MSR 2011
Eighth Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2011)
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Eighth Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2011), May 21–22, 2011, Waikiki, Honolulu, HI, USA

MSR 2011 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Adams, Bram MSR '11: "Modeling the Evolution of ..." MSR '11: "Security Versus Performance ..."
Antoniol, Giuliano MSR '11: "An Exploratory Study of Identifier ..."
Arnaoudova, Venera MSR '11: "An Exploratory Study of Identifier ..."
Baik, Eilwoo MSR '11: "Operating System Compatibility ..."
Baysal, Olga MSR '11: "A Tale of Two Browsers ..."
Bernardi, Mario Luca MSR '11: "What Topics do Firefox and ..."
Bhattacharya, Pamela MSR '11: "Bug-fix Time Prediction Models: ..."
Biegel, Benjamin MSR '11: "Comparison of Similarity Metrics ..."
Binkley, David MSR '11: "Improving Identifier Informativeness ..."
Bird, Christian MSR '11: "Java Generics Adoption: How ..."
Blostein, Dorothea MSR '11: "Modeling the Evolution of ..."
Bradley, Alexander W. J. MSR '11: "Supporting Software History ..."
Callaú, Oscar MSR '11: "How Developers Use the Dynamic ..."
Canfora, Gerardo MSR '11: "Social Interactions around ..."
Cantor, Murray MSR '11: "Improving Efficiency in Software ..."
Cerulo, Luigi MSR '11: "Social Interactions around ..."
Chulani, Sunita MSR '11: "Implementing Quality Metrics ..."
Cimitile, Marta MSR '11: "Social Interactions around ..."
Davies, Julius MSR '11: "Apples vs. Oranges? An Exploration ..." MSR '11: "Software Bertillonage: Finding ..."
Davis, Ian MSR '11: "A Tale of Two Browsers ..."
Delmonico, Robert MSR '11: "Improving Efficiency in Software ..."
Demeyer, Serge MSR '11: "Comparison of Similarity Metrics ..."
Devanbu, Premkumar MSR '11: "Operating System Compatibility ..." MSR '11: "A Simpler Model of Software ..."
Diehl, Stephan MSR '11: "Comparison of Similarity Metrics ..."
Di Penta, Massimiliano MSR '11: "What Topics do Firefox and ..." MSR '11: "Social Interactions around ..." MSR '11: "An Exploratory Study of Identifier ..."
Distante, Damiano MSR '11: "What Topics do Firefox and ..."
Dolstra, Eelco MSR '11: "Finding Software License Violations ..."
Ernst, Neil A. MSR '11: "Automated Topic Naming to ..."
Eshkevari, Laleh M. MSR '11: "An Exploratory Study of Identifier ..."
Eyolfson, Jon MSR '11: "Do Time of Day and Developer ..."
Gall, Harald MSR '11: "A Study of Language Usage ..." MSR '11: "Comparing Fine-Grained Source ..."
German, Daniel M. MSR '11: "Apples vs. Oranges? An Exploration ..." MSR '11: "Software Bertillonage: Finding ..."
Giger, Emanuel MSR '11: "Comparing Fine-Grained Source ..."
Godfrey, Michael W. MSR '11: "A Tale of Two Browsers ..." MSR '11: "Automated Topic Naming to ..." MSR '11: "Software Bertillonage: Finding ..."
Goševa-Popstojanova, Katerina MSR '11: "Empirical Evaluation of Reliability ..."
Guéhéneuc, Yann-Gaël MSR '11: "An Exploratory Study of Identifier ..."
Hassan, Ahmed E. MSR '11: "Modeling the Evolution of ..." MSR '11: "Security Versus Performance ..."
Hearn, Matthew MSR '11: "Improving Identifier Informativeness ..."
Heer, Jeffrey MSR '11: "Visualizing Collaboration ..."
Heller, Brandon MSR '11: "Visualizing Collaboration ..."
Hemel, Armijn MSR '11: "Finding Software License Violations ..."
Hindle, Abram MSR '11: "Automated Topic Naming to ..." MSR '11: "Software Bertillonage: Finding ..." MSR '11: "A Simpler Model of Software ..."
Hirata, Yukinao MSR '11: "Do Comments Explain Codes ..."
Hornig, Willi MSR '11: "Comparison of Similarity Metrics ..."
Kak, Avinash MSR '11: "Retrieval from Software Libraries ..."
Kalleberg, Karl Trygve MSR '11: "Finding Software License Violations ..."
Kannegala, Sateesh MSR '11: "Improving Efficiency in Software ..."
Karus, Siim MSR '11: "A Study of Language Usage ..."
Keren, Mila MSR '11: "Improving Efficiency in Software ..."
Krishnan, Sandeep MSR '11: "Empirical Evaluation of Reliability ..."
Kumar, Ashok Pon MSR '11: "Improving Efficiency in Software ..."
Lam, Patrick MSR '11: "Do Time of Day and Developer ..."
Lawrie, Dawn MSR '11: "Improving Identifier Informativeness ..."
Lewis, Chris MSR '11: "An Empirical Analysis of the ..."
Li, Yuan-Fang MSR '11: "Integrating Software Engineering ..."
Lin, Zhongpeng MSR '11: "An Empirical Analysis of the ..."
Lutz, Robyn R. MSR '11: "Empirical Evaluation of Reliability ..."
Maalej, Walid MSR '11: "How Do Developers Blog? An ..."
Mani, Senthil MSR '11: "Entering the Circle of Trust: ..."
Marschner, Eli MSR '11: "Visualizing Collaboration ..."
Mizuno, Osamu MSR '11: "Do Comments Explain Codes ..."
Murphy, Gail C. MSR '11: "Supporting Software History ..."
Murphy-Hill, Emerson MSR '11: "Java Generics Adoption: How ..."
Mylopoulos, John MSR '11: "Automated Topic Naming to ..."
Neamtiu, Iulian MSR '11: "Bug-fix Time Prediction Models: ..."
Oliveto, Rocco MSR '11: "An Exploratory Study of Identifier ..."
Pagano, Dennis MSR '11: "How Do Developers Blog? An ..."
Parnin, Chris MSR '11: "Java Generics Adoption: How ..."
Pinzger, Martin MSR '11: "Comparing Fine-Grained Source ..."
Posnett, Daryl MSR '11: "A Simpler Model of Software ..."
Rao, Shivani MSR '11: "Retrieval from Software Libraries ..."
Robbes, Romain MSR '11: "How Developers Use the Dynamic ..."
Rosenfeld, Evan MSR '11: "Visualizing Collaboration ..."
Rotella, Pete MSR '11: "Implementing Quality Metrics ..."
Röthlisberger, David MSR '11: "How Developers Use the Dynamic ..."
Sadowski, Caitlin MSR '11: "An Empirical Analysis of the ..."
Schröter, Adrian MSR '11: "MSR Challenge 2011: Eclipse, ..."
Sementa, Carmine MSR '11: "What Topics do Firefox and ..."
Sinha, Saurabh MSR '11: "Entering the Circle of Trust: ..."
Sinha, Vibha Singhal MSR '11: "Entering the Circle of Trust: ..."
Soetens, Quinten David MSR '11: "Comparison of Similarity Metrics ..."
Tan, Lin MSR '11: "Do Time of Day and Developer ..."
Tanter, Éric MSR '11: "How Developers Use the Dynamic ..."
Tarr, Peri MSR '11: "Improving Efficiency in Software ..."
Thomas, Stephen W. MSR '11: "Modeling the Evolution of ..."
Vermaas, Rob MSR '11: "Finding Software License Violations ..."
Wang, Xinlei (Oscar) MSR '11: "Operating System Compatibility ..."
Wasserkrug, Segev MSR '11: "Improving Efficiency in Software ..."
Whitehead, Jim MSR '11: "Fantasy, Farms, and Freemium: ..."
Whitehead, Jr., E. James MSR '11: "An Empirical Analysis of the ..."
Zagarese, Quirino MSR '11: "What Topics do Firefox and ..."
Zaman, Shahed MSR '11: "Security Versus Performance ..."
Zeltyn, Sergey MSR '11: "Improving Efficiency in Software ..."
Zhang, Hongyu MSR '11: "Integrating Software Engineering ..."
Zhou, Yuanyuan MSR '11: "Connecting Technology with ..."
Zhu, Xiaoyan MSR '11: "An Empirical Analysis of the ..."

108 authors

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