ITiCSE 2018
23rd Annual ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE 2018)
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23rd Annual ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE 2018), July 2–4, 2018, Larnaca, Cyprus

ITiCSE 2018 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Aalberg, Trond ITiCSE '18: "Informatics Study Day: Helping ..."
Abandoh-Sam, Joseph A. ITiCSE '18: "An International Investigation ..."
Adaikkalavan, Raman ITiCSE '18: "iScheduler: Intelligent Scheduling ..."
Adams, Joshua ITiCSE '18: "Cloud Computing: Developing ..."
Ahadi, Alireza ITiCSE '18: "Syntax Error Based Quantification ..."
Ajanovski, Vangel V. ITiCSE '18: "Taxonomizing Features and ..."
Alavo, Raymond ITiCSE '18: "iScheduler: Intelligent Scheduling ..."
Albluwi, Ibrahim ITiCSE '18: "A Review of Introductory Programming ..."
Alencar Gonçalves, Breno ITiCSE '18: "Hackathons in the Formal Learning ..."
Alessio, Pedro ITiCSE '18: "Hackathons in the Formal Learning ..."
Alshaigy, Bedour ITiCSE '18: "An International Investigation ..."
Andreou, Panayiotis ITiCSE '18: "An Experience Report on the ..."
Antoniou, Josephina ITiCSE '18: "An Experience Report on the ..."
Arguel, Amaël ITiCSE '18: "Relationship between Computational ..."
Asghar, Muhammad Rizwan ITiCSE '18: "Global Perspectives on Cybersecurity ..."
Aycock, John ITiCSE '18: "Exercises for Teaching Reverse ..." ITiCSE '18: "Stick to the Script: Lightweight ..."
Bakhitova, Alina ITiCSE '18: "Code-Sharing Networks of Non-STEM ..."
Barker, Lecia ITiCSE '18: "The Internet of Things in ..."
Barnas, Martina ITiCSE '18: "Promoting the Adoption of ..."
Barnes, Tiffany ITiCSE '18: "Creation and Validation of ..."
Basawapatna, Ashok ITiCSE '18: "Is Drawing Video Game Characters ..."
Becker, Brett A. ITiCSE '18: "A Review of Introductory Programming ..." ITiCSE '18: "How Statistics Are Used in ..."
Becker, Evan ITiCSE '18: "Data Jam: Introducing High ..."
Begandy, Cheryl ITiCSE '18: "Data Jam: Introducing High ..."
Bergin, Susan ITiCSE '18: "Programming: Predicting Student ..."
Bettin, Briana ITiCSE '18: "The Impact of Placement in ..."
Bezáková, Ivona ITiCSE '18: "Analyzing Rich Qualitative ..."
Blasquez, Isabelle ITiCSE '18: "Experience in Learning Test-Driven ..." ITiCSE '18: "A Guideline to Teach Agile ..."
Boom, Kay-Dennis ITiCSE '18: "Relationship between Computational ..."
Bort, Heather ITiCSE '18: "The Impact of Exploring Computer ..." ITiCSE '18: "Promoting the Adoption of ..."
Bouchez-Tichadou, Florent ITiCSE '18: "Problem Solving to Teach Advanced ..."
Bouvier, Dennis ITiCSE '18: "An International Investigation ..."
Bower, Matt ITiCSE '18: "Relationship between Computational ..."
Broj, Felix ITiCSE '18: "An Interactive Online Course ..."
Brouwer, Natasa ITiCSE '18: "Cheat Me Not: Automated Proctoring ..."
Brown, David W. ITiCSE '18: "Instruction of Introductory ..."
Brown, Laura E. ITiCSE '18: "Lab Exercises for a Discrete ..."
Brylow, Dennis ITiCSE '18: "The Impact of Exploring Computer ..."
Bunde, David P. ITiCSE '18: "A Multi-institution Exploration ..." ITiCSE '18: "Promoting the Adoption of ..."
Burd, Barry ITiCSE '18: "The Internet of Things in ..."
Burke, Quinn ITiCSE '18: "Cybersecurity in Liberal Arts ..."
Butler, Matthew ITiCSE '18: "How CS Academics View Student ..." ITiCSE '18: "Contrasting CS Student and ..."
Butler, Zack ITiCSE '18: "Analyzing Rich Qualitative ..." ITiCSE '18: "Promoting the Adoption of ..."
Cabrero, Daniel G. ITiCSE '18: "Summer of Code: Assisting ..."
Cajander, Åsa ITiCSE '18: "Modeling Global Competencies ..." ITiCSE '18: "50 Years of Software Engineering: ..."
Cameron, Judy ITiCSE '18: "Data Jam: Introducing High ..."
Canfield, Stephen ITiCSE '18: "Instruction of Introductory ..."
Cassel, Lillian ITiCSE '18: "Lessons Learned from Developing ..."
Cateté, Veronica ITiCSE '18: "Creation and Validation of ..."
Cermak, Milan ITiCSE '18: "Enhancing Cybersecurity Skills ..."
Chanin, Rafael ITiCSE '18: "Challenge Based Startup Learning: ..."
Chen, Zhen ITiCSE '18: "Automatic Assessment of OpenGL ..."
Chew, Esyin ITiCSE '18: "How Seamless Are Technology-Rich ..."
Choffo, Jacqueline ITiCSE '18: "Data Jam: Introducing High ..."
Cook, Michelle ITiCSE '18: "Where Exactly Are the Difficulties ..."
Copplestone, Tara ITiCSE '18: "Exercises for Teaching Reverse ..."
Cowan, Bill ITiCSE '18: "Teaching the Societal Consequences ..."
Craig, Michelle ITiCSE '18: "Improving Complex Task Performance ..."
Daniels, Mats ITiCSE '18: "Modeling Global Competencies ..."
Davis, Christopher ITiCSE '18: "Data Jam: Introducing High ..."
DeLyser, Leigh Ann ITiCSE '18: "A Community Model of CSforALL: ..."
Deng, Qianni ITiCSE '18: "Pipelining Collaborative Test ..."
Denny, Paul ITiCSE '18: "Ladebug: An Online Tool to ..." ITiCSE '18: "Improving Complex Task Performance ..."
Dere, Jessica ITiCSE '18: "Fit-Breaks: Incorporating ..."
Dichev, Christo ITiCSE '18: "Lessons Learned from Developing ..."
Dicheva, Darina ITiCSE '18: "Lessons Learned from Developing ..."
Dimalen, Davis ITiCSE '18: "Automatic Assessment of OpenGL ..."
Divasón, Jose ITiCSE '18: "Experiences and New Alternatives ..."
Divitini, Monica ITiCSE '18: "The Internet of Things in ..."
Domingo, Carmen ITiCSE '18: "Promoting Diversity in Computing ..."
Doukakis, Spyridon ITiCSE '18: "Assessing Attention in Visual ..."
Dranidis, Dimitris ITiCSE '18: "An Authentic Student Research ..."
D'Souza, Daryl ITiCSE '18: "Adaptive Remediation for Novice ..."
Eckerdal, Anna ITiCSE '18: "How Statistics Are Used in ..."
Ekeberg, Örjan ITiCSE '18: "Student Based Program Development ..."
Erdil, D. Cenk ITiCSE '18: "Cloud Computing: Developing ..."
Erkan, Ali ITiCSE '18: "The Educational Insights and ..." ITiCSE '18: "A Novel Introduction to File ..."
Escherle, Nora ITiCSE '18: "Is Drawing Video Game Characters ..."
Euler, Stephan ITiCSE '18: "Board of Symbols: A Tool for ..."
Farrell, Margaret ITiCSE '18: "Data Jam: Introducing High ..."
Fedeli, Monica ITiCSE '18: "A Two-Staged Capstone Project ..."
Feltz, Adam ITiCSE '18: "Lab Exercises for a Discrete ..."
Fluet, Kimberly ITiCSE '18: "Analyzing Rich Qualitative ..."
Foster, Derek ITiCSE '18: "Cloud Computing: Developing ..."
Fourquet, Elodie ITiCSE '18: "Teaching the Societal Consequences ..."
Fowler, Megan ITiCSE '18: "Where Exactly Are the Difficulties ..."
Fox, Armando ITiCSE '18: "TEAMSCOPE: Measuring Software ..." ITiCSE '18: "Giving Hints Is Complicated: ..." ITiCSE '18: "In-Class Coding-Based Summative ..."
Frezza, Stephen ITiCSE '18: "Modeling Global Competencies ..."
Gama, Kiev ITiCSE '18: "Hackathons in the Formal Learning ..."
Gardner-McCune, Christina ITiCSE '18: "Considerations for Switching: ..."
Geck, Gaetano ITiCSE '18: "Introduction to Iltis: An ..."
Geigle, Chase ITiCSE '18: "CLaDS: A Cloud-Based Virtual ..."
Ghafoor, Sheikh K. ITiCSE '18: "Instruction of Introductory ..."
Giannakos, Michail ITiCSE '18: "A Review of Introductory Programming ..."
Giannopoulou, Panagiota ITiCSE '18: "Assessing Attention in Visual ..."
Glassey, Richard ITiCSE '18: "An International Investigation ..." ITiCSE '18: "Managing Assignment Feedback ..."
Goelman, Don ITiCSE '18: "Lessons Learned from Developing ..."
Gölz, Jacqueline ITiCSE '18: "Preparing First-Time CS Student ..."
Gonsalvez, Christabel ITiCSE '18: "Contrasting CS Student and ..."
Griswold, William G. ITiCSE '18: "Classroom Experience Report ..."
Groeneveldt, Andrew ITiCSE '18: "Exercises for Teaching Reverse ..."
Guerra, Jorge Guerra ITiCSE '18: "The Internet of Things in ..." ITiCSE '18: "Inclusion of Blockchain in ..."
Guha, Shion ITiCSE '18: "The Impact of Exploring Computer ..."
Gutica, Mirela ITiCSE '18: "Improving Students' Engagement ..." ITiCSE '18: "Taxonomizing Features and ..."
Hakimzadeh, Hossein ITiCSE '18: "iScheduler: Intelligent Scheduling ..."
Halle, Andrew ITiCSE '18: "In-Class Coding-Based Summative ..."
Hallstrom, Jason O. ITiCSE '18: "Where Exactly Are the Difficulties ..."
Hamouda, Sally ITiCSE '18: "How Statistics Are Used in ..."
Hansen, Stig Møller ITiCSE '18: "Towards Bespoke Creative Coding ..."
Haqqi, Saman ITiCSE '18: "Data Jam: Introducing High ..."
Harrington, Brian ITiCSE '18: "Gender, Confidence, and Mark ..." ITiCSE '18: "Fit-Breaks: Incorporating ..."
Hatziapostolou, Thanos ITiCSE '18: "An Authentic Student Research ..."
Hellas, Arto ITiCSE '18: "Crowdsourcing Programming ..." ITiCSE '18: "Taxonomizing Features and ..."
Hicks, Eric ITiCSE '18: "Code4Brownies: An Active Learning ..."
Hiew, Fui Chin ITiCSE '18: "How Seamless Are Technology-Rich ..."
Hilton, Andrew D. ITiCSE '18: "A Technique for Translation ..."
Hollingsworth, Joseph E. ITiCSE '18: "Where Exactly Are the Difficulties ..."
Hovey, Christopher Lynnly ITiCSE '18: "Promoting the Adoption of ..."
Hughes, Janet ITiCSE '18: "An International Investigation ..." ITiCSE '18: "50 Years of Software Engineering: ..."
Hyman, Harvey ITiCSE '18: "Cloud Computing: Developing ..."
Hynninen, Timo ITiCSE '18: "Guidelines for Software Testing ..." ITiCSE '18: "Taxonomizing Features and ..."
Ihantola, Petri ITiCSE '18: "Taxonomizing Features and ..."
Impagliazzo, John ITiCSE '18: "Global Perspectives on Cybersecurity ..."
Isomöttönen, Ville ITiCSE '18: "How Students Get Going: Triggers ..."
Jin, Xiaomeng ITiCSE '18: "Gender, Confidence, and Mark ..."
Jøsang, Audun ITiCSE '18: "Global Perspectives on Cybersecurity ..."
Ju, An ITiCSE '18: "TEAMSCOPE: Measuring Software ..." ITiCSE '18: "In-Class Coding-Based Summative ..."
Kaimakis, Paris ITiCSE '18: "An Experience Report on the ..."
Kangas, Vilma ITiCSE '18: "Crowdsourcing Programming ..."
Kann, Viggo ITiCSE '18: "Modeling Global Competencies ..." ITiCSE '18: "Student Based Program Development ..."
Kapitsaki, Georgia M. ITiCSE '18: "Bringing Together Undergraduate ..."
Kapoor, Amanpreet ITiCSE '18: "Considerations for Switching: ..." ITiCSE '18: "Modeling Global Competencies ..."
Kasurinen, Jussi ITiCSE '18: "Guidelines for Software Testing ..."
Kefalas, Petros ITiCSE '18: "An Authentic Student Research ..."
Khan, Minhaz ITiCSE '18: "Gender, Confidence, and Mark ..."
Kleerekoper, Anthony ITiCSE '18: "SQL Tester: An Online SQL ..."
Knutas, Antti ITiCSE '18: "Guidelines for Software Testing ..." ITiCSE '18: "Taxonomizing Features and ..."
Koelma, Dennis ITiCSE '18: "Cheat Me Not: Automated Proctoring ..."
Koulanova, Alyona ITiCSE '18: "Fit-Breaks: Incorporating ..."
Kroepfl, Hayden ITiCSE '18: "Exercises for Teaching Reverse ..."
Krusche, Stephan ITiCSE '18: "50 Years of Software Engineering: ..."
Kryven, Marta ITiCSE '18: "Teaching the Societal Consequences ..."
Kulkarni, Anagha ITiCSE '18: "Promoting Diversity in Computing ..."
Kumar, Amruth N. ITiCSE '18: "Collateral Learning of Mobile ..." ITiCSE '18: "A Review of Introductory Programming ..."
Kurkovsky, Stan ITiCSE '18: "Cloud Computing: Developing ..." ITiCSE '18: "Using LEGO to Teach Software ..."
Lamprou, Anna ITiCSE '18: "Teaching How to Teach Computational ..."
Laštovička, Martin ITiCSE '18: "Enhancing Cybersecurity Skills ..."
Leblanc, Hervé ITiCSE '18: "Experience in Learning Test-Driven ..." ITiCSE '18: "A Guideline to Teach Agile ..."
Leinonen, Juho ITiCSE '18: "Crowdsourcing Programming ..." ITiCSE '18: "Taxonomizing Features and ..."
Leung, Kai-Cheung ITiCSE '18: "Automatic Assessment of OpenGL ..."
Li, Wenxin ITiCSE '18: "Botzone: An Online Multi-agent ..."
Li, Xiangyang ITiCSE '18: "Cybersecurity in Liberal Arts ..."
Liao, Soohyun Nam ITiCSE '18: "Classroom Experience Report ..." ITiCSE '18: "A Multi-institution Exploration ..." ITiCSE '18: "Taxonomizing Features and ..."
Liao, Tao ITiCSE '18: "Pipelining Collaborative Test ..."
Lipp, Genevieve M. ITiCSE '18: "A Technique for Translation ..."
Lister, Raymond ITiCSE '18: "Syntax Error Based Quantification ..."
Ljulin, Artur ITiCSE '18: "Introduction to Iltis: An ..."
Lobb, Richard ITiCSE '18: "Automatic Assessment of OpenGL ..."
Loizou, Styliani Kleanthous ITiCSE '18: "Bringing Together Undergraduate ..."
Lorås, Madeleine ITiCSE '18: "Informatics Study Day: Helping ..."
Lourentzou, Ismini ITiCSE '18: "CLaDS: A Cloud-Based Virtual ..."
Lundahl, Jennifer ITiCSE '18: "Data Jam: Introducing High ..."
Luo, Xinjian ITiCSE '18: "Pipelining Collaborative Test ..."
Luxton-Reilly, Andrew ITiCSE '18: "Ladebug: An Online Tool to ..." ITiCSE '18: "Improving Complex Task Performance ..." ITiCSE '18: "Automatic Assessment of OpenGL ..." ITiCSE '18: "A Review of Introductory Programming ..."
Lytle, Nicholas ITiCSE '18: "Creation and Validation of ..."
Macdonald, Brian ITiCSE '18: "Data Jam: Introducing High ..."
Maestro-Prieto, Jose A. ITiCSE '18: "The Pedagogical Model of SIAL: ..."
Maharaj, Ary ITiCSE '18: "Fit-Breaks: Incorporating ..."
Maiorana, Francesco ITiCSE '18: "Promoting the Adoption of ..."
Manera, Josiane ITiCSE '18: "Is Drawing Video Game Characters ..."
Mark, Wannes van der ITiCSE '18: "Automatic Assessment of OpenGL ..."
Marshall, Laura ITiCSE '18: "Data Jam: Introducing High ..."
Mathieson, Luke ITiCSE '18: "Syntax Error Based Quantification ..."
Matuszek, Paula ITiCSE '18: "Lessons Learned from Developing ..."
McCarthy, Michael ITiCSE '18: "The Internet of Things in ..."
McCartney, Robert ITiCSE '18: "ITiCSE Working Groups and ..." ITiCSE '18: "How Statistics Are Used in ..."
McDermott, Roger ITiCSE '18: "Modeling Global Competencies ..."
McMillan, Emma ITiCSE '18: "Ladebug: An Online Tool to ..."
Mehne, Ben ITiCSE '18: "In-Class Coding-Based Summative ..."
Messom, Chris ITiCSE '18: "Taxonomizing Features and ..."
Migut, Gosia ITiCSE '18: "Cheat Me Not: Automated Proctoring ..."
Morgan, Michael ITiCSE '18: "How CS Academics View Student ..." ITiCSE '18: "Contrasting CS Student and ..."
Mountrouidou, Xenia ITiCSE '18: "Cybersecurity in Liberal Arts ..."
Musabirov, Ilya ITiCSE '18: "Code-Sharing Networks of Non-STEM ..."
Nieuwenhuyse, Anthony ITiCSE '18: "DBSnap++: Creating Data-Driven ..."
Nikkarinen, Irene ITiCSE '18: "Crowdsourcing Programming ..."
Nikolakopoulos, Ioannis ITiCSE '18: "An Authentic Student Research ..."
Nygren, Henrik ITiCSE '18: "Crowdsourcing Programming ..."
Nylén, Aletta ITiCSE '18: "How Students Get Going: Triggers ..."
Okada, Kazunori ITiCSE '18: "Promoting Diversity in Computing ..."
Ott, Linda ITiCSE '18: "The Impact of Placement in ..." ITiCSE '18: "A Review of Introductory Programming ..."
Papalaskari, Mary Angela ITiCSE '18: "Lessons Learned from Developing ..." ITiCSE '18: "Assessing Attention in Visual ..."
Parker, Alcwyn ITiCSE '18: "Crafting Engaging Programming ..."
Parrish, Allen ITiCSE '18: "Global Perspectives on Cybersecurity ..."
Parthiban, Rajendran ITiCSE '18: "How Seamless Are Technology-Rich ..."
Paspallis, Nearchos ITiCSE '18: "An Experience Report on the ..."
Paterson, James ITiCSE '18: "A Review of Introductory Programming ..."
Pears, Arnold ITiCSE '18: "Modeling Global Competencies ..."
Peng, Shichong ITiCSE '18: "Gender, Confidence, and Mark ..."
Pennings, Pleuni S. ITiCSE '18: "Promoting Diversity in Computing ..."
Pereira, Teresa ITiCSE '18: "Global Perspectives on Cybersecurity ..."
Perez, Felix Armando Fermin ITiCSE '18: "The Internet of Things in ..." ITiCSE '18: "Inclusion of Blockchain in ..."
Peter, Sebastian ITiCSE '18: "Introduction to Iltis: An ..."
Peters, Anne-Kathrin ITiCSE '18: "Modeling Global Competencies ..."
Petersen, Andrew ITiCSE '18: "A Multi-institution Exploration ..." ITiCSE '18: "Improving Complex Task Performance ..." ITiCSE '18: "Code Reviews in Large, First-Year ..." ITiCSE '18: "Taxonomizing Features and ..."
Phan, Vinhthuy ITiCSE '18: "Code4Brownies: An Active Learning ..."
Pirollo, Berni ITiCSE '18: "Data Jam: Introducing High ..."
Pirttinen, Nea ITiCSE '18: "Crowdsourcing Programming ..."
Plerou, Antonia ITiCSE '18: "Assessing Attention in Visual ..."
Pollock, Ian ITiCSE '18: "The Internet of Things in ..."
Polycarpou, Irene ITiCSE '18: "An Experience Report on the ..."
Pompermaier, Leandro ITiCSE '18: "Challenge Based Startup Learning: ..."
Porter, Leo ITiCSE '18: "Classroom Experience Report ..." ITiCSE '18: "A Multi-institution Exploration ..."
Posner, Michael ITiCSE '18: "Lessons Learned from Developing ..."
Prikladnicki, Rafael ITiCSE '18: "Challenge Based Startup Learning: ..."
Pullen, J. Mark ITiCSE '18: "Teaching Network Protocol ..."
Quille, Keith ITiCSE '18: "Programming: Predicting Student ..."
Raj, Rajendra K. ITiCSE '18: "Global Perspectives on Cybersecurity ..."
Raspopoulos, Marios ITiCSE '18: "An Experience Report on the ..."
Repenning, Alexander ITiCSE '18: "Teaching How to Teach Computational ..." ITiCSE '18: "Is Drawing Video Game Characters ..."
Repenning, Lorenzo ITiCSE '18: "Is Drawing Video Game Characters ..."
Richards, Mike ITiCSE '18: "Summer of Code: Assisting ..."
Riedesel, Charles ITiCSE '18: "An International Investigation ..."
Robertson, Judy ITiCSE '18: "Dancing Rainbots: Computing ..."
Rodger, Susan H. ITiCSE '18: "A Technique for Translation ..."
Romero, Ana ITiCSE '18: "Experiences and New Alternatives ..."
Rößling, Guido ITiCSE '18: "Preparing First-Time CS Student ..." ITiCSE '18: "An Interactive Online Course ..."
Russell, Ingrid ITiCSE '18: "The Internet of Things in ..."
Sá, Vítor J. ITiCSE '18: "Global Perspectives on Cybersecurity ..."
Sabin, Mihaela ITiCSE '18: "Modeling Global Competencies ..." ITiCSE '18: "Implementing a Competency-Based ..."
Sadjadee, Sahand ITiCSE '18: "Reducing Students' Waiting ..."
Sakr, Majd ITiCSE '18: "Cloud Computing: Developing ..."
Sales, Afonso ITiCSE '18: "Challenge Based Startup Learning: ..."
Sanders, Kate ITiCSE '18: "ITiCSE Working Groups and ..." ITiCSE '18: "How Statistics Are Used in ..."
Santisteban, Julio ITiCSE '18: "Psychometric Computational ..."
Santisteban-Muñoz, Jennifer ITiCSE '18: "Psychometric Computational ..."
Santos, Henrique ITiCSE '18: "Global Perspectives on Cybersecurity ..."
Savignano, Mark ITiCSE '18: "Is Drawing Video Game Characters ..."
Scharlau, Bruce ITiCSE '18: "50 Years of Software Engineering: ..."
Schenk, Thomas G. ITiCSE '18: "DBSnap++: Creating Data-Driven ..."
Schmidt, Jonas ITiCSE '18: "Introduction to Iltis: An ..."
Schofield, Andrew ITiCSE '18: "SQL Tester: An Online SQL ..."
Scholkmann, Antonia ITiCSE '18: "Relationship between Computational ..."
Schwab, Tim ITiCSE '18: "Where Exactly Are the Difficulties ..."
Scott, Michael James ITiCSE '18: "A Review of Introductory Programming ..." ITiCSE '18: "Crafting Engaging Programming ..."
Shaw, Lindsay ITiCSE '18: "Automatic Assessment of OpenGL ..."
Sheard, Judy ITiCSE '18: "How Seamless Are Technology-Rich ..." ITiCSE '18: "A Review of Introductory Programming ..." ITiCSE '18: "How Statistics Are Used in ..."
Siemon, Jens ITiCSE '18: "Relationship between Computational ..."
Siever, Bill ITiCSE '18: "The Internet of Things in ..."
Silva, Yasin N. ITiCSE '18: "DBSnap++: Creating Data-Driven ..."
Silvis-Cividjian, Natalia ITiCSE '18: "A Safety-Aware, Systems-Based ..."
Simon ITiCSE '18: "A Review of Introductory Programming ..." ITiCSE '18: "How Statistics Are Used in ..."
Simon-Hurtado, Arancha ITiCSE '18: "The Pedagogical Model of SIAL: ..."
Sinclair, Jane ITiCSE '18: "How CS Academics View Student ..." ITiCSE '18: "Contrasting CS Student and ..."
Sitaraman, Murali ITiCSE '18: "Where Exactly Are the Difficulties ..."
Smith, Neil ITiCSE '18: "Summer of Code: Assisting ..."
Snoek, Cees G. M. ITiCSE '18: "Cheat Me Not: Automated Proctoring ..."
Soltanpoor, Reza ITiCSE '18: "Adaptive Remediation for Novice ..."
Sooriamurthi, Raja ITiCSE '18: "Introducing Big Data Analytics ..." ITiCSE '18: "Data Jam: Introducing High ..."
Sotiriadou, Anna ITiCSE '18: "An Authentic Student Research ..."
Spacco, Jaime ITiCSE '18: "A Multi-institution Exploration ..." ITiCSE '18: "Promoting the Adoption of ..."
Stavrou, Eliana ITiCSE '18: "Global Perspectives on Cybersecurity ..."
Stephens-Martinez, Kristin ITiCSE '18: "Giving Hints Is Complicated: ..."
Stevenson, Elizabeth ITiCSE '18: "Ladebug: An Online Tool to ..."
Stott, Lee ITiCSE '18: "Cloud Computing: Developing ..."
Sun, Yu-Shan ITiCSE '18: "Where Exactly Are the Difficulties ..."
Sundaram, Hari ITiCSE '18: "CLaDS: A Cloud-Based Virtual ..."
Suselo, Thomas ITiCSE '18: "Automatic Assessment of OpenGL ..."
Švábenský, Valdemar ITiCSE '18: "Enhancing Cybersecurity Skills ..."
Symons, Alaura ITiCSE '18: "DBSnap++: Creating Data-Driven ..."
Szabo, Claudia ITiCSE '18: "A Review of Introductory Programming ..."
Taipale, Ossi ITiCSE '18: "Guidelines for Software Testing ..."
Taylor, Cynthia ITiCSE '18: "A Multi-institution Exploration ..." ITiCSE '18: "Promoting the Adoption of ..."
Tempero, Ewan ITiCSE '18: "Ladebug: An Online Tool to ..."
Terzi, Maria ITiCSE '18: "An Experience Report on the ..."
Thevathayan, Charles ITiCSE '18: "Adaptive Remediation for Novice ..."
Thota, Neena ITiCSE '18: "How CS Academics View Student ..." ITiCSE '18: "Contrasting CS Student and ..."