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2013 10th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR), May 18–19, 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA

MSR 2013 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors
Online Calendar - iCal File


Adams, Bram MSR '13: "Will My Patch Make It? And ..."
Alali, Abdulkareem MSR '13: "A Preliminary Investigation ..."
Al-Dabbagh, Abraham MSR '13: "Search-Based Duplicate Defect ..."
Alipour, Anahita MSR '13: "A Contextual Approach towards ..."
Allamanis, Miltiadis MSR '13: "Mining Source Code Repositories ..." MSR '13: "Why, When, and What: Analyzing ..."
Amoui, Mehdi MSR '13: "Search-Based Duplicate Defect ..."
Anderson, Ross MSR '13: "Rendezvous: A Search Engine ..."
Anvik, John MSR '13: "Why So Complicated? Simple ..."
Asaduzzaman, Muhammad MSR '13: "Answering Questions about ..."
Atkinson, Colin MSR '13: "An Unabridged Source Code ..."
Bacchelli, Alberto MSR '13: "Communication in Open Source ..."
Bartman, Brian MSR '13: "A Preliminary Investigation ..."
Baysal, Olga MSR '13: "The MSR Cookbook: Mining a ..."
Betts, Buddy MSR '13: "Encouraging User Behaviour ..."
Binkley, David MSR '13: "A Dataset for Evaluating Identifier ..."
Bird, Christian MSR '13: "Gerrit Software Code Review ..."
Bosu, Amiangshu MSR '13: "Building Reputation in StackOverflow: ..."
Brügge, Bernd MSR '13: "Bug Report Assignee Recommendation ..."
Butler, Simon MSR '13: "INVocD: Identifier Name Vocabulary ..."
Campbell, Joshua Charles MSR '13: "Deficient Documentation Detection: ..."
Carver, Jeffrey C. MSR '13: "Building Reputation in StackOverflow: ..."
Chatterji, Debarshi MSR '13: "Building Reputation in StackOverflow: ..."
Chen, Hao MSR '13: "Asking for (and about) Permissions ..."
Chen, Kai MSR '13: "Mining Succinct and High-Coverage ..."
Claes, Maëlick MSR '13: "A Historical Dataset for the ..."
Cleary, Brendan MSR '13: "A Study of Innovation Diffusion ..."
Corley, Christopher S. MSR '13: "Building Reputation in StackOverflow: ..."
Cruz, A. E. Camargo MSR '13: "Who Does What during a Code ..."
Dang, Yingnong MSR '13: "Mining Succinct and High-Coverage ..."
Demeyer, Serge MSR '13: "The Eclipse and Mozilla Defect ..." MSR '13: "Happy Birthday! A Trend Analysis ..."
De Souza, Lucas Batista Leite MSR '13: "Do Software Categories Impact ..."
Deursen, Arie van MSR '13: "The Maven Repository Dataset ..." MSR '13: "Testing Principles, Current ..." MSR '13: "Fixing the 'Out of Sight ..." MSR '13: "Communication in Open Source ..." MSR '13: "Strategies for Avoiding Text ..."
Devanbu, Premkumar MSR '13: "Asking for (and about) Permissions ..."
Dietrich, Christian MSR '13: "Linux Variability Anomalies: ..."
Ding, Rui MSR '13: "Contextual Analysis of Program ..."
Dit, Bogdan MSR '13: "A Dataset from Change History ..." MSR '13: "An Exploratory Analysis of ..."
Dullemond, Kevin MSR '13: "Fixing the 'Out of Sight ..."
Filkov, Vladimir MSR '13: "Asking for (and about) Permissions ..."
Fu, Qiang MSR '13: "Contextual Analysis of Program ..."
Fujiwara, Kenji MSR '13: "Who Does What during a Code ..."
Fushida, Kyohei MSR '13: "Revisiting Software Development ..."
Gala-Pérez, Santiago MSR '13: "Intensive Metrics for the ..."
Gall, Harald C. MSR '13: "Replicating Mining Studies ..."
Gameren, Ben van MSR '13: "Fixing the 'Out of Sight ..."
Ganz, Jonathan MSR '13: "Asking for (and about) Permissions ..."
Garg, Malika MSR '13: "Which Work-Item Updates Need ..."
German, Daniel M. MSR '13: "Will My Patch Make It? And ..."
Ghezzi, Giacomo MSR '13: "Replicating Mining Studies ..."
Godfrey, Michael W. MSR '13: "The MSR Cookbook: Mining a ..." MSR '13: "Detecting API Usage Obstacles: ..."
Goeminne, Mathieu MSR '13: "A Historical Dataset for the ..."
Gómez, Carlos MSR '13: "A Study of Innovation Diffusion ..."
González-Barahona, Jesús M. MSR '13: "Intensive Metrics for the ..."
Gousios, Georgios MSR '13: "The GHTorent Dataset and Tool ..."
Grant, Scott MSR '13: "Encouraging User Behaviour ..."
Greiler, Michaela MSR '13: "Strategies for Avoiding Text ..."
Gupta, Monika MSR '13: "Exploring Activeness of Users ..."
Gupta, Samir MSR '13: "Automatically Mining Software-Based, ..."
Guzzi, Anja MSR '13: "Communication in Open Source ..."
Hamasaki, Kazuki MSR '13: "Who Does What during a Code ..."
Harrison, Rachel MSR '13: "Retrieving and Analyzing Mobile ..."
Heaton, Dustin MSR '13: "Building Reputation in StackOverflow: ..."
Helal, Dina MSR '13: "Bug Report Assignee Recommendation ..."
Hemmati, Hadi MSR '13: "The MSR Cookbook: Mining a ..."
Herraiz, Israel MSR '13: "Intensive Metrics for the ..."
Herzig, Kim MSR '13: "The Impact of Tangled Code ..."
Hill, Emily MSR '13: "A Dataset for Evaluating Identifier ..."
Hindle, Abram MSR '13: "A Contextual Approach towards ..." MSR '13: "Deficient Documentation Detection: ..."
Holmes, Reid MSR '13: "The MSR Cookbook: Mining a ..." MSR '13: "Making Sense of Online Code ..."
Holt, Richard C. MSR '13: "Linux Variability Anomalies: ..."
Holtzhauer, Andrew MSR '13: "A Dataset from Change History ..."
Howard, Matthew J. MSR '13: "Automatically Mining Software-Based, ..."
Hu, Wei MSR '13: "Using Citation Influence to ..."
Hummel, Oliver MSR '13: "An Unabridged Source Code ..."
Iacob, Claudia MSR '13: "Retrieving and Analyzing Mobile ..."
Iida, Hajimu MSR '13: "Who Does What during a Code ..."
Janjic, Werner MSR '13: "An Unabridged Source Code ..."
Jergensen, Corey MSR '13: "A Network of Rails: A Graph ..."
Jiang, Tian MSR '13: "Discovering, Reporting, and ..."
Jiang, Yujuan MSR '13: "Will My Patch Make It? And ..."
Kagdi, Huzefa MSR '13: "A Dataset from Change History ..."
Kak, Avinash C. MSR '13: "Assisting Code Search with ..."
Kamei, Yasutaka MSR '13: "Revisiting Software Development ..."
Kasirun, Zarinah M. MSR '13: "Why So Complicated? Simple ..."
Kaushik, Nilam MSR '13: "Search-Based Duplicate Defect ..."
Khomh, Foutse MSR '13: "An Empirical Study of the ..." MSR '13: "Improving Bug Localization ..."
Khoo, Wei Ming MSR '13: "Rendezvous: A Search Engine ..."
Knutson, Charles D. MSR '13: "Apache Commits: Social Network ..."
Kononenko, Oleksii MSR '13: "The MSR Cookbook: Mining a ..."
Kraft, Nicholas A. MSR '13: "Building Reputation in StackOverflow: ..."
Kula, Raula Gaikovina MSR '13: "Who Does What during a Code ..."
Lamkanfi, Ahmed MSR '13: "The Eclipse and Mozilla Defect ..." MSR '13: "Happy Birthday! A Trend Analysis ..."
Lanza, Michele MSR '13: "Communication in Open Source ..."
Lawrie, Dawn MSR '13: "A Dataset for Evaluating Identifier ..."
Li, Shimin MSR '13: "Search-Based Duplicate Defect ..."
Lin, Qingwei MSR '13: "Contextual Analysis of Program ..."
Linares-Vásquez, Mario MSR '13: "An Exploratory Analysis of ..."
Liu, Weining MSR '13: "Search-Based Duplicate Defect ..."
Lo, David MSR '13: "Tag Recommendation in Software ..."
Lohmann, Daniel MSR '13: "Linux Variability Anomalies: ..."
Lou, Jian-Guang MSR '13: "Contextual Analysis of Program ..."
MacLean, Alexander C. MSR '13: "Apache Commits: Social Network ..."
Maia, Marcelo de Almeida MSR '13: "Do Software Categories Impact ..."
Maletic, Jonathan I. MSR '13: "A Preliminary Investigation ..."
Mani, Senthil MSR '13: "Bug Resolution Catalysts: ..." MSR '13: "Exploring Activeness of Users ..."
Marcus, Andrian MSR '13: "Better Cross Company Defect ..."
Mashiyat, Ahmed Shah MSR '13: "Answering Questions about ..."
Mens, Tom MSR '13: "A Historical Dataset for the ..." MSR '13: "A Historical Dataset of Software ..."
Menzies, Tim MSR '13: "Better Cross Company Defect ..."
Miller, James MSR '13: "Deficient Documentation Detection: ..."
Morrison, Patrick MSR '13: "Is Programming Knowledge Related ..."
Mukadam, Murtuza MSR '13: "Gerrit Software Code Review ..."
Mukherjee, Debdoot MSR '13: "Which Work-Item Updates Need ..." MSR '13: "Bug Resolution Catalysts: ..."
Murgia, Alessandro MSR '13: "Happy Birthday! A Trend Analysis ..."
Murphy, Gail C. MSR '13: "What Is Software Development ..."
Murphy-Hill, Emerson MSR '13: "Is Programming Knowledge Related ..."
Mycroft, Alan MSR '13: "Rendezvous: A Search Engine ..."
Nadi, Sarah MSR '13: "Linux Variability Anomalies: ..." MSR '13: "The MSR Cookbook: Mining a ..."
Nagappan, Meiyappan MSR '13: "Revisiting Software Development ..."
Nagar, Seema MSR '13: "Bug Resolution Catalysts: ..."
Naguib, Hoda MSR '13: "Bug Report Assignee Recommendation ..."
Nanavati, Amit A. MSR '13: "Bug Resolution Catalysts: ..."
Nane, Gabriela F. MSR '13: "Testing Principles, Current ..."
Narayan, Nitesh MSR '13: "Bug Report Assignee Recommendation ..."
Narayanam, Ramasuri MSR '13: "Bug Resolution Catalysts: ..."
Newman, Christian D. MSR '13: "A Preliminary Investigation ..."
Nistor, Adrian MSR '13: "Discovering, Reporting, and ..."
Pérez, Javier MSR '13: "The Eclipse and Mozilla Defect ..."
Perry, Dewayne E. MSR '13: "Understanding the Evolution ..."
Peters, Fayola MSR '13: "Better Cross Company Defect ..."
Pinzger, Martin MSR '13: "Communication in Open Source ..."
Pollock, Lori MSR '13: "Automatically Mining Software-Based, ..." MSR '13: "A Dataset for Evaluating Identifier ..."
Poshyvanyk, Denys MSR '13: "A Dataset from Change History ..." MSR '13: "An Exploratory Analysis of ..."
Raemaekers, Steven MSR '13: "The Maven Repository Dataset ..." MSR '13: "Testing Principles, Current ..."
Rigby, Peter C. MSR '13: "Gerrit Software Code Review ..."
Robbes, Romain MSR '13: "Using Developer Interaction ..."
Robles, Gregorio MSR '13: "Intensive Metrics for the ..."
Röthlisberger, David MSR '13: "Using Developer Interaction ..."
Roy, Chanchal K. MSR '13: "Understanding the Evolution ..." MSR '13: "Answering Questions about ..."
Saha, Avigit K. MSR '13: "A Discriminative Model Approach ..."
Saha, Ripon K. MSR '13: "Understanding the Evolution ..." MSR '13: "A Discriminative Model Approach ..."
Sarma, Anita MSR '13: "A Network of Rails: A Graph ..."
Schneider, Kevin A. MSR '13: "Understanding the Evolution ..." MSR '13: "A Discriminative Model Approach ..." MSR '13: "Answering Questions about ..."
Schumacher, Marcus MSR '13: "An Unabridged Source Code ..."
Serebrenik, Alexander MSR '13: "A Historical Dataset of Software ..."
Sharp, Helen MSR '13: "INVocD: Identifier Name Vocabulary ..."
Shokripour, Ramin MSR '13: "Why So Complicated? Simple ..."
Singer, Leif MSR '13: "A Study of Innovation Diffusion ..."
Sinha, Vibha Singhal MSR '13: "Bug Resolution Catalysts: ..." MSR '13: "Exploring Activeness of Users ..."
Sisman, Bunyamin MSR '13: "Assisting Code Search with ..."
Squire, Megan MSR '13: "Project Roles in the Apache ..." MSR '13: "Apache-Affiliated Twitter ..."
Stevens, Ryan MSR '13: "Asking for (and about) Permissions ..."
Storey, Margaret-Anne MSR '13: "Fixing the 'Out of Sight ..." MSR '13: "Strategies for Avoiding Text ..."
Stroulia, Eleni MSR '13: "A Contextual Approach towards ..."
Subramanian, Siddharth MSR '13: "Making Sense of Online Code ..."
Sutton, Charles MSR '13: "Mining Source Code Repositories ..." MSR '13: "Why, When, and What: Analyzing ..."
Tahvildari, Ladan MSR '13: "Search-Based Duplicate Defect ..."
Tan, Lin MSR '13: "Discovering, Reporting, and ..."
Tartler, Reinhard MSR '13: "Linux Variability Anomalies: ..."
Toda, Koji MSR '13: "Revisiting Software Development ..."
Tsunoda, Masateru MSR '13: "Revisiting Software Development ..."
Ubayashi, Naoyasu MSR '13: "Revisiting Software Development ..."
Vasilescu, Bogdan MSR '13: "A Historical Dataset of Software ..."
Vijay-Shanker, K. MSR '13: "Automatically Mining Software-Based, ..." MSR '13: "A Dataset for Evaluating Identifier ..."
Visser, Joost MSR '13: "The Maven Repository Dataset ..." MSR '13: "Testing Principles, Current ..."
Wagstrom, Patrick MSR '13: "A Network of Rails: A Graph ..."
Wang, Jue MSR '13: "Mining Succinct and High-Coverage ..."
Wang, Shaohua MSR '13: "Improving Bug Localization ..."
Wang, Wei MSR '13: "The MSR Cookbook: Mining a ..." MSR '13: "Detecting API Usage Obstacles: ..."
Wang, Xinyu MSR '13: "Tag Recommendation in Software ..."
Wermelinger, Michel MSR '13: "INVocD: Identifier Name Vocabulary ..."
Wong, Kenny MSR '13: "Using Citation Influence to ..."
Wyckmans, Kevin MSR '13: "Happy Birthday! A Trend Analysis ..."
Xia, Xin MSR '13: "Tag Recommendation in Software ..."
Xie, Shuai MSR '13: "An Empirical Study of the ..."
Xie, Tao MSR '13: "Mining Succinct and High-Coverage ..." MSR '13: "Contextual Analysis of Program ..."
Xu, Zhen MSR '13: "Deficient Documentation Detection: ..."
Yoshida, Norihiro MSR '13: "Who Does What during a Code ..."
Yu, Yijun MSR '13: "INVocD: Identifier Name Vocabulary ..."
Zaidman, Andy MSR '13: "Strategies for Avoiding Text ..."
Zamani, Sima MSR '13: "Why So Complicated? Simple ..."
Zeller, Andreas MSR '13: "The Impact of Tangled Code ..."
Zhang, Chenlei MSR '13: "Deficient Documentation Detection: ..."
Zhang, Dongmei MSR '13: "Mining Succinct and High-Coverage ..." MSR '13: "Contextual Analysis of Program ..."
Zhang, Hongyu MSR '13: "Mining Succinct and High-Coverage ..."
Zhou, Bo MSR '13: "Tag Recommendation in Software ..."
Zou, Ying MSR '13: "An Empirical Study of the ..." MSR '13: "Improving Bug Localization ..."

219 authors

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