PLDI 2022
43rd ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI 2022)
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43rd ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI 2022), June 13–17, 2022, San Diego, CA, USA

PLDI 2022 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Aanjaneya, Mridul PLDI '22: "Progressive Polynomial Approximations ..."
Acar, Umut A. PLDI '22: "Quartz: Superoptimization ..."
Agrawala, Maneesh PLDI '22: "Modular Information Flow through ..."
Ahmadi, Ali PLDI '22: "Efficient Approximations for ..."
Ahmed, Amal PLDI '22: "Semantic Soundness for Language ..."
Ahrens, Peter PLDI '22: "Autoscheduling for Sparse ..."
Aiken, Alex PLDI '22: "DISTAL: The Distributed Tensor ..." PLDI '22: "Quartz: Superoptimization ..."
Ainsworth, Sam PLDI '22: "Bind the Gap: Compiling Real ..."
Amarasinghe, Saman PLDI '22: "Autoscheduling for Sparse ..." PLDI '22: "All You Need Is Superword-Level ..."
Amini, Mehdi PLDI '22: "IRDL: An IR Definition Language ..."
Anderson, Daniel PLDI '22: "Turning Manual Concurrent ..."
Armengol-Estapé, Jordi PLDI '22: "Bind the Gap: Compiling Real ..."
Beckett, Ryan PLDI '22: "Kleene Algebra Modulo Theories: ..."
Bendrissou, Bachir PLDI '22: "“Synthesizing Input Grammars”: ..."
Bernstein, Gilbert Louis PLDI '22: "Exocompilation for Productive ..."
Beutner, Raven PLDI '22: "Guaranteed Bounds for Posterior ..."
Bhatotia, Pramod PLDI '22: "Lasagne: A Static Binary Translator ..."
Blackburn, Stephen M. PLDI '22: "Low-Latency, High-Throughput ..." PLDI '22: "Mako: A Low-Pause, High-Throughput ..."
Blelloch, Guy E. PLDI '22: "PaC-Trees: Supporting Parallel ..." PLDI '22: "Turning Manual Concurrent ..."
Bockenek, Joshua PLDI '22: "Formally Verified Lifting ..."
Bodik, Rastislav PLDI '22: "Synthesizing Analytical SQL ..."
Bolignano, Pauline PLDI '22: "Differential Cost Analysis ..."
Bond, Michael D. PLDI '22: "Mako: A Low-Pause, High-Throughput ..."
Brachthäuser, Jonathan Immanuel PLDI '22: "A Typed Continuation-Passing ..."
Briggs, Ian PLDI '22: "Choosing Mathematical Function ..."
Bruni, Roberto PLDI '22: "Abstract Interpretation Repair ..."
Campanoni, Simone PLDI '22: "WARio: Efficient Code Generation ..."
Campbell, Brian PLDI '22: "Islaris: Verification of Machine ..."
Campbell, Eric PLDI '22: "Kleene Algebra Modulo Theories: ..."
Cao, David PLDI '22: "Type-Directed Program Synthesis ..."
Cardona, Omar PLDI '22: "Hardening Attack Surfaces ..."
Chabbi, Milind PLDI '22: "A Study of Real-World Data ..."
Chakraborty, Soham PLDI '22: "Lasagne: A Static Binary Translator ..."
Chaliasos, Stefanos PLDI '22: "Finding Typing Compiler Bugs ..."
Chang, Bor-Yuh Evan PLDI '22: "Differential Cost Analysis ..."
Chattopadhyay, Agnishom PLDI '22: "Software-Hardware Codesign ..."
Chen, Yan PLDI '22: "WebRobot: Web Robotic Process ..."
Chen, Yanju PLDI '22: "Visualization Question Answering ..."
Chen, Yishen PLDI '22: "All You Need Is Superword-Level ..."
Cheung, Alvin PLDI '22: "Synthesizing Analytical SQL ..."
Chlipala, Adam PLDI '22: "Relational Compilation for ..."
Cho, Minki PLDI '22: "Sequential Reasoning for Optimizing ..."
Choi, Jaemin PLDI '22: "Compass: Strong and Compositional ..."
Choi, Wonhyuk PLDI '22: "Can Reactive Synthesis and ..."
Chong, Frederic T. PLDI '22: "Giallar: Push-Button Verification ..."
Christensen, Michael PLDI '22: "PyLSE: A Pulse-Transfer Level ..."
Crichton, Will PLDI '22: "Modular Information Flow through ..."
Cross, Andrew W. PLDI '22: "Giallar: Push-Button Verification ..."
Daliri, Majid PLDI '22: "Efficient Approximations for ..."
Dang, Hoang-Hai PLDI '22: "Compass: Strong and Compositional ..."
D'Antoni, Loris PLDI '22: "P4BID: Information Flow Control ..."
Demsky, Brian PLDI '22: "Checking Robustness to Weak ..."
Denis, Xavier PLDI '22: "RustHornBelt: A Semantic Foundation ..."
Dhulipala, Laxman PLDI '22: "PaC-Trees: Supporting Parallel ..."
Dimoulas, Christos PLDI '22: "Karp: A Language for NP Reductions ..."
Doenges, Ryan PLDI '22: "Leapfrog: Certified Equivalence ..."
Dong, Rui PLDI '22: "WebRobot: Web Robotic Process ..."
Dreyer, Derek PLDI '22: "Compass: Strong and Compositional ..." PLDI '22: "Islaris: Verification of Machine ..." PLDI '22: "RustHornBelt: A Semantic Foundation ..."
Ducasse, Stéphane PLDI '22: "Interpreter-Guided Differential ..."
Eline, Aaron PLDI '22: "Computing Correctly with Inductive ..."
Erbsen, Andres PLDI '22: "Relational Compilation for ..."
Farzan, Azadeh PLDI '22: "Recursion Synthesis with Unrealizability ..." PLDI '22: "Sound Sequentialization for ..."
Fehr, Mathieu PLDI '22: "IRDL: An IR Definition Language ..."
Feng, Xinyu PLDI '22: "Verifying Optimizations of ..."
Feng, Yu PLDI '22: "Visualization Question Answering ..."
Fink, Martin PLDI '22: "Lasagne: A Static Binary Translator ..."
Finkbeiner, Bernd PLDI '22: "Can Reactive Synthesis and ..."
Flückiger, Olivier PLDI '22: "Deoptless: Speculation with ..."
Foster, Nate PLDI '22: "Leapfrog: Certified Equivalence ..."
Fu, Zhoulai PLDI '22: "Formally Verified Lifting ..."
Garg, Deepak PLDI '22: "Islaris: Verification of Machine ..."
Genc, Hasan PLDI '22: "Exocompilation for Productive ..."
Gervais, Arthur PLDI '22: "Finding Typing Compiler Bugs ..."
Geuvers, Herman PLDI '22: "Diaframe: Automated Verification ..."
Ghosh, Souradip PLDI '22: "WARio: Efficient Code Generation ..."
Giacobazzi, Roberto PLDI '22: "Abstract Interpretation Repair ..."
Goharshady, Amir Kafshdar PLDI '22: "Efficient Approximations for ..."
Gopinath, Rahul PLDI '22: "“Synthesizing Input Grammars”: ..."
Gori, Roberta PLDI '22: "Abstract Interpretation Repair ..."
Gorjiara, Hamed PLDI '22: "Checking Robustness to Weak ..."
Gouicem, Redha PLDI '22: "Lasagne: A Static Binary Translator ..."
Greenberg, Michael PLDI '22: "Kleene Algebra Modulo Theories: ..."
Greenman, Ben PLDI '22: "Deep and Shallow Types for ..."
Grewal, Karuna PLDI '22: "P4BID: Information Flow Control ..."
Grosser, Tobias PLDI '22: "IRDL: An IR Definition Language ..."
Gu, Ronghui PLDI '22: "Giallar: Push-Button Verification ..."
Gu, Yan PLDI '22: "PaC-Trees: Supporting Parallel ..."
Guarnieri, Marco PLDI '22: "ANOSY: Approximated Knowledge ..."
Guo, Zheng PLDI '22: "Type-Directed Program Synthesis ..."
Gupta, Arti PLDI '22: "Hardening Attack Surfaces ..."
Guria, Sankha Narayan PLDI '22: "ANOSY: Approximated Knowledge ..."
Hammond, Angus PLDI '22: "Islaris: Verification of Machine ..."
Hanrahan, Pat PLDI '22: "Modular Information Flow through ..."
Hardekopf, Ben PLDI '22: "PyLSE: A Pulse-Transfer Level ..."
Hartline, Jason D. PLDI '22: "Karp: A Language for NP Reductions ..."
Hester, Josiah PLDI '22: "WARio: Efficient Code Generation ..."
Hirth, Auguste PLDI '22: "Quartz: Superoptimization ..."
Honoré, Wolf PLDI '22: "Adore: Atomic Distributed ..."
Houshmand, Farzin PLDI '22: "Hamband: RDMA Replicated Data ..."
Hsu, Justin PLDI '22: "P4BID: Information Flow Control ..."
Huang, Yi PLDI '22: "Software-Hardware Codesign ..."
Huang, Zhicheng PLDI '22: "WebRobot: Web Robotic Process ..."
Hur, Chung-Kil PLDI '22: "Sequential Reasoning for Optimizing ..."
Ikarashi, Yuka PLDI '22: "Exocompilation for Productive ..."
Iyer, Arun PLDI '22: "Landmarks and Regions: A Robust ..."
Jamner, Dustin PLDI '22: "Relational Compilation for ..."
Javadi-Abhari, Ali PLDI '22: "Giallar: Push-Button Verification ..."
Ječmen, Jan PLDI '22: "Deoptless: Speculation with ..."
Jia, Zhihao PLDI '22: "Quartz: Superoptimization ..."
Jiang, Lin PLDI '22: "FreeTensor: A Free-Form DSL ..."
Jiang, Yu PLDI '22: "Odin: On-Demand Instrumentation ..."
Jones, Eddie PLDI '22: "CycleQ: An Efficient Basis ..."
Jourdan, Jacques-Henri PLDI '22: "RustHornBelt: A Semantic Foundation ..."
Jung, Jaehwang PLDI '22: "Compass: Strong and Compositional ..."
Kaki, Gowtham PLDI '22: "RunTime-Assisted Convergence ..."
Kamath, Adharsh PLDI '22: "Certified Mergeable Replicated ..."
Kang, Jeehoon PLDI '22: "Compass: Strong and Compositional ..."
Kappé, Tobias PLDI '22: "Leapfrog: Certified Equivalence ..."
Khatry, Anirudh PLDI '22: "Landmarks and Regions: A Robust ..."
Kim, Jieung PLDI '22: "Adore: Atomic Distributed ..."
Kim, Miryung PLDI '22: "Mako: A Low-Pause, High-Throughput ..."
Kjolstad, Fredrik PLDI '22: "Autoscheduling for Sparse ..." PLDI '22: "DISTAL: The Distributed Tensor ..."
Klumpp, Dominik PLDI '22: "Sound Sequentialization for ..."
Kong, Lingkun PLDI '22: "Software-Hardware Codesign ..."
Kortbeek, Vito PLDI '22: "WARio: Efficient Code Generation ..."
Krebbers, Robbert PLDI '22: "Diaframe: Automated Verification ..."
Kringen, Harlan PLDI '22: "PyLSE: A Pulse-Transfer Level ..."
Krynski, Sebastián PLDI '22: "Deoptless: Speculation with ..."
Lahav, Ori PLDI '22: "Sequential Reasoning for Optimizing ..."
Lam, Ian Iong PLDI '22: "WebRobot: Web Robotic Process ..."
Lampropoulos, Leonidas PLDI '22: "Computing Correctly with Inductive ..."
Lee, Alex PLDI '22: "Checking Robustness to Weak ..."
Lee, Dongjae PLDI '22: "Sequential Reasoning for Optimizing ..."
Lee, Sung-Hwan PLDI '22: "Sequential Reasoning for Optimizing ..."
Le Glaunec, Alexis PLDI '22: "Software-Hardware Codesign ..."
Lehmann, Daniel PLDI '22: "Finding the Dwarf: Recovering ..."
Lepigre, Rodolphe PLDI '22: "Islaris: Verification of Machine ..."
Lesani, Mohsen PLDI '22: "Hamband: RDMA Replicated Data ..."
Lette, Danya PLDI '22: "Recursion Synthesis with Unrealizability ..."
Lewchenko, Nicholas V. PLDI '22: "RunTime-Assisted Convergence ..."
Li, Xupeng PLDI '22: "Giallar: Push-Button Verification ..."
Li, Zikun PLDI '22: "Quartz: Superoptimization ..."
Liang, Hongjin PLDI '22: "Verifying Optimizations of ..."
Liang, Jie PLDI '22: "Odin: On-Demand Instrumentation ..."
Lim, Jay P. PLDI '22: "Progressive Polynomial Approximations ..."
Lin, Sina PLDI '22: "Quartz: Superoptimization ..."
Liu, Shi PLDI '22: "Mako: A Low-Pause, High-Throughput ..."
Livshits, Benjamin PLDI '22: "Finding Typing Compiler Bugs ..."
Luo, Weiyu PLDI '22: "Checking Robustness to Weak ..."
Ma, Haoran PLDI '22: "Mako: A Low-Pause, High-Throughput ..."
Ma, Henry PLDI '22: "Quartz: Superoptimization ..."
Malloy, Dmitry PLDI '22: "Hardening Attack Surfaces ..."
Mamouras, Konstantinos PLDI '22: "Software-Hardware Codesign ..."
Mansky, William PLDI '22: "Compass: Strong and Compositional ..."
Matsushita, Yusuke PLDI '22: "RustHornBelt: A Semantic Foundation ..."
McKinley, Kathryn S. PLDI '22: "Low-Latency, High-Throughput ..."
Mendis, Charith PLDI '22: "All You Need Is Superword-Level ..."
Milano, Mae PLDI '22: "A Flexible Type System for ..."
Mitropoulos, Dimitris PLDI '22: "Finding Typing Compiler Bugs ..."
Morelli, Canberk PLDI '22: "Warping Cache Simulation of ..."
Morrisett, Greg PLDI '22: "Leapfrog: Certified Equivalence ..."
Mulder, Ike PLDI '22: "Diaframe: Automated Verification ..."
Müller, Marius PLDI '22: "A Typed Continuation-Passing ..."
Mushtak, Noble PLDI '22: "Semantic Soundness for Language ..."
Myers, Andrew C. PLDI '22: "A Flexible Type System for ..." PLDI '22: "PDL: A High-Level Hardware ..."
Nagar, Kartik PLDI '22: "Certified Mergeable Replicated ..."
Nagarakatte, Santosh PLDI '22: "Progressive Polynomial Approximations ..."
Nguyen, Duc-Than PLDI '22: "Compass: Strong and Compositional ..."
Ni, Haobin PLDI '22: "Hardening Attack Surfaces ..."
Nicolet, Victor PLDI '22: "Recursion Synthesis with Unrealizability ..."
Niu, Jeff PLDI '22: "IRDL: An IR Definition Language ..."
O'Boyle, Michael F. P. PLDI '22: "Bind the Gap: Compiling Real ..."
O'Connor, Liam PLDI '22: "Quickstrom: Property-Based ..."
Ong, C.-H. Luke PLDI '22: "CycleQ: An Efficient Basis ..." PLDI '22: "Guaranteed Bounds for Posterior ..."
Ostermann, Klaus PLDI '22: "A Typed Continuation-Passing ..."
Padon, Oded PLDI '22: "Quartz: Superoptimization ..."
Palsberg, Jens PLDI '22: "Quartz: Superoptimization ..."
Panchekha, Pavel PLDI '22: "Choosing Mathematical Function ..."
Paraskevopoulou, Zoe PLDI '22: "Computing Correctly with Inductive ..."
Parker, James PLDI '22: "ANOSY: Approximated Knowledge ..."
Parthasarathy, Suresh PLDI '22: "Landmarks and Regions: A Robust ..."
Patrignani, Marco PLDI '22: "Modular Information Flow through ..."
Pattanaik, Lincy PLDI '22: "Landmarks and Regions: A Robust ..."
Patterson, Daniel PLDI '22: "Semantic Soundness for Language ..."
Pavlogiannis, Andreas PLDI '22: "Efficient Approximations for ..."
Pawełczak, Przemysław PLDI '22: "WARio: Efficient Code Generation ..."
Peng, Yuxiang PLDI '22: "Algebraic Reasoning of Quantum ..."
Philipoom, Jade PLDI '22: "Relational Compilation for ..."
Pichon-Pharabod, Jean PLDI '22: "Islaris: Verification of Machine ..."
Piskac, Ruzica PLDI '22: "Can Reactive Synthesis and ..."
Pit-Claudel, Clément PLDI '22: "Relational Compilation for ..."
Podelski, Andreas PLDI '22: "Sound Sequentialization for ..."
Pointing, Jessica PLDI '22: "Quartz: Superoptimization ..."
Polikarpova, Nadia PLDI '22: "Type-Directed Program Synthesis ..."
Polito, Guillermo PLDI '22: "Interpreter-Guided Differential ..."
Pradel, Michael PLDI '22: "Finding the Dwarf: Recovering ..."
Prahladan, Prasanth PLDI '22: "RunTime-Assisted Convergence ..."
Qiao, Yifan PLDI '22: "Mako: A Low-Pause, High-Throughput ..."
Radhakrishna, Arjun PLDI '22: "Landmarks and Regions: A Robust ..."
Ragan-Kelley, Jonathan PLDI '22: "Exocompilation for Productive ..."
Raimondi, Franco PLDI '22: "Differential Cost Analysis ..."
Rajamani, Sriram K. PLDI '22: "Landmarks and Regions: A Robust ..."
Ramananandro, Tahina PLDI '22: "Hardening Attack Surfaces ..."
Ramanathan, Murali Krishna PLDI '22: "A Study of Real-World Data ..."
Ramsay, Steven PLDI '22: "CycleQ: An Efficient Basis ..."
Ranzato, Francesco PLDI '22: "Abstract Interpretation Repair ..."
Rastogi, Aseem PLDI '22: "Hardening Attack Surfaces ..."
Ravindran, Binoy PLDI '22: "Formally Verified Lifting ..."
Raza, Mohammad PLDI '22: "Landmarks and Regions: A Robust ..."
Reineke, Jan PLDI '22: "Warping Cache Simulation of ..."
Reinking, Alex PLDI '22: "Exocompilation for Productive ..."
Riddle, River PLDI '22: "IRDL: An IR Definition Language ..."
Rocha, Rodrigo C. O. PLDI '22: "Lasagne: A Static Binary Translator ..."
Saberlatibari, Javad PLDI '22: "Hamband: RDMA Replicated Data ..."
Sammler, Michael PLDI '22: "Islaris: Verification of Machine ..."
Santolucito, Mark PLDI '22: "Can Reactive Synthesis and ..."
Sarracino, John PLDI '22: "Leapfrog: Certified Equivalence ..."
Schlesinger, Cole PLDI '22: "Type-Directed Program Synthesis ..."
Schuster, Philipp PLDI '22: "A Typed Continuation-Passing ..."