The Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (CHI PLAY 2023)
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The Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (CHI PLAY 2023), October 10–13, 2023, Stratford, ON, Canada

CHI PLAY 2023 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Agrawal, Shruti CHI PLAY Companion '23: "From Interviews to Experience ..."
Aigner, Wolfgang CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Construct and Play: Engaging ..."
Alexander, Kris CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Impactful Synergy: Video Games ..."
Alexandrovsky, Dmitry CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Grinding to a Halt: The Effects ..."
Altmeyer, Maximilian CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Faster, Harder? Investigating ..."
Andres, Juliana Ma. Alexandra L. CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Struggling to Detect Struggle ..."
Aufheimer, Maria CHI PLAY Companion '23: "CookT: A Fast-Paced Collaborative ..."
Babout, Laurent CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Foot-Based Game Controller ..."
Baker, Ryan S. CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Struggling to Detect Struggle ..."
Belousov, Anatolii CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Digitally-Induced Altered ..."
Bennett, Dan CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Jank Accounts: We Should Study ..."
Bergeron, Thomas CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Lux: A Game to Promote Good ..."
Biedermann, Marie CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Behind the Screens: An Exploratory ..."
Bikas, Ioannis CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Grinding to a Halt: The Effects ..."
Birk, Max V. CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Methodological Challenges, ..."
Birk, Max Valentin CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Vulnerability and Play: Exploring ..."
Blackburn, Nancy N. CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Player-Centric Procedural ..."
Boldi, Arianna CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Methodological Challenges, ..."
Boucher, Magdalena CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Construct and Play: Engaging ..."
Boudreau, Kelly CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Unscripted, Unproduced, Unstaged: ..."
Bowman, Nick CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Unscripted, Unproduced, Unstaged: ..."
Braun, Axel CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Towards Co-creative Interdisciplinary ..."
Brown, Daniel S. CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Player-Centric Procedural ..."
Bujić, Mila CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Digitally-Induced Altered ..."
Cao, Yufei CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Exploration of Player Emotions, ..."
Cao, Yusheng CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Chatterbox Opener: A Game ..."
Cardoso-Leite, Pedro CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Video Games to Study and Improve ..."
Chang, Haoran CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Ludic Reenactment in Queer ..."
Charleer, Sven CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Spectator LF Streamer: Facilitating ..."
Chen, Max CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Stackable Music: A Marker-Based ..."
Chen, Siyang CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Unscripted, Unproduced, Unstaged: ..."
Cho, Selina CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Methodological Challenges, ..."
Coenen, Wouter CHI PLAY Companion '23: "CookT: A Fast-Paced Collaborative ..."
Consalvo, Mia CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Unscripted, Unproduced, Unstaged: ..."
Côté, Marie-Ève CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Lux: A Game to Promote Good ..."
Dalvi, Girish CHI PLAY Companion '23: "From Interviews to Experience ..."
Dechant, Martin Johannes CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Vulnerability and Play: Exploring ..."
De Kepper, Jasper CHI PLAY Companion '23: "CookT: A Fast-Paced Collaborative ..."
Dominiak, Julia CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Foot-Based Game Controller ..."
Dong, Annie CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Memeopoly: An AI-Powered Physical ..."
Dupas, François-Xavier CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Exploring the Significance ..." CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Lux: A Game to Promote Good ..."
Durmanova, Ekaterina CHI PLAY Companion '23: "LEVI: Exploring Possibilities ..."
Elbæk, Lars CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Technology, Movement, and ..."
ElHarizi, Jihane Floriane CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Understanding Women’s Success ..."
Fan, Jixiang CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Chatterbox Opener: A Game ..."
Fang, Cathy Mengying CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Memeopoly: An AI-Powered Physical ..."
Fernández Galeote, Daniel CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Climate Connected: An Immersive ..."
Foffano, Francesca CHI PLAY Companion '23: "When Games Become Inaccessible: ..."
Font, José Maria CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Technology, Movement, and ..."
Francillette, Yannick CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Exploring the Significance ..." CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Lux: A Game to Promote Good ..."
Freeman, Guo CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Workshop on Understanding ..."
Frommel, Julian CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Workshop on Understanding ..." CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Help, My Game Is Toxic! First ..."
Fu, Yibo CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Trouble Maker: Truth or Dare ..."
Gagnon, David CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Using Open Game Data to Understand ..." CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Struggling to Detect Struggle ..."
Gandhi, Kutub CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Cool Little Playable Things: ..."
Gao, Qiantong CHI PLAY Companion '23: "GMap: Supporting Free-Form ..."
Gardone, M. CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Player-Centric Procedural ..."
Garrett, Ryan CHI PLAY Companion '23: "The Sea Is a Sky: Towards ..."
Gaydos, Zachary CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Fit to Draw: An Elevation ..."
Gerling, Kathrin CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Vulnerability and Play: Exploring ..." CHI PLAY Companion '23: "GMap: Supporting Free-Form ..." CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Preliminary Study of the Performance ..."
Geurts, Luc CHI PLAY Companion '23: "CookT: A Fast-Paced Collaborative ..."
Ghellal, Sabiha CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Towards Co-creative Interdisciplinary ..."
Gini, Federica CHI PLAY Companion '23: "StandByMe: A Gamified Educational ..."
Girouard, Audrey CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Accessible Play: Towards Designing ..."
Gorden, Rachel CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Behind the Screens: An Exploratory ..."
Graham, T.C. Nicholas CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Increasing Player Coupling ..."
Grinberg, Arielle CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Multimedia Showdown: A Comparative ..."
Grutzik, Gary CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Fit to Draw: An Elevation ..."
Haider, Aqeel CHI PLAY Companion '23: "GMap: Supporting Free-Form ..." CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Preliminary Study of the Performance ..."
Hämäläinen, Perttu CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Technology, Movement, and ..."
Hamari, Juho CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Climate Connected: An Immersive ..." CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Digitally-Induced Altered ..."
Hammad, Noor CHI PLAY Companion '23: "GameAware Streaming Interfaces ..."
Hammer, Jessica CHI PLAY Companion '23: "GameAware Streaming Interfaces ..."
Hancock, Mark CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Multimedia Showdown: A Comparative ..."
Haqq, Derek CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Fit to Draw: An Elevation ..." CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Chatterbox Opener: A Game ..."
Harbig, Imke Alenka CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Behind the Screens: An Exploratory ..."
Harpstead, Erik CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Using Open Game Data to Understand ..." CHI PLAY Companion '23: "GameAware Streaming Interfaces ..."
Harshina, Kseniia CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Behind the Screens: An Exploratory ..."
Hemez, Nathan CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Exploring the Significance ..."
Henry, Spencer CHI PLAY Companion '23: "The Sea Is a Sky: Towards ..."
Herrewijn, Laura CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Spectator LF Streamer: Facilitating ..."
Huang, Yuxuan CHI PLAY Companion '23: "The Future of Generative AI: ..."
Iseya, Satoru CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Meaningful Play and Malicious ..."
Jakobi, Antonia Laura Philipa CHI PLAY Companion '23: "StandByMe: A Gamified Educational ..."
Janter, Hendrik CHI PLAY Companion '23: "CookT: A Fast-Paced Collaborative ..."
Johnson, Daniel CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Workshop on Understanding ..."
Johnsson, Mats CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Technology, Movement, and ..."
Juteau, Virginie CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Lux: A Game to Promote Good ..."
Kandlhofer, Martin CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Construct and Play: Engaging ..."
Kang, Hyo Jeong CHI PLAY Companion '23: "The Sea Is a Sky: Towards ..."
Karahanoğlu, Armağan CHI PLAY Companion '23: "The Cost of Reward: A Critical ..."
Karaosmanoglu, Sukran CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Playing with Friends or Strangers? ..."
Kejstová, Magdaléna CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Construct and Play: Engaging ..."
Khan, F. Ria CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Controlling Your Voice in ..."
Klarkowski, Madison CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Biofeedback-Driven Multiplayer ..."
Klotzbier, Thomas J. CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Towards Co-creative Interdisciplinary ..."
Kojima, Miu CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Kawaii Game Vocalics: A Preliminary ..."
Kou, Yubo CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Methodological Challenges, ..."
Kriglstein, Simone CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Construct and Play: Engaging ..."
Kuang, Quincy CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Memeopoly: An AI-Powered Physical ..."
Kubczak, Anna CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Foot-Based Game Controller ..."
Lam, Juan Francisco CHI PLAY Companion '23: "The Sea Is a Sky: Towards ..."
Lankes, Michael CHI PLAY Companion '23: "The Ludic Potentials of Player ..."
Lavigne-Bourque, Kevin CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Exploring the Significance ..." CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Lux: A Game to Promote Good ..."
Lee, Yoon CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Unscripted, Unproduced, Unstaged: ..."
Legaki, Nikoletta-Zampeta CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Climate Connected: An Immersive ..."
Lescure, Arnaud CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Exploring the Significance ..."
Liang, Shano CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Stackable Music: A Marker-Based ..."
Liang, Yuqing CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Trouble Maker: Truth or Dare ..."
Liu, Xiner CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Struggling to Detect Struggle ..."
Luna, Sanzida Mojib CHI PLAY Companion '23: "DHH People in Co-located Collaborative ..."
Lux, Mathias CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Behind the Screens: An Exploratory ..."
Macey, Joseph CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Digitally-Induced Altered ..."
MacKenzie, Janelle E. CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Workshop on Understanding ..."
Malaka, Rainer CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Grinding to a Halt: The Effects ..."
Mandryk, Regan CHI PLAY Companion '23: "The Role of Generative AI ..."
Mandryk, Regan L. CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Workshop on Understanding ..." CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Help, My Game Is Toxic! First ..."
Marconi, Annapaola CHI PLAY Companion '23: "StandByMe: A Gamified Educational ..."
Márquez Segura, Elena CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Technology, Movement, and ..."
Masters, Sarah CHI PLAY Companion '23: "“Better Dead than a Damsel”: ..."
McCrickard, D. Scott CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Chatterbox Opener: A Game ..."
Meacham, Faith CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Towards Understanding the ..."
Mekler, Elisa D. CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Jank Accounts: We Should Study ..."
Melilli, Kalli CHI PLAY Companion '23: "The Sea Is a Sky: Towards ..."
Ménard, Nickolas CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Exploring the Significance ..."
Mirza-Babaei, Pejman CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Beyond Equilibrium: Utilizing ..."
Moriarty, Ensor Hieronymous CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Increasing Player Coupling ..."
Muender, Thomas CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Grinding to a Halt: The Effects ..."
Mulvany, Gerard T. CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Designing for Digital Hybridisation ..."
Murakami, Takahito CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Lottery and Sprint: Generate ..."
Nacke, Lennart CHI PLAY Companion '23: "The Role of Generative AI ..."
Nacke, Lennart E. CHI PLAY Companion '23: "LEVI: Exploring Possibilities ..." CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Multimedia Showdown: A Comparative ..."
Nair, Priyanka CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Fit to Draw: An Elevation ..."
Nam, Somang CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Kawaii Game Vocalics: A Preliminary ..."
Newn, Joshua CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Biofeedback-Driven Multiplayer ..."
Niijima, Arinobu CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Game with Breathing Control ..."
Normoyle, Aline CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Towards Understanding the ..."
Nyúl, Boglárka CHI PLAY Companion '23: "StandByMe: A Gamified Educational ..."
Ochiai, Yoichi CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Lottery and Sprint: Generate ..."
Ojell-Järventausta, Terho CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Digitally-Induced Altered ..."
Paladino, Maria Paola CHI PLAY Companion '23: "StandByMe: A Gamified Educational ..."
Park, Solip CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Technology, Movement, and ..."
Patel, Jaitun CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Fit to Draw: An Elevation ..."
Patel, Jaitun V. CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Chatterbox Opener: A Game ..."
Perriman, Nathan CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Increasing Player Coupling ..."
Pfau, Johannes CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Balancing Video Games: A Player-Driven ..." CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Grinding to a Halt: The Effects ..."
Phelps, Andrew CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Unscripted, Unproduced, Unstaged: ..."
Phillips, Cody CHI PLAY Companion '23: "The Role of Generative AI ..."
Pirson, Nicolas CHI PLAY Companion '23: "CookT: A Fast-Paced Collaborative ..."
Postma, Dees CHI PLAY Companion '23: "The Cost of Reward: A Critical ..." CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Technology, Movement, and ..."
Ranandeh, Vahid CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Beyond Equilibrium: Utilizing ..."
Rapp, Amon CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Methodological Challenges, ..."
Rasmussen, Lærke Schjødt CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Technology, Movement, and ..."
Reidsma, Dennis CHI PLAY Companion '23: "The Cost of Reward: A Critical ..." CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Technology, Movement, and ..."
Retz, Celina CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Towards Co-creative Interdisciplinary ..."
Rogers, Katja CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Kawaii Game Vocalics: A Preliminary ..." CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Help, My Game Is Toxic! First ..."
Romhanyi, Agnes CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Controlling Your Voice in ..."
Roumelioti, Eftychia CHI PLAY Companion '23: "StandByMe: A Gamified Educational ..."
Rutledge, Josh CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Increasing Player Coupling ..."
Ruzanka, Silvia CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Plant Play ..."
Saaty, Morva CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Fit to Draw: An Elevation ..." CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Chatterbox Opener: A Game ..."
Sareen, Harpreet CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Trouble Maker: Truth or Dare ..."
Saxena, Roshni CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Fit to Draw: An Elevation ..."
Schabert, German CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Faster, Harder? Investigating ..."
Schiavo, Gianluca CHI PLAY Companion '23: "StandByMe: A Gamified Educational ..."
Schmitz, Michael CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Faster, Harder? Investigating ..."
Schmolzi, Tom CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Playing with Friends or Strangers? ..."
Schott, Nadja CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Towards Co-creative Interdisciplinary ..."
Schubhan, Marc CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Faster, Harder? Investigating ..."
Scianna, Jennifer CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Struggling to Detect Struggle ..."
Seaborn, Katie CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Super Synthesis Pros., or ..." CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Link, User-Centred Designer: ..." CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Meaningful Play and Malicious ..." CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Kawaii Game Vocalics: A Preliminary ..."
Seale, Nellie CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Education, Entertainment, ..."
Seif El-Nasr, Magy CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Using Open Game Data to Understand ..." CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Balancing Video Games: A Player-Driven ..."
Shen, Feifei CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Memeopoly: An AI-Powered Physical ..."
Short, Tanya X. CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Work Healthy, Play Healthy ..."
Slater, Stefan CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Struggling to Detect Struggle ..."
Smith, Gillian CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Stackable Music: A Marker-Based ..."
Sodhi, Pallavi CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Accessible Play: Towards Designing ..."
Sowińska, Oliwia CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Foot-Based Game Controller ..."
Spruyt, Liesl CHI PLAY Companion '23: "CookT: A Fast-Paced Collaborative ..."
Steinicke, Frank CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Playing with Friends or Strangers? ..."
Stoiber, Christina CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Construct and Play: Engaging ..."
Swanson, Luke CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Using Open Game Data to Understand ..." CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Struggling to Detect Struggle ..."
Sweetser, Penny CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Exploration of Player Emotions, ..."
Tajadura-Jiménez, Ana CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Technology, Movement, and ..."
Takano, Shiina CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Game with Breathing Control ..."
Tanaka, Miyuki CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Action RPG Game Space Created ..."
Taylor, Jack CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Increasing Player Coupling ..."
Thue, David CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Accessible Play: Towards Designing ..."
Thumu, Neha CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Towards Understanding the ..."
Torii, Maya Grace CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Lottery and Sprint: Generate ..."
Tousignant, Pierre CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Exploring the Significance ..." CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Lux: A Game to Promote Good ..."
Trick, Nico CHI PLAY Companion '23: "The Role of Generative AI ..."
Tu, Joseph CHI PLAY Companion '23: "LEVI: Exploring Possibilities ..." CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Multimedia Showdown: A Comparative ..."
Turmo Vidal, Laia CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Technology, Movement, and ..."
Van Delden, Robby CHI PLAY Companion '23: "The Cost of Reward: A Critical ..." CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Technology, Movement, and ..."
Vanden Abeele, Vero CHI PLAY Companion '23: "GMap: Supporting Free-Form ..." CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Preliminary Study of the Performance ..."
Vega-Cebrián, José Manuel CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Technology, Movement, and ..."
Veltkamp, Remco C. CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Help, My Game Is Toxic! First ..."
Waern, Annika CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Technology, Movement, and ..."
Walczak, Natalia CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Foot-Based Game Controller ..."
Wallner, Günter CHI PLAY Companion '23: "The Ludic Potentials of Player ..." CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Preliminary Study of the Performance ..."
Wang, Derrick M. CHI PLAY Companion '23: "LEVI: Exploring Possibilities ..."
Wang, Wei Lu CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Fit to Draw: An Elevation ..."
Wang, Wei-Lu CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Chatterbox Opener: A Game ..."
Wauters, Jeroen CHI PLAY Companion '23: "CookT: A Fast-Paced Collaborative ..."
Weijdom, Joris CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Technology, Movement, and ..."
Wijkstra, Michel CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Help, My Game Is Toxic! First ..."
Winter, Lauren CHI PLAY Companion '23: "“Better Dead than a Damsel”: ..."
Yu, Hainan CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Video Games to Study and Improve ..."
Zancanaro, Massimo CHI PLAY Companion '23: "StandByMe: A Gamified Educational ..."
Zhou, Nianmei CHI PLAY Companion '23: "CookT: A Fast-Paced Collaborative ..."
Zhu, Xuanying CHI PLAY Companion '23: "Exploration of Player Emotions, ..."

241 authors

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