ITiCSE 2018
23rd Annual ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE Companion 2018)
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23rd Annual ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE Companion 2018), July 2–4, 2018, Larnaca, Cyprus

ITiCSE 2018 Companion – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Adams, Joshua ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Cloud Computing: Developing ..."
Ajanovski, Vangel V. ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Predicting Academic Performance: ..."
Albluwi, Ibrahim ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Introductory Programming: ..."
Alshaigy, Bedour ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "An International Investigation ..."
Asghar, Muhammad Rizwan ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Global Perspectives on Cybersecurity ..."
Barker, Lecia ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "The Internet of Things in ..."
Becker, Brett A. ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Introductory Programming: ..."
Bort, Heather ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Propagating the Adoption of ..."
Bouvier, Dennis ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "An International Investigation ..."
Bunde, David P. ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Propagating the Adoption of ..."
Burd, Barry ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "The Internet of Things in ..."
Butler, Matthew ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Contrasting CS Student and ..."
Butler, Zack ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Propagating the Adoption of ..."
Cajander, Åsa ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Modelling Competencies for ..."
Daniels, Mats ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Modelling Competencies for ..."
Erdil, D. Cenk ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Cloud Computing: Developing ..."
Foster, Derek ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Cloud Computing: Developing ..."
Frezza, Stephen ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Modelling Competencies for ..."
Giannakos, Michail ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Introductory Programming: ..."
Glassey, Richard ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "An International Investigation ..."
Gonsalvez, Christabel ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Contrasting CS Student and ..."
Gutica, Mirela ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Predicting Academic Performance: ..."
Hellas, Arto ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Predicting Academic Performance: ..."
Hovey, Christopher Lynnly ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Propagating the Adoption of ..."
Hughes, Janet ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "An International Investigation ..."
Hyman, Harvey ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Cloud Computing: Developing ..."
Hynninen, Timo ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Predicting Academic Performance: ..."
Ihantola, Petri ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Predicting Academic Performance: ..."
Impagliazzo, John ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Global Perspectives on Cybersecurity ..."
Jøsang, Audun ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Global Perspectives on Cybersecurity ..."
Kann, Viggo ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Modelling Competencies for ..."
Kapoor, Amanpreet ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Modelling Competencies for ..."
Knutas, Antti ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Predicting Academic Performance: ..."
Kumar, Amruth N. ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Introductory Programming: ..."
Kurkovsky, Stan ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Cloud Computing: Developing ..."
Leinonen, Juho ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Predicting Academic Performance: ..."
Liao, Soohyun Nam ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Predicting Academic Performance: ..."
Luxton-Reilly, Andrew ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Introductory Programming: ..."
Maiorana, Francesco ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Propagating the Adoption of ..."
McCarthy, Michael ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "The Internet of Things in ..."
McDermott, Roger ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Modelling Competencies for ..."
Messom, Chris ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Predicting Academic Performance: ..."
Morgan, Michael ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Contrasting CS Student and ..."
Ott, Linda ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Introductory Programming: ..."
Parrish, Allen ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Global Perspectives on Cybersecurity ..."
Paterson, James ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Introductory Programming: ..."
Pears, Arnold ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Modelling Competencies for ..."
Pereira, Teresa ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Global Perspectives on Cybersecurity ..."
Pérez, Félix Armando Fermín ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "The Internet of Things in ..."
Peters, Anne-Kathrin ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Modelling Competencies for ..."
Petersen, Andrew ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Predicting Academic Performance: ..."
Pollock, Ian ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "The Internet of Things in ..."
Raj, Rajendra K. ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Global Perspectives on Cybersecurity ..."
Riedesel, Charles ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "An International Investigation ..."
Russell, Ingrid ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "The Internet of Things in ..."
Sabin, Mihaela ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Modelling Competencies for ..."
Sakr, Majd ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Cloud Computing: Developing ..."
Santos, Henrique ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Global Perspectives on Cybersecurity ..."
Scott, Michael James ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Introductory Programming: ..."
Sheard, Judy ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Introductory Programming: ..."
Siever, Bill ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "The Internet of Things in ..."
Simon ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Introductory Programming: ..."
Sinclair, Jane ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Contrasting CS Student and ..."
Spacco, Jaime ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Propagating the Adoption of ..."
Stavrou, Eliana ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Global Perspectives on Cybersecurity ..."
Stott, Lee ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Cloud Computing: Developing ..."
Szabo, Claudia ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Introductory Programming: ..."
Taylor, Cynthia ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Propagating the Adoption of ..."
Thota, Neena ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Contrasting CS Student and ..."
Tudor, Liviana ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "The Internet of Things in ..."
Wallace, Charles ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Modelling Competencies for ..."
White, Laurie ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Cloud Computing: Developing ..."
Zarb, Mark ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "An International Investigation ..."
Zeume, Thomas ITiCSE 2018 Companion: "Propagating the Adoption of ..."

74 authors

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