OOPSLA2 2024
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, Volume 8, Number OOPSLA2
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Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, Volume 8, Number OOPSLA2, October 20–25, 2024, Pasadena, CA, USA

OOPSLA2 2024 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Agrawal, Shubh OOPSLA2 '24: "Effects and Coeffects in Call-by-Push-Value ..."
Aguirre, Alejandro OOPSLA2 '24: "Tachis: Higher-Order Separation ..."
Ahmed, Amal OOPSLA2 '24: "Realistic Realizability: Specifying ..."
Alexopoulos, Georgios OOPSLA2 '24: "When Your Infrastructure Is ..."
Alvarez-Picallo, Mario OOPSLA2 '24: "Effect Handlers for C via ..."
Ambal, Guillaume OOPSLA2 '24: "Semantics of Remote Direct ..."
Anderson, Carolyn Jane OOPSLA2 '24: "Knowledge Transfer from High-Resource ..."
Anderson, Logan OOPSLA2 '24: "SparseAuto: An Auto-scheduler ..."
Arora, Sameer OOPSLA2 '24: "Practical Verification of ..."
Ataei, Parisa OOPSLA2 '24: "On the Expressive Power of ..."
Baek, Doehyun OOPSLA2 '24: "Wasm-R3: Record-Reduce-Replay ..."
Bakst, Alexander OOPSLA2 '24: "Practical Verification of ..."
Barthe, Gilles OOPSLA2 '24: "A Modal Type Theory of Expected ..."
Basin, David OOPSLA2 '24: "Plume: Efficient and Complete ..."
Bembenek, Aaron OOPSLA2 '24: "Making Formulog Fast: An Argument ..."
Beschastnikh, Ivan OOPSLA2 '24: "Making Sense of Multi-threaded ..."
Bik, Aart J.C. OOPSLA2 '24: "Compiler Support for Sparse ..." OOPSLA2 '24: "Compilation of Shape Operators ..."
Birkedal, Lars OOPSLA2 '24: "Iris-MSWasm: Elucidating and ..." OOPSLA2 '24: "Tachis: Higher-Order Separation ..."
Bittner, Paul Maximilian OOPSLA2 '24: "On the Expressive Power of ..."
Black-Schaffer, David OOPSLA2 '24: "Mark–Scavenge: Waiting for ..."
Blinn, Andrew OOPSLA2 '24: "Statically Contextualizing ..."
Borgarelli, Andrea OOPSLA2 '24: "Reward Augmentation in Reinforcement ..."
Boruch-Gruszecki, Aleksander OOPSLA2 '24: "Gradient: Gradual Compartmentalization ..."
Bowman, William J. OOPSLA2 '24: "A Low-Level Look at A-Normal ..."
Brotherston, James OOPSLA2 '24: "Mix Testing: Specifying and ..."
Bucci, Paul OOPSLA2 '24: "Making Sense of Multi-threaded ..."
Butt, Andrew OOPSLA2 '24: "Unifying Static and Dynamic ..."
Campbell, Eric Hayden OOPSLA2 '24: "Computing Precise Control ..."
Cao, Yiyuan OOPSLA2 '24: "Semantics Lifting for Syntactic ..."
Carnier, Denis OOPSLA2 '24: "Type Inference Logics ..."
Cassano, Federico OOPSLA2 '24: "Knowledge Transfer from High-Resource ..."
Chang, Jiwon OOPSLA2 '24: "CoolerSpace: A Language for ..."
Chaudhuri, Swarat OOPSLA2 '24: "Weighted Context-Free-Language ..."
Chen, Ethan OOPSLA2 '24: "CoolerSpace: A Language for ..."
Chen, Jinbao OOPSLA2 '24: "MEA2: A Lightweight Field-Sensitive ..."
Chen, Junjie OOPSLA2 '24: "Dependency-Aware Code Naturalness ..."
Chen, Liqian OOPSLA2 '24: "FPCC: Detecting Floating-Point ..."
Chen, Yixuan OOPSLA2 '24: "Compositionality and Observational ..."
Cheng, Luyu OOPSLA2 '24: "The Ultimate Conditional Syntax ..."
Cho, Chanhee OOPSLA2 '24: "Crabtree: Rust API Test Synthesis ..."
Cho, Kyeongmin OOPSLA2 '24: "Quantum Probabilistic Model ..."
Chong, Stephen OOPSLA2 '24: "Making Formulog Fast: An Argument ..."
Chowdhury, Romit Roy OOPSLA2 '24: "Automated Robustness Verification ..."
Cogumbreiro, Tiago OOPSLA2 '24: "Sound and Partially-Complete ..."
Collberg, Christian OOPSLA2 '24: "Control-Flow Deobfuscation ..."
Correnson, Arthur OOPSLA2 '24: "Finding ∀∃ Hyperbugs using ..."
Cortiñas, Carlos Tomé OOPSLA2 '24: "Sensitivity by Parametricity ..."
Craaijo, Jos OOPSLA2 '24: "libLISA: Instruction Discovery ..."
D’Antoni, Loris OOPSLA2 '24: "Automating Unrealizability ..." OOPSLA2 '24: "Synthesizing Formal Semantics ..." OOPSLA2 '24: "Automatically Reducing Privilege ..." OOPSLA2 '24: "Automating Pruning in Top-Down ..."
Dardinier, Thibault OOPSLA2 '24: "Hypra: A Deductive Program ..."
De Medeiros, Markus OOPSLA2 '24: "Tachis: Higher-Order Separation ..."
Deng, Yinlin OOPSLA2 '24: "WhiteFox: White-Box Compiler ..."
De Vilhena, Paulo Emílio OOPSLA2 '24: "Extending the C/C++ Memory ..."
Dexter, Philip OOPSLA2 '24: "A Runtime System for Interruptible ..."
Di, Peng OOPSLA2 '24: "Scaling Abstraction Refinement ..."
Dias, Adhitha OOPSLA2 '24: "SparseAuto: An Auto-scheduler ..."
Dijkstra, Wilco OOPSLA2 '24: "Mix Testing: Specifying and ..."
Dillig, Işil OOPSLA2 '24: "Control-Flow Deobfuscation ..."
Dimitrov, Dimitar OOPSLA2 '24: "Modular Synthesis of Efficient ..."
Ding, Boyao OOPSLA2 '24: "MEA2: A Lightweight Field-Sensitive ..."
Ding, Shuo OOPSLA2 '24: "Automatically Reducing Privilege ..."
Donaldson, Alastair F. OOPSLA2 '24: "Mix Testing: Specifying and ..."
Dongol, Brijesh OOPSLA2 '24: "Semantics of Remote Direct ..."
Drosos, Georgios-Petros OOPSLA2 '24: "When Your Infrastructure Is ..."
Eisbach, Zachary OOPSLA2 '24: "Realistic Realizability: Specifying ..."
Elsman, Martin OOPSLA2 '24: "AUTOMAP: Inferring Rank-Polymorphic ..."
Enea, Constantin OOPSLA2 '24: "Model Checking Distributed ..." OOPSLA2 '24: "Reward Augmentation in Reinforcement ..."
Engelke, Alexis OOPSLA2 '24: "HiPy: Extracting High-Level ..."
Eran, Haggai OOPSLA2 '24: "Semantics of Remote Direct ..."
Erdweg, Sebastian OOPSLA2 '24: "Object-Oriented Fixpoint Programming ..." OOPSLA2 '24: "A Typed Multi-level Datalog ..."
Eymer, Jeff OOPSLA2 '24: "A Runtime System for Interruptible ..."
Fedorova, Alexandra OOPSLA2 '24: "Making Sense of Multi-threaded ..."
Feldman, Molly Q OOPSLA2 '24: "Knowledge Transfer from High-Resource ..."
Filardo, Nathaniel Wesley OOPSLA2 '24: "Intensional Functions ..."
Finkbeiner, Bernd OOPSLA2 '24: "Finding ∀∃ Hyperbugs using ..."
Foster, Nate OOPSLA2 '24: "Computing Precise Control ..."
Freeman, Anders OOPSLA2 '24: "Knowledge Transfer from High-Resource ..."
Freund, Teodoro OOPSLA2 '24: "Effect Handlers for C via ..."
Fromherz, Aymeric OOPSLA2 '24: "StarMalloc: Verifying a Modern, ..."
Gaboardi, Marco OOPSLA2 '24: "Sensitivity by Parametricity ..."
Gancher, Joshua OOPSLA2 '24: "FlowCert: Translation Validation ..."
Garg, Deepak OOPSLA2 '24: "A Modal Type Theory of Expected ..."
Ge, Zhaoyi OOPSLA2 '24: "Lexical Effect Handlers, Directly ..."
Geeson, Luke OOPSLA2 '24: "Mix Testing: Specifying and ..."
Gehr, Timon OOPSLA2 '24: "Modular Synthesis of Efficient ..."
Georges, Aïna Linn OOPSLA2 '24: "Iris-MSWasm: Elucidating and ..."
Getz, Jakob OOPSLA2 '24: "Wasm-R3: Record-Reduce-Replay ..."
Ghica, Dan R. OOPSLA2 '24: "Effect Handlers for C via ..."
Ghosn, Adrien OOPSLA2 '24: "Gradient: Gradual Compartmentalization ..."
Giannakopoulou, Dimitra OOPSLA2 '24: "Model Checking Distributed ..."
Giceva, Jana OOPSLA2 '24: "HiPy: Extracting High-Level ..."
Gilbert, Seth OOPSLA2 '24: "Concurrent Data Structures ..."
Go, Gwihwan OOPSLA2 '24: "PolyJuice: Detecting Mis-compilation ..."
Goel, Amit OOPSLA2 '24: "Automatically Reducing Privilege ..."
Goharshady, Amir Kafshdar OOPSLA2 '24: "Fast and Optimal Extraction ..."
Gopinathan, Kiran OOPSLA2 '24: "Concurrent Data Structures ..."
Gouwar, John OOPSLA2 '24: "Knowledge Transfer from High-Resource ..."
Greenberg, Michael OOPSLA2 '24: "Knowledge Transfer from High-Resource ..." OOPSLA2 '24: "Making Formulog Fast: An Argument ..."
Gregersen, Simon Oddershede OOPSLA2 '24: "Tachis: Higher-Order Separation ..."
Grossman, Shelly OOPSLA2 '24: "Practical Verification of ..."
Grover, Anvay OOPSLA2 '24: "Synthesizing Formal Semantics ..."
Gu, Long OOPSLA2 '24: "Plume: Efficient and Complete ..."
Guan, Zhichao OOPSLA2 '24: "Semantics Lifting for Syntactic ..."
Guha, Arjun OOPSLA2 '24: "Knowledge Transfer from High-Resource ..."
Gyurgyik, Christophe OOPSLA2 '24: "Compilation of Shape Operators ..."
Halalingaiah, Shashin OOPSLA2 '24: "The ART of Sharing Points-to ..."
Haselwarter, Philipp G. OOPSLA2 '24: "Tachis: Higher-Order Separation ..."
Henriksen, Troels OOPSLA2 '24: "AUTOMAP: Inferring Rank-Polymorphic ..."
Hinnerskov, Nikolaj Hey OOPSLA2 '24: "AUTOMAP: Inferring Rank-Polymorphic ..."
Hinrichsen, Jonas Kastberg OOPSLA2 '24: "Multris: Functional Verification ..."
Hoffmann, Jan OOPSLA2 '24: "Programmable MCMC with Soundly ..."
Hojjat, Hossein OOPSLA2 '24: "Computing Precise Control ..."
Hu, Zhenjiang OOPSLA2 '24: "Semantics Lifting for Syntactic ..."
Huang, Jeff OOPSLA2 '24: "VarLifter: Recovering Variables ..."
Huang, Yuliang OOPSLA2 '24: "Dependency-Aware Code Naturalness ..."
Jabbarvand, Reyhaneh OOPSLA2 '24: "WhiteFox: White-Box Compiler ..."
Jacobs, Jules OOPSLA2 '24: "Multris: Functional Verification ..."
Jagannathan, Suresh OOPSLA2 '24: "Automated Robustness Verification ..."
Jangda, Abhinav OOPSLA2 '24: "Knowledge Transfer from High-Resource ..."
Jeon, Seungmin OOPSLA2 '24: "Quantum Probabilistic Model ..."
Jhala, Ranjit OOPSLA2 '24: "Refinement Type Refutations ..."
Ji, Kai OOPSLA2 '24: "HardTaint: Production-Run ..."
Jia, Limin OOPSLA2 '24: "Crabtree: Rust API Test Synthesis ..."
Jiang, Jiajun OOPSLA2 '24: "Dependency-Aware Code Naturalness ..."
Jiang, Yu OOPSLA2 '24: "PolyJuice: Detecting Mis-compilation ..."
Johnson, Keith J.C. OOPSLA2 '24: "Synthesizing Formal Semantics ..." OOPSLA2 '24: "Automating Pruning in Top-Down ..."
Jung, Ralf OOPSLA2 '24: "Rustlantis: Randomized Differential ..."
Jungmair, Michael OOPSLA2 '24: "HiPy: Extracting High-Level ..."
Kaminski, Benjamin Lucien OOPSLA2 '24: "Quantitative Weakest Hyper ..."
Kang, Chan Gu OOPSLA2 '24: "Statistical Testing of Quantum ..." OOPSLA2 '24: "Quantum Probabilistic Model ..."
Kang, Jeehoon OOPSLA2 '24: "Quantum Probabilistic Model ..."
Keuchel, Steven OOPSLA2 '24: "Type Inference Logics ..."
Kim, Caleb OOPSLA2 '24: "Unifying Static and Dynamic ..."
Kim, Jinwoo OOPSLA2 '24: "Automating Unrealizability ..."
Kim, June Hyung OOPSLA2 '24: "Statically Contextualizing ..."
Kincaid, Zachary OOPSLA2 '24: "Monotone Procedure Summarization ..."
Kjolstad, Fredrik OOPSLA2 '24: "Compiler Support for Sparse ..." OOPSLA2 '24: "Compilation of Shape Operators ..."
Klimis, Vasileios OOPSLA2 '24: "Semantics of Remote Direct ..."
Klopp, David OOPSLA2 '24: "Object-Oriented Fixpoint Programming ..." OOPSLA2 '24: "A Typed Multi-level Datalog ..."
Kokologiannakis, Michalis OOPSLA2 '24: "Model Checking Distributed ..."
Kong, Lingkun OOPSLA2 '24: "HybridSA: GPU Acceleration ..."
Kowshik, Ankith OOPSLA2 '24: "Jmvx: Fast Multi-threaded ..."
Krebbers, Robbert OOPSLA2 '24: "Verified Lock-Free Session ..." OOPSLA2 '24: "Multris: Functional Verification ..."
Krishnan, Rahul OOPSLA2 '24: "Automating Pruning in Top-Down ..."
Kulkarni, Milind OOPSLA2 '24: "SparseAuto: An Auto-scheduler ..."
Lahav, Ori OOPSLA2 '24: "Extending the C/C++ Memory ..." OOPSLA2 '24: "Semantics of Remote Direct ..."
Lam, Chun Kit OOPSLA2 '24: "Fast and Optimal Extraction ..."
Lange, Julien OOPSLA2 '24: "Automated Verification of ..." OOPSLA2 '24: "Sound and Partially-Complete ..."
Le, Callista OOPSLA2 '24: "Concurrent Data Structures ..."
Lee, Edward OOPSLA2 '24: "Lexical Effect Handlers, Directly ..."
Lee, Janggun OOPSLA2 '24: "Quantum Probabilistic Model ..."
Lee, Joonghoon OOPSLA2 '24: "Statistical Testing of Quantum ..."
Lee, Koon Wen OOPSLA2 '24: "Concurrent Data Structures ..."
Le Glaunec, Alexis OOPSLA2 '24: "HybridSA: GPU Acceleration ..."
Legoupil, Maxime OOPSLA2 '24: "Iris-MSWasm: Elucidating and ..."
Lehmann, Daniel OOPSLA2 '24: "Wasm-R3: Record-Reduce-Replay ..."
Lemerre, Matthieu OOPSLA2 '24: "A Dependent Nominal Physical ..."
Lemieux, Caroline OOPSLA2 '24: "QuAC: Quick Attribute-Centric ..."
Li, Anqi OOPSLA2 '24: "Hypra: A Deductive Program ..."
Li, Haofeng OOPSLA2 '24: "Boosting the Performance of ..."
Li, Kwing Hei OOPSLA2 '24: "Tachis: Higher-Order Separation ..."
Li, Lian OOPSLA2 '24: "Boosting the Performance of ..."
Li, Ningke OOPSLA2 '24: "Drowzee: Metamorphic Testing ..."
Li, Pai OOPSLA2 '24: "Unifying Static and Dynamic ..."
Li, Qingwei OOPSLA2 '24: "MEA2: A Lightweight Field-Sensitive ..."
Li, Shanshan OOPSLA2 '24: "PolyJuice: Detecting Mis-compilation ..."
Li, Xiang OOPSLA2 '24: "Statically Contextualizing ..."
Li, Xuandong OOPSLA2 '24: "HardTaint: Production-Run ..."
Li, Yichuan OOPSLA2 '24: "VarLifter: Recovering Variables ..."
Li, Yinying OOPSLA2 '24: "Compiler Support for Sparse ..."
Li, Yuekang OOPSLA2 '24: "Drowzee: Metamorphic Testing ..."
Liew, Dennis OOPSLA2 '24: "Sound and Partially-Complete ..."
Lin, Zhengyao OOPSLA2 '24: "FlowCert: Translation Validation ..."
Lindley, Sam OOPSLA2 '24: "Effect Handlers for C via ..."
Liu, Jiangyi OOPSLA2 '24: "Synthesizing Formal Semantics ..."
Liu, Jiawei OOPSLA2 '24: "WhiteFox: White-Box Compiler ..."
Liu, Peiming OOPSLA2 '24: "Compiler Support for Sparse ..." OOPSLA2 '24: "Compilation of Shape Operators ..."
Liu, Si OOPSLA2 '24: "Plume: Efficient and Complete ..."
Liu, Tianyi OOPSLA2 '24: "HardTaint: Production-Run ..."
Liu, Yi OOPSLA2 '24: "Drowzee: Metamorphic Testing ..."
Liu, Yu David OOPSLA2 '24: "A Runtime System for Interruptible ..."
Liu, Zhengyang OOPSLA2 '24: "Minotaur: A SIMD-Oriented ..."
Lobo-Vesga, Elisabet OOPSLA2 '24: "Sensitivity by Parametricity ..."
Lu, Jie OOPSLA2 '24: "Boosting the Performance of ..."
Lu, Runyu OOPSLA2 '24: "WhiteFox: White-Box Compiler ..."
Lucchetti, Francesca OOPSLA2 '24: "Knowledge Transfer from High-Resource ..."
Ma, Cong OOPSLA2 '24: "Lexical Effect Handlers, Directly ..."
Mada, Stefan OOPSLA2 '24: "Minotaur: A SIMD-Oriented ..."
Madsen, Magnus OOPSLA2 '24: "AUTOMAP: Inferring Rank-Polymorphic ..."
Maier, Daryl OOPSLA2 '24: "The ART of Sharing Points-to ..."
Majumdar, Rupak OOPSLA2 '24: "Model Checking Distributed ..." OOPSLA2 '24: "Reward Augmentation in Reinforcement ..."
Mamouras, Konstantinos OOPSLA2 '24: "HybridSA: GPU Acceleration ..."
Mao, Xiaoguang OOPSLA2 '24: "FPCC: Detecting Floating-Point ..."
Mariano, Benjamin OOPSLA2 '24: "Control-Flow Deobfuscation ..."
Martins, Ruben OOPSLA2 '24: "Crabtree: Rust API Test Synthesis ..."
Mitropoulos, Dimitris OOPSLA2 '24: "When Your Infrastructure Is ..."
Møller, Anders OOPSLA2 '24: "Automated Verification of ..."
Mohan, Anshuman OOPSLA2 '24: "Unifying Static and Dynamic ..."
Moosherr, Benjamin OOPSLA2 '24: "On the Expressive Power of ..."
Müller, Peter OOPSLA2 '24: "Hypra: A Deductive Program ..."