MPLR 2022
19th International Conference on Managed Programming Languages and Runtimes (MPLR 2022)
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19th International Conference on Managed Programming Languages and Runtimes (MPLR 2022), September 14–15, 2022, Brussels, Belgium

MPLR 2022 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Blackburn, Stephen M. MPLR '22: "Towards a Model Checking Framework ..." MPLR '22: "Better Understanding the Costs ..."
Bonetta, Daniele MPLR '22: "Polyglot, Label-Defined Dynamic ..." MPLR '22: "Automatic Array Transformation ..." MPLR '22: "Dynamic Taint Analysis with ..." MPLR '22: "Automatically Transforming ..."
Bruno, Rodrigo MPLR '22: "BestGC: An Automatic GC Selector ..."
Cotret, Pascal MPLR '22: "Porting a JIT Compiler to ..."
Ducasse, Quentin MPLR '22: "Porting a JIT Compiler to ..."
Ducasse, Stéphane MPLR '22: "Analyzing the Cost of Safety ..." MPLR '22: "Selecting Semi-permanent Object ..."
Ferreira, Paulo MPLR '22: "BestGC: An Automatic GC Selector ..."
Gonzalez Boix, Elisa MPLR '22: "Event-Based Out-of-Place Debugging ..."
Gurdeep Singh, Robbert MPLR '22: "Event-Based Out-of-Place Debugging ..."
Hamidy, Gilang Mentari MPLR '22: "SecSharp: Towards Efficient ..."
Jacob, Dejice MPLR '22: "Boehm-Demers-Weiser Garbage ..." MPLR '22: "Characterizing WebAssembly ..."
Joosen, Wouter MPLR '22: "SecSharp: Towards Efficient ..."
Kisling, Wolfgang MPLR '22: "Machine-Learning-Based Self-Optimizing ..."
Kloibhofer, Sebastian MPLR '22: "Automatic Array Transformation ..." MPLR '22: "Automatically Transforming ..."
Kreindl, Jacob MPLR '22: "Polyglot, Label-Defined Dynamic ..." MPLR '22: "Dynamic Taint Analysis with ..."
Lagadec, Loïc MPLR '22: "Porting a JIT Compiler to ..."
Lauwaerts, Tom MPLR '22: "Event-Based Out-of-Place Debugging ..."
Leopoldseder, David MPLR '22: "Polyglot, Label-Defined Dynamic ..." MPLR '22: "Automatic Array Transformation ..." MPLR '22: "Dynamic Taint Analysis with ..." MPLR '22: "Machine-Learning-Based Self-Optimizing ..." MPLR '22: "Automatically Transforming ..."
Makor, Lukas MPLR '22: "Automatic Array Transformation ..." MPLR '22: "Automatically Transforming ..."
Marra, Matteo MPLR '22: "Event-Based Out-of-Place Debugging ..."
Mosaner, Raphael MPLR '22: "Machine-Learning-Based Self-Optimizing ..."
Moss, Eliot MPLR '22: "Towards a Model Checking Framework ..."
Mössenböck, Hanspeter MPLR '22: "Polyglot, Label-Defined Dynamic ..." MPLR '22: "Automatic Array Transformation ..." MPLR '22: "Dynamic Taint Analysis with ..." MPLR '22: "Machine-Learning-Based Self-Optimizing ..." MPLR '22: "Automatically Transforming ..."
Norlinder, Jonas MPLR '22: "Compressed Forwarding Tables ..."
Österlund, Erik MPLR '22: "Compressed Forwarding Tables ..."
Palumbo, Nahuel MPLR '22: "Selecting Semi-permanent Object ..."
Philippaerts, Pieter MPLR '22: "SecSharp: Towards Efficient ..."
Polito, Guillermo MPLR '22: "Porting a JIT Compiler to ..." MPLR '22: "Analyzing the Cost of Safety ..." MPLR '22: "Selecting Semi-permanent Object ..."
Popov, Mihail MPLR '22: "Analysing and Predicting Energy ..."
Qin, Yuxin MPLR '22: "Characterizing WebAssembly ..."
Rainhart, Nicolás MPLR '22: "Analyzing the Cost of Safety ..."
Rojas Castillo, Carlos MPLR '22: "Event-Based Out-of-Place Debugging ..."
Sareen, Kunal MPLR '22: "Better Understanding the Costs ..."
Scholliers, Christophe MPLR '22: "Event-Based Out-of-Place Debugging ..."
Serrano, Manuel MPLR '22: "On JavaScript Ahead-of-Time ..."
Shimchenko, Marina MPLR '22: "Analysing and Predicting Energy ..."
Singer, Jeremy MPLR '22: "Boehm-Demers-Weiser Garbage ..." MPLR '22: "Characterizing WebAssembly ..."
Stadler, Lukas MPLR '22: "Polyglot, Label-Defined Dynamic ..." MPLR '22: "Automatic Array Transformation ..." MPLR '22: "Dynamic Taint Analysis with ..." MPLR '22: "Machine-Learning-Based Self-Optimizing ..." MPLR '22: "Automatically Transforming ..."
Stephens, Maoni MPLR '22: "Performance Optimizations ..."
Tavakolisomeh, Sanaz MPLR '22: "BestGC: An Automatic GC Selector ..."
Tesone, Pablo MPLR '22: "Porting a JIT Compiler to ..." MPLR '22: "Analyzing the Cost of Safety ..." MPLR '22: "Selecting Semi-permanent Object ..."
Wrigstad, Tobias MPLR '22: "Analysing and Predicting Energy ..." MPLR '22: "Compressed Forwarding Tables ..."
Xu, Bochen MPLR '22: "Towards a Model Checking Framework ..."

70 authors

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