PLDI 2020
41st ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI 2020)
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41st ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI 2020), June 15–20, 2020, London, UK

PLDI 2020 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Abdel-Majeed, Mohammad PLDI '20: "Compiler-Directed Soft Error ..."
Abdulla, Parosh Aziz PLDI '20: "Efficient Handling of String-Number ..."
Abhashkumar, Anubhavnidhi PLDI '20: "Detecting Network Load Violations ..."
Acar, Umut A. PLDI '20: "Responsive Parallelism with ..."
Adve, Vikram S. PLDI '20: "Scalable Validation of Binary ..."
Agrawal, Kunal PLDI '20: "Responsive Parallelism with ..."
Aiken, Alex PLDI '20: "First-Order Quantified Separators ..."
Akeley, David PLDI '20: "Type-Directed Scheduling of ..."
Akella, Aditya PLDI '20: "Detecting Network Load Violations ..."
Albarghouthi, Aws PLDI '20: "Proving Data-Poisoning Robustness ..."
Allamanis, Miltiadis PLDI '20: "Typilus: Neural Type Hints ..."
Allen, Nicholas PLDI '20: "Static Analysis of Java Enterprise ..."
Amarasinghe, Saman PLDI '20: "Automatic Generation of Efficient ..."
Anderson, Adam PLDI '20: "Synthesizing Structured CAD ..."
Antoniadis, Anastasios PLDI '20: "Static Analysis of Java Enterprise ..."
Apostolakis, Sotiris PLDI '20: "SCAF: A Speculation-Aware ..."
Arvind PLDI '20: "The Essence of Bluespec: A ..."
Atapattu, Sachille PLDI '20: "Predictable Accelerator Design ..."
Atig, Mohamed Faouzi PLDI '20: "Efficient Handling of String-Number ..."
Atkinson, Eric PLDI '20: "Reactive Probabilistic Programming ..."
August, David I. PLDI '20: "SCAF: A Speculation-Aware ..."
Ayoun, Sacha-Élie PLDI '20: "Gillian, Part I: A Multi-language ..."
Baader, Maximilian PLDI '20: "Silq: A High-Level Quantum ..."
Bansal, Sorav PLDI '20: "OOElala: Order-of-Evaluation ..."
Barbier, Guillaume PLDI '20: "Repairing and Mechanising ..."
Barr, Earl T. PLDI '20: "Typilus: Neural Type Hints ..."
Barthe, Gilles PLDI '20: "Constant-Time Foundations ..."
Barua, Prithayan PLDI '20: "BlankIt Library Debloating: ..."
Baudart, Guillaume PLDI '20: "Reactive Probabilistic Programming ..."
Bauer, Theodore PLDI '20: "Predictable Accelerator Design ..."
Beckett, Ryan PLDI '20: "NV: An Intermediate Language ..."
Beillahi, Sidi Mohamed PLDI '20: "Behavioral Simulation for ..."
Ben-David, Naama PLDI '20: "NVTraverse: In NVRAM Data ..."
Benini, Luca PLDI '20: "LLHD: A Multi-level Intermediate ..."
Bernstein, Gilbert Louis PLDI '20: "Type-Directed Scheduling of ..."
Berry, Gérard PLDI '20: "HipHop.js: (A)Synchronous ..."
Bhagee, Vaibhav PLDI '20: "OOElala: Order-of-Evaluation ..."
Bichsel, Benjamin PLDI '20: "Silq: A High-Level Quantum ..."
Blelloch, Guy E. PLDI '20: "NVTraverse: In NVRAM Data ..."
Boehm, Hans-J. PLDI '20: "Towards an API for the Real ..."
Boker, Udi PLDI '20: "Decidable Verification under ..."
Bond, Michael D. PLDI '20: "Crafty: Efficient, HTM-Compatible ..." PLDI '20: "SmartTrack: Efficient Predictive ..."
Bourgeat, Thomas PLDI '20: "The Essence of Bluespec: A ..."
Breck, Jason PLDI '20: "Templates and Recurrences: ..."
Brent, Lexi PLDI '20: "Ethainter: A Smart Contract ..."
Brown, Fraser PLDI '20: "Towards a Verified Range Analysis ..."
Campanoni, Simone PLDI '20: "CARAT: A Case for Virtual ..." PLDI '20: "SCAF: A Speculation-Aware ..."
Carbin, Michael PLDI '20: "Reactive Probabilistic Programming ..."
Cauligi, Sunjay PLDI '20: "Constant-Time Foundations ..."
Chakrabarti, Shouvanik PLDI '20: "On the Principles of Differentiable ..."
Chakraborty, Soham PLDI '20: "Promising 2.0: Global Optimizations ..."
Chan, Greg PLDI '20: "SCAF: A Speculation-Aware ..."
Chatterjee, Krishnendu PLDI '20: "Polynomial Invariant Generation ..."
Chen, Jianhui PLDI '20: "Proving Almost-Sure Termination ..."
Chen, Jingji PLDI '20: "SympleGraph: Distributed Graph ..."
Chen, Qiaochu PLDI '20: "Multi-modal Synthesis of Regular ..."
Chen, Yilun PLDI '20: "Understanding Memory and Thread ..."
Chen, Yixuan PLDI '20: "Armada: Low-Effort Verification ..."
Chen, Yu-Fang PLDI '20: "Efficient Handling of String-Number ..."
Cheney, James PLDI '20: "FreezeML: Complete and Easy ..."
Chlipala, Adam PLDI '20: "The Essence of Bluespec: A ..."
Cho, Minki PLDI '20: "Promising 2.0: Global Optimizations ..."
Choi, Jemin Andrew PLDI '20: "Securing Smart Contract with ..."
Chou, Stephen PLDI '20: "Automatic Generation of Efficient ..."
Chowdhary, Sangeeta PLDI '20: "Debugging and Detecting Numerical ..."
Ciocarlie, Gabriela PLDI '20: "Behavioral Simulation for ..."
Coates, Jonathan PLDI '20: "FreezeML: Complete and Easy ..."
Cole, Murray PLDI '20: "Effective Function Merging ..."
Cosman, Benjamin PLDI '20: "Type Error Feedback via Analytic ..."
Cyphert, John PLDI '20: "Exact and Approximate Methods ..." PLDI '20: "Templates and Recurrences: ..."
Dai, Wei PLDI '20: "EVA: An Encrypted Vector Arithmetic ..."
Daly, Ross PLDI '20: "Type-Directed Scheduling of ..."
D'Antoni, Loris PLDI '20: "Proving Data-Poisoning Robustness ..." PLDI '20: "Exact and Approximate Methods ..." PLDI '20: "Detecting Network Load Violations ..."
Darulova, Eva PLDI '20: "Synthesizing Structured CAD ..."
Dasgupta, Sandeep PLDI '20: "Scalable Validation of Binary ..."
Dathathri, Roshan PLDI '20: "EVA: An Encrypted Vector Arithmetic ..."
Diep, Bui Phi PLDI '20: "Efficient Handling of String-Number ..."
Dillig, Isil PLDI '20: "Multi-modal Synthesis of Regular ..."
Dinda, Peter PLDI '20: "CARAT: A Case for Virtual ..."
Dinesh, Sushant PLDI '20: "Scalable Validation of Binary ..."
Ding, Shuo PLDI '20: "Debug Information Validation ..."
Disselkoen, Craig PLDI '20: "Constant-Time Foundations ..."
Dolan, Stephen PLDI '20: "Repairing and Mechanising ..."
Dolby, Julian PLDI '20: "Efficient Handling of String-Number ..."
Drews, Samuel PLDI '20: "Proving Data-Poisoning Robustness ..."
Duck, Gregory J. PLDI '20: "Binary Rewriting without Control ..."
Ducousso, Soline PLDI '20: "Typilus: Neural Type Hints ..."
Durrett, Greg PLDI '20: "Multi-modal Synthesis of Regular ..."
Durst, David PLDI '20: "Type-Directed Scheduling of ..."
Dybvig, R. Kent PLDI '20: "Compiler and Runtime Support ..."
Edelmann, Romain PLDI '20: "Zippy LL(1) Parsing with Derivatives ..."
Emmi, Michael PLDI '20: "Behavioral Simulation for ..."
Emrich, Frank PLDI '20: "FreezeML: Complete and Easy ..."
Endres, Madeline PLDI '20: "Type Error Feedback via Analytic ..."
Enea, Constantin PLDI '20: "Inductive Sequentialization ..." PLDI '20: "Behavioral Simulation for ..."
Farvardin, Kavon PLDI '20: "From Folklore to Fact: Comparing ..."
Fatahalian, Kayvon PLDI '20: "Type-Directed Scheduling of ..."
Feldman, Matthew PLDI '20: "Type-Directed Scheduling of ..."
Filippakis, Nikos PLDI '20: "Static Analysis of Java Enterprise ..."
Flatt, Matthew PLDI '20: "Compiler and Runtime Support ..."
Fletcher, Christopher W. PLDI '20: "Scalable Validation of Binary ..."
Flur, Shaked PLDI '20: "Repairing and Mechanising ..."
Fragoso Santos, José PLDI '20: "Gillian, Part I: A Multi-language ..."
Friedman, Michal PLDI '20: "NVTraverse: In NVRAM Data ..."
Fu, Hongfei PLDI '20: "Polynomial Invariant Generation ..."
Ganty, Pierre PLDI '20: "CacheQuery: Learning Replacement ..."
Gao, Xiang PLDI '20: "Binary Rewriting without Control ..."
Gao, Zheng PLDI '20: "Typilus: Neural Type Hints ..."
Gardner, Philippa PLDI '20: "Gillian, Part I: A Multi-language ..."
Gehr, Timon PLDI '20: "Silq: A High-Level Quantum ..." PLDI '20: "λPSI: Exact Inference for ..."
Genç, Kaan PLDI '20: "Crafty: Efficient, HTM-Compatible ..." PLDI '20: "SmartTrack: Efficient Predictive ..."
Giannarakis, Nick PLDI '20: "NV: An Intermediate Language ..."
Gleissenthall, Klaus v. PLDI '20: "Constant-Time Foundations ..."
Goharshady, Amir Kafshdar PLDI '20: "Polynomial Invariant Generation ..."
Goharshady, Ehsan Kafshdar PLDI '20: "Polynomial Invariant Generation ..."
Goldstein, Noah PLDI '20: "Responsive Parallelism with ..."
Grech, Neville PLDI '20: "Ethainter: A Smart Contract ..."
Grosser, Tobias PLDI '20: "LLHD: A Multi-level Intermediate ..."
Grossman, Dan PLDI '20: "Synthesizing Structured CAD ..."
Gu, Ronghui PLDI '20: "Learning Nonlinear Loop Invariants ..."
Guarnieri, Marco PLDI '20: "CacheQuery: Learning Replacement ..."
Guo, Shu-yu PLDI '20: "Repairing and Mechanising ..."
Hack, Sebastian PLDI '20: "PMEvo: Portable Inference ..."
Hamza, Jad PLDI '20: "Zippy LL(1) Parsing with Derivatives ..."
Hanrahan, Pat PLDI '20: "Type-Directed Scheduling of ..."
Hardavellas, Nikos PLDI '20: "CARAT: A Case for Virtual ..."
He, Fei PLDI '20: "Proving Almost-Sure Termination ..."
He, Jingxuan PLDI '20: "Learning Fast and Precise ..."
Henzinger, Thomas A. PLDI '20: "Inductive Sequentialization ..."
Herman, Grzegorz PLDI '20: "Faster General Parsing through ..."
Holík, Lukáš PLDI '20: "Efficient Handling of String-Number ..."
Hu, Qinheping PLDI '20: "Exact and Approximate Methods ..."
Hu, Zhenjiang PLDI '20: "Question Selection for Interactive ..."
Huang, Kangjing PLDI '20: "Reconciling Enumerative and ..."
Huff, Dillon PLDI '20: "Type-Directed Scheduling of ..."
Hung, Shih-Han PLDI '20: "On the Principles of Differentiable ..."
Hur, Chung-Kil PLDI '20: "Promising 2.0: Global Optimizations ..."
Immerman, Neil PLDI '20: "First-Order Quantified Separators ..."
Italiano, Davide PLDI '20: "Debug Information Validation ..."
Jana, Suman PLDI '20: "Learning Nonlinear Loop Invariants ..."
Janků, Petr PLDI '20: "Efficient Handling of String-Number ..."
Jhala, Ranjit PLDI '20: "Type Error Feedback via Analytic ..."
Ji, Ruyi PLDI '20: "Question Selection for Interactive ..."
Jung, Changhee PLDI '20: "Compiler-Directed Soft Error ..."
Jung, Jaehwang PLDI '20: "A Marriage of Pointer- and ..."
Kang, Jeehoon PLDI '20: "A Marriage of Pointer- and ..."
Kapritsos, Manos PLDI '20: "Armada: Low-Effort Verification ..."
Khurshid, Sarfraz PLDI '20: "A Study of the Learnability ..."
Kim, Hongjune PLDI '20: "Compiler-Directed Soft Error ..."
Kincaid, Zachary PLDI '20: "Templates and Recurrences: ..."
Kjolstad, Fredrik PLDI '20: "Automatic Generation of Efficient ..."
Koenig, Jason R. PLDI '20: "First-Order Quantified Separators ..."
Köpf, Boris PLDI '20: "CacheQuery: Learning Replacement ..."
Koppel, James PLDI '20: "Semantic Code Search via Equational ..."
Kostova, Blagovesta PLDI '20: "EVA: An Encrypted Vector Arithmetic ..."
Koti, Apurva PLDI '20: "Predictable Accelerator Design ..."
Kragl, Bernhard PLDI '20: "Inductive Sequentialization ..."
Krishna, Siddharth PLDI '20: "Verifying Concurrent Search ..."
Krishnan, Paddy PLDI '20: "Static Analysis of Java Enterprise ..."
Kunčak, Viktor PLDI '20: "Zippy LL(1) Parsing with Derivatives ..."
Kurth, Andreas PLDI '20: "LLHD: A Multi-level Intermediate ..."
Lagouvardos, Sifis PLDI '20: "Ethainter: A Smart Contract ..."
Lahav, Ori PLDI '20: "Decidable Verification under ..." PLDI '20: "Promising 2.0: Global Optimizations ..."
Laine, Kim PLDI '20: "EVA: An Encrypted Vector Arithmetic ..."
Langou, Julien PLDI '20: "Automated Derivation of Parametric ..."
Leather, Hugh PLDI '20: "Effective Function Merging ..."
Lee, DongKwon PLDI '20: "Optimizing Homomorphic Evaluation ..."
Lee, I-Ting Angelina PLDI '20: "Responsive Parallelism with ..."
Lee, Jaejin PLDI '20: "Compiler-Directed Soft Error ..."
Lee, Sung-Hwan PLDI '20: "Promising 2.0: Global Optimizations ..."
Lee, Woosuk PLDI '20: "Optimizing Homomorphic Evaluation ..."
Lerner, Sorin PLDI '20: "Towards a Verified Range Analysis ..."
Li, Ao PLDI '20: "Securing Smart Contract with ..."
Li, Yuanbo PLDI '20: "Debug Information Validation ..." PLDI '20: "Fast Graph Simplification ..."
Li, Zhijing PLDI '20: "Predictable Accelerator Design ..."
Liang, Jingjing PLDI '20: "Question Selection for Interactive ..."
Lim, Jay P. PLDI '20: "Debugging and Detecting Numerical ..."
Lin, Hsin-Hung PLDI '20: "Efficient Handling of String-Number ..."
Lindley, Sam PLDI '20: "FreezeML: Complete and Easy ..."
Liu, Qingrui PLDI '20: "Compiler-Directed Soft Error ..."
Loehr, Devon PLDI '20: "NV: An Intermediate Language ..."
Long, Fan PLDI '20: "Securing Smart Contract with ..."
Lorch, Jacob R. PLDI '20: "Armada: Low-Effort Verification ..."
Lu, Kai PLDI '20: "PMThreads: Persistent Memory ..."
Lucia, Brandon PLDI '20: "Adaptive Low-Overhead Scheduling ..."
Luján, Mikel PLDI '20: "PMThreads: Persistent Memory ..."
Luo, Qinyi PLDI '20: "SympleGraph: Distributed Graph ..."
Maeng, Kiwan PLDI '20: "Adaptive Low-Overhead Scheduling ..."
Maksimović, Petar PLDI '20: "Gillian, Part I: A Multi-language ..."
Mandel, Louis PLDI '20: "Reactive Probabilistic Programming ..."
Millstein, Todd PLDI '20: "Data-Driven Inference of Representation ..."
Miltner, Anders PLDI '20: "Data-Driven Inference of Representation ..."
Muller, Stefan K. PLDI '20: "Responsive Parallelism with ..."
Mururu, Girish PLDI '20: "BlankIt Library Debloating: ..."
Musuvathi, Madan PLDI '20: "EVA: An Encrypted Vector Arithmetic ..."
Mutluergil, Suha Orhun PLDI '20: "Inductive Sequentialization ..."
Nagarakatte, Santosh PLDI '20: "Debugging and Detecting Numerical ..."
Nandi, Chandrakana PLDI '20: "Synthesizing Structured CAD ..."
Nigam, Rachit PLDI '20: "Predictable Accelerator Design ..."
Nisbet, Andrew PLDI '20: "PMThreads: Persistent Memory ..."
Nötzli, Andres PLDI '20: "Towards a Verified Range Analysis ..."
Oh, Hakjoo PLDI '20: "Optimizing Homomorphic Evaluation ..."
Olivry, Auguste PLDI '20: "Automated Derivation of Parametric ..."
Österlund, Erik PLDI '20: "Improving Program Locality ..."
Padhi, Saswat PLDI '20: "Data-Driven Inference of Representation ..."
Padon, Oded PLDI '20: "First-Order Quantified Separators ..."
Pande, Santosh PLDI '20: "BlankIt Library Debloating: ..."
Parno, Bryan PLDI '20: "Armada: Low-Effort Verification ..."
Patel, Nisarg PLDI '20: "Verifying Concurrent Search ..."
Patrignani, Marco PLDI '20: "Type-Directed Scheduling of ..."
Petoumenos, Pavlos PLDI '20: "Effective Function Merging ..."
Petrank, Erez PLDI '20: "NVTraverse: In NVRAM Data ..."
Phulia, Ankush PLDI '20: "OOElala: Order-of-Evaluation ..."
Pichon-Pharabod, Jean PLDI '20: "Repairing and Mechanising ..."
Pit-Claudel, Clément PLDI '20: "The Essence of Bluespec: A ..."
Podkopaev, Anton PLDI '20: "Repairing and Mechanising ..." PLDI '20: "Promising 2.0: Global Optimizations ..."
Porter, Chris PLDI '20: "BlankIt Library Debloating: ..."
Pouchet, Louis-Noël PLDI '20: "Automated Derivation of Parametric ..."
Pouzet, Marc PLDI '20: "Reactive Probabilistic Programming ..."
Premtoon, Varot PLDI '20: "Semantic Code Search via Equational ..."
Pulte, Christopher PLDI '20: "Repairing and Mechanising ..."
Püschel, Markus PLDI '20: "Learning Fast and Precise ..."
Qadeer, Shaz PLDI '20: "Armada: Low-Effort Verification ..." PLDI '20: "Inductive Sequentialization ..."
Qian, Depei PLDI '20: "SympleGraph: Distributed Graph ..."
Qian, Xuehai PLDI '20: "SympleGraph: Distributed Graph ..."
Qin, Boqin PLDI '20: "Understanding Memory and Thread ..."
Qiu, Xiaokang PLDI '20: "Reconciling Enumerative and ..."
Ramesh, Raghavendra PLDI '20: "Static Analysis of Java Enterprise ..."
Rastello, Fabrice PLDI '20: "Automated Derivation of Parametric ..."
Renner, John PLDI '20: "Towards a Verified Range Analysis ..."
Reppy, John PLDI '20: "From Folklore to Fact: Comparing ..."
Reps, Thomas PLDI '20: "Exact and Approximate Methods ..." PLDI '20: "Templates and Recurrences: ..." PLDI '20: "Fast Graph Simplification ..."
Rezk, Tamara PLDI '20: "Constant-Time Foundations ..."
Ritter, Fabian PLDI '20: "PMEvo: Portable Inference ..."
Rocha, Rodrigo C. O. PLDI '20: "Effective Function Merging ..."