ISSTA 2022
31st ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2022)
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31st ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2022), July 18–22, 2022, Virtual, South Korea

ISSTA 2022 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Abreu, Rui ISSTA '22: "Maestro: A Platform for Benchmarking ..." ISSTA '22: "QMutPy: A Mutation Testing ..."
Adão, Pedro ISSTA '22: "Maestro: A Platform for Benchmarking ..."
Aguirre, Nazareno ISSTA '22: "ATR: Template-Based Repair ..."
Aleti, Aldeida ISSTA '22: "Human-in-the-Loop Oracle Learning ..."
An, Gabin ISSTA '22: "FDG: A Precise Measurement ..."
Andronidis, Anastasios ISSTA '22: "SnapFuzz: High-Throughput ..."
Artho, Cyrille ISSTA '22: "Finding Permission Bugs in ..."
Bagheri, Hamid ISSTA '22: "ATR: Template-Based Repair ..." ISSTA '22: "Combining Solution Reuse and ..."
Banescu, Sebastian ISSTA '22: "An Empirical Study on the ..."
Baudart, Guillaume ISSTA '22: "The Raise of Machine Learning ..."
Bell, Jonathan ISSTA '22: "On the Use of Mutation Analysis ..."
Beyah, Raheem ISSTA '22: "SLIME: Program-Sensitive Energy ..." ISSTA '22: "A Large-Scale Empirical Analysis ..."
Bodden, Eric ISSTA '22: "A Large-Scale Study of Usability ..."
Bodea, Alexandru ISSTA '22: "Pytest-Smell: A Smell Detection ..."
Böhme, Marcel ISSTA '22: "Human-in-the-Loop Oracle Learning ..."
Brauße, Franz ISSTA '22: "ESBMC-CHERI: Towards Verification ..."
Briand, Lionel C. ISSTA '22: "ATUA: An Update-Driven App ..."
Brida, Simón Gutiérrez ISSTA '22: "ATR: Template-Based Repair ..."
Bui, Quang-Cuong ISSTA '22: "Maestro: A Platform for Benchmarking ..."
Busse, Frank ISSTA '22: "Combining Static Analysis ..."
Cadar, Cristian ISSTA '22: "SnapFuzz: High-Throughput ..." ISSTA '22: "Combining Static Analysis ..."
Cai, Haipeng ISSTA '22: "Automatically Detecting API-Induced ..." ISSTA '22: "NCScope: Hardware-Assisted ..." ISSTA '22: "WASAI: Uncovering Vulnerabilities ..."
Campos, José ISSTA '22: "QMutPy: A Mutation Testing ..."
Cannavacciuolo, Cecilio ISSTA '22: "Automatic Generation of Smoke ..."
Cavalcante, Helena ISSTA '22: "ESBMC-Jimple: Verifying Kotlin ..."
Chen, Muxi ISSTA '22: "HybridRepair: Towards Annotation-Efficient ..."
Chen, Rui ISSTA '22: "SpecChecker-ISA: A Data Sharing ..." ISSTA '22: "Precise and Efficient Atomicity ..."
Chen, Wei ISSTA '22: "Understanding Device Integration ..."
Chen, Weimin ISSTA '22: "WASAI: Uncovering Vulnerabilities ..."
Chen, Xiao ISSTA '22: "SmartDagger: A Bytecode-Based ..."
Chen, Zhenyu ISSTA '22: "UniRLTest: Universal Platform-Independent ..." ISSTA '22: "ASRTest: Automated Testing ..." ISSTA '22: "LiRTest: Augmenting LiDAR ..."
Cheng, Xiao ISSTA '22: "Path-Sensitive Code Embedding ..."
Christakis, Maria ISSTA '22: "Metamorphic Relations via ..."
Cordeiro, Lucas C. ISSTA '22: "ESBMC-CHERI: Towards Verification ..." ISSTA '22: "ESBMC-Jimple: Verifying Kotlin ..."
De Freitas, Rosiane ISSTA '22: "ESBMC-Jimple: Verifying Kotlin ..."
DeOrio, Andrew ISSTA '22: "On the Use of Mutation Analysis ..."
Dolby, Julian ISSTA '22: "The Raise of Machine Learning ..."
Donaldson, Alastair F. ISSTA '22: "Combining Static Analysis ..."
Dong, Jin Song ISSTA '22: "RegMiner: Towards Constructing ..."
Dong, Zhen ISSTA '22: "iFixDataloss: A Tool for Detecting ..." ISSTA '22: "Detecting and Fixing Data ..."
Dou, Wensheng ISSTA '22: "Finding Bugs in Gremlin-Based ..." ISSTA '22: "Understanding Device Integration ..."
Duck, Gregory J. ISSTA '22: "Program Vulnerability Repair ..."
Eniser, Hasan Ferit ISSTA '22: "Metamorphic Relations via ..."
Fan, Ming ISSTA '22: "One Step Further: Evaluating ..."
Fang, Chunrong ISSTA '22: "UniRLTest: Universal Platform-Independent ..." ISSTA '22: "CIRCLE: Continual Repair across ..."
Fazzini, Mattia ISSTA '22: "Automatically Detecting API-Induced ..."
Feng, Yang ISSTA '22: "ASRTest: Automated Testing ..." ISSTA '22: "LiRTest: Augmenting LiDAR ..."
Fortunato, Daniel ISSTA '22: "QMutPy: A Mutation Testing ..."
Franz, Michael ISSTA '22: "Improving Cross-Platform Binary ..."
Frias, Marcelo F. ISSTA '22: "ATR: Template-Based Repair ..."
Gadelha, Mikhail R. ISSTA '22: "ESBMC-CHERI: Towards Verification ..."
Gao, Dongdong ISSTA '22: "SpecChecker-ISA: A Data Sharing ..." ISSTA '22: "Precise and Efficient Atomicity ..."
Gao, Xiang ISSTA '22: "Program Vulnerability Repair ..."
Gao, Yu ISSTA '22: "Finding Bugs in Gremlin-Based ..."
Gao, Zeyu ISSTA '22: "jTrans: Jump-Aware Transformer ..."
Ghaleb, Asem ISSTA '22: "eTainter: Detecting Gas-Related ..."
Ghanbari, Ali ISSTA '22: "Faster Mutation Analysis with ..." ISSTA '22: "Patch Correctness Assessment ..."
Gharat, Pritam ISSTA '22: "Combining Static Analysis ..."
Godfrey, Michael W. ISSTA '22: "DocTer: Documentation-Guided ..."
Gong, Yuanjun ISSTA '22: "Hunting Bugs with Accelerated ..."
Gros, Timo P. ISSTA '22: "Metamorphic Relations via ..."
Grundy, John ISSTA '22: "Automatically Detecting API-Induced ..."
Guha, Arjun ISSTA '22: "On the Use of Mutation Analysis ..."
Guo, An ISSTA '22: "LiRTest: Augmenting LiDAR ..."
Guo, Shengjian ISSTA '22: "Detecting Multi-sensor Fusion ..."
Guo, Wunan ISSTA '22: "iFixDataloss: A Tool for Detecting ..." ISSTA '22: "Detecting and Fixing Data ..."
Han, Meng ISSTA '22: "SLIME: Program-Sensitive Energy ..."
Hao, Xiaodong ISSTA '22: "CIRCLE: Continual Repair across ..."
He, Pinjia ISSTA '22: "AEON: A Method for Automatic ..." ISSTA '22: "Automated Testing of Image ..."
He, Tieke ISSTA '22: "CIRCLE: Continual Repair across ..."
Hirzel, Martin ISSTA '22: "The Raise of Machine Learning ..."
Hoffmann, Jörg ISSTA '22: "Metamorphic Relations via ..."
Hong, Sanghyun ISSTA '22: "Improving Cross-Platform Binary ..."
Hu, Zhisheng ISSTA '22: "Detecting Multi-sensor Fusion ..."
Huang, Jen-tse ISSTA '22: "AEON: A Method for Automatic ..."
Huang, Jianjun ISSTA '22: "Hunting Bugs with Accelerated ..."
Huang, Pei ISSTA '22: "𝜀-Weakened Robustness ..."
Huang, Tao ISSTA '22: "Understanding Device Integration ..."
Hung, Nguyen Quoc Viet ISSTA '22: "CIRCLE: Continual Repair across ..."
Irfan, Ahmed ISSTA '22: "Testing Dafny (Experience ..."
Ji, Kaihang ISSTA '22: "TeLL: Log Level Suggestions ..."
Ji, Pin ISSTA '22: "ASRTest: Automated Testing ..."
Ji, Shouling ISSTA '22: "SLIME: Program-Sensitive Energy ..." ISSTA '22: "A Large-Scale Empirical Analysis ..."
Jia, Fuqi ISSTA '22: "𝜀-Weakened Robustness ..."
Jiang, Yu ISSTA '22: "Unicorn: Detect Runtime Errors ..."
Jin, Wuxia ISSTA '22: "One Step Further: Evaluating ..."
Kang, Hong Jin ISSTA '22: "Test Mimicry to Assess the ..."
Kapugama, Charaka Geethal ISSTA '22: "Human-in-the-Loop Oracle Learning ..."
Katz, Gilad ISSTA '22: "jTrans: Jump-Aware Transformer ..."
Kaufman, Mike ISSTA '22: "Using Pre-trained Language ..."
Kim, Geunwoo ISSTA '22: "Improving Cross-Platform Binary ..."
Kim, Mijung ISSTA '22: "DocTer: Documentation-Guided ..."
Kim, Myeongsoo ISSTA '22: "Automated Test Generation ..."
Korovin, Konstantin ISSTA '22: "ESBMC-CHERI: Towards Verification ..."
Lahiri, Shuvendu K. ISSTA '22: "Using Pre-trained Language ..."
Lahiri, Sumit ISSTA '22: "Almost Correct Invariants: ..."
Lange, John ISSTA '22: "Deadlock Prediction via Generalized ..."
Le, Bach ISSTA '22: "Test Mimicry to Assess the ..."
Li, Chao ISSTA '22: "SpecChecker-ISA: A Data Sharing ..." ISSTA '22: "Precise and Efficient Atomicity ..."
Li, Chengpeng ISSTA '22: "Evolution-Aware Detection ..."
Li, Haoliang ISSTA '22: "Cross-Lingual Transfer Learning ..."
Li, Jing ISSTA '22: "An Extensive Study on Pre-trained ..."
Li, Li ISSTA '22: "Automatically Detecting API-Induced ..."
Li, Qi ISSTA '22: "BET: Black-Box Efficient Testing ..."
Li, Xin ISSTA '22: "UniRLTest: Universal Platform-Independent ..."
Li, Xuandong ISSTA '22: "Detecting Resource Utilization ..."
Li, Yi ISSTA '22: "Cross-Lingual Transfer Learning ..." ISSTA '22: "Finding Permission Bugs in ..."
Li, Yitong ISSTA '22: "DocTer: Documentation-Guided ..."
Li, Yu ISSTA '22: "HybridRepair: Towards Annotation-Efficient ..."
Li, Yuekang ISSTA '22: "Efficient Greybox Fuzzing ..."
Li, Yun ISSTA '22: "SLIME: Program-Sensitive Energy ..."
Li, Zheming ISSTA '22: "PrIntFuzz: Fuzzing Linux Drivers ..."
Li, Zhiming ISSTA '22: "Cross-Lingual Transfer Learning ..."
Li, Zongpeng ISSTA '22: "BET: Black-Box Efficient Testing ..."
Liang, Bin ISSTA '22: "Hunting Bugs with Accelerated ..."
Liang, Hong ISSTA '22: "SLIME: Program-Sensitive Energy ..."
Liang, Jie ISSTA '22: "Unicorn: Detect Runtime Errors ..."
Liang, Zhenkai ISSTA '22: "TeLL: Log Level Suggestions ..."
Liao, Zeqin ISSTA '22: "SmartDagger: A Bytecode-Based ..."
Lin, Changting ISSTA '22: "A Large-Scale Empirical Analysis ..."
Lin, Shang-Wei ISSTA '22: "Finding Permission Bugs in ..."
Lin, Yun ISSTA '22: "RegMiner: Towards Constructing ..."
Lipp, Stephan ISSTA '22: "An Empirical Study on the ..."
Liu, Jia ISSTA '22: "ASRTest: Automated Testing ..."
Liu, Jiahao ISSTA '22: "TeLL: Log Level Suggestions ..."
Liu, Minghao ISSTA '22: "𝜀-Weakened Robustness ..."
Liu, Pei ISSTA '22: "Automatically Detecting API-Induced ..."
Liu, Ting ISSTA '22: "One Step Further: Evaluating ..."
Liu, Tongping ISSTA '22: "Deadlock Prediction via Generalized ..."
Liu, Xuwei ISSTA '22: "TensileFuzz: Facilitating ..."
Liu, Yang ISSTA '22: "Cross-Lingual Transfer Learning ..." ISSTA '22: "Efficient Greybox Fuzzing ..."
Liu, Ye ISSTA '22: "Finding Permission Bugs in ..."
Liu, Yulei ISSTA '22: "UniRLTest: Universal Platform-Independent ..."
Lo, David ISSTA '22: "Test Mimicry to Assess the ..."
Lu, Yifei ISSTA '22: "Detecting Resource Utilization ..."
Luo, Xiapu ISSTA '22: "PrIntFuzz: Fuzzing Linux Drivers ..." ISSTA '22: "NCScope: Hardware-Assisted ..." ISSTA '22: "WASAI: Uncovering Vulnerabilities ..." ISSTA '22: "Park: Accelerating Smart Contract ..."
Lyu, Chenyang ISSTA '22: "SLIME: Program-Sensitive Energy ..." ISSTA '22: "A Large-Scale Empirical Analysis ..."
Lyu, Michael R. ISSTA '22: "AEON: A Method for Automatic ..."
Ma, Feifei ISSTA '22: "𝜀-Weakened Robustness ..."
Ma, Siqi ISSTA '22: "PrIntFuzz: Fuzzing Linux Drivers ..."
Ma, Zheyu ISSTA '22: "PrIntFuzz: Fuzzing Linux Drivers ..."
Marcus, Andrian ISSTA '22: "Faster Mutation Analysis with ..." ISSTA '22: "Patch Correctness Assessment ..."
Mariani, Leonardo ISSTA '22: "Automatic Generation of Smoke ..."
Mei, Hong ISSTA '22: "RegMiner: Towards Constructing ..."
Menezes, Rafael ISSTA '22: "ESBMC-CHERI: Towards Verification ..." ISSTA '22: "ESBMC-Jimple: Verifying Kotlin ..."
Milanova, Ana ISSTA '22: "The Raise of Machine Learning ..."
Moura, Daniel ISSTA '22: "ESBMC-Jimple: Verifying Kotlin ..."
Moussa, Rebecca ISSTA '22: "On the Use of Evaluation Measures ..."
Mytkowicz, Todd ISSTA '22: "Using Pre-trained Language ..."
Nachtigall, Marcus ISSTA '22: "A Large-Scale Study of Usability ..."
Nan, Yuhong ISSTA '22: "SmartDagger: A Bytecode-Based ..."
Ng, Siang Hwee ISSTA '22: "RegMiner: Towards Constructing ..."
Ngo, Chanh-Duc ISSTA '22: "ATUA: An Update-Driven App ..."
Nguyen, ThanhVu ISSTA '22: "ATR: Template-Based Repair ..."
Nguyen, Truong Giang ISSTA '22: "Test Mimicry to Assess the ..."
Orso, Alessandro ISSTA '22: "Automated Test Generation ..."
Pan, Minxue ISSTA '22: "Detecting Resource Utilization ..."
Pang, Qi ISSTA '22: "MDPFuzz: Testing Models Solving ..."
Păsăreanu, Corina S. ISSTA '22: "Test Mimicry to Assess the ..."
Pastore, Fabrizio ISSTA '22: "ATUA: An Update-Driven App ..."
Pattabiraman, Karthik ISSTA '22: "eTainter: Detecting Gas-Related ..."
Pei, Yu ISSTA '22: "Detecting Resource Utilization ..."
Peng, Xin ISSTA '22: "iFixDataloss: A Tool for Detecting ..." ISSTA '22: "RegMiner: Towards Constructing ..." ISSTA '22: "Detecting and Fixing Data ..."
Perretta, James ISSTA '22: "On the Use of Mutation Analysis ..."
Pham, Hung Viet ISSTA '22: "DocTer: Documentation-Guided ..."
Pham, Van-Thuan ISSTA '22: "Human-in-the-Loop Oracle Learning ..."
Pinconschi, Eduard ISSTA '22: "Maestro: A Platform for Benchmarking ..."
Piskac, Ruzica ISSTA '22: "Using Pre-trained Language ..."
Porncharoenwase, Sorawee ISSTA '22: "Testing Dafny (Experience ..."
Pretschner, Alexander ISSTA '22: "An Empirical Study on the ..."
Qin, Xinran ISSTA '22: "Automated Testing of Image ..."
Qin, Zheng ISSTA '22: "Finding Bugs in Gremlin-Based ..."
Qiu, Han ISSTA '22: "BET: Black-Box Efficient Testing ..." ISSTA '22: "jTrans: Jump-Aware Transformer ..."
Qu, Wenjie ISSTA '22: "jTrans: Jump-Aware Transformer ..."
Rakamarić, Zvonimir ISSTA '22: "Testing Dafny (Experience ..."
Rak-amnouykit, Ingkarat ISSTA '22: "The Raise of Machine Learning ..."
Ray, Baishakhi ISSTA '22: "Detecting Multi-sensor Fusion ..."
Reger, Giles ISSTA '22: "ESBMC-CHERI: Towards Verification ..."
Regis, Germán ISSTA '22: "ATR: Template-Based Repair ..."
Ren, Letu ISSTA '22: "PrIntFuzz: Fuzzing Linux Drivers ..."
Rong, Yi ISSTA '22: "BET: Black-Box Efficient Testing ..."
Roy, Subhajit ISSTA '22: "Almost Correct Invariants: ..."
Roychoudhury, Abhik ISSTA '22: "Program Vulnerability Repair ..."
Rubin, Julia ISSTA '22: "eTainter: Detecting Gas-Related ..."
Rungta, Neha ISSTA '22: "Testing Dafny (Experience ..."
Sarro, Federica ISSTA '22: "On the Use of Evaluation Measures ..."
Scandariato, Riccardo ISSTA '22: "Maestro: A Platform for Benchmarking ..."
Schlichtig, Michael ISSTA '22: "A Large-Scale Study of Usability ..."
Shen, Liwei ISSTA '22: "iFixDataloss: A Tool for Detecting ..." ISSTA '22: "Detecting and Fixing Data ..."
Shi, August ISSTA '22: "Evolution-Aware Detection ..."
Shi, Wenchang ISSTA '22: "Hunting Bugs with Accelerated ..."
Shmarov, Fedor ISSTA '22: "ESBMC-CHERI: Towards Verification ..."
Sinha, Saurabh ISSTA '22: "Automated Test Generation ..."
Song, Dokyung ISSTA '22: "Improving Cross-Platform Binary ..."
Song, Wei ISSTA '22: "PermDroid: Automatically Testing ..."
Song, Xuezhi ISSTA '22: "RegMiner: Towards Constructing ..."
Stevens, Clay ISSTA '22: "Combining Solution Reuse and ..."
Su, Ting ISSTA '22: "iFixDataloss: A Tool for Detecting ..." ISSTA '22: "Detecting and Fixing Data ..."
Su, Yuxin ISSTA '22: "AEON: A Method for Automatic ..."
Sui, Yulei ISSTA '22: "Path-Sensitive Code Embedding ..."
Sun, Limin ISSTA '22: "Efficient Greybox Fuzzing ..."
Sun, Zihan ISSTA '22: "WASAI: Uncovering Vulnerabilities ..."
Tan, Hanzhuo ISSTA '22: "An Extensive Study on Pre-trained ..."
Tan, Lin ISSTA '22: "DocTer: Documentation-Guided ..."
Tang, Lei ISSTA '22: "Finding Bugs in Gremlin-Based ..."
Tian, Wei ISSTA '22: "iFixDataloss: A Tool for Detecting ..." ISSTA '22: "Detecting and Fixing Data ..."
Tian, Yuan ISSTA '22: "A Large-Scale Empirical Analysis ..."
Tonella, Paolo ISSTA '22: "Simple Techniques Work Surprisingly ..."
Torlak, Emina ISSTA '22: "Testing Dafny (Experience ..."
Wang, Boxiang ISSTA '22: "SpecChecker-ISA: A Data Sharing ..." ISSTA '22: "Precise and Efficient Atomicity ..."
Wang, Dong ISSTA '22: "Finding Bugs in Gremlin-Based ..."
Wang, Hao ISSTA '22: "jTrans: Jump-Aware Transformer ..."
Wang, Haoyu ISSTA '22: "Path-Sensitive Code Embedding ..."