MSR 2012
2012 9th IEEE Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR)
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2012 9th IEEE Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR), June 2–3, 2012, Zurich, Switzerland

MSR 2012 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Achananuparp, Palakorn MSR '12: "What Does Software Engineering ..."
Adams, Bram MSR '12: "Do Faster Releases Improve ..." MSR '12: "A Qualitative Study on Performance ..."
Aponte, Jairo MSR '12: "How Distributed Version Control ..."
Arjona Reina, Laura MSR '12: "Mining for Localization in ..."
Artho, Cyrille MSR '12: "Why Do Software Packages Conflict? ..."
Asaduzzaman, Muhammad MSR '12: "Bug Introducing Changes: A ..."
Bae, Doo-Hwan MSR '12: "An Empirical Study of Supplementary ..."
Baysal, Olga MSR '12: "Mining Usage Data and Development ..."
Bettenburg, Nicolas MSR '12: "Think Locally, Act Globally: ..."
Bhattacharya, Pamela MSR '12: "Mining Challenge 2012: The ..."
Bird, Christian MSR '12: "Who? Where? What? Examining ..."
Breckel, Alexander MSR '12: "Error Mining: Bug Detection ..."
Bullock, Michael C. MSR '12: "Bug Introducing Changes: A ..."
Capiluppi, Andrea MSR '12: "Developing an H-Index for ..."
Chavez, Christina MSR '12: "Characterizing Verification ..."
Chen, Tse-Hsun MSR '12: "Explaining Software Defects ..."
Chulani, Sunita MSR '12: "Analysis of Customer Satisfaction ..."
Czarnecki, Krzysztof MSR '12: "Towards Improving Bug Tracking ..."
Devanbu, Premkumar MSR '12: "MIC Check: A Correlation Tactic ..."
Dhaliwal, Tejinder MSR '12: "Do Faster Releases Improve ..."
Di Cosmo, Roberto MSR '12: "Why Do Software Packages Conflict? ..."
Erfani, Mostafa MSR '12: "A Linked Data Platform for ..."
Filkov, Vladimir MSR '12: "MIC Check: A Correlation Tactic ..."
Forbes, Christopher MSR '12: "A Linked Data Platform for ..."
Gall, Harald C. MSR '12: "Can We Predict Types of Code ..."
Giger, Emanuel MSR '12: "Can We Predict Types of Code ..."
Gil, Joseph MSR '12: "An Empirical Investigation ..."
Godfrey, Michael W. MSR '12: "Mining Usage Data and Development ..."
Goldstein, Maayan MSR '12: "An Empirical Investigation ..."
Gousios, Georgios MSR '12: "GHTorrent: Github's Data ..."
Guana, Victor MSR '12: "Do the Stars Align? Multidimensional ..."
Gupta, Monika MSR '12: "MINCE: MINing ChangE History ..."
Han, Dan MSR '12: "The Build Dependency Perspective ..."
Harman, Mark MSR '12: "App Store Mining and Analysis: ..."
Hassan, Ahmed E. MSR '12: "Explaining Software Defects ..." MSR '12: "A Qualitative Study on Performance ..." MSR '12: "Think Locally, Act Globally: ..."
Hindle, Abram MSR '12: "Do the Stars Align? Multidimensional ..." MSR '12: "The Build Dependency Perspective ..." MSR '12: "Green Mining: A Methodology ..."
Hmood, Aseel MSR '12: "A Linked Data Platform for ..."
Holmes, Reid MSR '12: "Mining Usage Data and Development ..."
Hu, Wei MSR '12: "The Build Dependency Perspective ..."
Issabayeva, Aigerim MSR '12: "Issue Handling Performance ..."
Jia, Yue MSR '12: "App Store Mining and Analysis: ..."
Jiang, Lingxiao MSR '12: "Are Faults Localizable? ..."
Kak, Avinash C. MSR '12: "Incorporating Version Histories ..."
Kamei, Yasutaka MSR '12: "Mining Challenge 2012: The ..."
Keivanloo, Iman MSR '12: "A Linked Data Platform for ..."
Khomh, Foutse MSR '12: "Do Faster Releases Improve ..."
Khoo, Siau-Cheng MSR '12: "Discovering Complete API Rules ..."
Kim, Miryung MSR '12: "An Empirical Study of Supplementary ..."
Kim, Sunghun MSR '12: "The Evolution of Data Races ..."
Lim, Ee-Peng MSR '12: "What Does Software Engineering ..."
Lo, David MSR '12: "What Does Software Engineering ..." MSR '12: "Are Faults Localizable? ..."
Lopes, Cristina MSR '12: "Trendy Bugs: Topic Trends ..."
Lotufo, Rafael MSR '12: "Towards Improving Bug Tracking ..."
Lubis, Ibrahim Nelman MSR '12: "What Does Software Engineering ..."
Lucia MSR '12: "Are Faults Localizable? ..."
Mani, Senthil MSR '12: "MINCE: MINing ChangE History ..."
Martie, Lee MSR '12: "Trendy Bugs: Topic Trends ..."
Moshkovich, Dany MSR '12: "An Empirical Investigation ..."
Nagappan, Meiyappan MSR '12: "Explaining Software Defects ..." MSR '12: "Think Locally, Act Globally: ..."
Nagappan, Nachiappan MSR '12: "Who? Where? What? Examining ..."
Neal, Christopher MSR '12: "A Linked Data Platform for ..."
Nguyen, Anh Cuong MSR '12: "Discovering Complete API Rules ..."
Nugroho, Ariadi MSR '12: "Issue Handling Performance ..."
Palepu, Vijay Krishna MSR '12: "Trendy Bugs: Topic Trends ..."
Park, Jihun MSR '12: "An Empirical Study of Supplementary ..."
Passos, Leonardo MSR '12: "Towards Improving Bug Tracking ..."
Peristerakis, George MSR '12: "A Linked Data Platform for ..."
Pinzger, Martin MSR '12: "Can We Predict Types of Code ..."
Posnett, Daryl MSR '12: "MIC Check: A Correlation Tactic ..."
Ray, Baishakhi MSR '12: "An Empirical Study of Supplementary ..."
Rilling, Juergen MSR '12: "A Linked Data Platform for ..."
Robles, Gregorio MSR '12: "Mining for Localization in ..."
Rocha, Fabio MSR '12: "Do the Stars Align? Multidimensional ..."
Rodríguez-Bustos, Christian MSR '12: "How Distributed Version Control ..."
Rotella, Pete MSR '12: "Analysis of Customer Satisfaction ..."
Roy, Chanchal K. MSR '12: "Bug Introducing Changes: A ..."
Russo, Barbara MSR '12: "Co-evolution of Logical Couplings ..."
Sadowski, Caitlin MSR '12: "The Evolution of Data Races ..."
Sajnani, Hitesh MSR '12: "Trendy Bugs: Topic Trends ..."
Schneider, Kevin A. MSR '12: "Bug Introducing Changes: A ..."
Serebrenik, Alexander MSR '12: "Developing an H-Index for ..."
Shihab, Emad MSR '12: "Mining Challenge 2012: The ..."
Sinha, Vibha Singhal MSR '12: "MINCE: MINing ChangE History ..."
Sisman, Bunyamin MSR '12: "Incorporating Version Histories ..."
Souza, Rodrigo MSR '12: "Characterizing Verification ..."
Spinellis, Diomidis MSR '12: "GHTorrent: Github's Data ..."
Steff, Maximilian MSR '12: "Co-evolution of Logical Couplings ..."
Storey, Margaret-Anne MSR '12: "MSR 2012 Keynote: The Evolution ..."
Stroulia, Eleni MSR '12: "Do the Stars Align? Multidimensional ..."
Suzaki, Kuniyasu MSR '12: "Why Do Software Packages Conflict? ..."
Tan, Lin MSR '12: "Inferring Semantically Related ..."
Thomas, Stephen W. MSR '12: "Explaining Software Defects ..."
Thung, Ferdian MSR '12: "Are Faults Localizable? ..."
Tian, Yuan MSR '12: "What Does Software Engineering ..."
Treinen, Ralf MSR '12: "Why Do Software Packages Conflict? ..."
Visser, Joost MSR '12: "Issue Handling Performance ..."
Wong, Kenny MSR '12: "The Build Dependency Perspective ..."
Yang, Jinqiu MSR '12: "Inferring Semantically Related ..."
Yi, Jaeheon MSR '12: "The Evolution of Data Races ..."
Youssef, Ahmmad MSR '12: "Developing an H-Index for ..."
Zacchiroli, Stefano MSR '12: "Why Do Software Packages Conflict? ..."
Zaman, Shahed MSR '12: "A Qualitative Study on Performance ..."
Zhang, Dongmei MSR '12: "MSR 2012 Keynote: Software ..."
Zhang, Yuanyuan MSR '12: "App Store Mining and Analysis: ..."
Zou, Ying MSR '12: "Do Faster Releases Improve ..."

112 authors

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