PLDI 2021
42nd ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI 2021)
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42nd ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI 2021), June 20–25, 2021, Virtual, Canada

PLDI 2021 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Acar, Umut A. PLDI '21: "Task Parallel Assembly Language ..."
Acay, Coşku PLDI '21: "Viaduct: An Extensible, Optimizing ..."
Agrawal, Gagan PLDI '21: "DNNFusion: Accelerating Deep ..."
Aiken, Alex PLDI '21: "Adaptive Restarts for Stochastic ..."
Alaghi, Armin PLDI '21: "Porcupine: A Synthesizing ..."
Alonso, Gustavo PLDI '21: "Compiler-Assisted Object Inlining ..."
Alur, Rajeev PLDI '21: "Example-Guided Synthesis of ..."
Anderson, Daniel PLDI '21: "Concurrent Deferred Reference ..."
Asadi, Ali PLDI '21: "Polynomial Reachability Witnesses ..."
Baader, Maximilian PLDI '21: "Fast and Precise Certification ..."
Balkind, Jonathan PLDI '21: "Wire Sorts: A Language Abstraction ..."
Bastani, Osbert PLDI '21: "Web Question Answering with ..."
Basu, Nilanjana PLDI '21: "Frequent Background Polling ..."
Baudart, Guillaume PLDI '21: "Compiling Stan to Generative ..."
Bergmann, Gábor PLDI '21: "Incremental Whole-Program ..."
Beutner, Raven PLDI '21: "On Probabilistic Termination ..."
Bhatotia, Pramod PLDI '21: "Execution Reconstruction: ..."
Bian, Lizhong PLDI '21: "Automated Conformance Testing ..."
Bichsel, Benjamin PLDI '21: "Unqomp: Synthesizing Uncomputation ..."
Bielik, Pavol PLDI '21: "Robustness Certification with ..."
Birkedal, Lars PLDI '21: "Transfinite Iris: Resolving ..."
Bjørner, Nikolaj PLDI '21: "Symbolic Boolean Derivatives ..."
Blelloch, Guy E. PLDI '21: "Concurrent Deferred Reference ..."
Blinn, Andrew PLDI '21: "Filling Typed Holes with Live ..."
Bonaert, Gregory PLDI '21: "Fast and Precise Certification ..."
Brown, Fraser PLDI '21: "Scooter & Sidecar: A Domain-Specific ..."
Bruno, Rodrigo PLDI '21: "Compiler-Assisted Object Inlining ..."
Burroni, Javier PLDI '21: "Compiling Stan to Generative ..."
Cai, Yuandao PLDI '21: "Canary: Practical Static Detection ..."
Campagna, Giovanni PLDI '21: "DIY Assistant: A Multi-modal ..."
Campanoni, Simone PLDI '21: "Task Parallel Assembly Language ..."
Cary, Luc PLDI '21: "DreamCoder: Bootstrapping ..."
Casinghino, Chris PLDI '21: "CoStar: A Verified ALL(*) ..."
Castro-Perez, David PLDI '21: "Zooid: A DSL for Certified ..."
Ceze, Luis PLDI '21: "Reticle: A Virtual Machine ..."
Chang, Bor-Yuh Evan PLDI '21: "Demanded Abstract Interpretation ..."
Chatterjee, Krishnendu PLDI '21: "Proving Non-termination by ..." PLDI '21: "Quantitative Analysis of Assertion ..." PLDI '21: "Polynomial Reachability Witnesses ..."
Chen, Qiaochu PLDI '21: "Web Question Answering with ..."
Cheng, Bin PLDI '21: "AKG: Automatic Kernel Generation ..."
Cheng, Yun PLDI '21: "AKG: Automatic Kernel Generation ..."
Chlipala, Adam PLDI '21: "Integration Verification across ..."
Cho, Kyeongmin PLDI '21: "Revamping Hardware Persistency ..."
Cho, Minki PLDI '21: "Modular Data-Race-Freedom ..."
Choi, Euirim PLDI '21: "DIY Assistant: A Multi-modal ..."
Choi, Joonwon PLDI '21: "Integration Verification across ..."
Chong, Frederic T. PLDI '21: "Gleipnir: Toward Practical ..."
Christensen, Michael PLDI '21: "Wire Sorts: A Language Abstraction ..."
Chugh, Ravi PLDI '21: "Filling Typed Holes with Live ..."
Collins, Nick PLDI '21: "Filling Typed Holes with Live ..."
Cowan, Meghan PLDI '21: "Porcupine: A Synthesizing ..."
Dangwal, Deeksha PLDI '21: "Porcupine: A Synthesizing ..."
Dao, Thanh Tuan PLDI '21: "DeepCuts: A Deep Learning ..."
Da Silva, Dilma PLDI '21: "When Threads Meet Events: ..."
Delaware, Benjamin PLDI '21: "Repairing Serializability ..."
De Moura, Leonardo PLDI '21: "Perceus: Garbage Free Reference ..."
Di, Peng PLDI '21: "AKG: Automatic Kernel Generation ..."
Dillig, Isil PLDI '21: "Web Question Answering with ..." PLDI '21: "Synthesizing Data Structure ..."
Dimitrov, Dimitar I. PLDI '21: "Fast and Precise Certification ..."
Dinda, Peter PLDI '21: "Task Parallel Assembly Language ..."
Dolan, Stephen PLDI '21: "Retrofitting Effect Handlers ..."
Donaldson, Alastair F. PLDI '21: "Test-Case Reduction and Deduplication ..."
Dreyer, Derek PLDI '21: "RefinedC: Automating the Foundational ..." PLDI '21: "Transfinite Iris: Resolving ..."
D'Souza, Deepak PLDI '21: "Specification Synthesis with ..."
Durrett, Greg PLDI '21: "Web Question Answering with ..."
Ellis, Kevin PLDI '21: "DreamCoder: Bootstrapping ..."
Ellis, Tom PLDI '21: "Hashing Modulo Alpha-Equivalence ..."
Erbsen, Andres PLDI '21: "Integration Verification across ..."
Erdweg, Sebastian PLDI '21: "Incremental Whole-Program ..." PLDI '21: "Concise, Type-Safe, and Efficient ..."
Eriksson, Jakob PLDI '21: "Frequent Background Polling ..."
Fan, Hongyu PLDI '21: "Satisfiability Modulo Ordering ..."
Fang, Dingyi PLDI '21: "Automated Conformance Testing ..."
Farzan, Azadeh PLDI '21: "Phased Synthesis of Divide ..."
Fedyukovich, Grigory PLDI '21: "Specification Synthesis with ..." PLDI '21: "Beyond the Elementary Representations ..."
Feng, Weijie PLDI '21: "Boosting SMT Solver Performance ..."
Feng, Xinyu PLDI '21: "Abstraction for Conflict-Free ..."
Ferreira, Francisco PLDI '21: "Zooid: A DSL for Certified ..."
Fischer, Michael H. PLDI '21: "DIY Assistant: A Multi-modal ..."
Fisher, Kathleen PLDI '21: "CoStar: A Verified ALL(*) ..."
Fitzgibbon, Andrew PLDI '21: "Hashing Modulo Alpha-Equivalence ..."
Fonseca, Pedro PLDI '21: "Execution Reconstruction: ..."
Foster, Jeffrey S. PLDI '21: "RbSyn: Type- and Effect-Guided ..."
Friedman, Michal PLDI '21: "Mirror: Making Lock-Free Data ..."
Fu, Hongfei PLDI '21: "Quantitative Analysis of Assertion ..." PLDI '21: "Polynomial Reachability Witnesses ..."
Gadepally, Vijay PLDI '21: "Bliss: Auto-tuning Complex ..."
Gäher, Lennard PLDI '21: "Transfinite Iris: Resolving ..."
Gancher, Joshua PLDI '21: "Viaduct: An Extensible, Optimizing ..."
Gao, Xiong PLDI '21: "AKG: Automatic Kernel Generation ..."
Garg, Deepak PLDI '21: "RefinedC: Automating the Foundational ..."
Gehr, Timon PLDI '21: "Robustness Certification with ..."
Geng, Zhen PLDI '21: "AKG: Automatic Kernel Generation ..."
Gheri, Lorenzo PLDI '21: "Zooid: A DSL for Certified ..."
Goharshady, Amir Kafshdar PLDI '21: "Quantitative Analysis of Assertion ..." PLDI '21: "Polynomial Reachability Witnesses ..."
Goharshady, Ehsan Kafshdar PLDI '21: "Proving Non-termination by ..."
Gottfried, Benjamin PLDI '21: "Vectorized Secure Evaluation ..."
Govindaraj, Vineetha PLDI '21: "Fluid: A Framework for Approximate ..."
Gratzer, Daniel PLDI '21: "Transfinite Iris: Resolving ..."
Grossman, Dan PLDI '21: "Proof Repair across Type Equivalences ..." PLDI '21: "Reticle: A Virtual Machine ..."
Gruetter, Samuel PLDI '21: "Integration Verification across ..."
Grunske, Lars PLDI '21: "Concolic Program Repair ..."
Gu, Ronghui PLDI '21: "Gleipnir: Toward Practical ..."
Guan, Jiexiong PLDI '21: "DNNFusion: Accelerating Deep ..."
Guria, Sankha Narayan PLDI '21: "RbSyn: Type- and Effect-Guided ..."
Hägele, Alexander PLDI '21: "Robustness Certification with ..."
Hale, Kyle PLDI '21: "Task Parallel Assembly Language ..."
Hardavellas, Nikos PLDI '21: "Task Parallel Assembly Language ..."
Hardekopf, Ben PLDI '21: "Wire Sorts: A Language Abstraction ..."
Hazelwood, Kim PLDI '21: "Developer and User-Transparent ..."
He, Fei PLDI '21: "Satisfiability Modulo Ordering ..."
He, Jingxuan PLDI '21: "Learning to Find Naming Issues ..."
Hewitt, Luke PLDI '21: "DreamCoder: Bootstrapping ..."
Hirzel, Martin PLDI '21: "Compiling Stan to Generative ..."
Ho, Michael PLDI '21: "Unleashing the Hidden Power ..."
Hoffmann, Jan PLDI '21: "Central Moment Analysis for ..." PLDI '21: "Sound Probabilistic Inference ..."
Hu, Xiaowen PLDI '21: "An Efficient Interpreter for ..."
Huang, Jeff PLDI '21: "When Threads Meet Events: ..."
Huang, Songfang PLDI '21: "Automated Conformance Testing ..."
Hui, John PLDI '21: "Gleipnir: Toward Practical ..."
Hur, Chung-Kil PLDI '21: "Alive2: Bounded Translation ..." PLDI '21: "Modular Data-Race-Freedom ..."
Iooss, Guillaume PLDI '21: "IOOpt: Automatic Derivation ..."
Itzhaky, Shachar PLDI '21: "Cyclic Program Synthesis ..."
Jaffer, Sadiq PLDI '21: "Retrofitting Effect Handlers ..."
Jagannathan, Suresh PLDI '21: "Repairing Serializability ..."
Jensen, Thomas PLDI '21: "Trace-Based Control-Flow Analysis ..."
Ji, Kai PLDI '21: "JPortal: Precise and Efficient ..."
Jia, Limin PLDI '21: "Automatically Enforcing Fresh ..." PLDI '21: "SyRust: Automatic Testing ..."
Jiang, Huaipan PLDI '21: "Fluid: A Framework for Approximate ..."
Jin, Xuefeng PLDI '21: "AKG: Automatic Kernel Generation ..."
Jordan, Herbert PLDI '21: "An Efficient Interpreter for ..."
Jovanovic, Vojin PLDI '21: "Compiler-Assisted Object Inlining ..."
Jung, Wookeun PLDI '21: "DeepCuts: A Deep Learning ..."
Kalhauge, Christian Gram PLDI '21: "Logical Bytecode Reduction ..."
Kandemir, Mahmut Taylan PLDI '21: "Fluid: A Framework for Approximate ..." PLDI '21: "Distance-in-Time versus Distance-in-Space ..."
Kang, Jeehoon PLDI '21: "Revamping Hardware Persistency ..."
Karakoy, Mustafa PLDI '21: "Distance-in-Time versus Distance-in-Space ..."
Karpiński, Antoni PLDI '21: "Test-Case Reduction and Deduplication ..."
Kasikci, Baris PLDI '21: "Execution Reconstruction: ..."
Kelly, Tom PLDI '21: "Retrofitting Effect Handlers ..."
Kincaid, Zachary PLDI '21: "Termination Analysis without ..."
Koenig, Jason R. PLDI '21: "Adaptive Restarts for Stochastic ..."
Koenig, Jérémie PLDI '21: "CompCertO: Compiling Certified ..."
Kostyukov, Yurii PLDI '21: "Beyond the Elementary Representations ..."
Krebbers, Robbert PLDI '21: "RefinedC: Automating the Foundational ..." PLDI '21: "Transfinite Iris: Resolving ..."
Kulkarni, Milind PLDI '21: "Vectorized Secure Evaluation ..."
Kumar, Amrit PLDI '21: "Practical Smart Contract Sharding ..."
Lahav, Ori PLDI '21: "Modular Data-Race-Freedom ..."
Lam, Monica S. PLDI '21: "DIY Assistant: A Multi-modal ..."
Lamoreaux, Aaron PLDI '21: "Web Question Answering with ..."
Lasser, Sam PLDI '21: "CoStar: A Verified ALL(*) ..."
Lawrence, Alan PLDI '21: "Hashing Modulo Alpha-Equivalence ..."
Leather, Hugh PLDI '21: "Developer and User-Transparent ..."
Lee, Cheng-Chun PLDI '21: "Learning to Find Naming Issues ..."
Lee, Jaejin PLDI '21: "DeepCuts: A Deep Learning ..."
Lee, Juneyoung PLDI '21: "Alive2: Bounded Translation ..."
Lee, Sung-Hwan PLDI '21: "Revamping Hardware Persistency ..." PLDI '21: "Modular Data-Race-Freedom ..."
Lee, Vincent T. PLDI '21: "Porcupine: A Synthesizing ..."
Lei, Yu PLDI '21: "Unleashing the Hidden Power ..."
Leijen, Daan PLDI '21: "Perceus: Garbage Free Reference ..."
Leo, John PLDI '21: "Proof Repair across Type Equivalences ..."
Lepigre, Rodolphe PLDI '21: "RefinedC: Automating the Foundational ..."
Lerner, Sorin PLDI '21: "Scooter & Sidecar: A Domain-Specific ..."
Li, Bojie PLDI '21: "AKG: Automatic Kernel Generation ..."
Li, Jing PLDI '21: "Boosting SMT Solver Performance ..."
Li, Li PLDI '21: "Unleashing the Hidden Power ..."
Li, Xuandong PLDI '21: "JPortal: Precise and Efficient ..." PLDI '21: "Chianina: An Evolving Graph ..."
Li, Yanze PLDI '21: "When Threads Meet Events: ..."
Li, Yue PLDI '21: "Chianina: An Evolving Graph ..."
Li, Zheng PLDI '21: "AKG: Automatic Kernel Generation ..."
Liang, Hongjin PLDI '21: "Abstraction for Conflict-Free ..."
Lim, Jay P. PLDI '21: "High Performance Correctly ..."
Liu, Binbin PLDI '21: "Boosting SMT Solver Performance ..."
Liu, Bozhen PLDI '21: "When Threads Meet Events: ..."
Liu, Peiming PLDI '21: "When Threads Meet Events: ..."
Liu, Zhengyang PLDI '21: "Alive2: Bounded Translation ..."
Lopes, Nuno P. PLDI '21: "Alive2: Bounded Translation ..."
Lu, Shenming PLDI '21: "Chianina: An Evolving Graph ..."
Lucia, Brandon PLDI '21: "Automatically Enforcing Fresh ..."
Ma, Jiacheng PLDI '21: "Execution Reconstruction: ..."
Madhavapeddy, Anil PLDI '21: "Retrofitting Effect Handlers ..."
Madhukar, Kumar PLDI '21: "Specification Synthesis with ..."
Mahdavi, Mohammad PLDI '21: "Polynomial Reachability Witnesses ..."
Malik, Raghav PLDI '21: "Vectorized Secure Evaluation ..."
Mandel, Louis PLDI '21: "Compiling Stan to Generative ..."
Mansinghka, Vikash K. PLDI '21: "SPPL: Probabilistic Programming ..."
Martins, Ruben PLDI '21: "SyRust: Automatic Testing ..."
Maselco, André Perez PLDI '21: "Test-Case Reduction and Deduplication ..."
Maziarz, Krzysztof PLDI '21: "Hashing Modulo Alpha-Equivalence ..."
McMahan, Joseph PLDI '21: "Reticle: A Virtual Machine ..."
Memarian, Kayvan PLDI '21: "RefinedC: Automating the Foundational ..."
Milizia, Stefano PLDI '21: "Test-Case Reduction and Deduplication ..."
Ming, Jiang PLDI '21: "Unleashing the Hidden Power ..." PLDI '21: "Boosting SMT Solver Performance ..."
Mirman, Matthew PLDI '21: "Robustness Certification with ..."
Montagu, Benoît PLDI '21: "Trace-Based Control-Flow Analysis ..."
Montanari, Claudio PLDI '21: "Frequent Background Polling ..."
Moon, David PLDI '21: "Filling Typed Holes with Live ..."
Morales, Lucas PLDI '21: "DreamCoder: Bootstrapping ..."
Mordvinov, Dmitry PLDI '21: "Beyond the Elementary Representations ..."
Morihata, Akimasa PLDI '21: "Reverse Engineering for Reduction ..."
Mpeis, Paschalis PLDI '21: "Developer and User-Transparent ..."
Myers, Andrew C. PLDI '21: "Viaduct: An Extensible, Optimizing ..."
Nagar, Kartik PLDI '21: "Repairing Serializability ..."
Nagarakatte, Santosh PLDI '21: "High Performance Correctly ..."
Naik, Aaditya PLDI '21: "Example-Guided Synthesis of ..."
Naik, Mayur PLDI '21: "Example-Guided Synthesis of ..."
Newton, Ryan R. PLDI '21: "Task Parallel Assembly Language ..."
Nicolet, Victor PLDI '21: "Phased Synthesis of Divide ..."
Nie, Wang PLDI '21: "AKG: Automatic Kernel Generation ..."
Nikolaev, Ruslan PLDI '21: "Snapshot-Free, Transparent, ..."
Niu, Wei PLDI '21: "DNNFusion: Accelerating Deep ..."
Noller, Yannic PLDI '21: "Concolic Program Repair ..."
Novotný, Petr PLDI '21: "Proving Non-termination by ..."
Nye, Maxwell PLDI '21: "DreamCoder: Bootstrapping ..."
Olivry, Auguste PLDI '21: "IOOpt: Automatic Derivation ..."
Omar, Cyrus PLDI '21: "Filling Typed Holes with Live ..."
Ong, Luke PLDI '21: "On Probabilistic Termination ..."
Pacak, André PLDI '21: "Concise, Type-Safe, and Efficient ..."
Padon, Oded PLDI '21: "Adaptive Restarts for Stochastic ..."
Pailoor, Shankara PLDI '21: "Synthesizing Data Structure ..."