ISSTA 2020
29th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2020)
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29th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2020), July 18–22, 2020, Virtual Event, USA

ISSTA 2020 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Abdessalem, Raja Ben ISSTA '20: "Automated Repair of Feature ..."
Afzal, Wasif ISSTA '20: "Intermittently Failing Tests ..."
Alhanahnah, Mohannad ISSTA '20: "Scalable Analysis of Interaction ..."
Araujo Rodriguez, Luis Gustavo ISSTA '20: "Program-Aware Fuzzing for ..."
Bagheri, Hamid ISSTA '20: "Scalable Analysis of Interaction ..."
Bartocci, Ezio ISSTA '20: "CPSDebug: A Tool for Explanation ..."
Bell, Jonathan ISSTA '20: "Debugging the Performance ..."
Bezzo, Nicola ISSTA '20: "Feasible and Stressful Trajectory ..."
Briand, Lionel C. ISSTA '20: "Automated Repair of Feature ..."
Bultan, Tevfik ISSTA '20: "Feedback-Driven Side-Channel ..."
Busse, Frank ISSTA '20: "Running Symbolic Execution ..."
Cadar, Cristian ISSTA '20: "Running Symbolic Execution ..."
Celik, Ahmet ISSTA '20: "Debugging the Performance ..."
Černý, Pavol ISSTA '20: "Detecting and Understanding ..."
Cha, Sooyoung ISSTA '20: "Effective White-Box Testing ..."
Chandra, Satish ISSTA '20: "Scaffle: Bug Localization ..."
Chen, Bihuan ISSTA '20: "Patch Based Vulnerability ..."
Chen, Tao ISSTA '20: "DeepSQLi: Deep Semantic Learning ..."
Chen, Yuqi ISSTA '20: "Active Fuzzing for Testing ..."
Chen, Zhenyu ISSTA '20: "DeepGini: Prioritizing Massive ..." ISSTA '20: "Test Recommendation System ..."
Chen, Zhong ISSTA '20: "EShield: Protect Smart Contracts ..."
Choma Neto, João ISSTA '20: "Automatic Support for the ..."
Choudhary, Rutvik ISSTA '20: "Detecting Flaky Tests in Probabilistic ..."
Coley, Matthew ISSTA '20: "Debugging the Performance ..."
Coppa, Emilio ISSTA '20: "WEIZZ: Automatic Grey-Box ..."
Cygan, Artur ISSTA '20: "Echidna: Effective, Usable, ..."
D'Elia, Daniele Cono ISSTA '20: "WEIZZ: Automatic Grey-Box ..."
Deng, Xuan ISSTA '20: "Discovering Discrepancies ..."
Dong, Jin Song ISSTA '20: "Recovering Fitness Gradients ..."
Dou, Wensheng ISSTA '20: "Detecting Cache-Related Bugs ..." ISSTA '20: "Learning to Detect Table Clones ..."
Dutta, Saikat ISSTA '20: "Detecting Flaky Tests in Probabilistic ..."
Dwyer, Matthew B. ISSTA '20: "Feasible and Stressful Trajectory ..."
Eichberg, Michael ISSTA '20: "A Programming Model for Semi-implicit ..."
Elbaum, Sebastian ISSTA '20: "Feasible and Stressful Trajectory ..."
Ernst, Michael D. ISSTA '20: "Dependent-Test-Aware Regression ..."
Fan, Gang ISSTA '20: "Escaping Dependency Hell: ..."
Fang, Chunrong ISSTA '20: "DeepGini: Prioritizing Massive ..." ISSTA '20: "Functional Code Clone Detection ..."
Feist, Josselin ISSTA '20: "Echidna: Effective, Usable, ..."
Feng, Yang ISSTA '20: "DeepGini: Prioritizing Massive ..." ISSTA '20: "Test Recommendation System ..."
Fioraldi, Andrea ISSTA '20: "WEIZZ: Automatic Grey-Box ..."
Fourtounis, George ISSTA '20: "Identifying Java Calls in ..."
Fraser, Gordon ISSTA '20: "Recovering Fitness Gradients ..."
Gad, Ahmed ISSTA '20: "Scalable Build Service System ..."
Gallagher, John P. ISSTA '20: "Detecting and Diagnosing Energy ..."
Gao, Jianbo ISSTA '20: "EShield: Protect Smart Contracts ..."
Gao, Xinyu ISSTA '20: "DeepGini: Prioritizing Massive ..."
Gao, Yu ISSTA '20: "Detecting Cache-Related Bugs ..."
Ghaleb, Asem ISSTA '20: "How Effective Are Smart Contract ..."
Ghanbari, Ali ISSTA '20: "Can Automated Program Repair ..." ISSTA '20: "ObjSim: Lightweight Automatic ..."
Gligoric, Milos ISSTA '20: "Debugging the Performance ..."
Godefroid, Patrice ISSTA '20: "Differential Regression Testing ..."
Gopinath, Rahul ISSTA '20: "Abstracting Failure-Inducing ..." ISSTA '20: "Learning Input Tokens for ..."
Grieco, Gustavo ISSTA '20: "Echidna: Effective, Usable, ..."
Groce, Alex ISSTA '20: "Echidna: Effective, Usable, ..."
Guan, Zhi ISSTA '20: "EShield: Protect Smart Contracts ..."
Gullapalli, Vijay ISSTA '20: "Scalable Build Service System ..."
Guo, Chao ISSTA '20: "Crowdsourced Requirements ..."
Guo, Yue ISSTA '20: "Crowdsourced Requirements ..."
Guo, Zichen ISSTA '20: "TauJud: Test Augmentation ..."
Haller, Philipp ISSTA '20: "A Programming Model for Semi-implicit ..."
Hao, Dan ISSTA '20: "Can Automated Program Repair ..."
Hao, Rui ISSTA '20: "Crowdsourced Requirements ..."
Havrikov, Nikolas ISSTA '20: "Abstracting Failure-Inducing ..."
He, Tieke ISSTA '20: "Crowdsourced Requirements ..." ISSTA '20: "TauJud: Test Augmentation ..."
He, Xiao ISSTA '20: "Testing High Performance Numerical ..."
Helm, Dominik ISSTA '20: "A Programming Model for Semi-implicit ..."
Hildebrandt, Carl ISSTA '20: "Feasible and Stressful Trajectory ..."
Huang, An ISSTA '20: "Reinforcement Learning Based ..."
Huang, Heqing ISSTA '20: "Fast Bit-Vector Satisfiability ..."
Huang, Jeff ISSTA '20: "Functional Code Clone Detection ..."
Huang, Tianze ISSTA '20: "Detecting Cache-Related Bugs ..."
Huang, Xin ISSTA '20: "Scalable Build Service System ..."
Huang, Yong ISSTA '20: "Test Recommendation System ..."
Jain, Aryaman ISSTA '20: "Detecting Flaky Tests in Probabilistic ..."
Jiang, Muhui ISSTA '20: "An Empirical Study on ARM ..."
Jiang, Yanjie ISSTA '20: "Automated Classification of ..."
Jin, Jiahao ISSTA '20: "Automated Classification of ..."
Kadron, İsmet Burak ISSTA '20: "Feedback-Driven Side-Channel ..."
Kampmann, Alexander ISSTA '20: "Abstracting Failure-Inducing ..."
Kölzer, Jan Thomas ISSTA '20: "A Programming Model for Semi-implicit ..."
Kübler, Florian ISSTA '20: "A Programming Model for Semi-implicit ..."
Lam, Wing ISSTA '20: "Dependent-Test-Aware Regression ..."
Lee, Dain ISSTA '20: "Effective White-Box Testing ..."
Lee, Seokhyun ISSTA '20: "Effective White-Box Testing ..."
Lehmann, Daniel ISSTA '20: "Differential Regression Testing ..."
Li, Hui ISSTA '20: "Detecting Cache-Related Bugs ..."
Li, Ke ISSTA '20: "DeepSQLi: Deep Semantic Learning ..."
Li, Qingshan ISSTA '20: "EShield: Protect Smart Contracts ..."
Li, Xia ISSTA '20: "Can Automated Program Repair ..."
Li, Xuandong ISSTA '20: "Reinforcement Learning Based ..."
Li, Xueliang ISSTA '20: "Detecting and Diagnosing Energy ..."
Li, Yitong ISSTA '20: "CoCoNuT: Combining Context-Aware ..."
Li, Yue ISSTA '20: "EShield: Protect Smart Contracts ..."
Li, Zhuoyang ISSTA '20: "TauJud: Test Augmentation ..."
Lin, Yun ISSTA '20: "Recovering Fitness Gradients ..."
Liu, Hui ISSTA '20: "Automated Classification of ..."
Liu, Jiawei ISSTA '20: "TauJud: Test Augmentation ..."
Liu, Muyang ISSTA '20: "DeepSQLi: Deep Semantic Learning ..."
Liu, Ting ISSTA '20: "Patch Based Vulnerability ..." ISSTA '20: "Recovering Fitness Gradients ..."
Liu, Yang ISSTA '20: "Patch Based Vulnerability ..." ISSTA '20: "An Empirical Study on ARM ..."
Liu, Yepang ISSTA '20: "Detecting and Diagnosing Energy ..."
Liu, Yi ISSTA '20: "Testing High Performance Numerical ..."
Liu, Zhibo ISSTA '20: "How Far We Have Come: Testing ..."
Liu, Zixi ISSTA '20: "Functional Code Clone Detection ..."
Lou, Yiling ISSTA '20: "Can Automated Program Repair ..."
Luo, Xiapu ISSTA '20: "An Empirical Study on ARM ..."
Lutellier, Thibaud ISSTA '20: "CoCoNuT: Combining Context-Aware ..."
Ma, Shiqing ISSTA '20: "FineLock: Automatically Refactoring ..."
Macêdo Batista, Daniel ISSTA '20: "Program-Aware Fuzzing for ..."
Machalica, Mateusz ISSTA '20: "Scaffle: Bug Localization ..."
Manjunath, Niveditha ISSTA '20: "CPSDebug: A Tool for Explanation ..."
Mariani, Leonardo ISSTA '20: "Data Loss Detector: Automatically ..." ISSTA '20: "CPSDebug: A Tool for Explanation ..."
Mateis, Cristinel ISSTA '20: "CPSDebug: A Tool for Explanation ..."
Mathis, Björn ISSTA '20: "Learning Input Tokens for ..."
Meijer, Erik ISSTA '20: "Scaffle: Bug Localization ..."
Men, Duo ISSTA '20: "Test Recommendation System ..."
Mezini, Mira ISSTA '20: "A Programming Model for Semi-implicit ..."
Micucci, Daniela ISSTA '20: "Data Loss Detector: Automatically ..."
Milicevic, Aleksandar ISSTA '20: "Debugging the Performance ..."
Misailovic, Sasa ISSTA '20: "Detecting Flaky Tests in Probabilistic ..."
Mottadelli, Simone Paolo ISSTA '20: "Data Loss Detector: Automatically ..."
Murali, Vijayaraghavan ISSTA '20: "Scaffle: Bug Localization ..."
Nejati, Shiva ISSTA '20: "Automated Repair of Feature ..."
Ničković, Dejan ISSTA '20: "CPSDebug: A Tool for Explanation ..."
Nie, Pengyu ISSTA '20: "Debugging the Performance ..."
Nowack, Martin ISSTA '20: "Running Symbolic Execution ..."
Oei, Reed ISSTA '20: "Dependent-Test-Aware Regression ..."
Oh, Hakjoo ISSTA '20: "Effective White-Box Testing ..."
Ostrand, Thomas J. ISSTA '20: "Intermittently Failing Tests ..."
Pan, Minxue ISSTA '20: "Reinforcement Learning Based ..."
Pang, Lawrence ISSTA '20: "CoCoNuT: Combining Context-Aware ..."
Panichella, Annibale ISSTA '20: "Automated Repair of Feature ..."
Pastore, Fabrizio ISSTA '20: "CPSDebug: A Tool for Explanation ..."
Pattabiraman, Karthik ISSTA '20: "How Effective Are Smart Contract ..."
Peng, Qianyang ISSTA '20: "Empirically Revisiting and ..."
Pham, Hung Viet ISSTA '20: "CoCoNuT: Combining Context-Aware ..."
Polishchuk, Marina ISSTA '20: "Differential Regression Testing ..."
Poskitt, Christopher M. ISSTA '20: "Active Fuzzing for Testing ..."
Pradel, Michael ISSTA '20: "Scaffle: Bug Localization ..."
Qian, Rebecca ISSTA '20: "Scaffle: Bug Localization ..."
Qian, Ruixiang ISSTA '20: "Test Recommendation System ..."
Rall, Daniel ISSTA '20: "Scalable Build Service System ..."
Ren, Kui ISSTA '20: "An Empirical Study on ARM ..."
Riganelli, Oliviero ISSTA '20: "Data Loss Detector: Automatically ..."
Rinetzky, Noam ISSTA '20: "Relocatable Addressing Model ..."
Rosner, Nicolás ISSTA '20: "Feedback-Driven Side-Channel ..."
Rota, Claudio ISSTA '20: "Data Loss Detector: Automatically ..."
Rubio-González, Cindy ISSTA '20: "Discovering Discrepancies ..."
Salvaneschi, Guido ISSTA '20: "A Programming Model for Semi-implicit ..."
Shao, Shuai ISSTA '20: "FineLock: Automatically Refactoring ..."
Sharma, Arnab ISSTA '20: "Higher Income, Larger Loan? ..."
Shen, Mingzhu ISSTA '20: "Automated Classification of ..."
Shi, August ISSTA '20: "Detecting Flaky Tests in Probabilistic ..." ISSTA '20: "Dependent-Test-Aware Regression ..." ISSTA '20: "Empirically Revisiting and ..."
Shi, Jia ISSTA '20: "Testing High Performance Numerical ..."
Shi, Qingkai ISSTA '20: "DeepGini: Prioritizing Massive ..." ISSTA '20: "Fast Bit-Vector Satisfiability ..." ISSTA '20: "Escaping Dependency Hell: ..." ISSTA '20: "Functional Code Clone Detection ..." ISSTA '20: "Test Recommendation System ..."
Shi, Yangyang ISSTA '20: "Functional Code Clone Detection ..."
Smaragdakis, Yannis ISSTA '20: "Identifying Java Calls in ..."
Song, Fu ISSTA '20: "Patch Based Vulnerability ..."
Song, Will ISSTA '20: "Echidna: Effective, Usable, ..."
Soremekun, Ezekiel O. ISSTA '20: "Abstracting Failure-Inducing ..."
Stevens, Clay ISSTA '20: "Scalable Analysis of Interaction ..."
Stifter, Thomas ISSTA '20: "Automated Repair of Feature ..."
Strandberg, Per Erik ISSTA '20: "Intermittently Failing Tests ..."
Sullivan, Allison K. ISSTA '20: "ProFL: A Fault Localization ..."
Sun, Jun ISSTA '20: "Active Fuzzing for Testing ..." ISSTA '20: "Recovering Fitness Gradients ..."
Sundmark, Daniel ISSTA '20: "Intermittently Failing Tests ..."
Tan, Lin ISSTA '20: "CoCoNuT: Combining Context-Aware ..."
Tener, Greg ISSTA '20: "Scalable Build Service System ..."
Thompson, George ISSTA '20: "ProFL: A Fault Localization ..."
Tizpaz-Niari, Saeid ISSTA '20: "Detecting and Understanding ..."
Trabish, David ISSTA '20: "Relocatable Addressing Model ..."
Triantafyllou, Leonidas ISSTA '20: "Identifying Java Calls in ..."
Trivedi, Ashutosh ISSTA '20: "Detecting and Understanding ..."
Vanover, Jackson ISSTA '20: "Discovering Discrepancies ..."
Wan, Jun ISSTA '20: "DeepGini: Prioritizing Massive ..."
Wang, Chengpeng ISSTA '20: "Escaping Dependency Hell: ..."
Wang, Dong ISSTA '20: "Detecting Cache-Related Bugs ..."
Wang, Guoxin ISSTA '20: "Reinforcement Learning Based ..."
Wang, Kaiyuan ISSTA '20: "Scalable Build Service System ..."
Wang, Ruoyu ISSTA '20: "An Empirical Study on ARM ..."
Wang, Shuai ISSTA '20: "How Far We Have Come: Testing ..."
Wang, Wei ISSTA '20: "Detecting Cache-Related Bugs ..."
Wang, Xingwei ISSTA '20: "Testing High Performance Numerical ..."
Wehrheim, Heike ISSTA '20: "Higher Income, Larger Loan? ..."
Wei, Jun ISSTA '20: "Detecting Cache-Related Bugs ..." ISSTA '20: "Learning to Detect Table Clones ..."
Wei, Moshi ISSTA '20: "CoCoNuT: Combining Context-Aware ..."
Weyuker, Elaine J. ISSTA '20: "Intermittently Failing Tests ..."
Wu, Kaishun ISSTA '20: "Detecting and Diagnosing Energy ..."
Wu, Rongxin ISSTA '20: "Escaping Dependency Hell: ..."
Wu, Zhenhao ISSTA '20: "EShield: Protect Smart Contracts ..."
Xiao, Xiao ISSTA '20: "Escaping Dependency Hell: ..."
Xie, Tao ISSTA '20: "Dependent-Test-Aware Regression ..."
Xiu, Ziheng ISSTA '20: "Recovering Fitness Gradients ..."
Xu, Liang ISSTA '20: "Learning to Detect Table Clones ..."
Xu, Lijie ISSTA '20: "Detecting Cache-Related Bugs ..."
Xu, Yifei ISSTA '20: "Patch Based Vulnerability ..."
Xu, Zhengzi ISSTA '20: "Patch Based Vulnerability ..."
Xuan, Bohan ISSTA '20: "Active Fuzzing for Testing ..."
Xue, Feng ISSTA '20: "Automated Mobile Apps Testing ..."
Yan, Wentian ISSTA '20: "EShield: Protect Smart Contracts ..."
Yang, Bo ISSTA '20: "Learning to Detect Table Clones ..."
Yang, Yuming ISSTA '20: "Detecting and Diagnosing Energy ..."
Yao, Peisen ISSTA '20: "Fast Bit-Vector Satisfiability ..."
Ye, Dan ISSTA '20: "Learning to Detect Table Clones ..."
Yuan, Wei ISSTA '20: "Crowdsourced Requirements ..."
Zeller, Andreas ISSTA '20: "Abstracting Failure-Inducing ..." ISSTA '20: "Learning Input Tokens for ..."
Zhai, Juan ISSTA '20: "FineLock: Automatically Refactoring ..."
Zhang, Charles ISSTA '20: "Fast Bit-Vector Satisfiability ..." ISSTA '20: "Escaping Dependency Hell: ..."
Zhang, Fan ISSTA '20: "Active Fuzzing for Testing ..."
Zhang, Haotian ISSTA '20: "Can Automated Program Repair ..."
Zhang, Lingming ISSTA '20: "Empirically Revisiting and ..." ISSTA '20: "Can Automated Program Repair ..."
Zhang, Lu ISSTA '20: "Can Automated Program Repair ..."
Zhang, Sai ISSTA '20: "Dependent-Test-Aware Regression ..."
Zhang, Tian ISSTA '20: "Reinforcement Learning Based ..."
Zhang, Yakun ISSTA '20: "Learning to Detect Table Clones ..."
Zhang, Yang ISSTA '20: "FineLock: Automatically Refactoring ..."
Zhang, Zhekun ISSTA '20: "Detecting Flaky Tests in Probabilistic ..."
Zhangzhu, Peitian ISSTA '20: "TauJud: Test Augmentation ..."
Zhao, Yuan ISSTA '20: "Test Recommendation System ..."
Zhong, Hua ISSTA '20: "Detecting Cache-Related Bugs ..."
Zhou, Yajin ISSTA '20: "An Empirical Study on ARM ..."
Zhou, Zhiyong ISSTA '20: "Learning to Detect Table Clones ..."
Zhu, Jiaxin ISSTA '20: "Learning to Detect Table Clones ..."

244 authors

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