PLDI 2023
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, Volume 7, Number PLDI
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Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, Volume 7, Number PLDI, June 17–21, 2023, Orlando, FL, United States

PLDI 2023 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Abdulla, Parosh Aziz PLDI '23: "Optimal Reads-From Consistency ..."
Abrahamsson, Oskar PLDI '23: "PureCake: A Verified Compiler ..." PLDI '23: "Cakes That Bake Cakes: Dynamic ..."
Acar, Umut A. PLDI '23: "Responsive Parallelism with ..." PLDI '23: "Efficient Parallel Functional ..."
Agarwal, Sukarn PLDI '23: "Compound Memory Models ..."
Agrawal, Kunal PLDI '23: "Responsive Parallelism with ..."
Ahmed, Amal PLDI '23: "Lilac: A Modal Separation ..."
Albarghouthi, Aws PLDI '23: "Synthesizing Quantum-Circuit ..."
Alberdingk Thijm, Timothy PLDI '23: "Modular Control Plane Verification ..."
Alistarh, Dan PLDI '23: "CQS: A Formally-Verified Framework ..."
Amin, Nada PLDI '23: "Extensible Metatheory Mechanization ..."
Arora, Jatin PLDI '23: "Efficient Parallel Functional ..."
Askarov, Aslan PLDI '23: "VMSL: A Separation Logic for ..."
Atkinson, Eric PLDI '23: "Conflict-Driven Synthesis ..."
Avanzini, Martin PLDI '23: "Automated Expected Value Analysis ..."
Azevedo de Amorim, Pedro Henrique PLDI '23: "Modular Hardware Design with ..."
Babokin, Dmitry PLDI '23: "Fuzzing Loop Optimizations ..."
Bagnall, Alexander PLDI '23: "Formally Verified Samplers ..."
Balkind, Jonathan PLDI '23: "Loop Rerolling for Hardware ..."
Banerjee, Anindya PLDI '23: "Formally Verified Samplers ..."
Banerjee, Debangshu PLDI '23: "Incremental Verification of ..."
Bang, Lucas PLDI '23: "Obtaining Information Leakage ..."
Bansal, Manya PLDI '23: "Mosaic: An Interoperable Compiler ..."
Barnaby, Celeste PLDI '23: "ImageEye: Batch Image Processing ..."
Beckett, Ryan PLDI '23: "Modular Control Plane Verification ..."
Bercea, Gheorghe-Teodor PLDI '23: "Reliable Actors with Retry ..."
Berger, Martin PLDI '23: "Search-Based Regular Expression ..."
Berkow, Wilson PLDI '23: "Better Defunctionalization ..."
Bertram, Noah PLDI '23: "Cutting the Cake: A Language ..."
Beurer-Kellner, Luca PLDI '23: "Prompting Is Programming: ..."
Birkedal, Lars PLDI '23: "Iris-Wasm: Robust and Modular ..." PLDI '23: "VMSL: A Separation Logic for ..."
Bodik, Rastislav PLDI '23: "A Lineage-Based Referencing ..." PLDI '23: "Conflict-Driven Synthesis ..."
Bos, Herbert PLDI '23: "Don’t Look UB: Exposing ..."
Bouajjani, Ahmed PLDI '23: "Dynamic Partial Order Reduction ..."
Brandon, William PLDI '23: "Better Defunctionalization ..."
Bultan, Tevfik PLDI '23: "Obtaining Information Leakage ..."
Cao, David PLDI '23: "Better Together: Unifying ..."
Cascaval, Dan PLDI '23: "A Lineage-Based Referencing ..."
Castro, Paul PLDI '23: "Reliable Actors with Retry ..."
Chakraborty, Soham PLDI '23: "Optimal Reads-From Consistency ..." PLDI '23: "Compound Memory Models ..."
Chen, Qiaochu PLDI '23: "ImageEye: Batch Image Processing ..."
Chen, Yanju PLDI '23: "Conflict-Driven Synthesis ..." PLDI '23: "Automated Detection of Under-Constrained ..."
Chen, Yu-Fang PLDI '23: "An Automata-Based Framework ..."
Cheshmi, Kazem PLDI '23: "Register Tiling for Unstructured ..."
Chiba, Shigeru PLDI '23: "Collecting Cyclic Garbage ..."
Chida, Nariyoshi PLDI '23: "Repairing Regular Expressions ..."
Chlipala, Adam PLDI '23: "CryptOpt: Verified Compilation ..."
Cho, Kyeongmin PLDI '23: "Memento: A Framework for Detectable ..."
Cho, Minki PLDI '23: "Fair Operational Semantics ..." PLDI '23: "Putting Weak Memory in Order ..."
Chu, Michael PLDI '23: "Automated Detection of Under-Constrained ..."
Chuengsatiansup, Chitchanok PLDI '23: "CryptOpt: Verified Compilation ..."
Chung, Kai-Min PLDI '23: "An Automata-Based Framework ..."
Chuprikov, Pavel PLDI '23: "Generalized Policy-Based Noninterference ..."
Conoly, Owen PLDI '23: "CryptOpt: Verified Compilation ..."
Cwiklik, Jaroslaw PLDI '23: "Reliable Actors with Retry ..."
Czajka, Łukasz PLDI '23: "Beyond Backtracking: Connections ..."
Dai, Frank PLDI '23: "Better Defunctionalization ..."
Damani, Sana PLDI '23: "cuCatch: A Debugging Tool ..."
Dardinier, Thibault PLDI '23: "CommCSL: Proving Information ..."
Dehnavi, Maryam Mehri PLDI '23: "Register Tiling for Unstructured ..."
Delaware, Benjamin PLDI '23: "Taype: A Policy-Agnostic Language ..." PLDI '23: "Covering All the Bases: Type-Based ..."
Desai, Ankush PLDI '23: "Psym: Efficient Symbolic Exploration ..."
Dillig, Işıl PLDI '23: "ImageEye: Batch Image Processing ..." PLDI '23: "Automated Detection of Under-Constrained ..."
Donaldson, Alastair F. PLDI '23: "Program Reconditioning: Avoiding ..."
Drachsler-Cohen, Dana PLDI '23: "One Pixel Adversarial Attacks ..."
Driscoll, Benjamin PLDI '23: "Better Defunctionalization ..."
Eilers, Marco PLDI '23: "CommCSL: Proving Information ..."
Elsman, Martin PLDI '23: "Garbage-Collection Safety ..." PLDI '23: "Parallelism in a Region Inference ..."
Enea, Constantin PLDI '23: "Dynamic Partial Order Reduction ..."
Epstein, Edward PLDI '23: "Reliable Actors with Retry ..."
Erbsen, Andres PLDI '23: "CryptOpt: Verified Compilation ..."
Eugster, Patrick PLDI '23: "Generalized Policy-Based Noninterference ..."
Feng, Yu PLDI '23: "Conflict-Driven Synthesis ..." PLDI '23: "Automated Detection of Under-Constrained ..."
Fiala, Jonáš PLDI '23: "Leveraging Rust Types for ..."
Fischer, Marc PLDI '23: "Abstract Interpretation of ..." PLDI '23: "Prompting Is Programming: ..."
Flatt, Oliver PLDI '23: "Better Together: Unifying ..."
Foster, Jeffrey S. PLDI '23: "Absynthe: Abstract Interpretation-Guided ..."
Gao, Fengjuan PLDI '23: "Discrete Adversarial Attack ..."
Gardner, Philippa PLDI '23: "Iris-Wasm: Robust and Modular ..."
Geller, Adam T. PLDI '23: "Flux: Liquid Types for Rust ..."
Genkin, Daniel PLDI '23: "CryptOpt: Verified Compilation ..."
Georges, Aïna Linn PLDI '23: "Iris-Wasm: Robust and Modular ..."
Ghavamizadeh, Matin PLDI '23: "Probabilistic Programming ..."
Ghentiyala, Surendra PLDI '23: "Obtaining Information Leakage ..."
Giuffrida, Cristiano PLDI '23: "Don’t Look UB: Exposing ..."
Gleissenthall, Klaus von PLDI '23: "Don’t Look UB: Exposing ..."
Goens, Andrés PLDI '23: "Compound Memory Models ..."
Gopinathan, Kiran PLDI '23: "Mostly Automated Proof Repair ..."
Gross, Jason PLDI '23: "CryptOpt: Verified Compilation ..."
Grove, David PLDI '23: "Reliable Actors with Retry ..."
Gu, Brian PLDI '23: "Automated Detection of Under-Constrained ..."
Gu, Tiancheng PLDI '23: "Indexed Streams: A Formal ..."
Gupta, Aarti PLDI '23: "Modular Control Plane Verification ..." PLDI '23: "Psym: Efficient Symbolic Exploration ..." PLDI '23: "Synthesizing MILP Constraints ..."
Guria, Sankha Narayan PLDI '23: "Absynthe: Abstract Interpretation-Guided ..."
Hardekopf, Ben PLDI '23: "Loop Rerolling for Hardware ..."
Henriksen, Troels PLDI '23: "Parallelism in a Region Inference ..."
Holtzen, Steven PLDI '23: "Lilac: A Modal Separation ..."
Hsu, Justin PLDI '23: "Cutting the Cake: A Language ..."
Hsu, Olivia PLDI '23: "Mosaic: An Interoperable Compiler ..."
Huang, Jiani PLDI '23: "Scallop: A Language for Neurosymbolic ..."
Huang, Yulong PLDI '23: "Defunctionalization with Dependent ..."
Hur, Chung-Kil PLDI '23: "Fair Operational Semantics ..." PLDI '23: "Putting Weak Memory in Order ..."
Isemann, Raphael PLDI '23: "Don’t Look UB: Exposing ..."
Itzhaky, Shachar PLDI '23: "Leveraging Rust Types for ..."
Jagannathan, Suresh PLDI '23: "Covering All the Bases: Type-Based ..."
Jaleel, Aamer PLDI '23: "cuCatch: A Debugging Tool ..."
Jeon, Seungmin PLDI '23: "Memento: A Framework for Detectable ..."
Jhala, Ranjit PLDI '23: "Flux: Liquid Types for Rust ..."
Jia, Limin PLDI '23: "A Type System for Safe Intermittent ..."
Jin, Ende PLDI '23: "Extensible Metatheory Mechanization ..."
Kanabar, Hrutvik PLDI '23: "PureCake: A Verified Compiler ..."
Kang, Jeehoon PLDI '23: "Memento: A Framework for Detectable ..."
Kapritsos, Manos PLDI '23: "Performal: Formal Verification ..."
Keckler, Stephen W. PLDI '23: "cuCatch: A Debugging Tool ..."
Keeney, Devyn Terra PLDI '23: "Responsive Parallelism with ..."
Keoliya, Mayank PLDI '23: "Mostly Automated Proof Repair ..."
Khalanskiy, Dmitry PLDI '23: "CQS: A Formally-Verified Framework ..."
Kim, Hyeongyu PLDI '23: "HEaaN.MLIR: An Optimizing ..."
Kim, Jinwoo PLDI '23: "Fair Operational Semantics ..."
Kjolstad, Fredrik PLDI '23: "Mosaic: An Interoperable Compiler ..." PLDI '23: "Indexed Streams: A Formal ..."
Kolichala, Praneeth PLDI '23: "Indexed Streams: A Formal ..."
Kovach, Scott PLDI '23: "Indexed Streams: A Formal ..."
Koval, Nikita PLDI '23: "CQS: A Formally-Verified Framework ..."
Krebbers, Robbert PLDI '23: "Beyond Backtracking: Connections ..."
Krishna, Shankaranarayanan PLDI '23: "Optimal Reads-From Consistency ..."
Krishnaswami, Neel PLDI '23: "flap: A Deterministic Parser ..."
Kuepper, Joel PLDI '23: "CryptOpt: Verified Compilation ..."
Kumar, Ramana PLDI '23: "Cakes That Bake Cakes: Dynamic ..."
Kunčak, Viktor PLDI '23: "Proving and Disproving Equivalence ..."
Lahav, Ori PLDI '23: "Putting Weak Memory in Order ..."
Lammich, Peter PLDI '23: "WasmRef-Isabelle: A Verified ..."
Lampropoulos, Leonidas PLDI '23: "Merging Inductive Relations ..."
Lecoeur, Bastien PLDI '23: "Program Reconditioning: Avoiding ..."
Lee, Dongjae PLDI '23: "Fair Operational Semantics ..."
Lee, I-Ting Angelina PLDI '23: "Responsive Parallelism with ..."
Lee, Juneyoung PLDI '23: "HEaaN.MLIR: An Optimizing ..."
Lee, Kanguk PLDI '23: "Feature-Sensitive Coverage ..."
Lee, Sung-Hwan PLDI '23: "Putting Weak Memory in Order ..."
Lee, Woosuk PLDI '23: "Inductive Program Synthesis ..."
Legoupil, Maxime PLDI '23: "Iris-Wasm: Robust and Modular ..."
Lehmann, Nico PLDI '23: "Flux: Liquid Types for Rust ..."
Lei, Yuxiang PLDI '23: "Recursive State Machine Guided ..."
Lengál, Ondřej PLDI '23: "An Automata-Based Framework ..."
Levinson, Alex PLDI '23: "Cutting the Cake: A Language ..."
Lew, Alexander K. PLDI '23: "Probabilistic Programming ..."
Li, John M. PLDI '23: "Lilac: A Modal Separation ..."
Li, Yue PLDI '23: "Context Sensitivity without ..."
Li, Ziyang PLDI '23: "Scallop: A Language for Neurosymbolic ..."
Lin, Jyun-Ao PLDI '23: "An Automata-Based Framework ..."
Liu, Junrui PLDI '23: "Conflict-Driven Synthesis ..."
Liu, Zongyuan PLDI '23: "VMSL: A Separation Logic for ..."
Livinskii, Vsevolod PLDI '23: "Fuzzing Loop Optimizations ..."
Lu, Shihua PLDI '23: "Obtaining Information Leakage ..."
Lucia, Brandon PLDI '23: "A Type System for Safe Intermittent ..."
Ma, Wenjie PLDI '23: "Context Sensitivity without ..."
Ma, Xiaoxing PLDI '23: "Context Sensitivity without ..."
Mangipudi, Shamiek PLDI '23: "Generalized Policy-Based Noninterference ..."
Mansinghka, Vikash K. PLDI '23: "Probabilistic Programming ..."
Margalit, Roy PLDI '23: "Putting Weak Memory in Order ..."
Märkl, Florian PLDI '23: "WasmRef-Isabelle: A Verified ..."
Mathur, Umang PLDI '23: "Optimal Reads-From Consistency ..." PLDI '23: "Sound Dynamic Deadlock Prediction ..."
Meyer, Roland PLDI '23: "Embedding Hindsight Reasoning ..."
Mihajlovic, Alexander PLDI '23: "Cakes That Bake Cakes: Dynamic ..."
Milano, Mae PLDI '23: "Better Defunctionalization ..."
Milovančević, Dragana PLDI '23: "Proving and Disproving Equivalence ..."
Misailovic, Sasa PLDI '23: "Incremental Verification of ..."
Mishra, Ashish PLDI '23: "Covering All the Bases: Type-Based ..."
Mitchell, Jacqueline PLDI '23: "Architecture-Preserving Provable ..."
Mohsin, Hasan PLDI '23: "Program Reconditioning: Avoiding ..."
Molavi, Abtin PLDI '23: "Synthesizing Quantum-Circuit ..."
Moon, Soonwon PLDI '23: "Fair Operational Semantics ..."
Mordido, Andreia PLDI '23: "Parameterized Algebraic Protocols ..."
Morrisett, Greg PLDI '23: "Interval Parsing Grammars ..."
Morton, Jason PLDI '23: "Automated Detection of Under-Constrained ..."
Moseley, Dan PLDI '23: "Derivative Based Nonbacktracking ..."
Moser, Georg PLDI '23: "Automated Expected Value Analysis ..."
Mulder, Ike PLDI '23: "Beyond Backtracking: Connections ..."
Müller, Mark Niklas PLDI '23: "Abstract Interpretation of ..."
Müller, Peter PLDI '23: "Leveraging Rust Types for ..." PLDI '23: "CommCSL: Proving Information ..."
Muller, Stefan K. PLDI '23: "Responsive Parallelism with ..."
Myreen, Magnus O. PLDI '23: "PureCake: A Verified Compiler ..." PLDI '23: "Cakes That Bake Cakes: Dynamic ..."
Nagarajan, Vijay PLDI '23: "Compound Memory Models ..."
Naik, Mayur PLDI '23: "Scallop: A Language for Neurosymbolic ..."
Nakamaru, Tomoki PLDI '23: "Collecting Cyclic Garbage ..."
Nam, Seunghyeon PLDI '23: "HEaaN.MLIR: An Optimizing ..."
Nawas, Stephanie PLDI '23: "Architecture-Preserving Provable ..."
Neth, Andrew PLDI '23: "Responsive Parallelism with ..."
Nigam, Rachit PLDI '23: "Modular Hardware Design with ..."
Nishio, Mario PLDI '23: "Derivative Based Nonbacktracking ..."
Norrish, Michael PLDI '23: "PureCake: A Verified Compiler ..."
Olukotun, Kunle PLDI '23: "Mosaic: An Interoperable Compiler ..."
Oswald, Nicolai PLDI '23: "Compound Memory Models ..."
Owens, Scott PLDI '23: "Cakes That Bake Cakes: Dynamic ..."
Pailoor, Shankara PLDI '23: "Automated Detection of Under-Constrained ..."
Park, Jihyeok PLDI '23: "Feature-Sensitive Coverage ..."
Park, Sunjae PLDI '23: "HEaaN.MLIR: An Optimizing ..."
Pavlogiannis, Andreas PLDI '23: "Optimal Reads-From Consistency ..." PLDI '23: "Sound Dynamic Deadlock Prediction ..."
Perez Rodriguez, Jose PLDI '23: "Derivative Based Nonbacktracking ..."
Pichon-Pharabod, Jean PLDI '23: "Iris-Wasm: Robust and Modular ..." PLDI '23: "VMSL: A Separation Logic for ..."
Pick, Lauren PLDI '23: "Psym: Efficient Symbolic Exploration ..." PLDI '23: "Synthesizing Quantum-Circuit ..."
Pohjola, Johannes Åman PLDI '23: "PureCake: A Verified Compiler ..."
Polikarpova, Nadia PLDI '23: "Leveraging Rust Types for ..."
Prinz, Jacob PLDI '23: "Merging Inductive Relations ..."
Raad, Azalea PLDI '23: "Memento: A Framework for Detectable ..."
Radhakrishna, Arjun PLDI '23: "Trace-Guided Inductive Synthesis ..."
Rao, Xiaojia PLDI '23: "Iris-Wasm: Robust and Modular ..."
Regehr, John PLDI '23: "Fuzzing Loop Optimizations ..."
Rinard, Martin C. PLDI '23: "Probabilistic Programming ..."
Rodríguez, Clara PLDI '23: "Automated Detection of Under-Constrained ..."
Román-Calvo, Enrique PLDI '23: "Dynamic Partial Order Reduction ..."
Rosenthal, Eli PLDI '23: "Better Together: Unifying ..."
Ryu, Sukyoung PLDI '23: "Feature-Sensitive Coverage ..."