPL '16: "Learning Invariants using ..."
Giannarakis, Nick POPL '16: "Taming Release-Acquire Consistency ..."
Giarrusso, Paolo G. POPL '16: "System F-omega with Equirecursive ..."
Gilray, Thomas POPL '16: "Pushdown Control-Flow Analysis ..."
Gimenez, Stéphane POPL '16: "The Complexity of Interaction ..."
Goharshady, Amir Kafshdar POPL '16: "Algorithms for Algebraic Path ..."
Gommerstadt, Hannah POPL '16: "Monitors and Blame Assignment ..."
Gordon, Andrew D. POPL '16: "Fabular: Regression Formulas ..."
Gorogiannis, Nikos POPL '16: "Model Checking for Symbolic-Heap ..."
Gotsman, Alexey POPL '16: "'Cause I'm Strong ..."
Grathwohl, Bjørn Bugge POPL '16: "Kleenex: Compiling Nondeterministic ..."
Gray, Kathryn E. POPL '16: "Modelling the ARMv8 Architecture, ..."
Greenman, Ben POPL '16: "Is Sound Gradual Typing Dead? ..."
Grigore, Radu POPL '16: "Abstraction Refinement Guided ..."
Grossman, Dan POPL '16: "Optimizing Synthesis with ..."
Gulwani, Sumit POPL '16: "Transforming Spreadsheet Data ..."
Gurfinkel, Arie POPL '16: "Maximal Specification Synthesis ..."
Hague, Matthew POPL '16: "Unboundedness and Downward ..."
Hasheminezhad, Rouzbeh POPL '16: "Algorithmic Analysis of Qualitative ..."
Hasuo, Ichiro POPL '16: "Lattice-Theoretic Progress ..." POPL '16: "Memoryful Geometry of Interaction ..."
Henglein, Fritz POPL '16: "Kleenex: Compiling Nondeterministic ..."
Henzinger, Thomas A. POPL '16: "PSync: A Partially Synchronous ..."
Hoshino, Naohiko POPL '16: "Memoryful Geometry of Interaction ..."
Hriţcu, Cătălin POPL '16: "Dependent Types and Multi-monadic ..."
Hur, Chung-Kil POPL '16: "Lightweight Verification of ..."
Ibsen-Jensen, Rasmus POPL '16: "Algorithms for Algebraic Path ..."
Immerman, Neil POPL '16: "Decidability of Inferring ..."
Jha, Somesh POPL '16: "Combining Static Analysis ..."
Jhala, Ranjit POPL '16: "Printing Floating-Point Numbers: ..."
Jia, Limin POPL '16: "Monitors and Blame Assignment ..."
Kang, Jeehoon POPL '16: "Lightweight Verification of ..."
Kanovich, Max POPL '16: "Model Checking for Symbolic-Heap ..."
Kaposi, Ambrus POPL '16: "Type Theory in Type Theory ..."
Karbyshev, Aleksandr POPL '16: "Decidability of Inferring ..."
Katz, Omer POPL '16: "Estimating Types in Binaries ..."
Keller, Chantal POPL '16: "Dependent Types and Multi-monadic ..."
Kim, Yoonseung POPL '16: "Lightweight Verification of ..."
King, Andy POPL '16: "From MinX to MinC: Semantics-Driven ..."
Klein, Jacques POPL '16: "Combining Static Analysis ..."
Kobayashi, Naoki POPL '16: "Temporal Verification of Higher-Order ..."
Kochems, Jonathan POPL '16: "Unboundedness and Downward ..."
Kohlweiss, Markulf POPL '16: "Dependent Types and Multi-monadic ..."
Koskinen, Eric POPL '16: "Reducing Crash Recoverability ..."
Krause, Andreas POPL '16: "Learning Programs from Noisy ..."
Krishnamoorthy, Sriram POPL '16: "PolyCheck: Dynamic Verification ..."
Lahav, Ori POPL '16: "Taming Release-Acquire Consistency ..."
Lavaee, Rahman POPL '16: "The Hardness of Data Packing ..."
Lerner, Sorin POPL '16: "Printing Floating-Point Numbers: ..."
Lesani, Mohsen POPL '16: "Chapar: Certified Causally ..."
Le Traon, Yves POPL '16: "Combining Static Analysis ..."
Li, Li POPL '16: "Combining Static Analysis ..."
Liang, Hongjin POPL '16: "A Program Logic for Concurrent ..."
Lin, Anthony W. POPL '16: "String Solving with Word Equations ..."
Long, Fan POPL '16: "Automatic Patch Generation ..."
Lopes, Nuno P. POPL '16: "Scaling Network Verification ..."
Lorenzen, Florian POPL '16: "Sound Type-Dependent Syntactic ..."
Lyde, Steven POPL '16: "Pushdown Control-Flow Analysis ..."
Madhusudan, P. POPL '16: "Learning Invariants using ..."
Mangal, Ravi POPL '16: "Query-Guided Maximum Satisfiability ..."
Maranget, Luc POPL '16: "Modelling the ARMv8 Architecture, ..."
McDaniel, Patrick POPL '16: "Combining Static Analysis ..."
McKinley, Kathryn S. POPL '16: "Programming the World of Uncertain ..."
Might, Matthew POPL '16: "Pushdown Control-Flow Analysis ..."
Moser, Georg POPL '16: "The Complexity of Interaction ..."
Munch-Maccagnoni, Guillaume POPL '16: "A Theory of Effects and Resources: ..."
Murase, Akihiro POPL '16: "Temporal Verification of Higher-Order ..."
Muroya, Koko POPL '16: "Memoryful Geometry of Interaction ..."
Murray, Richard M. POPL '16: "Synthesis of Reactive Controllers ..."
Naik, Mayur POPL '16: "Query-Guided Maximum Satisfiability ..."
Najafzadeh, Mahsa POPL '16: "'Cause I'm Strong ..."
Neider, Daniel POPL '16: "Learning Invariants using ..."
New, Max S. POPL '16: "Is Sound Gradual Typing Dead? ..."
Nori, Aditya V. POPL '16: "Query-Guided Maximum Satisfiability ..."
Novotný, Petr POPL '16: "Algorithmic Analysis of Qualitative ..."
Octeau, Damien POPL '16: "Combining Static Analysis ..."
Ong, C.-H. Luke POPL '16: "Unboundedness and Downward ..."
Orchard, Dominic POPL '16: "Effects as Sessions, Sessions ..."
Osera, Peter-Michael POPL '16: "Example-Directed Synthesis: ..."
Ostermann, Klaus POPL '16: "System F-omega with Equirecursive ..."
Ouyang, Long POPL '16: "Fabular: Regression Formulas ..."
Padon, Oded POPL '16: "Decidability of Inferring ..."
Palsberg, Jens POPL '16: "Breaking through the Normalization ..."
Patrignani, Marco POPL '16: "Fully-Abstract Compilation ..."
Pavlogiannis, Andreas POPL '16: "Algorithms for Algebraic Path ..."
Pfenning, Frank POPL '16: "Monitors and Blame Assignment ..."
Pichon-Pharabod, Jean POPL '16: "A Concurrency Semantics for ..."
Piessens, Frank POPL '16: "Fully-Abstract Compilation ..."
Plotkin, Gordon D. POPL '16: "Scaling Network Verification ..."
Pouchet, Louis-Noël POPL '16: "PolyCheck: Dynamic Verification ..."
Prabhu, Prathmesh POPL '16: "Newtonian Program Analysis ..."
Pulte, Christopher POPL '16: "Modelling the ARMv8 Architecture, ..."
Rasmussen, Ulrik Terp POPL '16: "Kleenex: Compiling Nondeterministic ..."
Rastello, Fabrice POPL '16: "PolyCheck: Dynamic Verification ..."
Rastogi, Aseem POPL '16: "Dependent Types and Multi-monadic ..."
Raychev, Veselin POPL '16: "Learning Programs from Noisy ..."
Reps, Thomas POPL '16: "Newtonian Program Analysis ..."
Rinard, Martin POPL '16: "Automatic Patch Generation ..."
Robbins, Ed POPL '16: "From MinX to MinC: Semantics-Driven ..."
Roth, Dan POPL '16: "Learning Invariants using ..."
Rowe, Reuben POPL '16: "Model Checking for Symbolic-Heap ..."
Russo, Claudio POPL '16: "Fabular: Regression Formulas ..."
Rybalchenko, Andrey POPL '16: "Scaling Network Verification ..."
Sadayappan, P. POPL '16: "PolyCheck: Dynamic Verification ..."
Sagiv, Mooly POPL '16: "Decidability of Inferring ..."
Sangiorgi, Davide POPL '16: "Environmental Bisimulations ..."
Sarkar, Susmit POPL '16: "Modelling the ARMv8 Architecture, ..."
Sato, Ryosuke POPL '16: "Temporal Verification of Higher-Order ..."
Schrijvers, Tom POPL '16: "From MinX to MinC: Semantics-Driven ..."
Ścibior, Adam POPL '16: "Fabular: Regression Formulas ..."
Sewell, Peter POPL '16: "Modelling the ARMv8 Architecture, ..." POPL '16: "A Concurrency Semantics for ..."
Sezgin, Ali POPL '16: "Modelling the ARMv8 Architecture, ..."
Shapiro, Marc POPL '16: "'Cause I'm Strong ..."
Shimizu, Shunsuke POPL '16: "Lattice-Theoretic Progress ..."
Shoham, Sharon POPL '16: "Decidability of Inferring ..."
Siek, Jeremy G. POPL '16: "The Gradualizer: A Methodology ..."
Singh, Rishabh POPL '16: "Transforming Spreadsheet Data ..."
Søholm, Kristoffer Aalund POPL '16: "Kleenex: Compiling Nondeterministic ..."
Strub, Pierre-Yves POPL '16: "Dependent Types and Multi-monadic ..."
Swamy, Nikhil POPL '16: "Dependent Types and Multi-monadic ..."
Szymczak, Marcin POPL '16: "Fabular: Regression Formulas ..."
Takikawa, Asumu POPL '16: "Is Sound Gradual Typing Dead? ..."
Tanter, Éric POPL '16: "Abstracting Gradual Typing ..."
Terauchi, Tachio POPL '16: "Temporal Verification of Higher-Order ..."
Tørholm, Sebastian Paaske POPL '16: "Kleenex: Compiling Nondeterministic ..."
Torlak, Emina POPL '16: "Optimizing Synthesis with ..."
Tribastone, Mirco POPL '16: "Symbolic Computation of Differential ..."
Tschaikowski, Max POPL '16: "Symbolic Computation of Differential ..."
Turetsky, Emma POPL '16: "Newtonian Program Analysis ..."
Unno, Hiroshi POPL '16: "Temporal Verification of Higher-Order ..."
Vafeiadis, Viktor POPL '16: "Lightweight Verification of ..." POPL '16: "Taming Release-Acquire Consistency ..."
Vandin, Andrea POPL '16: "Symbolic Computation of Differential ..."
Van Horn, David POPL '16: "Pushdown Control-Flow Analysis ..."
Varghese, George POPL '16: "Scaling Network Verification ..."
Vechev, Martin POPL '16: "Learning Programs from Noisy ..."
Vignudelli, Valeria POPL '16: "Environmental Bisimulations ..."
Vitek, Jan POPL '16: "Is Sound Gradual Typing Dead? ..."
Walker, David POPL '16: "Confluences in Programming ..." POPL '16: "Example-Directed Synthesis: ..."
Wickerson, John POPL '16: "Overhauling SC Atomics in ..."
Wu, Rongxin POPL '16: "Casper: An Efficient Approach ..."
Xiao, Xiao POPL '16: "Casper: An Efficient Approach ..."
Yahav, Eran POPL '16: "Estimating Types in Binaries ..."
Yang, Hongseok POPL '16: "'Cause I'm Strong ..." POPL '16: "Abstraction Refinement Guided ..."
Yang, Junfeng POPL '16: "Reducing Crash Recoverability ..."
Yoshida, Nobuko POPL '16: "Effects as Sessions, Sessions ..."
Zanella-Béguelin, Santiago POPL '16: "Dependent Types and Multi-monadic ..."
Zdancewic, Steve POPL '16: "Example-Directed Synthesis: ..."
Zhang, Charles POPL '16: "Casper: An Efficient Approach ..."
Zhang, Hongyu POPL '16: "Casper: An Efficient Approach ..."
Zhang, Xin POPL '16: "Query-Guided Maximum Satisfiability ..."
Zinzindohoue, Jean-Karim POPL '16: "Dependent Types and Multi-monadic ..."
Zufferey, Damien POPL '16: "PSync: A Partially Synchronous ..."

212 authors

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