Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Volume 7, Number CHI PLAY
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Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Volume 7, Number CHI PLAY, October 10–13, 2023, Stratford, Canada

CHI PLAY 2023 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Abramowski, Sophie CHI PLAY '23: "Emotional Virtual Characters ..."
Altarriba Bertran, Ferran CHI PLAY '23: "How Location-Based Games Incentivize ..."
Altmeyer, Maximilian CHI PLAY '23: "From Points to Progression: ..."
Andres, Josh CHI PLAY '23: "Fused Spectatorship: Designing ..."
Balcomb, Nicholas CHI PLAY '23: "The Effects of Hand Representation ..."
Ballou, Nick CHI PLAY '23: "‘I Just Wanted to Get It ..."
Barbareschi, Giulia CHI PLAY '23: "Towards Greater Inclusion ..."
Barrera Machuca, Mayra Donaji CHI PLAY '23: "BlueVR: Design and Evaluation ..."
Bateman, Scott CHI PLAY '23: "The Effects of Hand Representation ..."
Benga, Theodor CHI PLAY '23: "My Heart Will Go On: Implicitly ..."
Bennett, Dan CHI PLAY '23: "“I’m the leader and I’m ..."
Beres, Nicole A. CHI PLAY '23: "Playing with Emotions: A Systematic ..."
Birk, Max V. CHI PLAY '23: "The Effects of Hand Representation ..."
Bohrer, Rose CHI PLAY '23: "Analyzing Trans (Mis)Representation ..."
Born, Felix CHI PLAY '23: "Emotional Virtual Characters ..."
Bourdoucen, Amel CHI PLAY '23: "Privacy Is the Price: Player ..."
Butz, Andreas Martin CHI PLAY '23: "My Heart Will Go On: Implicitly ..."
Carstensdottir, Elin CHI PLAY '23: "“Anything a Guardian Does ..."
Cassidy, Brendan CHI PLAY '23: "Investigating Players’ Perceptions ..."
Chen, Yuqing CHI PLAY '23: "Creative Console: A Player-Driven ..."
Chen, Yuzheng CHI PLAY '23: "Fused Spectatorship: Designing ..." CHI PLAY '23: "Auto-Paizo Games: Towards ..."
Chiossi, Francesco CHI PLAY '23: "My Heart Will Go On: Implicitly ..."
Clark, Adrian CHI PLAY '23: "Using Everyday Objects as ..."
Clark, Maximillian Oliver CHI PLAY '23: "Towards Greater Inclusion ..."
Clasen, Mathias CHI PLAY '23: "Work Hard, Scare Hard? An ..."
Cmentowski, Sebastian CHI PLAY '23: "A Matter of Perspective: Designing ..."
Cormier, Michelle V. CHI PLAY '23: "Analyzing Trans (Mis)Representation ..." CHI PLAY '23: "A Quest?!: The Secret Life ..."
Cutting, Joe CHI PLAY '23: "Objective Difficulty-Skill ..."
Daiiani, Mahsuum CHI PLAY '23: "A Scoping Review of Heuristics ..."
Dechant, Martin Johannes CHI PLAY '23: "Suspecting Sarcasm: How League ..."
De Cock, Rozane CHI PLAY '23: "Counterplay: Circumventing ..."
De Gois Ribeiro Darin, Ticianne CHI PLAY '23: "Why Should Red and Green Never ..."
Denoo, Maarten CHI PLAY '23: "Counterplay: Circumventing ..." CHI PLAY '23: "Informing Children about Privacy: ..."
Deterding, Sebastian CHI PLAY '23: "‘I Just Wanted to Get It ..." CHI PLAY '23: "“Conversations with pigeons”: ..." CHI PLAY '23: "Objective Difficulty-Skill ..."
Devilly, Oran Zane CHI PLAY '23: "The Effect of Gamification ..."
Divo, Bavani CHI PLAY '23: "The Effect of Gamification ..."
Doh, Young Yim CHI PLAY '23: "Growing Up with Cerebral Palsy ..."
Dormann, Claire CHI PLAY '23: "Visualizing the Spatio-Temporal ..."
Dupont, Bruno CHI PLAY '23: "Counterplay: Circumventing ..."
Engelst, Lene CHI PLAY '23: "Work Hard, Scare Hard? An ..."
Escarce Junior, Mário CHI PLAY '23: "The Aesthetics of Disharmony: ..."
Eum, Karam CHI PLAY '23: "Growing Up with Cerebral Palsy ..."
Fang, Ke CHI PLAY '23: "Creative Console: A Player-Driven ..."
Farzan, Rosta CHI PLAY '23: "Understanding Player’s Gesture-Based ..."
Fernández Galeote, Daniel CHI PLAY '23: "From Traditional to Game-Based ..." CHI PLAY '23: "How Location-Based Games Incentivize ..."
Fischer, Thomas CHI PLAY '23: "Small Latency Variations Do ..."
Fitton, Dan CHI PLAY '23: "Investigating Players’ Perceptions ..."
Frommel, Julian CHI PLAY '23: "Prospective Passion and Social ..."
Funke, Jana Franceska CHI PLAY '23: "Tiles to Move: Investigating ..."
Graf, Linda CHI PLAY '23: "Emotional Virtual Characters ..."
Greenslade, Mac CHI PLAY '23: "Using Everyday Objects as ..."
Grosemans, Eva CHI PLAY '23: "Counterplay: Circumventing ..."
Grüger, Diana CHI PLAY '23: "How Gamified Are Sustainable ..."
Guckelsberger, Christian CHI PLAY '23: "“An Adapt-or-Die Type of ..."
Gutwin, Carl CHI PLAY '23: "If at First You Don’t Succeed: ..."
Halbhuber, David CHI PLAY '23: "Small Latency Variations Do ..." CHI PLAY '23: "The Effects of Latency and ..."
Hallifax, Stuart CHI PLAY '23: "Investigating the Effects ..." CHI PLAY '23: "From Points to Progression: ..."
Hämäläinen, Perttu CHI PLAY '23: "“An Adapt-or-Die Type of ..." CHI PLAY '23: "“I Feel My Abs”: Exploring ..."
Hamari, Juho CHI PLAY '23: "The Relationship between Users’ ..." CHI PLAY '23: "From Traditional to Game-Based ..." CHI PLAY '23: "The Cycle of Toxicity: Exploring ..." CHI PLAY '23: "How Location-Based Games Incentivize ..." CHI PLAY '23: "A Ruse by Any Other Name: ..." CHI PLAY '23: "The Consistency of Gamification ..."
He, Jiajia CHI PLAY '23: "Creative Console: A Player-Driven ..."
Henze, Niels CHI PLAY '23: "Small Latency Variations Do ..." CHI PLAY '23: "The Effects of Latency and ..."
Hill, Chris CHI PLAY '23: "Auto-Paizo Games: Towards ..."
Hirsch, Linda CHI PLAY '23: "My Heart Will Go On: Implicitly ..."
Hirzle, Teresa CHI PLAY '23: "Tiles to Move: Investigating ..."
Htein, Lin Aung CHI PLAY '23: "The Effect of Gamification ..."
Huang, Lei CHI PLAY '23: "Creative Console: A Player-Driven ..."
Iacovides, Ioanna CHI PLAY '23: "“Conversations with pigeons”: ..."
Isotani, Seiji CHI PLAY '23: "The Relationship between Users’ ..." CHI PLAY '23: "The Consistency of Gamification ..."
Jahn, Katharina CHI PLAY '23: "The Cycle of Toxicity: Exploring ..."
Jasin, Jamil CHI PLAY '23: "The Effect of Gamification ..."
Ji, YuYang CHI PLAY '23: "Fluito: Towards Understanding ..."
Jiang, Jinsheng CHI PLAY '23: "Creative Console: A Player-Driven ..."
Jo, Minjae CHI PLAY '23: "Growing Up with Cerebral Palsy ..."
Joaquim, Sivaldo CHI PLAY '23: "The Consistency of Gamification ..."
Johanson, Colby CHI PLAY '23: "If at First You Don’t Succeed: ..."
Johnson, Daniel CHI PLAY '23: "Prospective Passion and Social ..."
Karaosmanoglu, Sukran CHI PLAY '23: "A Matter of Perspective: Designing ..." CHI PLAY '23: "Tiles to Move: Investigating ..."
Kievelitz, Fabian CHI PLAY '23: "A Matter of Perspective: Designing ..."
King, John CHI PLAY '23: "Investigating Players’ Perceptions ..."
Klarkowski, Madison CHI PLAY '23: "Suspecting Sarcasm: How League ..." CHI PLAY '23: "Playing with Emotions: A Systematic ..."
Knibbe, Jarrod CHI PLAY '23: "Fused Spectatorship: Designing ..." CHI PLAY '23: "Auto-Paizo Games: Towards ..."
Kok, Xiao-Feng Kenan CHI PLAY '23: "The Effect of Gamification ..."
Kölln, Kristina CHI PLAY '23: "From Points to Progression: ..."
Kontio, Reetu CHI PLAY '23: "“I Feel My Abs”: Exploring ..."
Kordyaka, Bastian CHI PLAY '23: "The Cycle of Toxicity: Exploring ..."
Krüger, Jens CHI PLAY '23: "A Matter of Perspective: Designing ..."
Kultima, Annakaisa CHI PLAY '23: "“An Adapt-or-Die Type of ..."
Laato, Samuli CHI PLAY '23: "The Cycle of Toxicity: Exploring ..." CHI PLAY '23: "How Location-Based Games Incentivize ..."
Laattala, Markus CHI PLAY '23: "“I Feel My Abs”: Exploring ..."
LaLone, Nicolas CHI PLAY '23: "A Quest?!: The Secret Life ..."
Larsen, Bjarke Alexander CHI PLAY '23: "“Anything a Guardian Does ..."
Lavoué, Élise CHI PLAY '23: "Investigating the Effects ..."
Lee, Geehyuk CHI PLAY '23: "ExpanStick: Augmenting Gamepad ..."
Lee, Matthew David CHI PLAY '23: "Prospective Passion and Social ..."
Lee, Sangyoon CHI PLAY '23: "ExpanStick: Augmenting Gamepad ..."
Lee, Seyeon CHI PLAY '23: "Growing Up with Cerebral Palsy ..."
Legaki, Nikoletta-Zampeta CHI PLAY '23: "From Traditional to Game-Based ..."
Li, Xiang CHI PLAY '23: "Fused Spectatorship: Designing ..." CHI PLAY '23: "Auto-Paizo Games: Towards ..."
Liang, Shano CHI PLAY '23: "Analyzing Trans (Mis)Representation ..."
Lim, Sok Mui CHI PLAY '23: "The Effect of Gamification ..."
Lindqvist, Janne CHI PLAY '23: "Privacy Is the Price: Player ..."
Louis, Winnifred CHI PLAY '23: "Prospective Passion and Social ..."
Lu, Zhicong CHI PLAY '23: "Let’s Play Together through ..."
Ludwig, Thomas CHI PLAY '23: "How Gamified Are Sustainable ..."
Lukosch, Stephan CHI PLAY '23: "Using Everyday Objects as ..."
Macey, Joseph CHI PLAY '23: "A Ruse by Any Other Name: ..."
Mandryk, Regan L. CHI PLAY '23: "Suspecting Sarcasm: How League ..." CHI PLAY '23: "If at First You Don’t Succeed: ..." CHI PLAY '23: "Prospective Passion and Social ..." CHI PLAY '23: "Playing with Emotions: A Systematic ..."
Masuch, Maic CHI PLAY '23: "Emotional Virtual Characters ..."
Mattinen, Topias CHI PLAY '23: "A Ruse by Any Other Name: ..."
Matviienko, Andrii CHI PLAY '23: "Auto-Paizo Games: Towards ..."
Mekler, Elisa D. CHI PLAY '23: "“I’m the leader and I’m ..."
Montoya, Maria F. CHI PLAY '23: "Fused Spectatorship: Designing ..." CHI PLAY '23: "Fluito: Towards Understanding ..."
Mueller, Florian ‘Floyd’ CHI PLAY '23: "Fused Spectatorship: Designing ..." CHI PLAY '23: "Auto-Paizo Games: Towards ..." CHI PLAY '23: "Fluito: Towards Understanding ..."
Mühlberg, Jan Tobias CHI PLAY '23: "Informing Children about Privacy: ..."
Müller, Florian CHI PLAY '23: "My Heart Will Go On: Implicitly ..."
Murphy, Dooley CHI PLAY '23: "“I’m the leader and I’m ..."
Nacke, Lennart E. CHI PLAY '23: "From Points to Progression: ..."
Niehaves, Bjoern CHI PLAY '23: "The Cycle of Toxicity: Exploring ..."
Nisal, Shreyas CHI PLAY '23: "Fused Spectatorship: Designing ..."
Nurgalieva, Leysan CHI PLAY '23: "Privacy Is the Price: Player ..."
Oliveira, Wilk CHI PLAY '23: "The Relationship between Users’ ..." CHI PLAY '23: "The Consistency of Gamification ..."
Overdevest, Nathalie CHI PLAY '23: "Fused Spectatorship: Designing ..." CHI PLAY '23: "Fluito: Towards Understanding ..."
Ozdowska, Anne CHI PLAY '23: "A Scoping Review of Heuristics ..."
Papangelis, Konstantinos CHI PLAY '23: "How Location-Based Games Incentivize ..."
Patibanda, Rakesh CHI PLAY '23: "Fused Spectatorship: Designing ..." CHI PLAY '23: "Auto-Paizo Games: Towards ..." CHI PLAY '23: "Fluito: Towards Understanding ..."
Pell, Sarah Jane CHI PLAY '23: "Fluito: Towards Understanding ..."
Piller, Brandon CHI PLAY '23: "If at First You Don’t Succeed: ..."
Pinheiro, Mateus CHI PLAY '23: "Why Should Red and Green Never ..."
Poeller, Susanne CHI PLAY '23: "Suspecting Sarcasm: How League ..."
Rauschenberger, Maria CHI PLAY '23: "From Points to Progression: ..."
Rogerson, Melissa J. CHI PLAY '23: "Lessons from Homebrewed Hybridity: ..."
Rossmann Martins, Georgia CHI PLAY '23: "The Aesthetics of Disharmony: ..."
Rubegni, Elisa CHI PLAY '23: "The Aesthetics of Disharmony: ..."
Rukzio, Enrico CHI PLAY '23: "Tiles to Move: Investigating ..."
Saini, Aryan CHI PLAY '23: "Fused Spectatorship: Designing ..." CHI PLAY '23: "Auto-Paizo Games: Towards ..." CHI PLAY '23: "Fluito: Towards Understanding ..."
Santos, Ana Cláudia Guimarães CHI PLAY '23: "The Consistency of Gamification ..."
Sas, Martin CHI PLAY '23: "Informing Children about Privacy: ..."
Schauhuber, Philipp CHI PLAY '23: "The Effects of Latency and ..."
Schikorr, Anja CHI PLAY '23: "Tiles to Move: Investigating ..."
Schmid, Andreas CHI PLAY '23: "Small Latency Variations Do ..."
Schwind, Valentin CHI PLAY '23: "The Effects of Latency and ..."
Seaw, Ker Boon CHI PLAY '23: "The Effect of Gamification ..."
Segawa, Norihisa CHI PLAY '23: "Method of Electrical Muscle ..."
Serna, Audrey CHI PLAY '23: "Investigating the Effects ..."
Shim, Youngbo Aram CHI PLAY '23: "ExpanStick: Augmenting Gamepad ..."
Singh, Aneesha CHI PLAY '23: "Towards Greater Inclusion ..."
Soriano Marcolino, Leandro CHI PLAY '23: "The Aesthetics of Disharmony: ..."
Sparrow, Lucy A. CHI PLAY '23: "Lessons from Homebrewed Hybridity: ..."
Steinicke, Frank CHI PLAY '23: "A Matter of Perspective: Designing ..." CHI PLAY '23: "Tiles to Move: Investigating ..."
Sun, Xing CHI PLAY '23: "Creative Console: A Player-Driven ..."
Sweetser, Penny CHI PLAY '23: "A Scoping Review of Heuristics ..."
Tan, Chek Tien CHI PLAY '23: "The Effect of Gamification ..."
Tanjitpiyanond, Porntida CHI PLAY '23: "Prospective Passion and Social ..."
Terkildsen, Thomas CHI PLAY '23: "Work Hard, Scare Hard? An ..."
Tong, Xin CHI PLAY '23: "BlueVR: Design and Evaluation ..."
Toups Dugas, Phoebe O. CHI PLAY '23: "Analyzing Trans (Mis)Representation ..." CHI PLAY '23: "A Quest?!: The Secret Life ..."
Van den Hoven, Elise CHI PLAY '23: "Fused Spectatorship: Designing ..." CHI PLAY '23: "Auto-Paizo Games: Towards ..."
Viana, Windson CHI PLAY '23: "Why Should Red and Green Never ..."
Vimpari, Veera CHI PLAY '23: "“An Adapt-or-Die Type of ..."
Vornhagen, Jan B. CHI PLAY '23: "“I’m the leader and I’m ..."
Wallner, Günter CHI PLAY '23: "Visualizing the Spatio-Temporal ..."
Wang, Letian CHI PLAY '23: "Visualizing the Spatio-Temporal ..."
Wang, PiaoHong CHI PLAY '23: "Let’s Play Together through ..."
Weber, Philip CHI PLAY '23: "How Gamified Are Sustainable ..."
Wee, Ryan CHI PLAY '23: "Fluito: Towards Understanding ..."
Weiblen, Julian CHI PLAY '23: "How Gamified Are Sustainable ..."
Welsch, Robin CHI PLAY '23: "“I Feel My Abs”: Exploring ..."
Whitby, Matthew Alexander CHI PLAY '23: "“Conversations with pigeons”: ..."
Wimmer, Raphael CHI PLAY '23: "Small Latency Variations Do ..."
Yi, HyeonBeom CHI PLAY '23: "ExpanStick: Augmenting Gamepad ..."
You, Ruoxin CHI PLAY '23: "BlueVR: Design and Evaluation ..."
Zaman, Bieke CHI PLAY '23: "Counterplay: Circumventing ..."
Zheng, Keyang CHI PLAY '23: "Understanding Player’s Gesture-Based ..."
Zheng, Weicheng CHI PLAY '23: "BlueVR: Design and Evaluation ..."
Zhou, Shuo CHI PLAY '23: "Method of Electrical Muscle ..."
Zhou, Yihao CHI PLAY '23: "BlueVR: Design and Evaluation ..."
Zuo, Yiran CHI PLAY '23: "BlueVR: Design and Evaluation ..."

213 authors

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