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1st International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems (MOBILESoft 2014), June 2–3, 2014, Hyderabad, India

MOBILESoft 2014 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Aggarwal, Aniya MOBILESoft '14: "Chiromancer: A Tool for Boosting ..."
Ali, Nour MOBILESoft '14: "Mobile Architectures at Runtime: ..."
AlTarawneh, Ragaad MOBILESoft '14: "Automate the Decision on Best-Suited ..."
Anwer, Samit MOBILESoft '14: "Chiromancer: A Tool for Boosting ..."
Baliga, Ashwin MOBILESoft '14: "Android Application Development ..."
Ball, Thomas MOBILESoft '14: "TouchDevelop: Create Rich ..."
Ben-Harrush, Idan MOBILESoft '14: "Mobile Enablement of Business ..."
Bishop, Judith MOBILESoft '14: "TouchDevelop: Create Rich ..."
Bortenschlager, Manfred MOBILESoft '14: "AppEcho: A User-Driven, In ..."
Bryant, Reginald E. MOBILESoft '14: "Twende-Twende: A Mobile Application ..."
Burckhardt, Sebastian MOBILESoft '14: "TouchDevelop: Create Rich ..." MOBILESoft '14: "Refactoring Local to Cloud ..."
Christi, Arpit MOBILESoft '14: "Refactoring Local to Cloud ..."
De Halleux, Jonathan MOBILESoft '14: "TouchDevelop: Create Rich ..."
De Souza, Cleidson R. B. MOBILESoft '14: "An Exploratory Study of the ..."
Dig, Danny MOBILESoft '14: "Refactoring Local to Cloud ..."
Dubinsky, Yael MOBILESoft '14: "MobiGolog: Formal Task Modelling ..." MOBILESoft '14: "Automate the Decision on Best-Suited ..."
Ebert, Achim MOBILESoft '14: "Automate the Decision on Best-Suited ..."
Eisenberg, Vadim MOBILESoft '14: "Mobile Enablement of Business ..."
Emmadi, Nagraj MOBILESoft '14: "Swarachakra Keyboard for Indic ..."
Ferreira, Renato MOBILESoft '14: "An Exploratory Study of the ..."
Figueira Filho, Fernando MOBILESoft '14: "An Exploratory Study of the ..."
Franzago, Mirco MOBILESoft '14: "Towards a Collaborative Framework ..."
Garg, Rashi MOBILESoft '14: "Android Phone Based Appraisal ..."
Go, Hyun Sung MOBILESoft '14: "Improved Event Driven Architecture ..."
Gupta, Shaifali MOBILESoft '14: "Android Phone Based Appraisal ..."
Hilton, Michael MOBILESoft '14: "Refactoring Local to Cloud ..."
Humayoun, Shah Rukh MOBILESoft '14: "MobiGolog: Formal Task Modelling ..." MOBILESoft '14: "Automate the Decision on Best-Suited ..."
Jain, Nikita MOBILESoft '14: "Android Phone Based Appraisal ..."
Jo, Jae-Hyun MOBILESoft '14: "Improved Event Driven Architecture ..."
Joshi, Anirudha N. MOBILESoft '14: "Swarachakra Keyboard for Indic ..." MOBILESoft '14: "Interaction Design for People ..."
Joshi, Manjiri MOBILESoft '14: "Swarachakra Keyboard for Indic ..."
Julien, Christine MOBILESoft '14: "BraceForce: A Middleware to ..."
Kallner, Samuel MOBILESoft '14: "Mobile Enablement of Business ..."
Kannan, Ramasamy MOBILESoft '14: "Improved Event Driven Architecture ..."
Kaul, Sanjit MOBILESoft '14: "Android Phone Based Appraisal ..."
Kinai, Andrew MOBILESoft '14: "Twende-Twende: A Mobile Application ..."
Knych, Thomas W. MOBILESoft '14: "Android Application Development ..."
Lewis, Grace A. MOBILESoft '14: "Mobile Computing at the Edge ..."
Malavolta, Ivano MOBILESoft '14: "Towards a Collaborative Framework ..."
Malsattar, Nirav MOBILESoft '14: "Swarachakra Keyboard for Indic ..."
Marston, Josh MOBILESoft '14: "On Evaluating and Securing ..."
Mibuari, Eric MOBILESoft '14: "Twende-Twende: A Mobile Application ..."
Miranda, Müller MOBILESoft '14: "An Exploratory Study of the ..."
Moskal, Michał MOBILESoft '14: "Exposing Native Device APIs ..." MOBILESoft '14: "TouchDevelop: Create Rich ..." MOBILESoft '14: "Refactoring Local to Cloud ..."
Muccini, Henry MOBILESoft '14: "Towards a Collaborative Framework ..."
Naik, Vinayak MOBILESoft '14: "Android Phone Based Appraisal ..." MOBILESoft '14: "Chiromancer: A Tool for Boosting ..."
Ollmann, Gregor MOBILESoft '14: "AppEcho: A User-Driven, In ..."
Perry, Dewayne E. MOBILESoft '14: "BraceForce: A Middleware to ..."
Puder, Arno MOBILESoft '14: "Exposing Native Device APIs ..."
Purandare, Rahul MOBILESoft '14: "Chiromancer: A Tool for Boosting ..."
Seyff, Norbert MOBILESoft '14: "AppEcho: A User-Driven, In ..."
Sherman, Mark MOBILESoft '14: "An Introduction to Mobile ..."
Singer, Leif MOBILESoft '14: "An Exploratory Study of the ..."
Soli­s, Carlos MOBILESoft '14: "Mobile Architectures at Runtime: ..."
Srivastava, Biplav MOBILESoft '14: "Composing Web APIs: State ..."
Stewart, Osamuyimen MOBILESoft '14: "Twende-Twende: A Mobile Application ..."
Tillmann, Nikolai MOBILESoft '14: "Exposing Native Device APIs ..." MOBILESoft '14: "TouchDevelop: Create Rich ..." MOBILESoft '14: "Refactoring Local to Cloud ..."
Walcott-Bryant, Aisha MOBILESoft '14: "Twende-Twende: A Mobile Application ..."
Weldemariam, Komminist MOBILESoft '14: "On Evaluating and Securing ..." MOBILESoft '14: "Twende-Twende: A Mobile Application ..."
Zheng, Xi MOBILESoft '14: "BraceForce: A Middleware to ..."
Zodik, Gabi MOBILESoft '14: "MobileFirst: Mobile Development ..."
Zulkernine, Mohammad MOBILESoft '14: "On Evaluating and Securing ..."

72 authors

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