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11th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2014), May 31 – June 1, 2014, Hyderabad, India

MSR 2014 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Åkerblom, Beatrice MSR '14: "Tracing Dynamic Features in ..."
Adams, Bram MSR '14: "The Impact of Code Review ..." MSR '14: "Do Developers Feel Emotions? ..."
Aggarwal, Karan MSR '14: "Co-evolution of Project Documentation ..."
Amaral, José Nelson MSR '14: "Syntax Errors Just Aren't ..."
Amrit, Chintan MSR '14: "Innovation Diffusion in Open ..." MSR '14: "Gentoo Package Dependencies ..."
Anderson, Jeff MSR '14: "Improving the Effectiveness ..."
Arjona Reina, Laura MSR '14: "FLOSS 2013: A Survey Dataset ..."
Azócar, David MSR '14: "Sentiment Analysis of Commit ..."
Bacchelli, Alberto MSR '14: "Modern Code Reviews in Open-Source ..."
Bajaj, Kartik MSR '14: "Mining Questions Asked by ..."
Baldassari, Boris MSR '14: "Understanding Software Evolution: ..."
Barlow, E. Jed MSR '14: "GreenMiner: A Hardware Based ..."
Bavota, Gabriele MSR '14: "Mining StackOverflow to Turn ..." MSR '14: "Mining Energy-Greedy API Usage ..."
Baysal, Olga MSR '14: "Mining Modern Repositories ..."
Beller, Moritz MSR '14: "Modern Code Reviews in Open-Source ..."
Bernal-Cárdenas, Carlos MSR '14: "Revisiting Android Reuse Studies ..." MSR '14: "Mining Energy-Greedy API Usage ..."
Blincoe, Kelly MSR '14: "Understanding "Watchers" ..." MSR '14: "The Promises and Perils of ..."
Bloemen, Remco MSR '14: "Innovation Diffusion in Open ..." MSR '14: "Gentoo Package Dependencies ..."
Brunet, João MSR '14: "Do Developers Discuss Design? ..."
Bürsner, Simone MSR '14: "Classifying Unstructured Data ..."
Campbell, Joshua Charles MSR '14: "GreenMiner: A Hardware Based ..." MSR '14: "Syntax Errors Just Aren't ..."
Capiluppi, Andrea MSR '14: "Estimating Development Effort ..."
Castor, Fernando MSR '14: "Mining Questions about Software ..."
Cervigón, Carlos MSR '14: "Estimating Development Effort ..."
Chen, Tse-Hsun MSR '14: "An Empirical Study of Dormant ..."
Corley, Christopher S. MSR '14: "New Features for Duplicate ..."
Correal, Dario MSR '14: "OpenHub: A Scalable Architecture ..."
Czarnecki, Krzysztof MSR '14: "A Dataset of Feature Additions ..."
Damian, Daniela MSR '14: "Understanding "Watchers" ..." MSR '14: "The Promises and Perils of ..."
Deneckère, Rebecca MSR '14: "Unsupervised Discovery of ..."
De Paula, Adriano C. MSR '14: "Thesaurus-Based Automatic ..."
Di Penta, Massimiliano MSR '14: "Mining StackOverflow to Turn ..." MSR '14: "Mining Energy-Greedy API Usage ..."
Di Rocco, Juri MSR '14: "Models of OSS Project Meta-Information: ..."
Di Ruscio, Davide MSR '14: "Models of OSS Project Meta-Information: ..."
Do, Hyunsook MSR '14: "Improving the Effectiveness ..."
Ell, Jordan MSR '14: "Understanding "Watchers" ..."
Erfani Joorabchi, Mona MSR '14: "Works For Me! Characterizing ..."
Farah, Gabriel MSR '14: "OpenHub: A Scalable Architecture ..."
Figueiredo, Jorge MSR '14: "Do Developers Discuss Design? ..."
Flora, Parminder MSR '14: "An Industrial Case Study of ..."
Fritz, Thomas MSR '14: "A Dictionary to Translate ..."
Fujihara, Yusuke MSR '14: "Kataribe: A Hosting Service ..."
Fujiwara, Kenji MSR '14: "Kataribe: A Hosting Service ..."
Fukushima, Takafumi MSR '14: "An Empirical Study of Just-in-Time ..."
German, Daniel M. MSR '14: "The Promises and Perils of ..."
Godfrey, Michael W. MSR '14: "Mining Modern Repositories ..."
González-Barahona, Jesús M. MSR '14: "Estimating Development Effort ..." MSR '14: "FLOSS 2013: A Survey Dataset ..."
Gousios, Georgios MSR '14: "A Dataset for Pull-Based Development ..." MSR '14: "The Bug Catalog of the Maven ..." MSR '14: "Lean GHTorrent: GitHub Data ..." MSR '14: "The Promises and Perils of ..."
Guo, Lisong MSR '14: "Oops! Where Did That Code ..."
Gupta, Monika MSR '14: "Process Mining Multiple Repositories ..."
Guzman, Emitza MSR '14: "Sentiment Analysis of Commit ..."
Hanam, Quinn MSR '14: "Finding Patterns in Static ..."
Hassan, Ahmed E. MSR '14: "The Impact of Code Review ..." MSR '14: "An Industrial Case Study of ..." MSR '14: "An Empirical Study of Dormant ..."
Hata, Hideaki MSR '14: "Kataribe: A Hosting Service ..."
Higo, Yoshiki MSR '14: "A Dataset of Clone References ..."
Hindle, Abram MSR '14: "GreenMiner: A Hardware Based ..." MSR '14: "Syntax Errors Just Aren't ..." MSR '14: "Co-evolution of Project Documentation ..." MSR '14: "A Green Miner's Dataset: ..."
Holmes, Reid MSR '14: "Finding Patterns in Static ..." MSR '14: "Mining Modern Repositories ..."
Holtzhauer, Andrew MSR '14: "Revisiting Android Reuse Studies ..."
Hug, Charlotte MSR '14: "Unsupervised Discovery of ..."
Hummel, Benjamin MSR '14: "Incremental Origin Analysis ..."
Iida, Hajimu MSR '14: "Kataribe: A Hosting Service ..."
Izquierdo-Cortázar, Daniel MSR '14: "Estimating Development Effort ..."
Juergens, Elmar MSR '14: "Modern Code Reviews in Open-Source ..." MSR '14: "Incremental Origin Analysis ..."
Kagdi, Huzefa MSR '14: "Impact Analysis of Change ..."
Kalliamvakou, Eirini MSR '14: "Understanding "Watchers" ..." MSR '14: "The Promises and Perils of ..."
Kamei, Yasutaka MSR '14: "An Empirical Study of Just-in-Time ..." MSR '14: "The Impact of Code Review ..." MSR '14: "Magnet or Sticky? An OSS Project-by-Project ..."
Kanade, Aditya MSR '14: "MUX: Algorithm Selection for ..."
Karakoidas, Vassilios MSR '14: "The Bug Catalog of the Maven ..."
Kechagia, Maria MSR '14: "Undocumented and Unchecked: ..."
Keivanloo, Iman MSR '14: "Towards Building a Universal ..."
Kevic, Katja MSR '14: "A Dictionary to Translate ..."
Khodabandelou, Ghazaleh MSR '14: "Unsupervised Discovery of ..."
Klein, Nathan MSR '14: "New Features for Duplicate ..."
Kochhar, Pavneet Singh MSR '14: "It's Not a Bug, It's ..."
Kolovos, Dimitris S. MSR '14: "Analysing the 'Biodiversity' ..." MSR '14: "Models of OSS Project Meta-Information: ..."
Kononenko, Oleksii MSR '14: "Mining Modern Repositories ..."
Kraft, Nicholas A. MSR '14: "New Features for Duplicate ..."
Krutz, Daniel E. MSR '14: "A Code Clone Oracle ..."
Kuhlmann, Stefan MSR '14: "Innovation Diffusion in Open ..." MSR '14: "Gentoo Package Dependencies ..."
Kumar, Rahul MSR '14: "MUX: Algorithm Selection for ..."
Kusumoto, Shinji MSR '14: "A Dataset of Clone References ..."
Lal, Akash MSR '14: "MUX: Algorithm Selection for ..."
Lam, Patrick MSR '14: "Finding Patterns in Static ..."
Lanza, Michele MSR '14: "Mining StackOverflow to Turn ..." MSR '14: "Collaboration in Open-Source ..."
Lawall, Julia MSR '14: "Oops! Where Did That Code ..."
Lazar, Alina MSR '14: "Improving the Accuracy of ..." MSR '14: "Generating Duplicate Bug Datasets ..."
Le, Tien-Duy B. MSR '14: "It's Not a Bug, It's ..."
Le, Wei MSR '14: "A Code Clone Oracle ..."
Lemos, Otávio A. L. MSR '14: "Thesaurus-Based Automatic ..."
Li, Yang MSR '14: "Sentiment Analysis of Commit ..."
Linares-Vásquez, Mario MSR '14: "Revisiting Android Reuse Studies ..." MSR '14: "Mining Energy-Greedy API Usage ..."
Liu, Yu David MSR '14: "Mining Questions about Software ..."
Lo, David MSR '14: "It's Not a Bug, It's ..."
Lopes, Cristina V. MSR '14: "Thesaurus-Based Automatic ..." MSR '14: "A Dataset for Maven Artifacts ..."
Louridas, Panos MSR '14: "The Bug Catalog of the Maven ..."
Maalej, Walid MSR '14: "How Does a Typical Tutorial ..."
Mager, Bastian MSR '14: "Classifying Unstructured Data ..."
Makihara, Erina MSR '14: "Kataribe: A Hosting Service ..."
Mani, Senthil MSR '14: "A Study of External Community ..."
Matragkas, Nicholas MSR '14: "Analysing the 'Biodiversity' ..." MSR '14: "Models of OSS Project Meta-Information: ..."
Matsumoto, Kenichi MSR '14: "Kataribe: A Hosting Service ..."
McIntosh, Shane MSR '14: "An Empirical Study of Just-in-Time ..." MSR '14: "The Impact of Code Review ..." MSR '14: "Magnet or Sticky? An OSS Project-by-Project ..."
Merten, Thorsten MSR '14: "Classifying Unstructured Data ..."
Mesbah, Ali MSR '14: "Mining Questions Asked by ..." MSR '14: "Works For Me! Characterizing ..."
Mirzaaghaei, Mehdi MSR '14: "Works For Me! Characterizing ..."
Mitropoulos, Dimitris MSR '14: "The Bug Catalog of the Maven ..."
Mocci, Andrea MSR '14: "Collaboration in Open-Source ..."
Mockus, Audris MSR '14: "Is Mining Software Repositories ..." MSR '14: "Towards Building a Universal ..."
Mondal, Manishankar MSR '14: "Prediction and Ranking of ..."
Muller, Gilles MSR '14: "Oops! Where Did That Code ..."
Murakami, Hiroaki MSR '14: "A Dataset of Clone References ..."
Murgia, Alessandro MSR '14: "Do Developers Feel Emotions? ..."
Murphy, Gail C. MSR '14: "Do Developers Discuss Design? ..."
Nagappan, Meiyappan MSR '14: "An Industrial Case Study of ..." MSR '14: "An Empirical Study of Dormant ..."
Nakayama, Naoki MSR '14: "Kataribe: A Hosting Service ..."
Nasser, Mohamed MSR '14: "An Industrial Case Study of ..."
Nguyen, Thanh H. D. MSR '14: "An Industrial Case Study of ..."
Nori, Aditya V. MSR '14: "MUX: Algorithm Selection for ..."
Oliveto, Rocco MSR '14: "Mining StackOverflow to Turn ..." MSR '14: "Mining Energy-Greedy API Usage ..."
Ordóñez–Matamoros, Gonzalo MSR '14: "Innovation Diffusion in Open ..." MSR '14: "Gentoo Package Dependencies ..."
Ortu, Marco MSR '14: "Do Developers Feel Emotions? ..."
Ossher, Joel MSR '14: "A Dataset for Maven Artifacts ..."
Padhye, Rohan MSR '14: "A Study of External Community ..."
Padmanabhuni, Srinivas MSR '14: "Process Mining Multiple Repositories ..."
Paech, Barbara MSR '14: "Classifying Unstructured Data ..."
Paige, Richard F. MSR '14: "Analysing the 'Biodiversity' ..."
Passos, Leonardo MSR '14: "A Dataset of Feature Additions ..."
Pattabiraman, Karthik MSR '14: "Mining Questions Asked by ..."
Pinto, Gustavo MSR '14: "Mining Questions about Software ..."
Pletea, Daniel MSR '14: "Security and Emotion: Sentiment ..."
Ponzanelli, Luca MSR '14: "Mining StackOverflow to Turn ..."
Poshyvanyk, Denys MSR '14: "Revisiting Android Reuse Studies ..." MSR '14: "Mining Energy-Greedy API Usage ..."
Preux, Philippe MSR '14: "Understanding Software Evolution: ..."
Rahman, Mohammad Masudur MSR '14: "An Insight into the Pull Requests ..."
Rasmussen, Kent MSR '14: "GreenMiner: A Hardware Based ..."
Ritchey, Sarah MSR '14: "Improving the Accuracy of ..." MSR '14: "Generating Duplicate Bug Datasets ..."
Robles, Gregorio MSR '14: "Estimating Development Effort ..." MSR '14: "FLOSS 2013: A Survey Dataset ..."
Romansky, Stephen MSR '14: "GreenMiner: A Hardware Based ..."
Roy, Chanchal K. MSR '14: "Prediction and Ranking of ..." MSR '14: "An Insight into the Pull Requests ..."
Saini, Vaibhav MSR '14: "A Dataset for Maven Artifacts ..."
Sajnani, Hitesh MSR '14: "A Dataset for Maven Artifacts ..."
Salem, Saeed MSR '14: "Improving the Effectiveness ..."
Salinesi, Camille MSR '14: "Unsupervised Discovery of ..."
Schneider, Kevin A. MSR '14: "Prediction and Ranking of ..."
Serebrenik, Alexander MSR '14: "Security and Emotion: Sentiment ..." MSR '14: "Lean GHTorrent: GitHub Data ..." MSR '14: "FLOSS 2013: A Survey Dataset ..."
Serey, Dalton MSR '14: "Do Developers Discuss Design? ..."
Sharif, Bonita MSR '14: "Improving the Accuracy of ..." MSR '14: "Generating Duplicate Bug Datasets ..."
Sheoran, Jyoti MSR '14: "Understanding "Watchers" ..."
Shihab, Emad MSR '14: "Characterizing and Predicting ..." MSR '14: "An Empirical Study of Dormant ..."
Singer, Leif MSR '14: "The Promises and Perils of ..."
Sinha, Vibha Singhal MSR '14: "A Study of External Community ..."
Spinellis, Diomidis MSR '14: "Undocumented and Unchecked: ..." MSR '14: "The Bug Catalog of the Maven ..."
Steidl, Daniela MSR '14: "Incremental Origin Analysis ..."
Stendahl, Jonathan MSR '14: "Tracing Dynamic Features in ..."
Stroulia, Eleni MSR '14: "Co-evolution of Project Documentation ..."
Sureka, Ashish MSR '14: "Process Mining Multiple Repositories ..."
Swartzendruber, George MSR '14: "Impact Analysis of Change ..."
Tan, Lin MSR '14: "Finding Patterns in Static ..."
Tejada, Juan Sebastian MSR '14: "OpenHub: A Scalable Architecture ..."
Terra, Ricardo MSR '14: "Do Developers Discuss Design? ..."
Tiarks, Rebecca MSR '14: "How Does a Typical Tutorial ..."
Tourani, Parastou MSR '14: "Do Developers Feel Emotions? ..."
Tulsian, Varun MSR '14: "MUX: Algorithm Selection for ..."
Tumlin, Mattias MSR '14: "Tracing Dynamic Features in ..."
Tymchuk, Yuriy MSR '14: "Collaboration in Open-Source ..."
Ubayashi, Naoyasu MSR '14: "An Empirical Study of Just-in-Time ..." MSR '14: "Magnet or Sticky? An OSS Project-by-Project ..."
Valdivia Garcia, Harold MSR '14: "Characterizing and Predicting ..."
Vasilescu, Bogdan MSR '14: "Security and Emotion: Sentiment ..." MSR '14: "Lean GHTorrent: GitHub Data ..." MSR '14: "FLOSS 2013: A Survey Dataset ..."
Williams, James R. MSR '14: "Analysing the 'Biodiversity' ..." MSR '14: "Models of OSS Project Meta-Information: ..."
Wilson, Alex MSR '14: "GreenMiner: A Hardware Based ..."
Wrigstad, Tobias MSR '14: "Tracing Dynamic Features in ..."
Yamashita, Kazuhiro MSR '14: "An Empirical Study of Just-in-Time ..." MSR '14: "Magnet or Sticky? An OSS Project-by-Project ..."
Zaidman, Andy MSR '14: "Modern Code Reviews in Open-Source ..." MSR '14: "A Dataset for Pull-Based Development ..." MSR '14: "Lean GHTorrent: GitHub Data ..."
Zanichelli, Felipe C. MSR '14: "Thesaurus-Based Automatic ..."
Zanjani, Motahareh Bahrami MSR '14: "Impact Analysis of Change ..."
Zhang, Chenlei MSR '14: "A Green Miner's Dataset: ..."
Zhang, Feng MSR '14: "Towards Building a Universal ..."
Zou, Ying MSR '14: "Towards Building a Universal ..."

231 authors

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