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37th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI 2016), June 13–17, 2016, Santa Barbara, CA, USA

PLDI 2016 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Achour, Sara PLDI '16: "Configuration Synthesis for ..."
Adams, Michael D. PLDI '16: "On the Complexity and Performance ..."
Aiken, Alex PLDI '16: "Stratified Synthesis: Automatically ..." PLDI '16: "Verifying Bit-Manipulations ..."
Albarghouthi, Aws PLDI '16: "MapReduce Program Synthesis ..."
Albers, Jacob PLDI '16: "Programmatic and Direct Manipulation, ..."
Austin, Thomas H. PLDI '16: "Precise, Dynamic Information ..."
Baghsorkhi, Sara S. PLDI '16: "FlexVec: Auto-Vectorization ..."
Bao, Wenlei PLDI '16: "Effective Padding of Multidimensional ..."
Barik, Rajkishore PLDI '16: "Latte: A Language, Compiler, ..."
Beckett, Ryan PLDI '16: "Temporal NetKAT ..."
Beightol, Quinn PLDI '16: "Accepting Blame for Safe Tunneled ..."
Bielik, Pavol PLDI '16: "SDNRacer: Concurrency Analysis ..."
Bjørner, Nikolaj PLDI '16: "Cardinalities and Universal ..."
Burtscher, Martin PLDI '16: "Higher-Order and Tuple-Based ..."
Černý, Pavol PLDI '16: "Event-Driven Network Programming ..."
Chamith, Buddhika PLDI '16: "Living on the Edge: Rapid-Toggling ..."
Chaudhuri, Swarat PLDI '16: "Synthesizing Transformations ..."
Chen, Hao PLDI '16: "Toward Compositional Verification ..."
Chen, Yuting PLDI '16: "Coverage-Directed Differential ..."
Cheung, Alvin PLDI '16: "Verified Lifting of Stencil ..."
Chisnall, David PLDI '16: "Into the Depths of C: Elaborating ..."
Chitil, Olaf PLDI '16: "Lightweight Computation Tree ..."
Chiu, Meng-Chieh PLDI '16: "Assessing the Limits of Program-Specific ..."
Chong, Stephen PLDI '16: "Precise, Dynamic Information ..."
Chugh, Ravi PLDI '16: "Programmatic and Direct Manipulation, ..."
Cohen, Albert PLDI '16: "Effective Padding of Multidimensional ..."
Cok, David PLDI '16: "Polymorphic Type Inference ..."
Cosman, Benjamin PLDI '16: "Refinement Types for TypeScript ..."
Costa, Manuel PLDI '16: "A Design and Verification ..."
Costanzo, David PLDI '16: "End-to-End Verification of ..."
Dalessandro, Luke PLDI '16: "Living on the Edge: Rapid-Toggling ..."
David, Yaniv PLDI '16: "Statistical Similarity of ..."
Degenbaev, Ulan PLDI '16: "Idle Time Garbage Collection ..."
Devietti, Joseph PLDI '16: "Remix: Online Detection and ..."
Dillig, Isil PLDI '16: "Synthesizing Transformations ..." PLDI '16: "Cartesian Hoare Logic for ..."
Donaldson, Alastair F. PLDI '16: "Exposing Errors Related to ..."
Eisinger, Jochen PLDI '16: "Idle Time Garbage Collection ..."
Eizenberg, Ariel PLDI '16: "Remix: Online Detection and ..."
El-Hassany, Ahmed PLDI '16: "SDNRacer: Concurrency Analysis ..."
Ernst, Manfred PLDI '16: "Idle Time Garbage Collection ..."
Ernst, Michael D. PLDI '16: "Fast Synthesis of Fast Collections ..."
Faddegon, Maarten PLDI '16: "Lightweight Computation Tree ..."
Flanagan, Cormac PLDI '16: "Precise, Dynamic Information ..."
Foster, Jeffrey S. PLDI '16: "Just-in-Time Static Type Checking ..."
Foster, Nate PLDI '16: "Event-Driven Network Programming ..."
Fox, Armando PLDI '16: "Latte: A Language, Compiler, ..."
Gleissenthall, Klaus v. PLDI '16: "Cardinalities and Universal ..."
Golan-Gueta, Guy PLDI '16: "Transactional Data Structure ..."
Greenberg, Michael PLDI '16: "Temporal NetKAT ..."
Grossman, Dan PLDI '16: "Verified Peephole Optimizations ..."
Gu, Ronghui PLDI '16: "Toward Compositional Verification ..." PLDI '16: "End-to-End Verification of ..."
Guerra, Gustavo PLDI '16: "Types from Data: Making Structured ..."
Guha, Arjun PLDI '16: "Rehearsal: A Configuration ..."
Hance, Travis PLDI '16: "Precise, Dynamic Information ..."
Hempel, Brian PLDI '16: "Programmatic and Direct Manipulation, ..."
Heule, Stefan PLDI '16: "Stratified Synthesis: Automatically ..."
Hill, Parker PLDI '16: "Input Responsiveness: Using ..."
Hojjat, Hossein PLDI '16: "Event-Driven Network Programming ..."
Hollenbeck, Celeste PLDI '16: "On the Complexity and Performance ..."
Hong, Changwan PLDI '16: "Effective Padding of Multidimensional ..."
Hu, Shiliang PLDI '16: "Remix: Online Detection and ..."
Itzhaky, Shachar PLDI '16: "Verified Lifting of Stencil ..."
Jacek, Nicholas PLDI '16: "Assessing the Limits of Program-Specific ..."
Jagannathan, Suresh PLDI '16: "Automatically Learning Shape ..."
Jhala, Ranjit PLDI '16: "Refinement Types for TypeScript ..."
Jo, Gangwon PLDI '16: "A Distributed OpenCL Framework ..."
Jung, Jaehoon PLDI '16: "A Distributed OpenCL Framework ..."
Kamil, Shoaib PLDI '16: "Verified Lifting of Stencil ..."
Keidar, Idit PLDI '16: "Transactional Data Structure ..."
Kempe, David PLDI '16: "Occurrence Typing Modulo Theories ..."
Kent, Andrew M. PLDI '16: "Occurrence Typing Modulo Theories ..."
Kim, Junghyun PLDI '16: "A Distributed OpenCL Framework ..."
Kim, Jungwon PLDI '16: "A Distributed OpenCL Framework ..."
Klinger, Christian PLDI '16: "Synthesizing Transformations ..."
Krishnamoorthy, Sriram PLDI '16: "Effective Padding of Multidimensional ..."
Kuraj, Ivan PLDI '16: "Program Synthesis from Polymorphic ..."
Lal, Akash PLDI '16: "A Design and Verification ..."
Laurenzano, Michael A. PLDI '16: "Input Responsiveness: Using ..."
Lee, Jaejin PLDI '16: "A Distributed OpenCL Framework ..."
Lee, Wonyeol PLDI '16: "Verifying Bit-Manipulations ..."
Lhoták, Ondřej PLDI '16: "From Datalog to Flix: A Declarative ..."
Lingard, James PLDI '16: "Into the Depths of C: Elaborating ..."
Liskov, Barbara PLDI '16: "Accepting Blame for Safe Tunneled ..."
Liu, Hai PLDI '16: "Latte: A Language, Compiler, ..."
Lockerman, Joshua PLDI '16: "Toward Compositional Verification ..."
Loginov, Alexey PLDI '16: "Polymorphic Type Inference ..."
Loncaric, Calvin PLDI '16: "Fast Synthesis of Fast Collections ..."
Lopes, Nuno P. PLDI '16: "A Design and Verification ..."
Madsen, Magnus PLDI '16: "From Datalog to Flix: A Declarative ..."
Mahlke, Scott PLDI '16: "Input Responsiveness: Using ..."
Maleki, Sepideh PLDI '16: "Higher-Order and Tuple-Based ..."
Markley, Chick PLDI '16: "Latte: A Language, Compiler, ..."
Marlin, Benjamin PLDI '16: "Assessing the Limits of Program-Specific ..."
Mars, Jason PLDI '16: "Input Responsiveness: Using ..."
Matthiesen, Justus PLDI '16: "Into the Depths of C: Elaborating ..."
McClurg, Jedidiah PLDI '16: "Event-Driven Network Programming ..."
McIlroy, Ross PLDI '16: "Idle Time Garbage Collection ..."
McMillan, Kenneth L. PLDI '16: "Ivy: Safety Verification by ..."
Memarian, Kayvan PLDI '16: "Into the Depths of C: Elaborating ..."
Might, Matthew PLDI '16: "On the Complexity and Performance ..."
Millstein, Todd PLDI '16: "Data-Driven Precondition Inference ..."
Miserez, Jeremie PLDI '16: "SDNRacer: Concurrency Analysis ..."
Moss, Eliot PLDI '16: "Assessing the Limits of Program-Specific ..."
Mullen, Eric PLDI '16: "Verified Peephole Optimizations ..."
Myers, Andrew C. PLDI '16: "Accepting Blame for Safe Tunneled ..."
Newton, Ryan R. PLDI '16: "Living on the Edge: Rapid-Toggling ..."
Nienhuis, Kyndylan PLDI '16: "Into the Depths of C: Elaborating ..."
Noonan, Matt PLDI '16: "Polymorphic Type Inference ..."
Padhi, Saswat PLDI '16: "Data-Driven Precondition Inference ..."
Padon, Oded PLDI '16: "Ivy: Safety Verification by ..."
Panda, Aurojit PLDI '16: "Ivy: Safety Verification by ..."
Partush, Nimrod PLDI '16: "Statistical Similarity of ..."
Payer, Hannes PLDI '16: "Idle Time Garbage Collection ..."
Petri, Gustavo PLDI '16: "Automatically Learning Shape ..."
Petricek, Tomas PLDI '16: "Types from Data: Making Structured ..."
Pokam, Gilles PLDI '16: "Remix: Online Detection and ..."
Polikarpova, Nadia PLDI '16: "Program Synthesis from Polymorphic ..."
Pouchet, Louis-Noël PLDI '16: "Effective Padding of Multidimensional ..."
Rajamani, Sriram PLDI '16: "A Design and Verification ..."
Ramanujam, J. PLDI '16: "Effective Padding of Multidimensional ..."
Rastello, Fabrice PLDI '16: "Effective Padding of Multidimensional ..."
Reddi, Vijay Janapa PLDI '16: "GreenWeb: Language Extensions ..."
Ren, Brianna M. PLDI '16: "Just-in-Time Static Type Checking ..."
Rinard, Martin C. PLDI '16: "Configuration Synthesis for ..."
Rybalchenko, Andrey PLDI '16: "Cardinalities and Universal ..."
Sadayappan, P. PLDI '16: "Effective Padding of Multidimensional ..."
Sagiv, Mooly PLDI '16: "Ivy: Safety Verification by ..."
Salvaneschi, Guido PLDI '16: "Accepting Blame for Safe Tunneled ..."
Samadi, Mehrzad PLDI '16: "Input Responsiveness: Using ..."
Sarpeshkar, Rahul PLDI '16: "Configuration Synthesis for ..."
Schkufza, Eric PLDI '16: "Stratified Synthesis: Automatically ..."
Seshia, Sanjit A. PLDI '16: "A Design and Verification ..."
Sewell, Peter PLDI '16: "Into the Depths of C: Elaborating ..."
Shambaugh, Rian PLDI '16: "Rehearsal: A Configuration ..."
Shao, Zhong PLDI '16: "Toward Compositional Verification ..." PLDI '16: "End-to-End Verification of ..."
Sharma, Rahul PLDI '16: "Stratified Synthesis: Automatically ..." PLDI '16: "Data-Driven Precondition Inference ..." PLDI '16: "Verifying Bit-Manipulations ..."
Shoham, Sharon PLDI '16: "Ivy: Safety Verification by ..."
Shpeisman, Tatiana PLDI '16: "Latte: A Language, Compiler, ..."
Sinha, Rohit PLDI '16: "A Design and Verification ..."
Smith, Calvin PLDI '16: "MapReduce Program Synthesis ..."
Solar-Lezama, Armando PLDI '16: "Program Synthesis from Polymorphic ..." PLDI '16: "Precise, Dynamic Information ..." PLDI '16: "Verified Lifting of Stencil ..."
Sorensen, Tyler PLDI '16: "Exposing Errors Related to ..."
Sousa, Marcelo PLDI '16: "Cartesian Hoare Logic for ..."
Spiegelman, Alexander PLDI '16: "Transactional Data Structure ..."
Spradlin, Mitchell PLDI '16: "Programmatic and Direct Manipulation, ..."
Su, Ting PLDI '16: "Coverage-Directed Differential ..."
Su, Zhendong PLDI '16: "Coverage-Directed Differential ..."
Sun, Chengnian PLDI '16: "Coverage-Directed Differential ..."
Svensson, Bo Joel PLDI '16: "Living on the Edge: Rapid-Toggling ..."
Syme, Don PLDI '16: "Types from Data: Making Structured ..."
Tang, Lingjia PLDI '16: "Input Responsiveness: Using ..."
Tatlock, Zachary PLDI '16: "Verified Peephole Optimizations ..."
Tobin-Hochstadt, Sam PLDI '16: "Occurrence Typing Modulo Theories ..."
Torlak, Emina PLDI '16: "Fast Synthesis of Fast Collections ..."
Totoni, Ehsan PLDI '16: "Latte: A Language, Compiler, ..."
Truong, Leonard PLDI '16: "Latte: A Language, Compiler, ..."
Vanbever, Laurent PLDI '16: "SDNRacer: Concurrency Analysis ..."
Vasudevan, Nalini PLDI '16: "FlexVec: Auto-Vectorization ..."
Vaswani, Kapil PLDI '16: "A Design and Verification ..."
Vechev, Martin PLDI '16: "SDNRacer: Concurrency Analysis ..."
Vekris, Panagiotis PLDI '16: "Refinement Types for TypeScript ..."
Walker, David PLDI '16: "Temporal NetKAT ..."
Watson, Robert N. M. PLDI '16: "Into the Depths of C: Elaborating ..."
Weiss, Aaron PLDI '16: "Rehearsal: A Configuration ..."
Wu, Xiongnan (Newman) PLDI '16: "Toward Compositional Verification ..."
Wu, Youfeng PLDI '16: "FlexVec: Auto-Vectorization ..."
Yaghmazadeh, Navid PLDI '16: "Synthesizing Transformations ..."
Yahav, Eran PLDI '16: "Statistical Similarity of ..."
Yang, Annie PLDI '16: "Higher-Order and Tuple-Based ..."
Yang, Jean PLDI '16: "Precise, Dynamic Information ..."
Yee, Ming-Ho PLDI '16: "From Datalog to Flix: A Declarative ..."
Zhang, Yizhou PLDI '16: "Accepting Blame for Safe Tunneled ..."
Zhao, Jianjun PLDI '16: "Coverage-Directed Differential ..."
Zhu, He PLDI '16: "Automatically Learning Shape ..."
Zhu, Yuhao PLDI '16: "GreenWeb: Language Extensions ..."
Zuniga, Daryl PLDI '16: "Verified Peephole Optimizations ..."

184 authors

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