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2015 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA 2015), October 25–30, 2015, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

OOPSLA 2015 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Achour, Sara OOPSLA '15: "Approximate Computation with ..."
Aigner, Martin OOPSLA '15: "Fast, Multicore-Scalable, ..."
Aiken, Alex OOPSLA '15: "Conditionally Correct Superoptimization ..." OOPSLA '15: "Interactively Verifying Absence ..."
Alves, Péricles OOPSLA '15: "Runtime Pointer Disambiguation ..."
Anand, Saswat OOPSLA '15: "Interactively Verifying Absence ..."
Azim, Tanzirul OOPSLA '15: "Versatile yet Lightweight ..."
Bai, Zhaojun OOPSLA '15: "Automated Backward Error Analysis ..."
Bao, Tao OOPSLA '15: "RAIVE: Runtime Assessment ..."
Bastani, Osbert OOPSLA '15: "Interactively Verifying Absence ..."
Batty, Mark OOPSLA '15: "Remote-Scope Promotion: Clarified, ..."
Beckmann, Bradford M. OOPSLA '15: "Remote-Scope Promotion: Clarified, ..."
Bender, John OOPSLA '15: "Declarative Fence Insertion ..."
Biboudis, Aggelos OOPSLA '15: "Automating Ad hoc Data Representation ..."
Bielik, Pavol OOPSLA '15: "Scalable Race Detection for ..."
Binder, Walter OOPSLA '15: "Accurate Profiling in the ..."
Biswas, Swarnendu OOPSLA '15: "Valor: Efficient, Software-Only ..."
Blackshear, Sam OOPSLA '15: "Selective Control-Flow Abstraction ..."
Bodik, Rastislav OOPSLA '15: "Synthesis of Layout Engines ..."
Bond, Michael D. OOPSLA '15: "Valor: Efficient, Software-Only ..."
Borning, Alan OOPSLA '15: "Checks and Balances: Constraint ..."
Boston, Brett OOPSLA '15: "Probability Type Inference ..."
Bračevac, Oliver OOPSLA '15: "A Co-contextual Formulation ..."
Brandauer, Stephan OOPSLA '15: "Disjointness Domains for Fine-Grained ..."
Brutschy, Lucas OOPSLA '15: "ShamDroid: Gracefully Degrading ..."
Bulej, Lubomír OOPSLA '15: "Accurate Profiling in the ..."
Ceze, Luis OOPSLA '15: "Probability Type Inference ..."
Chang, Bor-Yuh Evan OOPSLA '15: "Selective Control-Flow Abstraction ..."
Chu, Zewei OOPSLA '15: "Scrap Your Boilerplate with ..."
Churchill, Berkeley OOPSLA '15: "Conditionally Correct Superoptimization ..."
Clarke, Dave OOPSLA '15: "Disjointness Domains for Fine-Grained ..."
Cohen, Nachshon OOPSLA '15: "Automatic Memory Reclamation ..."
Crafa, Silvia OOPSLA '15: "The Chemical Approach to Typestate-Oriented ..."
Darais, David OOPSLA '15: "Galois Transformers and Modular ..."
Della Toffola, Luca OOPSLA '15: "Performance Problems You Can ..."
Demsky, Brian OOPSLA '15: "SATCheck: SAT-Directed Stateless ..." OOPSLA '15: "AutoMO: Automatic Inference ..."
Deursen, Arie van OOPSLA '15: "Using C Language Extensions ..."
Dietrich, Jens OOPSLA '15: "Giga-Scale Exhaustive Points-To ..."
Dillig, Isil OOPSLA '15: "EXPLORER : Query- and Demand-Driven ..."
Dimitrov, Dimitar OOPSLA '15: "Stateless Model Checking of ..."
Doerfert, Johannes OOPSLA '15: "Runtime Pointer Disambiguation ..."
Donaldson, Alastair F. OOPSLA '15: "Remote-Scope Promotion: Clarified, ..."
Doshi, Kshitij A. OOPSLA '15: "Cross-Layer Memory Management ..."
Ducasse, Stéphane OOPSLA '15: "Tracing vs. Partial Evaluation: ..."
Dunfield, Joshua OOPSLA '15: "Incremental Computation with ..."
Eberle, Stephan OOPSLA '15: "Using C Language Extensions ..."
Erdweg, Sebastian OOPSLA '15: "A Co-contextual Formulation ..." OOPSLA '15: "A Sound and Optimal Incremental ..."
Felgentreff, Tim OOPSLA '15: "Checks and Balances: Constraint ..."
Feng, Yu OOPSLA '15: "EXPLORER : Query- and Demand-Driven ..."
Ferrara, Pietro OOPSLA '15: "ShamDroid: Gracefully Degrading ..."
Foster, Jeffrey S. OOPSLA '15: "Incremental Computation with ..."
Fu, Zhoulai OOPSLA '15: "Automated Backward Error Analysis ..."
Gardner, Philippa OOPSLA '15: "Reasoning about the POSIX ..."
Gross, Thomas R. OOPSLA '15: "Performance Problems You Can ..."
Grosser, Tobias OOPSLA '15: "Runtime Pointer Disambiguation ..."
Grossman, Dan OOPSLA '15: "Probability Type Inference ..."
Gruber, Fabian OOPSLA '15: "Runtime Pointer Disambiguation ..."
Gulwani, Sumit OOPSLA '15: "FlashMeta: A Framework for ..." OOPSLA '15: "Automating Grammar Comparison ..."
Gupta, Rajiv OOPSLA '15: "RAIVE: Runtime Assessment ..."
Gvero, Tihomir OOPSLA '15: "Synthesizing Java Expressions ..."
Hague, Matthew OOPSLA '15: "Detecting Redundant CSS Rules ..."
Hammer, Matthew A. OOPSLA '15: "Incremental Computation with ..."
Hauswirth, Matthias OOPSLA '15: "Use at Your Own Risk: The ..."
Headley, Kyle OOPSLA '15: "Incremental Computation with ..."
Hicks, Michael OOPSLA '15: "Incremental Computation with ..."
Hirschfeld, Robert OOPSLA '15: "Checks and Balances: Constraint ..."
Hollingum, Nicholas OOPSLA '15: "Giga-Scale Exhaustive Points-To ..."
Hottelier, Thibaud OOPSLA '15: "Synthesis of Layout Engines ..."
Hu, Yongjian OOPSLA '15: "Versatile yet Lightweight ..."
Jackson, Daniel OOPSLA '15: "Programming with Enumerable ..."
Jantz, Michael R. OOPSLA '15: "Cross-Layer Memory Management ..."
Jensen, Casper S. OOPSLA '15: "Stateless Model Checking of ..."
Kirsch, Christoph M. OOPSLA '15: "Fast, Multicore-Scalable, ..."
Kolb, Bernd OOPSLA '15: "Using C Language Extensions ..."
Krebs, Matthias OOPSLA '15: "A Co-contextual Formulation ..."
Kuci, Edlira OOPSLA '15: "A Co-contextual Formulation ..."
Kulkarni, Prasad A. OOPSLA '15: "Cross-Layer Memory Management ..."
Kuncak, Viktor OOPSLA '15: "Automating Grammar Comparison ..." OOPSLA '15: "Programming with Enumerable ..." OOPSLA '15: "Synthesizing Java Expressions ..."
Kuraj, Ivan OOPSLA '15: "Programming with Enumerable ..."
Labich, Nicholas OOPSLA '15: "Incremental Computation with ..."
Lam, Patrick OOPSLA '15: "SATCheck: SAT-Directed Stateless ..."
Lamprineas, Alexandros OOPSLA '15: "Runtime Pointer Disambiguation ..."
Lanza, Michele OOPSLA '15: "Use at Your Own Risk: The ..."
Le, Vu OOPSLA '15: "Finding Deep Compiler Bugs ..."
Lee, Wen-Chuan OOPSLA '15: "RAIVE: Runtime Assessment ..."
Lesani, Mohsen OOPSLA '15: "Declarative Fence Insertion ..."
Lhoták, Ondřej OOPSLA '15: "Static Analysis of Event-Driven ..."
Lichter, Moritz OOPSLA '15: "A Sound and Optimal Incremental ..."
Lin, Anthony W. OOPSLA '15: "Detecting Redundant CSS Rules ..."
Lin, Calvin OOPSLA '15: "EXPLORER : Query- and Demand-Driven ..."
Lippautz, Michael OOPSLA '15: "Fast, Multicore-Scalable, ..."
Lopes, Cristina V. OOPSLA '15: "How Scale Affects Structure ..."
López, Hugo A. OOPSLA '15: "Protocol-Based Verification ..."
Lucia, Brandon OOPSLA '15: "Valor: Efficient, Software-Only ..."
Madhavan, Ravichandhran OOPSLA '15: "Automating Grammar Comparison ..."
Madsen, Magnus OOPSLA '15: "Static Analysis of Event-Driven ..."
Marques, Eduardo R. B. OOPSLA '15: "Protocol-Based Verification ..."
Marr, Stefan OOPSLA '15: "Tracing vs. Partial Evaluation: ..."
Martins, Francisco OOPSLA '15: "Protocol-Based Verification ..."
Mastrangelo, Luis OOPSLA '15: "Use at Your Own Risk: The ..."
Mayer, Mikaël OOPSLA '15: "Automating Grammar Comparison ..."
Mezini, Mira OOPSLA '15: "A Co-contextual Formulation ..."
Might, Matthew OOPSLA '15: "Galois Transformers and Modular ..."
Millstein, Todd OOPSLA '15: "Checks and Balances: Constraint ..."
Mocci, Andrea OOPSLA '15: "Use at Your Own Risk: The ..."
Møller, Anders OOPSLA '15: "Stateless Model Checking of ..."
Neamtiu, Iulian OOPSLA '15: "Versatile yet Lightweight ..."
Ng, Nicholas OOPSLA '15: "Protocol-Based Verification ..."
Ntzik, Gian OOPSLA '15: "Reasoning about the POSIX ..."
Nystrom, Nathaniel OOPSLA '15: "Use at Your Own Risk: The ..."
Odersky, Martin OOPSLA '15: "Automating Ad hoc Data Representation ..."
Oh, Hakjoo OOPSLA '15: "Learning a Strategy for Adapting ..."
Oliveira, Bruno C. d. S. OOPSLA '15: "Scrap Your Boilerplate with ..."
Ong, C.-H. Luke OOPSLA '15: "Detecting Redundant CSS Rules ..."
Ossher, Joel OOPSLA '15: "How Scale Affects Structure ..."
Ou, Peizhao OOPSLA '15: "AutoMO: Automatic Inference ..."
Padovani, Luca OOPSLA '15: "The Chemical Approach to Typestate-Oriented ..."
Padua, David OOPSLA '15: "Vectorization of Apply to ..."
Palsberg, Jens OOPSLA '15: "Declarative Fence Insertion ..."
Pereira, Fernando Magno Quintão OOPSLA '15: "Runtime Pointer Disambiguation ..."
Petrank, Erez OOPSLA '15: "Automatic Memory Reclamation ..."
Pistoia, Marco OOPSLA '15: "ShamDroid: Gracefully Degrading ..."
Polozov, Oleksandr OOPSLA '15: "FlashMeta: A Framework for ..."
Ponzanelli, Luca OOPSLA '15: "Use at Your Own Risk: The ..."
Pradel, Michael OOPSLA '15: "Performance Problems You Can ..."
Rajan, Hridesh OOPSLA '15: "Effectively Mapping Linguistic ..."
Rastello, Fabrice OOPSLA '15: "Runtime Pointer Disambiguation ..."
Raychev, Veselin OOPSLA '15: "Scalable Race Detection for ..." OOPSLA '15: "Stateless Model Checking of ..."
Reps, Thomas OOPSLA '15: "Partial Evaluation of Machine ..."
Rinard, Martin C. OOPSLA '15: "Approximate Computation with ..."
Robinson, Forrest J. OOPSLA '15: "Cross-Layer Memory Management ..."
Sampson, Adrian OOPSLA '15: "Probability Type Inference ..."
Santos, César OOPSLA '15: "Protocol-Based Verification ..."
Schkufza, Eric OOPSLA '15: "Conditionally Correct Superoptimization ..."
Scholz, Bernhard OOPSLA '15: "Giga-Scale Exhaustive Points-To ..."
Sharma, Rahul OOPSLA '15: "Conditionally Correct Superoptimization ..."
Smaragdakis, Yannis OOPSLA '15: "Automating Ad hoc Data Representation ..."
Sokolova, Ana OOPSLA '15: "Fast, Multicore-Scalable, ..."
Sridharan, Manu OOPSLA '15: "Selective Control-Flow Abstraction ..."
Srinivasan, Venkatesh OOPSLA '15: "Partial Evaluation of Machine ..."
Steindorfer, Michael J. OOPSLA '15: "Optimizing Hash-Array Mapped ..."
Storm, Tijs van der OOPSLA '15: "Scrap Your Boilerplate with ..."
Su, Zhendong OOPSLA '15: "Finding Deep Compiler Bugs ..." OOPSLA '15: "Automated Backward Error Analysis ..."
Sun, Chengnian OOPSLA '15: "Finding Deep Compiler Bugs ..."
Tanter, Éric OOPSLA '15: "Customizable Gradual Polymorphic ..."
Tip, Frank OOPSLA '15: "Static Analysis of Event-Driven ..."
Toro, Matías OOPSLA '15: "Customizable Gradual Polymorphic ..."
Tripp, Omer OOPSLA '15: "ShamDroid: Gracefully Degrading ..."
Upadhyaya, Ganesha OOPSLA '15: "Effectively Mapping Linguistic ..."
Ureche, Vlad OOPSLA '15: "Automating Ad hoc Data Representation ..."
Van Horn, David OOPSLA '15: "Galois Transformers and Modular ..." OOPSLA '15: "Incremental Computation with ..."
Vasconcelos, Vasco Thudichum OOPSLA '15: "Protocol-Based Verification ..."
Vechev, Martin OOPSLA '15: "Scalable Race Detection for ..." OOPSLA '15: "Stateless Model Checking of ..."
Vinju, Jurgen J. OOPSLA '15: "Optimizing Hash-Array Mapped ..."
Voelter, Markus OOPSLA '15: "Using C Language Extensions ..."
Vora, Keval OOPSLA '15: "RAIVE: Runtime Assessment ..."
Wang, Haichuan OOPSLA '15: "Vectorization of Apply to ..."
Wang, Xinyu OOPSLA '15: "EXPLORER : Query- and Demand-Driven ..."
Weiel, Manuel OOPSLA '15: "A Sound and Optimal Incremental ..."
Wickerson, John OOPSLA '15: "Remote-Scope Promotion: Clarified, ..."
Wrigstad, Tobias OOPSLA '15: "Disjointness Domains for Fine-Grained ..."
Wu, Peng OOPSLA '15: "Vectorization of Apply to ..."
Yang, Hongseok OOPSLA '15: "Learning a Strategy for Adapting ..."
Yi, Kwangkeun OOPSLA '15: "Learning a Strategy for Adapting ..."
Yoshida, Nobuko OOPSLA '15: "Protocol-Based Verification ..."
Zhang, Haoyuan OOPSLA '15: "Scrap Your Boilerplate with ..."
Zhang, Minjia OOPSLA '15: "Valor: Efficient, Software-Only ..."
Zhang, Xiangyu OOPSLA '15: "RAIVE: Runtime Assessment ..."
Zheng, Yudi OOPSLA '15: "Accurate Profiling in the ..."
Zheng, Yunhui OOPSLA '15: "RAIVE: Runtime Assessment ..."

179 authors

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