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2016 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA 2016), November 2–4, 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands

OOPSLA 2016 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Aiken, Alex OOPSLA '16: "Dependent Partitioning ..."
Alayón, Lilliam I. González OOPSLA '16: "Gentrification Gone too Far? ..."
Amin, Nada OOPSLA '16: "Type Soundness for Dependent ..." OOPSLA '16: "Java and Scala's Type ..."
Ancona, Davide OOPSLA '16: "Semantic Subtyping for Imperative ..."
Azim, Tanzirul OOPSLA '16: "Finding Resume and Restart ..."
Banerjee, Anindya OOPSLA '16: "Hoare-Style Specifications ..."
Barman, Shaon OOPSLA '16: "Ringer: Web Automation by ..."
Batty, Mark OOPSLA '16: "Portable Inter-workgroup Barrier ..."
Bauer, Michael OOPSLA '16: "Dependent Partitioning ..."
Bavishi, Rohan OOPSLA '16: "To Be Precise: Regression ..."
Berger, Emery D. OOPSLA '16: "Prioritized Garbage Collection: ..."
Bhandari, Kumud OOPSLA '16: "Makalu: Fast Recoverable Allocation ..."
Bielik, Pavol OOPSLA '16: "Probabilistic Model for Code ..."
Binder, Walter OOPSLA '16: "GEMs: Shared-Memory Parallel ..."
Blum, Ben OOPSLA '16: "Stateless Model Checking with ..."
Bodik, Rastislav OOPSLA '16: "Ringer: Web Automation by ..."
Boehm, Hans-J. OOPSLA '16: "Makalu: Fast Recoverable Allocation ..."
Bonetta, Daniele OOPSLA '16: "GEMs: Shared-Memory Parallel ..." OOPSLA '16: "Efficient and Thread-Safe ..."
Brachthäuser, Jonathan Immanuel OOPSLA '16: "Parsing with First-Class Derivatives ..."
Chakrabarti, Dhruva R. OOPSLA '16: "Makalu: Fast Recoverable Allocation ..."
Chandra, Satish OOPSLA '16: "Type Inference for Static ..." OOPSLA '16: "A Practical Framework for ..."
Chapman, Keith OOPSLA '16: "Hybrid STM/HTM for Nested ..."
Chasins, Sarah OOPSLA '16: "Ringer: Web Automation by ..."
Choi, Youngil OOPSLA '16: "Type Inference for Static ..."
Chong, Stephen OOPSLA '16: "Extensible Access Control ..." OOPSLA '16: "Automatic Enforcement of Expressive ..."
Chowdhury, Rezaul OOPSLA '16: "Deriving Divide-and-Conquer ..."
Colin, Alexei OOPSLA '16: "Chain: Tasks and Channels ..."
Cook, William R. OOPSLA '16: "OrcO: A Concurrency-First ..."
Corradi, Andrea OOPSLA '16: "Semantic Subtyping for Imperative ..."
Daloze, Benoit OOPSLA '16: "Efficient and Thread-Safe ..."
Dan, Andrei Marian OOPSLA '16: "Modeling and Analysis of Remote ..."
Delbianco, Germán Andrés OOPSLA '16: "Hoare-Style Specifications ..."
De Rosso, Santiago Perez OOPSLA '16: "Purposes, Concepts, Misfits, ..."
DiLorenzo, Jonathan OOPSLA '16: "Incremental Forest: A DSL ..."
Dimoulas, Christos OOPSLA '16: "Extensible Access Control ..."
Doeraene, Sébastien OOPSLA '16: "Parallel Incremental Whole-Program ..."
Donaldson, Alastair F. OOPSLA '16: "Portable Inter-workgroup Barrier ..."
Dustdar, Schahram OOPSLA '16: "Asserting Reliable Convergence ..."
Ernst, Michael D. OOPSLA '16: "Scalable Verification of Border ..."
Essertel, Grégory OOPSLA '16: "Gentrification Gone too Far? ..."
Fang, Lu OOPSLA '16: "Low-Overhead and Fully Automated ..."
Findler, Robert Bruce OOPSLA '16: "Extensible Access Control ..."
Fisher, Kathleen OOPSLA '16: "Incremental Forest: A DSL ..."
Flatt, Matthew OOPSLA '16: "Extensible Access Control ..."
Foster, Nate OOPSLA '16: "Incremental Forest: A DSL ..."
Gibson, Garth OOPSLA '16: "Stateless Model Checking with ..."
Gollamudi, Anitha OOPSLA '16: "Automatic Enforcement of Expressive ..."
Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh OOPSLA '16: "Portable Inter-workgroup Barrier ..."
Gordon, Colin S. OOPSLA '16: "Type Inference for Static ..."
Gulwani, Sumit OOPSLA '16: "FIDEX: Filtering Spreadsheet ..." OOPSLA '16: "Ringer: Web Automation by ..."
Guyer, Samuel Z. OOPSLA '16: "Prioritized Garbage Collection: ..."
Hagemann, Jörg OOPSLA '16: "Computing Repair Alternatives ..."
Haller, Philipp OOPSLA '16: "LaCasa: Lightweight Affinity ..."
Hanappi, Oliver OOPSLA '16: "Asserting Reliable Convergence ..."
Hoefler, Torsten OOPSLA '16: "Modeling and Analysis of Remote ..."
Hosking, Antony L. OOPSLA '16: "Hybrid STM/HTM for Nested ..."
Huang, Jeff OOPSLA '16: "Maximal Causality Reduction ..." OOPSLA '16: "Precise and Maximal Race Detection ..."
Huang, Shiyou OOPSLA '16: "Maximal Causality Reduction ..."
Hummer, Waldemar OOPSLA '16: "Asserting Reliable Convergence ..."
Itzhaky, Shachar OOPSLA '16: "Deriving Divide-and-Conquer ..."
Jackson, Daniel OOPSLA '16: "Purposes, Concepts, Misfits, ..."
Jeannin, Jean-Baptiste OOPSLA '16: "Type Inference for Static ..."
Kell, Stephen OOPSLA '16: "The Missing Link: Explaining ..." OOPSLA '16: "Dynamically Diagnosing Type ..."
Khoo, Siau-Cheng OOPSLA '16: "Low-Overhead and Fully Automated ..."
Kim, Dohyeong OOPSLA '16: "Apex: Automatic Programming ..."
Kim, I. Luk OOPSLA '16: "Apex: Automatic Programming ..."
Kitchin, David OOPSLA '16: "OrcO: A Concurrency-First ..."
Krishnamurthy, Arvind OOPSLA '16: "Scalable Verification of Border ..."
Kulkarni, Sulekha OOPSLA '16: "Accelerating Program Analyses ..."
Kwon, Yonghwi OOPSLA '16: "Apex: Automatic Programming ..."
Lam, Patrick OOPSLA '16: "Modeling and Analysis of Remote ..."
Le, Vu OOPSLA '16: "Finding Compiler Bugs via ..."
Leiserson, Charles OOPSLA '16: "Deriving Divide-and-Conquer ..."
Lhoták, Ondřej OOPSLA '16: "Call Graphs for Languages ..."
Li, Yilong OOPSLA '16: "Semantics-Based Program Verifiers ..."
Liu, Peng OOPSLA '16: "Apex: Automatic Programming ..."
Liu, Yu David OOPSLA '16: "First-Class Effect Reflection ..."
Loiko, Alex OOPSLA '16: "LaCasa: Lightweight Affinity ..."
Loncaric, Calvin OOPSLA '16: "A Practical Framework for ..."
Long, Yuheng OOPSLA '16: "First-Class Effect Reflection ..."
Lu, Shan OOPSLA '16: "Low-Overhead and Fully Automated ..."
Lu, Yongquan OOPSLA '16: "Deriving Divide-and-Conquer ..."
Lucia, Brandon OOPSLA '16: "Chain: Tasks and Channels ..."
Mangal, Ravi OOPSLA '16: "Accelerating Program Analyses ..."
Marr, Stefan OOPSLA '16: "GEMs: Shared-Memory Parallel ..." OOPSLA '16: "Efficient and Thread-Safe ..."
Memarian, Kayvan OOPSLA '16: "An Operational Semantics for ..."
Menzies, Erin OOPSLA '16: "Incremental Forest: A DSL ..."
Moore, Scott OOPSLA '16: "Extensible Access Control ..."
Moss, J. Eliot B. OOPSLA '16: "Hybrid STM/HTM for Nested ..."
Mössenböck, Hanspeter OOPSLA '16: "Efficient and Thread-Safe ..."
Mulligan, Dominic P. OOPSLA '16: "The Missing Link: Explaining ..."
Naik, Mayur OOPSLA '16: "Accelerating Program Analyses ..."
Nanevski, Aleksandar OOPSLA '16: "Hoare-Style Specifications ..."
Neamtiu, Iulian OOPSLA '16: "Finding Resume and Restart ..."
Nienhuis, Kyndylan OOPSLA '16: "An Operational Semantics for ..."
Nunez, Diogenes OOPSLA '16: "Prioritized Garbage Collection: ..."
Odersky, Martin OOPSLA '16: "Call Graphs for Languages ..."
Ostermann, Klaus OOPSLA '16: "Parsing with First-Class Derivatives ..."
Osvald, Leo OOPSLA '16: "Gentrification Gone too Far? ..."
Pai, Sreepathi OOPSLA '16: "A Compiler for Throughput ..."
Panchekha, Pavel OOPSLA '16: "Automated Reasoning for Web ..."
Pandey, Awanish OOPSLA '16: "To Be Precise: Regression ..."
Park, Daejun OOPSLA '16: "Semantics-Based Program Verifiers ..."
Perry, David Mitchel OOPSLA '16: "Apex: Automatic Programming ..."
Peters, Arthur Michener OOPSLA '16: "OrcO: A Concurrency-First ..."
Petrashko, Dmitry OOPSLA '16: "Call Graphs for Languages ..."
Pingali, Keshav OOPSLA '16: "A Compiler for Throughput ..."
Rajagopalan, Arun K. OOPSLA '16: "Precise and Maximal Race Detection ..."
Rajan, Hridesh OOPSLA '16: "First-Class Effect Reflection ..."
Rakamarić, Zvonimir OOPSLA '16: "Portable Inter-workgroup Barrier ..."
Ramanathan, Murali Krishna OOPSLA '16: "Directed Synthesis of Failing ..."
Raychev, Veselin OOPSLA '16: "Probabilistic Model for Code ..."
Rendel, Tillmann OOPSLA '16: "Parsing with First-Class Derivatives ..."
Reps, Thomas OOPSLA '16: "Speeding Up Machine-Code Synthesis ..." OOPSLA '16: "An Improved Algorithm for ..."
Rodriguez-Rivera, Gustavo OOPSLA '16: "Apex: Automatic Programming ..."
Rompf, Tiark OOPSLA '16: "Gentrification Gone too Far? ..." OOPSLA '16: "Type Soundness for Dependent ..."
Roşu, Grigore OOPSLA '16: "Semantics-Based Program Verifiers ..."
Roy, Subhajit OOPSLA '16: "To Be Precise: Regression ..."
Salucci, Luca OOPSLA '16: "GEMs: Shared-Memory Parallel ..."
Samak, Malavika OOPSLA '16: "Directed Synthesis of Failing ..."
Sarkar, Vivek OOPSLA '16: "Automatic Parallelization ..."
Schlatter, Tobias OOPSLA '16: "Parallel Incremental Whole-Program ..."
Schlesinger, Cole OOPSLA '16: "Type Inference for Static ..." OOPSLA '16: "A Practical Framework for ..."
Sergey, Ilya OOPSLA '16: "Hoare-Style Specifications ..."
Sewell, Peter OOPSLA '16: "An Operational Semantics for ..." OOPSLA '16: "The Missing Link: Explaining ..."
Shan, Zhiyong OOPSLA '16: "Finding Resume and Restart ..."
Sharma, Rahul OOPSLA '16: "Dependent Partitioning ..."
Sharma, Tushar OOPSLA '16: "Speeding Up Machine-Code Synthesis ..."
Singh, Rishabh OOPSLA '16: "FIDEX: Filtering Spreadsheet ..."
Singh, Rohit OOPSLA '16: "Deriving Divide-and-Conquer ..."
Slaughter, Elliott OOPSLA '16: "Dependent Partitioning ..."
Solar-Lezama, Armando OOPSLA '16: "Deriving Divide-and-Conquer ..."
Sorensen, Tyler OOPSLA '16: "Portable Inter-workgroup Barrier ..."
Sridharan, Manu OOPSLA '16: "Type Inference for Static ..." OOPSLA '16: "A Practical Framework for ..."
Srinivasan, Venkatesh OOPSLA '16: "Speeding Up Machine-Code Synthesis ..." OOPSLA '16: "An Improved Algorithm for ..."
Stefănescu, Andrei OOPSLA '16: "Semantics-Based Program Verifiers ..."
Steimann, Friedrich OOPSLA '16: "Computing Repair Alternatives ..."
Su, Zhendong OOPSLA '16: "Finding Compiler Bugs via ..."
Sun, Chengnian OOPSLA '16: "Finding Compiler Bugs via ..."
Surendran, Rishi OOPSLA '16: "Automatic Parallelization ..."
Tate, Ross OOPSLA '16: "Java and Scala's Type ..."
Tatlock, Zachary OOPSLA '16: "Scalable Verification of Border ..."
Thywissen, John A. OOPSLA '16: "OrcO: A Concurrency-First ..."
Tip, Frank OOPSLA '16: "Type Inference for Static ..."
Torlak, Emina OOPSLA '16: "Automated Reasoning for Web ..." OOPSLA '16: "Scalable Verification of Border ..."
Treichler, Sean OOPSLA '16: "Dependent Partitioning ..."
Tripp, Omer OOPSLA '16: "Directed Synthesis of Failing ..."
Ulke, Bastian OOPSLA '16: "Computing Repair Alternatives ..."
Ureche, Vlad OOPSLA '16: "Call Graphs for Languages ..."
Vechev, Martin OOPSLA '16: "Modeling and Analysis of Remote ..." OOPSLA '16: "Probabilistic Model for Code ..."
Wang, Xinyu OOPSLA '16: "FIDEX: Filtering Spreadsheet ..."
Weitz, Konstantin OOPSLA '16: "Scalable Verification of Border ..."
Woos, Doug OOPSLA '16: "Scalable Verification of Border ..."
Wu, Xilun OOPSLA '16: "Gentrification Gone too Far? ..."
Xu, Guoqing OOPSLA '16: "Low-Overhead and Fully Automated ..."
Yessenov, Kuat OOPSLA '16: "Deriving Divide-and-Conquer ..."
Yuwen, Shijiao OOPSLA '16: "Semantics-Based Program Verifiers ..."
Zhang, Richard OOPSLA '16: "Incremental Forest: A DSL ..."
Zhang, Xiangyu OOPSLA '16: "Apex: Automatic Programming ..."
Zhang, Xin OOPSLA '16: "Accelerating Program Analyses ..."
Zuo, Zhiqiang OOPSLA '16: "Low-Overhead and Fully Automated ..."

177 authors

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