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44th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI 2023)
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2023 ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on Memory Management (ISMM 2023), June 18, 2023, Orlando, FL, USA

Workshop ISMM 2023 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Akram, Shoaib ISMM '23: "Analyzing and Improving the ..."
Andronikakis, Andreas ISMM '23: "Scaling Up Performance of ..."
Batty, Mark ISMM '23: "Memory Consistency Models ..."
Bertram, Noah ISMM '23: "Blast from the Past: Least ..."
Bramley, Jacob ISMM '23: "Picking a CHERI Allocator: ..."
Carpen-Amarie, Maria ISMM '23: "Concurrent GCs and Modern ..."
Catthoor, Francky ISMM '23: "The Unexpected Efficiency ..."
Chakraborti, Sayak ISMM '23: "Blast from the Past: Least ..."
Chilukuri, Aditya ISMM '23: "Analyzing and Improving the ..."
Clebsch, Sylvan ISMM '23: "Wait-Free Weak Reference Counting ..."
Ding, Chen ISMM '23: "Blast from the Past: Least ..."
Doshi, Kshitij A. ISMM '23: "Flexible and Effective Object ..."
Dwarkadas, Sandhya ISMM '23: "Blast from the Past: Least ..."
Foutris, Nikos ISMM '23: "Scaling Up Performance of ..."
Gopalakrishnan, Akshay ISMM '23: "Memory Consistency Models ..."
Grot, Boris ISMM '23: "Concurrent GCs and Modern ..."
Guan, Hui ISMM '23: "NUMAlloc: A Faster NUMA Memory ..."
Gupta, Rajiv ISMM '23: "OMRGx: Programmable and Transparent ..."
Jacob, Dejice ISMM '23: "Picking a CHERI Allocator: ..."
Jantz, Michael R. ISMM '23: "Flexible and Effective Object ..."
Jones, Terry ISMM '23: "Flexible and Effective Object ..."
Kammerdiener, Brandon ISMM '23: "Flexible and Effective Object ..."
Kaur, Gurneet ISMM '23: "OMRGx: Programmable and Transparent ..."
Kotselidis, Christos ISMM '23: "Scaling Up Performance of ..."
Kundu, Sandip ISMM '23: "NUMAlloc: A Faster NUMA Memory ..."
Lamprakos, Christos Panagiotis ISMM '23: "The Unexpected Efficiency ..."
Lascu, Andrei ISMM '23: "Picking a CHERI Allocator: ..."
Lim, Hyeontaek ISMM '23: "Predicting Dynamic Properties ..."
Liu, Tongping ISMM '23: "NUMAlloc: A Faster NUMA Memory ..."
Ma, Linsen ISMM '23: "ZipKV: In-Memory Key-Value ..."
Maas, Martin ISMM '23: "Predicting Dynamic Properties ..."
Maniatis, Petros ISMM '23: "Predicting Dynamic Properties ..."
McMichael, J. Zach ISMM '23: "Flexible and Effective Object ..."
Mueller, Rene ISMM '23: "Concurrent GCs and Modern ..."
Navasca, Christian ISMM '23: "Predicting Dynamic Properties ..."
Papadakis, Orion ISMM '23: "Scaling Up Performance of ..."
Papadimitriou, Michail ISMM '23: "Scaling Up Performance of ..."
Parkinson, Matthew J. ISMM '23: "Wait-Free Weak Reference Counting ..."
Simner, Ben ISMM '23: "Wait-Free Weak Reference Counting ..."
Singer, Jeremy ISMM '23: "Picking a CHERI Allocator: ..."
Soudris, Dimitrios ISMM '23: "The Unexpected Efficiency ..."
Stratikopoulos, Athanasios ISMM '23: "Scaling Up Performance of ..."
Tovletoglou, Konstantinos ISMM '23: "Concurrent GCs and Modern ..."
Tratt, Laurence ISMM '23: "Picking a CHERI Allocator: ..."
Vavouliotis, Georgios ISMM '23: "Concurrent GCs and Modern ..."
Verbrugge, Clark ISMM '23: "Memory Consistency Models ..."
Wang, Wei ISMM '23: "NUMAlloc: A Faster NUMA Memory ..."
Wu, Bo ISMM '23: "NUMAlloc: A Faster NUMA Memory ..."
Xekalakis, Polychronis ISMM '23: "Scaling Up Performance of ..."
Xie, Rui ISMM '23: "ZipKV: In-Memory Key-Value ..."
Xu, Guoqing Harry ISMM '23: "Predicting Dynamic Properties ..."
Xydis, Sotirios ISMM '23: "The Unexpected Efficiency ..."
Yang, Hanmei ISMM '23: "NUMAlloc: A Faster NUMA Memory ..."
Zakkak, Foivos S. ISMM '23: "Scaling Up Performance of ..."
Zhang, Tong ISMM '23: "ZipKV: In-Memory Key-Value ..."
Zhang, Zhizhou ISMM '23: "Blast from the Past: Least ..."
Zhao, Xin ISMM '23: "NUMAlloc: A Faster NUMA Memory ..."
Zhou, Jin ISMM '23: "NUMAlloc: A Faster NUMA Memory ..."

58 authors

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