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36th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI 2015), June 13–17, 2015, Portland, OR, USA

PLDI 2015 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Agrawal, Kunal PLDI '15: "Efficient Execution of Recursive ..."
Aiken, Alex PLDI '15: "Composing Concurrency Control ..." PLDI '15: "Verification of Producer-Consumer ..."
Amarasinghe, Saman PLDI '15: "Autotuning Algorithmic Choice ..." PLDI '15: "Helium: Lifting High-Performance ..."
Anderson, Thomas PLDI '15: "Verdi: A Framework for Implementing ..."
Ansel, Jason PLDI '15: "Autotuning Algorithmic Choice ..."
Appel, Andrew W. PLDI '15: "Verification of a Cryptographic ..."
Balakrishna, Shruthi PLDI '15: "Tree Dependence Analysis ..."
Banerjee, Anindya PLDI '15: "Mechanized Verification of ..."
Barowy, Daniel W. PLDI '15: "FlashRelate: Extracting Relational ..."
Bauer, Michael PLDI '15: "Verification of Producer-Consumer ..."
Bosboom, Jeffrey PLDI '15: "Helium: Lifting High-Performance ..."
Bowman, William J. PLDI '15: "Profile-Guided Meta-Programming ..."
Burgstaller, Bernd PLDI '15: "LaminarIR: Compile-Time Queues ..."
Carbonneaux, Quentin PLDI '15: "Compositional Certified Resource ..."
Černý, Pavol PLDI '15: "Efficient Synthesis of Network ..."
Chaudhuri, Swarat PLDI '15: "Synthesizing Data Structure ..."
Chin, Wei-Ngan PLDI '15: "Termination and Non-termination ..."
Chitil, Olaf PLDI '15: "Algorithmic Debugging of Real-World ..."
Chong, Nathan PLDI '15: "Many-Core Compiler Fuzzing ..."
Chong, Stephen PLDI '15: "Exploring and Enforcing Security ..."
Chu, Duc-Hiep PLDI '15: "Automatic Induction Proofs ..."
Crary, Karl PLDI '15: "Peer-to-Peer Affine Commitment ..."
Deligiannis, Pantazis PLDI '15: "Asynchronous Programming, ..."
Dillig, Isil PLDI '15: "Synthesizing Data Structure ..." PLDI '15: "Static Detection of Asymptotic ..."
Ding, Wei PLDI '15: "Optimizing Off-Chip Accesses ..."
Ding, Yufei PLDI '15: "Autotuning Algorithmic Choice ..."
Donaldson, Alastair F. PLDI '15: "Asynchronous Programming, ..." PLDI '15: "Many-Core Compiler Fuzzing ..."
Dreyer, Derek PLDI '15: "Verifying Read-Copy-Update ..."
Ducasse, Stéphane PLDI '15: "Zero-Overhead Metaprogramming: ..."
Dybvig, R. Kent PLDI '15: "Profile-Guided Meta-Programming ..."
Ellison, Chucky PLDI '15: "Defining the Undefinedness ..."
Emani, Murali Krishna PLDI '15: "Celebrating Diversity: A Mixture ..."
Emmi, Michael PLDI '15: "Monitoring Refinement via ..."
Enea, Constantin PLDI '15: "Monitoring Refinement via ..."
Engelhardt, Kai PLDI '15: "Relaxing Safely: Verified ..."
Ernst, Michael D. PLDI '15: "Verdi: A Framework for Implementing ..."
Faddegon, Maarten PLDI '15: "Algorithmic Debugging of Real-World ..."
Feser, John K. PLDI '15: "Synthesizing Data Structure ..."
Foster, Nate PLDI '15: "Efficient Synthesis of Network ..."
Gammie, Peter PLDI '15: "Relaxing Safely: Verified ..."
Garbuzov, Dmitri PLDI '15: "A Formal C Memory Model Supporting ..."
Golan-Gueta, Guy PLDI '15: "Composing Concurrency Control ..."
Gonnord, Laure PLDI '15: "Synthesis of Ranking Functions ..."
Gulwani, Sumit PLDI '15: "FlashRelate: Extracting Relational ..."
Hall, Mary PLDI '15: "Loop and Data Transformations ..."
Hamza, Jad PLDI '15: "Monitoring Refinement via ..."
Hart, Ted PLDI '15: "FlashRelate: Extracting Relational ..."
Hathhorn, Chris PLDI '15: "Defining the Undefinedness ..."
Hoffmann, Jan PLDI '15: "Compositional Certified Resource ..."
Hojjat, Hossein PLDI '15: "Efficient Synthesis of Network ..."
Hosking, Antony L. PLDI '15: "Relaxing Safely: Verified ..."
Huang, Jeff PLDI '15: "Stateless Model Checking Concurrent ..."
Hur, Chung-Kil PLDI '15: "A Formal C Memory Model Supporting ..."
Isradisaikul, Chinawat PLDI '15: "Finding Counterexamples from ..."
Jaffar, Joxan PLDI '15: "Automatic Induction Proofs ..."
Jagannathan, Suresh PLDI '15: "Synthesizing Racy Tests ..." PLDI '15: "Declarative Programming over ..."
Jo, Youngjoon PLDI '15: "Efficient Execution of Recursive ..."
Johnson, Andrew PLDI '15: "Exploring and Enforcing Security ..."
Kaki, Gowtham PLDI '15: "Declarative Programming over ..."
Kamil, Shoaib PLDI '15: "Helium: Lifting High-Performance ..."
Kandemir, Mahmut PLDI '15: "Optimizing Off-Chip Accesses ..."
Kang, Jeehoon PLDI '15: "A Formal C Memory Model Supporting ..."
Ketema, Jeroen PLDI '15: "Asynchronous Programming, ..."
Ko, Yousun PLDI '15: "LaminarIR: Compile-Time Queues ..."
Koskinen, Eric PLDI '15: "The Push/Pull Model of Transactions ..."
Krishnamoorthy, Sriram PLDI '15: "Efficient Execution of Recursive ..."
Kulkarni, Milind PLDI '15: "Tree Dependence Analysis ..." PLDI '15: "Efficient Execution of Recursive ..."
Kultursay, Emre PLDI '15: "Optimizing Off-Chip Accesses ..."
Kusano, Markus PLDI '15: "Dynamic Partial Order Reduction ..."
Lahtinen, Eric PLDI '15: "Automatic Error Elimination ..."
Lal, Akash PLDI '15: "Asynchronous Programming, ..." PLDI '15: "DAG Inlining: A Decision Procedure ..."
Lascu, Andrei PLDI '15: "Many-Core Compiler Fuzzing ..."
Le, Ton Chanh PLDI '15: "Termination and Non-termination ..."
Lerner, Sorin PLDI '15: "Interactive Parser Synthesis ..."
Leung, Alan PLDI '15: "Interactive Parser Synthesis ..."
Lidbury, Christopher PLDI '15: "Many-Core Compiler Fuzzing ..."
Lin, Calvin PLDI '15: "Static Detection of Asymptotic ..."
Liskov, Barbara PLDI '15: "Lightweight, Flexible Object-Oriented ..."
Liu, Jianqiao PLDI '15: "Tree Dependence Analysis ..."
Liu, Peng PLDI '15: "Light: Replay via Tightly ..."
Long, Fan PLDI '15: "Automatic Error Elimination ..."
Longfield, Stephen PLDI '15: "Preventing Glitches and Short ..."
Lopes, Nuno P. PLDI '15: "Provably Correct Peephole ..."
Loring, Matthew C. PLDI '15: "Lightweight, Flexible Object-Oriented ..."
Lucia, Brandon PLDI '15: "A Simpler, Safer Programming ..." PLDI '15: "Concurrency Debugging with ..."
Machado, Nuno PLDI '15: "Concurrency Debugging with ..."
Manevich, Roman PLDI '15: "Synthesizing Parallel Graph ..."
Manohar, Rajit PLDI '15: "Preventing Glitches and Short ..."
Mansky, William PLDI '15: "A Formal C Memory Model Supporting ..."
Marr, Stefan PLDI '15: "Zero-Overhead Metaprogramming: ..."
McClurg, Jedidiah PLDI '15: "Efficient Synthesis of Network ..."
Mehta, Sanyam PLDI '15: "Improving Compiler Scalability: ..."
Mendis, Charith PLDI '15: "Helium: Lifting High-Performance ..."
Menendez, David PLDI '15: "Provably Correct Peephole ..."
Miller, Swaha PLDI '15: "Profile-Guided Meta-Programming ..."
Monniaux, David PLDI '15: "Synthesis of Ranking Functions ..."
Moore, Scott PLDI '15: "Exploring and Enforcing Security ..."
Myers, Andrew C. PLDI '15: "Diagnosing Type Errors with ..." PLDI '15: "Lightweight, Flexible Object-Oriented ..." PLDI '15: "Finding Counterexamples from ..."
Nagarakatte, Santosh PLDI '15: "Provably Correct Peephole ..."
Nanevski, Aleksandar PLDI '15: "Mechanized Verification of ..."
Nguyễn, Phúc C. PLDI '15: "Relatively Complete Counterexamples ..."
Nkounkou, Brittany PLDI '15: "Preventing Glitches and Short ..."
Nori, Aditya V. PLDI '15: "Efficient Synthesis of Probabilistic ..."
O'Boyle, Michael PLDI '15: "Celebrating Diversity: A Mixture ..."
Olivo, Oswaldo PLDI '15: "Static Detection of Asymptotic ..."
O’Reilly, Una-May PLDI '15: "Autotuning Algorithmic Choice ..."
Osera, Peter-Michael PLDI '15: "Type-and-Example-Directed ..."
Ozair, Sherjil PLDI '15: "Efficient Synthesis of Probabilistic ..."
Panchekha, Pavel PLDI '15: "Automatically Improving Accuracy ..." PLDI '15: "Verdi: A Framework for Implementing ..."
Paris, Sylvain PLDI '15: "Helium: Lifting High-Performance ..."
Park, Daejun PLDI '15: "KJS: A Complete Formal Semantics ..."
Parkinson, Matthew PLDI '15: "The Push/Pull Model of Transactions ..."
Peyton-Jones, Simon PLDI '15: "Diagnosing Type Errors with ..."
Pingali, Keshav PLDI '15: "Synthesizing Parallel Graph ..."
Prountzos, Dimitrios PLDI '15: "Synthesizing Parallel Graph ..."
Püschel, Markus PLDI '15: "Making Numerical Program Analysis ..."
Qadeer, Shaz PLDI '15: "DAG Inlining: A Decision Procedure ..."
Qin, Shengchao PLDI '15: "Termination and Non-termination ..."
Radanne, Gabriel PLDI '15: "Synthesis of Ranking Functions ..."
Ragan-Kelley, Jonathan PLDI '15: "Helium: Lifting High-Performance ..."
Rajamani, Sriram K. PLDI '15: "Efficient Synthesis of Probabilistic ..."
Ramalingam, G. PLDI '15: "Composing Concurrency Control ..."
Ramanathan, Murali Krishna PLDI '15: "Synthesizing Racy Tests ..."
Ransford, Benjamin PLDI '15: "A Simpler, Safer Programming ..."
Regehr, John PLDI '15: "Provably Correct Peephole ..."
Ren, Bin PLDI '15: "Efficient Execution of Recursive ..."
Reps, Thomas PLDI '15: "Synthesis of Machine Code ..."
Rinard, Martin PLDI '15: "Automatic Error Elimination ..."
Rodrigues, Luís PLDI '15: "Concurrency Debugging with ..."
Roşu, Grigore PLDI '15: "Defining the Undefinedness ..." PLDI '15: "KJS: A Complete Formal Semantics ..."
Sagiv, Mooly PLDI '15: "Composing Concurrency Control ..."
Salvaneschi, Guido PLDI '15: "Lightweight, Flexible Object-Oriented ..."
Samak, Malavika PLDI '15: "Synthesizing Racy Tests ..."
Sanchez-Stern, Alex PLDI '15: "Automatically Improving Accuracy ..."
Sarracino, John PLDI '15: "Interactive Parser Synthesis ..."
Scholz, Bernhard PLDI '15: "LaminarIR: Compile-Time Queues ..."
Seaton, Chris PLDI '15: "Zero-Overhead Metaprogramming: ..."
Sergey, Ilya PLDI '15: "Mechanized Verification of ..."
Shao, Zhong PLDI '15: "Compositional Certified Resource ..."
Sharma, Rahul PLDI '15: "Verification of Producer-Consumer ..."
Shen, Xipeng PLDI '15: "Autotuning Algorithmic Choice ..."
Sidiroglou-Douskos, Stelios PLDI '15: "Automatic Error Elimination ..."
Siek, Jeremy PLDI '15: "Blame and Coercion: Together ..."
Singh, Gagandeep PLDI '15: "Making Numerical Program Analysis ..."
Sivaramakrishnan, KC PLDI '15: "Declarative Programming over ..."
Srinivasan, Venkatesh PLDI '15: "Synthesis of Machine Code ..."
St-Amour, Vincent PLDI '15: "Profile-Guided Meta-Programming ..."
Stefănescu, Andrei PLDI '15: "KJS: A Complete Formal Semantics ..."
Strout, Michelle PLDI '15: "Loop and Data Transformations ..."
Sullivan, Michael J. PLDI '15: "Peer-to-Peer Affine Commitment ..."
Tang, Xulong PLDI '15: "Optimizing Off-Chip Accesses ..."
Tassarotti, Joseph PLDI '15: "Verifying Read-Copy-Update ..."
Tate, Ross PLDI '15: "Preventing Glitches and Short ..."
Tatlock, Zachary PLDI '15: "Automatically Improving Accuracy ..." PLDI '15: "Verdi: A Framework for Implementing ..."
Thiemann, Peter PLDI '15: "Blame and Coercion: Together ..."
Thomson, Paul PLDI '15: "Asynchronous Programming, ..."
Trinh, Minh-Thai PLDI '15: "Automatic Induction Proofs ..."
Tripp, Omer PLDI '15: "Light: Replay via Tightly ..."
Vafeiadis, Viktor PLDI '15: "Verifying Read-Copy-Update ..." PLDI '15: "A Formal C Memory Model Supporting ..."
Van Horn, David PLDI '15: "Relatively Complete Counterexamples ..."
Vechev, Martin PLDI '15: "Making Numerical Program Analysis ..."
Veeramachaneni, Kalyan PLDI '15: "Autotuning Algorithmic Choice ..."
Venkat, Anand PLDI '15: "Loop and Data Transformations ..."
Vijaykeerthy, Deepak PLDI '15: "Efficient Synthesis of Probabilistic ..."
Vytiniotis, Dimitrios PLDI '15: "Diagnosing Type Errors with ..."
Wadler, Philip PLDI '15: "Blame and Coercion: Together ..."
Wang, Chao PLDI '15: "Dynamic Partial Order Reduction ..."
Wang, Xi PLDI '15: "Verdi: A Framework for Implementing ..."
Waye, Lucas PLDI '15: "Exploring and Enforcing Security ..."
Weijiang, Yusheng PLDI '15: "Tree Dependence Analysis ..."
Wilcox, James R. PLDI '15: "Automatically Improving Accuracy ..." PLDI '15: "Verdi: A Framework for Implementing ..."
Woos, Doug PLDI '15: "Verdi: A Framework for Implementing ..."
Wu, Kevin PLDI '15: "Helium: Lifting High-Performance ..."
Yew, Pen-Chung PLDI '15: "Improving Compiler Scalability: ..."
Zdancewic, Steve PLDI '15: "A Formal C Memory Model Supporting ..." PLDI '15: "Type-and-Example-Directed ..."
Zhang, Danfeng PLDI '15: "Diagnosing Type Errors with ..."
Zhang, Naling PLDI '15: "Dynamic Partial Order Reduction ..."
Zhang, Xiangyu PLDI '15: "Light: Replay via Tightly ..."
Zhang, Yizhou PLDI '15: "Lightweight, Flexible Object-Oriented ..."
Zhang, Yuanrui PLDI '15: "Optimizing Off-Chip Accesses ..."
Zhao, Qin PLDI '15: "Helium: Lifting High-Performance ..."
Zheng, Yunhui PLDI '15: "Light: Replay via Tightly ..."
Ziv, Ofri PLDI '15: "Composing Concurrency Control ..."
Zorn, Benjamin PLDI '15: "FlashRelate: Extracting Relational ..."

200 authors

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