ISSTA 2021
30th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2021)
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30th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2021), July 11–17, 2021, Virtual, Denmark

ISSTA 2021 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Almanza, Abigail ISSTA '21: "Fixing Dependency Errors for ..."
Bai, Guangdong ISSTA '21: "MoScan: A Model-Based Vulnerability ..." ISSTA '21: "Identifying Privacy Weaknesses ..."
Bi, Yanxiang ISSTA '21: "Boosting Symbolic Execution ..."
Bianculli, Domenico ISSTA '21: "Log-Based Slicing for System-Level ..."
Briand, Lionel C. ISSTA '21: "Log-Based Slicing for System-Level ..." ISSTA '21: "Automatic Test Suite Generation ..."
Bu, Lei ISSTA '21: "Identifying Privacy Weaknesses ..."
Cai, Yan ISSTA '21: "Empirical Evaluation of Smart ..." ISSTA '21: "RAProducer: Efficiently Diagnose ..."
Chai, Dong ISSTA '21: "Predoo: Precision Testing ..."
Chen, Guangke ISSTA '21: "Attack as Defense: Characterizing ..."
Chen, Kaixiang ISSTA '21: "iDEV: Exploring and Exploiting ..."
Chen, Ting ISSTA '21: "SCStudio: A Secure and Efficient ..."
Chen, Xueyuan ISSTA '21: "Validating Static Warnings ..."
Chen, Zehua ISSTA '21: "Synthesize Solving Strategy ..."
Chen, Zhe ISSTA '21: "Runtime Detection of Memory ..."
Chen, Zhenbang ISSTA '21: "Synthesize Solving Strategy ..." ISSTA '21: "Type and Interval Aware Array ..." ISSTA '21: "Grammar-Agnostic Symbolic ..."
Chen, Zhenyu ISSTA '21: "TauMed: Test Augmentation ..." ISSTA '21: "DialTest: Automated Testing ..." ISSTA '21: "Predoo: Precision Testing ..."
Cheng, Runxiang ISSTA '21: "Test-Case Prioritization for ..."
Cheng, Shaoyin ISSTA '21: "A Lightweight Framework for ..."
Darulova, Eva ISSTA '21: "Interval Constraint-Based ..."
Deng, Yuetang ISSTA '21: "GUIDER: GUI Structure and ..."
Ding, Yifeng ISSTA '21: "AdvDoor: Adversarial Backdoor ..."
Donaldson, Alastair F. ISSTA '21: "C4: The C Compiler Concurrency ..."
Dong, Haoyu ISSTA '21: "Semantic Table Structure Identification ..."
Dong, Jin Song ISSTA '21: "Identifying Privacy Weaknesses ..."
Dong, Zhen ISSTA '21: "Understanding and Finding ..."
Dou, Wensheng ISSTA '21: "Semantic Table Structure Identification ..."
Duck, Gregory J. ISSTA '21: "Automated Patch Backporting ..."
Dunn, Isaac ISSTA '21: "Exposing Previously Undetectable ..."
Dutta, Arpita ISSTA '21: "Toward Optimal MC/DC Test ..."
Dutta, Saikat ISSTA '21: "TERA: Optimizing Stochastic ..."
Elsner, Daniel ISSTA '21: "Empirically Evaluating Readily ..."
Fang, Chunrong ISSTA '21: "TauMed: Test Augmentation ..." ISSTA '21: "Predoo: Precision Testing ..."
Feng, Yang ISSTA '21: "DialTest: Automated Testing ..."
Fernando, Dileepa ISSTA '21: "Identifying Privacy Weaknesses ..."
Fu, Ying ISSTA '21: "SCStudio: A Secure and Efficient ..."
Gambi, Alessio ISSTA '21: "DeepHyperion: Exploring the ..."
Gao, Han ISSTA '21: "A Lightweight Framework for ..."
Gao, Xiang ISSTA '21: "Automated Patch Backporting ..."
Godboley, Sangharatna ISSTA '21: "Toward Optimal MC/DC Test ..."
Grieco, Gustavo ISSTA '21: "echidna-parade: A Tool for ..."
Groce, Alex ISSTA '21: "echidna-parade: A Tool for ..."
Gui, Binfa ISSTA '21: "UAFSan: An Object-Identifier-Based ..."
Gunadi, Hendra ISSTA '21: "Seed Selection for Successful ..."
Guo, Jianmin ISSTA '21: "AdvDoor: Adversarial Backdoor ..."
Habib, Andrew ISSTA '21: "Finding Data Compatibility ..."
Halfond, William G. J. ISSTA '21: "SAND: A Static Analysis Approach ..."
Han, Shi ISSTA '21: "Semantic Table Structure Identification ..."
Haq, Fitash Ul ISSTA '21: "Automatic Test Suite Generation ..."
Haque, Wasif ISSTA '21: "WebEvo: Taming Web Application ..."
Hassanshahi, Behnaz ISSTA '21: "MoScan: A Model-Based Vulnerability ..."
Hauer, Florian ISSTA '21: "Empirically Evaluating Readily ..."
He, Jiawei ISSTA '21: "TauMed: Test Augmentation ..."
Herrera, Adrian ISSTA '21: "Seed Selection for Successful ..."
Hirzel, Martin ISSTA '21: "Finding Data Compatibility ..."
Hosking, Antony L. ISSTA '21: "Seed Selection for Successful ..."
Hou, Yunhan ISSTA '21: "TauMed: Test Augmentation ..."
Huang, Heqing ISSTA '21: "Fuzzing SMT Solvers via Two-Dimensional ..."
Huang, Jeff ISSTA '21: "UAFSan: An Object-Identifier-Based ..."
Humbatova, Nargiz ISSTA '21: "DeepCrime: Mutation Testing ..."
Jaffar, Joxan ISSTA '21: "Toward Optimal MC/DC Test ..."
Jahangirova, Gunel ISSTA '21: "DeepCrime: Mutation Testing ..."
Jain, Aryaman ISSTA '21: "TERA: Optimizing Stochastic ..."
Jeangoudoux, Clothilde ISSTA '21: "Interval Constraint-Based ..."
Jia, Zhouyang ISSTA '21: "Challenges and Opportunities: ..."
Jiang, Muhui ISSTA '21: "Parema: An Unpacking Framework ..."
Jiang, Xinrui ISSTA '21: "Faster, Deeper, Easier: Crowdsourcing ..."
Jiang, Yu ISSTA '21: "SCStudio: A Secure and Efficient ..." ISSTA '21: "AdvDoor: Adversarial Backdoor ..." ISSTA '21: "Empirical Evaluation of Smart ..."
Jin, Hai ISSTA '21: "HomDroid: Detecting Android ..."
Kallingal Joshy, Ashwin ISSTA '21: "Validating Static Warnings ..."
Krishnan, Padmanabhan ISSTA '21: "MoScan: A Model-Based Vulnerability ..."
Kroening, Daniel ISSTA '21: "Exposing Previously Undetectable ..."
Lam, Wing ISSTA '21: "An Infrastructure Approach ..."
Lauter, Christoph ISSTA '21: "Interval Constraint-Based ..."
Lawall, Julia ISSTA '21: "Automated Patch Backporting ..."
Le, Wei ISSTA '21: "Validating Static Warnings ..."
Lee, Yeseop ISSTA '21: "RAProducer: Efficiently Diagnose ..."
Li, Guiyin ISSTA '21: "GUIDER: GUI Structure and ..."
Li, Huizhong ISSTA '21: "SCStudio: A Secure and Efficient ..." ISSTA '21: "Empirical Evaluation of Smart ..."
Li, Junxin ISSTA '21: "Understanding and Finding ..."
Li, Shanshan ISSTA '21: "Challenges and Opportunities: ..."
Li, Wang ISSTA '21: "Challenges and Opportunities: ..."
Li, Xiang ISSTA '21: "HomDroid: Detecting Android ..."
Li, Xuandong ISSTA '21: "GUIDER: GUI Structure and ..."
Li, Yishuai ISSTA '21: "Model-Based Testing of Networked ..."
Li, Yuanchun ISSTA '21: "ModelDiff: Testing-Based DNN ..."
Li, Yun ISSTA '21: "RAProducer: Efficiently Diagnose ..."
Li, Zheming ISSTA '21: "iDEV: Exploring and Exploiting ..."
Liang, Zhenkai ISSTA '21: "Identifying Privacy Weaknesses ..."
Liao, Xiangke ISSTA '21: "Challenges and Opportunities: ..."
Liu, Bingyan ISSTA '21: "ModelDiff: Testing-Based DNN ..."
Liu, Jia ISSTA '21: "Predoo: Precision Testing ..."
Liu, Jiawei ISSTA '21: "TauMed: Test Augmentation ..." ISSTA '21: "Predoo: Precision Testing ..."
Liu, Yunxin ISSTA '21: "ModelDiff: Testing-Based DNN ..."
Liu, Zixi ISSTA '21: "DialTest: Automated Testing ..."
Luo, Sicheng ISSTA '21: "Boosting Symbolic Execution ..."
Luo, Xiapu ISSTA '21: "Parema: An Unpacking Framework ..."
Luo, Yunlai ISSTA '21: "Grammar-Agnostic Symbolic ..."
Lv, Xiao ISSTA '21: "Semantic Table Structure Identification ..."
Lyu, Yingjun ISSTA '21: "SAND: A Static Analysis Approach ..."
Ma, Fuchen ISSTA '21: "SCStudio: A Secure and Efficient ..." ISSTA '21: "Empirical Evaluation of Smart ..."
Ma, Meng ISSTA '21: "Faster, Deeper, Easier: Crowdsourcing ..."
Maghareh, Rasool ISSTA '21: "Toward Optimal MC/DC Test ..."
Magrath, Shane ISSTA '21: "Seed Selection for Successful ..."
Mahadewa, Kulani ISSTA '21: "Identifying Privacy Weaknesses ..."
Mariani, Leonardo ISSTA '21: "Semantic Matching of GUI Events ..."
Marinov, Darko ISSTA '21: "Test-Case Prioritization for ..."
Martin-Lopez, Alberto ISSTA '21: "RESTest: Automated Black-Box ..."
Melham, Tom ISSTA '21: "Exposing Previously Undetectable ..."
Messaoudi, Salma ISSTA '21: "Log-Based Slicing for System-Level ..."
Misailovic, Sasa ISSTA '21: "TERA: Optimizing Stochastic ..."
Møller, Anders ISSTA '21: "Modular Call Graph Construction ..."
Mohebbi, Ali ISSTA '21: "Semantic Matching of GUI Events ..."
Mordahl, Austin ISSTA '21: "The Impact of Tool Configuration ..."
Mukherjee, Suchita ISSTA '21: "Fixing Dependency Errors for ..."
Natella, Roberto ISSTA '21: "ProFuzzBench: A Benchmark ..."
Nielsen, Benjamin Barslev ISSTA '21: "Modular Call Graph Construction ..."
Noller, Yannic ISSTA '21: "QFuzz: Quantitative Fuzzing ..."
Norrish, Michael ISSTA '21: "Seed Selection for Successful ..."
Orso, Alessandro ISSTA '21: "Automated Debugging: Past, ..."
Pan, Cong ISSTA '21: "Continuous Test Suite Failure ..."
Pan, Minxue ISSTA '21: "GUIDER: GUI Structure and ..."
Pan, Weiyu ISSTA '21: "Synthesize Solving Strategy ..." ISSTA '21: "Grammar-Agnostic Symbolic ..."
Pan, Yicheng ISSTA '21: "Faster, Deeper, Easier: Crowdsourcing ..."
Panichella, Annibale ISSTA '21: "Log-Based Slicing for System-Level ..."
Parnin, Chris ISSTA '21: "Automated Debugging: Past, ..."
Payer, Mathias ISSTA '21: "Seed Selection for Successful ..." ISSTA '21: "Gramatron: Effective Grammar-Aware ..."
Pei, Yu ISSTA '21: "GUIDER: GUI Structure and ..."
Pezzè, Mauro ISSTA '21: "Semantic Matching of GUI Events ..."
Pham, Van-Thuan ISSTA '21: "ProFuzzBench: A Benchmark ..."
Pierce, Benjamin C. ISSTA '21: "Model-Based Testing of Networked ..."
Pouget, Hadrien ISSTA '21: "Exposing Previously Undetectable ..."
Pradel, Michael ISSTA '21: "Continuous Test Suite Failure ..." ISSTA '21: "Finding Data Compatibility ..."
Pretschner, Alexander ISSTA '21: "Empirically Evaluating Readily ..."
Pu, Geguang ISSTA '21: "Understanding and Finding ..."
Qin, Shisong ISSTA '21: "iDEV: Exploring and Exploiting ..."
Reimer, Silke ISSTA '21: "Empirically Evaluating Readily ..."
Ren, Meng ISSTA '21: "SCStudio: A Secure and Efficient ..." ISSTA '21: "Empirical Evaluation of Smart ..."
Riccio, Vincenzo ISSTA '21: "DeepHyperion: Exploring the ..."
Roychoudhury, Abhik ISSTA '21: "Automated Patch Backporting ..."
Rubio-González, Cindy ISSTA '21: "Fixing Dependency Errors for ..."
Ruiz-Cortés, Antonio ISSTA '21: "RESTest: Automated Black-Box ..."
Segura, Sergio ISSTA '21: "RESTest: Automated Black-Box ..."
Selvam, Jeeva ISSTA '21: "TERA: Optimizing Stochastic ..."
Shao, Fei ISSTA '21: "WebEvo: Taming Web Application ..."
Shariffdeen, Ridwan ISSTA '21: "Automated Patch Backporting ..."
Shi, Qingkai ISSTA '21: "Fuzzing SMT Solvers via Two-Dimensional ..."
Shin, Donghwan ISSTA '21: "Log-Based Slicing for System-Level ..." ISSTA '21: "Automatic Test Suite Generation ..."
Shinnar, Avraham ISSTA '21: "Finding Data Compatibility ..."
Shuai, Ziqi ISSTA '21: "Synthesize Solving Strategy ..." ISSTA '21: "Type and Interval Aware Array ..."
Song, Fu ISSTA '21: "Attack as Defense: Characterizing ..."
Song, Wei ISSTA '21: "UAFSan: An Object-Identifier-Based ..."
Srivastava, Prashast ISSTA '21: "Gramatron: Effective Grammar-Aware ..."
Steenhoek, Benjamin ISSTA '21: "Validating Static Warnings ..."
Stifter, Thomas ISSTA '21: "Automatic Test Suite Generation ..."
Su, Ting ISSTA '21: "Understanding and Finding ..."
Su, Zhendong ISSTA '21: "Understanding and Finding ..."
Sui, Yulei ISSTA '21: "Runtime Detection of Memory ..."
Sun, Chengnian ISSTA '21: "Empirical Evaluation of Smart ..."
Sun, Jingling ISSTA '21: "Understanding and Finding ..."
Sun, Jun ISSTA '21: "Type and Interval Aware Array ..." ISSTA '21: "Attack as Defense: Characterizing ..."
Sun, Ning ISSTA '21: "Predoo: Precision Testing ..."
Tan, Shin Hwei ISSTA '21: "Automated Patch Backporting ..."
Tang, Wensheng ISSTA '21: "Fuzzing SMT Solvers via Two-Dimensional ..."
Terragni, Valerio ISSTA '21: "Semantic Matching of GUI Events ..."
Tian, Yongqiang ISSTA '21: "AdvDoor: Adversarial Backdoor ..."
Tizpaz-Niari, Saeid ISSTA '21: "QFuzz: Quantitative Fuzzing ..."
Tonella, Paolo ISSTA '21: "DeepCrime: Mutation Testing ..." ISSTA '21: "DeepHyperion: Exploring the ..."
Torp, Martin Toldam ISSTA '21: "Modular Call Graph Construction ..."
Tripp, Omer ISSTA '21: "SAND: A Static Analysis Approach ..."
Volokh, Sasha ISSTA '21: "SAND: A Static Analysis Approach ..."
Vorobyov, Kostyantyn ISSTA '21: "MoScan: A Model-Based Vulnerability ..."
Wang, Chong ISSTA '21: "Runtime Detection of Memory ..."
Wang, Daiwei ISSTA '21: "TauMed: Test Augmentation ..."
Wang, Ji ISSTA '21: "Synthesize Solving Strategy ..." ISSTA '21: "Type and Interval Aware Array ..." ISSTA '21: "Grammar-Agnostic Symbolic ..." ISSTA '21: "Challenges and Opportunities: ..."
Wang, Jiang ISSTA '21: "Predoo: Precision Testing ..."
Wang, Jingyi ISSTA '21: "Attack as Defense: Characterizing ..."
Wang, Jun ISSTA '21: "Automatic Test Suite Generation ..."
Wang, Ping ISSTA '21: "Faster, Deeper, Easier: Crowdsourcing ..."
Wang, Teng ISSTA '21: "Challenges and Opportunities: ..."
Wang, Wenyu ISSTA '21: "An Infrastructure Approach ..."
Wang, Xin ISSTA '21: "Boosting Symbolic Execution ..."
Wei, Hanlin ISSTA '21: "MoScan: A Model-Based Vulnerability ..."
Wei, Jun ISSTA '21: "Semantic Table Structure Identification ..."
Wei, Shiyi ISSTA '21: "The Impact of Tool Configuration ..."
Wickerson, John ISSTA '21: "C4: The C Compiler Concurrency ..."
Windsor, Matt ISSTA '21: "C4: The C Compiler Concurrency ..."
Wu, Dinghao ISSTA '21: "Parema: An Unpacking Framework ..."
Wu, Rongxin ISSTA '21: "Fuzzing SMT Solvers via Two-Dimensional ..."
Wu, Yueming ISSTA '21: "HomDroid: Detecting Android ..."
Xiao, Xusheng ISSTA '21: "WebEvo: Taming Web Application ..."
Xie, Tao ISSTA '21: "An Infrastructure Approach ..." ISSTA '21: "Understanding and Finding ..."
Xu, Erci ISSTA '21: "Challenges and Opportunities: ..."
Xu, Hui ISSTA '21: "Boosting Symbolic Execution ..."
Xu, Jingwei ISSTA '21: "WebEvo: Taming Web Application ..."
Xu, Rui ISSTA '21: "WebEvo: Taming Web Application ..."
Xu, Tianyin ISSTA '21: "Test-Case Prioritization for ..."
Xu, Tongtong ISSTA '21: "GUIDER: GUI Structure and ..."
Xu, Zhenyang ISSTA '21: "Empirical Evaluation of Smart ..."
Xue, Jingling ISSTA '21: "Runtime Detection of Memory ..."
Xue, Lei ISSTA '21: "Parema: An Unpacking Framework ..."
Xue, Yinxing ISSTA '21: "A Lightweight Framework for ..."
Yan, Junqi ISSTA '21: "Runtime Detection of Memory ..."
Yan, Luyi ISSTA '21: "Parema: An Unpacking Framework ..."
Yan, Yuxiao ISSTA '21: "Parema: An Unpacking Framework ..."
Yang, Wei ISSTA '21: "WebEvo: Taming Web Application ..." ISSTA '21: "HomDroid: Detecting Android ..."
Yang, Yiwei ISSTA '21: "Attack as Defense: Characterizing ..."
Yang, Ziyue ISSTA '21: "ModelDiff: Testing-Based DNN ..."
Yao, Peisen ISSTA '21: "Fuzzing SMT Solvers via Two-Dimensional ..."
Ye, Dan ISSTA '21: "Semantic Table Structure Identification ..."
Ye, Yanfang ISSTA '21: "WebEvo: Taming Web Application ..."
Yin, Zijing ISSTA '21: "SCStudio: A Secure and Efficient ..." ISSTA '21: "Empirical Evaluation of Smart ..."
Yuan, Min ISSTA '21: "AdvDoor: Adversarial Backdoor ..."
Yuan, Ming ISSTA '21: "RAProducer: Efficiently Diagnose ..."
Zdancewic, Steve ISSTA '21: "Model-Based Testing of Networked ..."
Zeng, Xia ISSTA '21: "GUIDER: GUI Structure and ..."
Zeng, Zhengran ISSTA '21: "Deep Just-in-Time Defect Prediction: ..."
Zhang, Chao ISSTA '21: "iDEV: Exploring and Exploiting ..." ISSTA '21: "RAProducer: Efficiently Diagnose ..."
Zhang, Charles ISSTA '21: "Fuzzing SMT Solvers via Two-Dimensional ..."
Zhang, Dongmei ISSTA '21: "Semantic Table Structure Identification ..."
Zhang, Guofeng ISSTA '21: "Synthesize Solving Strategy ..." ISSTA '21: "Grammar-Agnostic Symbolic ..."
Zhang, Haotian ISSTA '21: "Deep Just-in-Time Defect Prediction: ..."
Zhang, Lingfeng ISSTA '21: "Efficient White-Box Fairness ..."
Zhang, Lingming ISSTA '21: "Deep Just-in-Time Defect Prediction: ..." ISSTA '21: "Test-Case Prioritization for ..."
Zhang, Min ISSTA '21: "Efficient White-Box Fairness ..."