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2015 ACM International Symposium on New Ideas, New Paradigms, and Reflections on Programming and Software (Onward! 2015), October 25–30, 2015, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Onward! 2015 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Afroozeh, Ali Onward! '15: "One Parser to Rule Them All ..."
Ali, Karim Onward! '15: "Towards Secure Integration ..."
Appeltauer, Malte Onward! '15: "Columnar Objects: Improving ..."
Arzt, Steven Onward! '15: "Towards Secure Integration ..."
Barman, Shaon Onward! '15: "Toward Tool Support for Interactive ..."
Bhattacharya, Arka Onward! '15: "Toward Tool Support for Interactive ..."
Bodden, Eric Onward! '15: "Towards Secure Integration ..."
Bodik, Rastislav Onward! '15: "Toward Tool Support for Interactive ..."
Borning, Alan Onward! '15: "Constraints as a Design Pattern ..."
Bouraqadi, Noury Onward! '15: "A Bootstrapping Infrastructure ..." Onward! '15: "Virtualization Support for ..."
Chandra, Satish Onward! '15: "Toward Tool Support for Interactive ..."
Chari, Guido Onward! '15: "Towards Fully Reflective Environments ..."
Chiş, Andrei Onward! '15: "The Moldable Inspector ..."
Cito, Jürgen Onward! '15: "Runtime Metric Meets Developer: ..."
Culler, David Onward! '15: "Toward Tool Support for Interactive ..."
Dadashi, Aryan Onward! '15: "Runtime Metric Meets Developer: ..."
De Koster, Joeri Onward! '15: "Just-in-Time Data Structures ..."
De Meuter, Wolfgang Onward! '15: "Just-in-Time Data Structures ..."
De Wael, Mattias Onward! '15: "Just-in-Time Data Structures ..."
Ducasse, Stéphane Onward! '15: "A Bootstrapping Infrastructure ..." Onward! '15: "Virtualization Support for ..." Onward! '15: "Towards Fully Reflective Environments ..."
Erdweg, Sebastian Onward! '15: "Type Systems for the Masses: ..." Onward! '15: "Towards Secure Integration ..."
Eslamimehr, Mahdi Onward! '15: "Constraints as a Design Pattern ..."
Fabresse, Luc Onward! '15: "A Bootstrapping Infrastructure ..." Onward! '15: "Virtualization Support for ..."
Gall, Harald C. Onward! '15: "Runtime Metric Meets Developer: ..."
Garbervetsky, Diego Onward! '15: "Towards Fully Reflective Environments ..."
Gillick, Amy Onward! '15: "Musiplectics: Computational ..."
Gîrba, Tudor Onward! '15: "The Moldable Inspector ..."
Grewe, Sylvia Onward! '15: "Type Systems for the Masses: ..."
Henning, Johannes Onward! '15: "Columnar Objects: Improving ..."
Hirschfeld, Robert Onward! '15: "Columnar Objects: Improving ..."
Holder, Ethan Onward! '15: "Musiplectics: Computational ..."
Izmaylova, Anastasia Onward! '15: "One Parser to Rule Them All ..."
Jackson, Daniel Onward! '15: "Towards a Theory of Conceptual ..."
Kay, Alan Onward! '15: "The Cuneiform Tablets of 2015 ..."
Kell, Stephen Onward! '15: "Towards a Dynamic Object Model ..."
Keller, Anne Onward! '15: "Runtime Metric Meets Developer: ..."
Krishnamurthi, Shriram Onward! '15: "Slimming Languages by Reducing ..."
Leitner, Philipp Onward! '15: "Runtime Metric Meets Developer: ..."
Li, Junsong Onward! '15: "Slimming Languages by Reducing ..."
Lorenz, David H. Onward! '15: "Separation of Powers in the ..."
Marr, Stefan Onward! '15: "Towards Fully Reflective Environments ..." Onward! '15: "Just-in-Time Data Structures ..."
Mattis, Toni Onward! '15: "Columnar Objects: Improving ..."
Mattone, Max Onward! '15: "Virtualization Support for ..."
Mezini, Mira Onward! '15: "Type Systems for the Masses: ..." Onward! '15: "Towards Secure Integration ..."
Nadi, Sarah Onward! '15: "Towards Secure Integration ..."
Nguyen, Long Tien Onward! '15: "The Cuneiform Tablets of 2015 ..."
Nierstrasz, Oscar Onward! '15: "The Moldable Inspector ..."
Odersky, Martin Onward! '15: "Isolates, Channels, and Event ..."
Petricek, Tomas Onward! '15: "Against a Universal Definition ..."
Polito, Guillermo Onward! '15: "A Bootstrapping Infrastructure ..." Onward! '15: "Virtualization Support for ..."
Politz, Joe Gibbs Onward! '15: "Slimming Languages by Reducing ..."
Pombrio, Justin Onward! '15: "Slimming Languages by Reducing ..."
Prokopec, Aleksandar Onward! '15: "Isolates, Channels, and Event ..."
Rein, Patrick Onward! '15: "Columnar Objects: Improving ..."
Rosenan, Boaz Onward! '15: "Separation of Powers in the ..."
Roth, Andreas Onward! '15: "Runtime Metric Meets Developer: ..."
Samimi, Hesam Onward! '15: "Constraints as a Design Pattern ..."
Sartor, Jennifer B. Onward! '15: "Just-in-Time Data Structures ..."
Syrel, Aliaksei Onward! '15: "The Moldable Inspector ..."
Tilevich, Eli Onward! '15: "Musiplectics: Computational ..."
Torlak, Emina Onward! '15: "Toward Tool Support for Interactive ..."
Warth, Alessandro Onward! '15: "Constraints as a Design Pattern ..."
West, David M. Onward! '15: "The Cuban Software Revolution: ..."
Wittmann, Pascal Onward! '15: "Type Systems for the Masses: ..."

72 authors

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